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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
    Eh, yes, ah, see, I'm still working on that.

    At the moment I have interest free credit on a sofa I can't afford. Oh dear. if I didn't have 100%+ equity in this house I'd be a lot more worried.

    Ah but but but.... isn't the U.S. behind us in time zones? So morning there will really be early afternoon. yes, yes it will.

    Thanks for the Coopie pics Jumble. I am having issues making this video though, since my hard drive is in storage and has all my BTS stuff on it and, uh, I can't even dig out the disks right now because they too are buried. I'm either going to have to make it with stills or I'm going to have to (probably) break a limb climbing over stuff.
    Don't worry, you've still got more than two weeks to make it
    Originally posted by llp View Post
    Go hides in corner................ giggling....
    I see I'm starting to find oot exactly who my friends are

    Anyone else starting to feel real sorry for Martin?

    Edit: I can honestly say I never thought I wood be spending a whole evening passing around pics of Coopie to all and sundry


      Originally posted by jumble View Post
      Don't worry, you've still got more than two weeks to make it

      You think I'll be finished decorating inside of 2 weeks?

      I see I'm starting to find oot exactly who my friends are

      Anyone else starting to feel real sorry for Martin?

      I felt sorry for him the minute you said you liked him...

      *runz away fast*



        Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
        You think I'll be finished decorating inside of 2 weeks?
        Get your priorities right woman!!! Leave the decorating and get that vid finished!!!!!

        I felt sorry for him the minute you said you liked him...

        *runz away fast*

        I don't ever remember saying I liked him..........


          Originally posted by llp View Post
          Don't fret. This is typical for the first semester in a new college. You don't know which professors to pick or which is the better classes. My first semester was terrible. Psychology, Sociology, Physical Science, English and Geology. I had some of the worst professors as well, including one that never looked at one person in the class. He was a genius but a terrible instructor. There were about 120+ students in the class. We soon found out he lectured totally from the book. I found 2 other students in the class and we each had one day a week to attend except for midterms and the final. My biggest problem was to try and remember which instructor told me which fact because they were really so much alike except for English. Loved that class.
          Well...I'm only there for one semester After that I'm going to do an internship(probably/hopefully in Atlanta) so I'm just hoping that the school will help me with this all...they do have an "international student orientation week" in which they will help us with all sorts of things ....and they also told us that we probably can still change some of our courses and drop a few...certainly since I had to register for at least six while I only want to do four(I'm lazy I know )

          I'm patient and will just wait and see

          Oh and I started packing (for the box that I have to send soon-ish)


            It'll be fine Jann, and you'll have the time of your life


              Originally posted by starlover View Post
              I currently hate myself.

              Had to register for classes in the the end picked a few(not all that I wanted ) buuuut I made it so that all my classes are in the mornings *headdesk* and I'm NOT a morning person *sob*
              *hits self*

              Bree...I'm sure I fit right in with my craziness...why do you think I'm going to live there? I'm looking for my own "species"
              Jann look on the brightside - if you're up and out in the morning you get the whole day to experience the USA instead of sleeping all the time

              Sounds like you chose some really interesting subjects though, you'll have a blast!

              Enjoying the Coopie pics, planning a blast of artwork this weekend

              Currently perusing the BA website about restrictions on hand luggage's all getting so real

              EDIT: Jumble have you seen this?

              At British Airways we understand that a flight is much more than getting you to your destination, it's the start of your holiday. That's why we offer complimentary food and a free bar service on all of our flights.
              Could be dangerous...


                This weekend? You do know the party starts in two days?

                But of course we've given ourselves plenty of time to make stuff as we go


                  Originally posted by jumble View Post
                  It'll be fine Jann, and you'll have the time of your life
                  I know...I just need to vent my frustrations somewhere!

                  I must say it is cool to have this change again and it's very exciting too! I really like it

                  Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                  Jann look on the brightside - if you're up and out in the morning you get the whole day to experience the USA instead of sleeping all the time

                  Sounds like you chose some really interesting subjects though, you'll have a blast!
                  Well I couldn't do all the subjects I liked but for now I registered for Acounting(hears big "ewww") (me saying "yay numbers again"), Media writing, Computer sciences(beginning of difficult ) and two history classes...History of Europe and History of the world...couldn't do the one of the USA was already full the same counts for American studies and all the advertising courses I wanted

                  Currently perusing the BA website about restrictions on hand luggage's all getting so real
                  Oh those restrictions aren't that bad! Certainly not of the hand luggage(traveled with BA to the USA last year) they only check the size of your hand luggage(the carry-on) but don't weight it...I know for sure mine was over 8 to 10 KG and then I had the bag(which I brought to the shipmeet(the "small" one) as well as laptop bag

                  Oh as for the food/drinks ...they stopped by so often I couldn't even sleep for very long on the plane

                  But yay for everything getting so real! Must be so incredibly exciting


                    Originally posted by jumble View Post
                    This weekend? You do know the party starts in two days?

                    But of course we've given ourselves plenty of time to make stuff as we go
                    I know, I know! Just don't have any time to make anything in between now and then. And Dave is away for the weekend at another air show so I will have glorious peace and quiet, just enough time to get PSing !

                    Sounds good Jann I'm just looking into all that now, trying to figure out what bags to take


                      Many thanks Jumble. *Goes off to make something*

                      *Walks back in* One more thing, anyone have the link to the site where you make these?


                        Many thanks Jumble. *Goes off to make something*

                        *Walks back in* One more thing, anyone have the link to the site where you make these?


                          *runz in*



                          Bra talk equals gutter right...right?

                          Jann, glad you picked your classes!! At my school too the first year students don't get all the classes they want either because they register later (we, as in 2nd years, can pick our classes in May) around in July or August. I think you'll like having your classes earlier though, it's exactly what Sarai said...more time to see the American boys USA.

                          Speaking of which, I still haven't locked away the guys over here yet!! Gotta keep 'em from Jann!

                          Speaking of classes, I finally managed to get mine straightened out...buuut I still need my license or I can't take one of them.

                          *hugs to everyone*

                          *runz out*

                          My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                          Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                          Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                            Wood morning, fabulous Woodiehoos

                            I'm enjoying the travel talk! *huggles Jumble, Sarai and Jann* Oh, the traveling liiiiiiiife!!! It's all so exciting!

                            I am a bit of a travel junky (when I'm not a severely poor uni student *Sigh*) and my tips are as follows...

                            1. If you want to be able to do anything once you land in your destination, don't have more than 2-3 glasses of wine on the plane
                            2. See if you can download things like maps before you leave. Makes planning more exciting and makes you get less lost!
                            3. Like the others said, pack some little clothing pieces in you cabin baggage. Once, I went to Korea for a gig, and all my costumes were in checked luggage, and the airline left my luggage in Sydney...made for an awkward first performance...
                            4. Always take a little cash, even if you use your card...makes you less nervous when you get there
                            5. HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!

                            (my tips weren't very useful...I'm distracted by Chitty Chitty Bang Bang )

                            Edit: Thanks for the Coopie pics, Jumble! *huggles*


                              Argh! We lost our softball game tonight. We played the #1 team and lost by four runs. Too many errors. I hit a 295 ft. ball, just missed the fence. This is the second time that a team has asked me to teach them how to hit like that. No way, I'm not going to give my secrets away. It is pretty much the correct swing with the right pitch, mixed with my strength. I'll say it, I'm a bad a** hitter. And the calf muscle didn't hurt tonight, or at least I don't remember it hurting. I don't pay attention to pain when I am playing. Another game tomorrow. I will be taking out my frustrations on that poor team.

                              Anyone, I need a Martin in blue pic to cheer me up.

                              Crap, I haven't made any Coopie art. *looks at the pics Jumble posted*
                              I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them



