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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    I so dislike you right now Wendy.

    I want to meet him!


    *is very jealous*

    Ruffle his hair for me will ya


      Originally posted by starlover View Post



      I so dislike you right now Wendy.

      I want to meet him!


      *is very jealous*

      Ruffle his hair for me will ya
      Heyyyy, check your inbox...
      Made by the lovely Jakie


        *runz through thread nekkid*


          *tosses clothes at LJ*

          BTW, because I was rude and forgot to say earlier (aka too distracted by lovely pictures) , possy vibes and lucky wishes for Andy for the job interview.

          I think I have fixed the GW jumpy quotey thing. Use Firefox instead of IE8.0


            wood morning, woodiehoos

            *huggles everyone*

            *gives everyone a big honkin kiss*

            Ooh, I have a story In all my midsemester reports, my lecturers and tutors told me i'm too 'safe' and need to take more risks. So I'm on a mission to take risks. I've written a list of the things I consider risky and I'm going through the list and doing them...not dangerous things, mind. The things I find risky are more interpersonal things, like introducing myself to a stranger or having a D&M session with someone, or cuddling everyone in my class, or kissing someone for no reason.

            So far on my list I have completed "Have a D&M session" (deep and meaningful, in case anyone doesnt know), and "Be girly for a day" (I'm actually a dude with lady parts, I swear!). It's quite exciting! I recommend it (The list making and executing, not the being girly)



              *runz through thread neeeeekkiiiiiiiid*


                *skips through the thread nekkid*

                Oh yes. Skipping.

                Made by the lovely Jakie


                  Congrats Wendy It's gotta be worth running the risk of having Jann hate you to meet Joe F

                  Cags wood using Firefox also fix the no-email-alert problem that I'm having? I actually like IE
                  Last edited by Jumble; 15 May 2010, 02:43 AM.


                    Originally posted by jumble View Post
                    Congrats Wendy It's gotta be worth running the risk of having Jann hate you to meet Joe F

                    Cags wood using Firefox also fix the no-email-alert problem that I'm having? I actually like IE
                    Hmm, I don't know. I doubt it but it may work. Have you checked your mail server isn't filing them as spam before they reach you? I know it's a stupid question but even if it wasn't before it might be now (mine periodically sets email notifications from another forum and a couple of other places I use to spam and I keep having to set them back. ) You might need to unset the notifications manually and re-set them, if that makes sense. I know it definitely resolves the jumpyness.
                    I only use IE8.0 because Farmville is an absolute pig to run under Firefox for some reason (I think Firefox is more resource hungry than IE). Ironically, I've just updated Vista with an "important update" and now IE8.0 is even worse. I can't actually see anything in it now.
                    I started using Firefox on recomendation of the guy who runs (and write the scripts for) the boards I mod on. he says is safer (sercurity wise) and better all round. I have to say, I was skeptical but love it now.

                    Firefox costs nothing to install and if you don't like it you can always uninstall. I think it automatically adds your favourites from your previous browser so you have nothing to lose by trying.


                      No, they're not being spammed. I'm just not getting them There was a message on the Tweaks thread saying it could take a while for the email alerts to sort themselves out since GW changed to the new server, but that was a while ago and a lot of people are still not getting them. Just ticks me off somewhat I don't really want to use Firefox. I've used it before and really didn't get on with it

                      I never allow Windows to install updates because they always screw up all my settings.


                      Last Saturday I stopped smoking.

                      Spent the week painting the kitchen to keep my hands busy without engaging my brain.

                      Seems to have worked.


                        Originally posted by jumble View Post
                        No, they're not being spammed. I'm just not getting them There was a message on the Tweaks thread saying it could take a while for the email alerts to sort themselves out since GW changed to the new server, but that was a while ago and a lot of people are still not getting them. Just ticks me off somewhat I don't really want to use Firefox. I've used it before and really didn't get on with it

                        I never allow Windows to install updates because they always screw up all my settings.


                        Last Saturday I stopped smoking.

                        Spent the week painting the kitchen to keep my hands busy without engaging my brain.

                        Seems to have worked.
                        Hey Jumble....the problem with not installing updates is they are there for a reason, usually to prevent some stupid thing MS put into the program and didn't clean up.

                        Now, if you need to do something with your idle hands, you can always run them through Martin's hair some more..... besides not smoking is a cool thing.


                          Jumble, congrats on not smoking. Now work hard and keep it that way. And yes I agree with Cags, not smoking is a cool thing. Never tried it, never will.

                          Just think of all the ideas you can come up with to keep your hands occupied. What fun you will have.
                          I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


                            Originally posted by llp View Post
                            Hey Jumble....the problem with not installing updates is they are there for a reason, usually to prevent some stupid thing MS put into the program and didn't clean up.
                            In my experience they just cause trouble, whereas not installing them seems to be just fine

                            Now, if you need to do something with your idle hands, you can always run them through Martin's hair some more..... besides not smoking is a cool thing.
                            I'm doing my best not to even think about him. With SE getting closer and closer I need to avoid any stressy ideas

                            Yeah, after being a puffer most of my life, it's kinda weird......... but definitely cool


                              Yay, Jumble. *huggles*
                              Made by the lovely Jakie


                                Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                                Ooh, I have a story In all my midsemester reports, my lecturers and tutors told me i'm too 'safe' and need to take more risks. So I'm on a mission to take risks. I've written a list of the things I consider risky and I'm going through the list and doing them...not dangerous things, mind. The things I find risky are more interpersonal things, like introducing myself to a stranger or having a D&M session with someone, or cuddling everyone in my class, or kissing someone for no reason.

                                So far on my list I have completed "Have a D&M session" (deep and meaningful, in case anyone doesnt know), and "Be girly for a day" (I'm actually a dude with lady parts, I swear!). It's quite exciting! I recommend it (The list making and executing, not the being girly)

                                Sounds good! And I'm totally with you on the dude with lady parts thing... I think that's me too

                                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                                No, they're not being spammed. I'm just not getting them There was a message on the Tweaks thread saying it could take a while for the email alerts to sort themselves out since GW changed to the new server, but that was a while ago and a lot of people are still not getting them. Just ticks me off somewhat I don't really want to use Firefox. I've used it before and really didn't get on with it
                                You could try Chrome - I've switched to that because I'm not a Firefox fan and don't like IE (plus, the security thing) and I've not had any of the GW problems you guys have been complaining about. It's superfast too and is also free (made by Google).


                                Last Saturday I stopped smoking.

                                Spent the week painting the kitchen to keep my hands busy without engaging my brain.

                                Seems to have worked.
                                Woohood! Good for you, Jumble! Hope you can keep it up
                                Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith

