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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by llp View Post
    Oh yeah! Waves "QUILT" in the air to grab her attention! Throws out some "Candied" Sockeye Salmon to distract her.
    HEE HEE HEE and she thinks she can get past me!
    Don't you dare pull The Quilt Card on me

    As for the Sockeye Salmon........... I've just filled up on prawns

    Originally posted by starlover View Post
    Really easy to delete!
    That won't help you, I've got the difinitive list and will be ordering the badges

    What point?
    The one about your lack of innocence

    YES! Just kidding. It's just awesome! I think a lot of people would like to do what you do(something you love and being paid for)
    Oh I think most people aim for that but sadly not a lot achieve it. I'm one of the lucky ones


      Hey Claire. How you doing? *Waves* at Claire.


        Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
        Oh, that's a cool idea!

        Hmmm.... *thinks*

        Jasmina - The Abnormal Woohoo? or considering the company around here: The Normal Woohoo?
        Well make up your mind, which is it?

        Originally posted by clairec007 View Post
        Hi Laurie, you should be the "Quilted Woohoo"
        *squishy tackle hugs Claire* Good to see you! How've you been?


          Hmmm! The "Quilted" Woohoo...... Wonders if Jumble will allow that one????? Afterall, she did get the t-shirt!


            Originally posted by jumble View Post
            That won't help you, I've got the difinitive list and will be ordering the badges

            The one about your lack of innocence
            I thought I was the most innocent person in here! Since I'm you know, still so young, still have to go crazy. I'm the nice and quiet college kid.

            Oh I think most people aim for that but sadly not a lot achieve it. I'm one of the lucky ones
            That's what I meant!
            I hope I will achieve that! So far so good!


              Originally posted by llp View Post
              Hmmm! The "Quilted" Woohoo...... Wonders if Jumble will allow that one????? Afterall, she did get the t-shirt!
              Of course! You do own The Quilt after all

              Can you tell I'm in a good mood?

              Hmm. Does that make me The T-Shirted WooHoo?

              Nah, I still wanna be Totally Martin's WooHoo


                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                Well make up your mind, which is it?
                Can I go with both?

                What wood you like on your AT5/WooHoo badge?

                "WooHoos appreciate The Tool"
                "WooHoos do it nekkid"
                "WooHoos do it with broccoli"

                or individual statements, like

                Cags -The Handy WooHoo
                Jumble - Totally Martin's WooHoo
                MoB - The Baby-Catching WooHoo
                Josiane - The Deceptively Quiet WooHoo
                Yessika - The Venezuelan Woohoo
                Nad - The Ickybah WooHoo
                Jann - The Guttery WooHoo
                Wendy The Determined WooHoo
                Josiane – The Deceptively Quiet WooHoo
                Luvnjack – Joe's Nekkid WooHoo
                Bekki - The Wonderful WooHoo of Oz
                Estrela - The Lurking WooHoo
                Jann - The 'Innocent' WooHoo
                Jasmina - The (Ab)Normal Woohoo


                  Originally posted by starlover View Post
                  I thought I was the most innocent person in here! Since I'm you know, still so young, still have to go crazy. I'm the nice and quiet college kid.
                  Hmmmm College <-> quiet?? Nope! They don't go together. Sorry!


                    Well in that case, because of a lack of any other "GOOD" suggestions I'll go for
                    The "QUILTED" Woohoo!


                      Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                      Can I go with both?
                      Why not?

                      What wood you like on your AT5/WooHoo badge?

                      "WooHoos appreciate The Tool"
                      "WooHoos do it nekkid"
                      "WooHoos do it with broccoli"

                      or individual statements, like

                      Cags -The Handy WooHoo
                      Jumble - Totally Martin's WooHoo
                      MoB - The Baby-Catching WooHoo
                      Yessika - The Venezuelan Woohoo
                      Nad - The Ickybah WooHoo
                      Wendy - The Determined WooHoo
                      Josiane – The Deceptively Quiet WooHoo
                      Luvnjack – Joe's Nekkid WooHoo
                      Bekki - The Wonderful WooHoo of Oz
                      Estrela - The Lurking WooHoo
                      Jann - The 'Innocent' WooHoo
                      Jasmina - The (Ab)Normal Woohoo
                      Laurie - The Quilted WooHoo
                      Last edited by Jumble; 18 October 2010, 10:44 AM. Reason: Had Jann as' innocent' AND guttery. Whilst true, not fair if she gets two badges because they'll ALL want two :rolleyes:


                        Dances around because I'm happy and didn't get that suggested Woohoo name from Jumble!


                          Originally posted by llp View Post
                          Dances around because I'm happy and didn't get that suggested Woohoo name from Jumble!

                          I was only joking

                          See? In a very good mood

                          *huggles Martin*

                          why not?


                            Jumble, did you notice you have Josiane on your list twice....same badge, but 2 different places.


                              Still pondering mine...

                              So far so good though, these t-shirts are going to be great !

                              *huggles Laurie* How you doing now, feeling better?
                              *squishy huggles Claire* So nice to see you!! Swing by again soon


                                Originally posted by llp View Post
                                Jumble, did you notice you have Josiane on your list twice....same badge, but 2 different places.
                                Nice catch

                                Fixed it

                                13 WooHoos? That's unlucky

                                Oh, it's ok, we haven't got Sarai's on yet

