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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by jumble View Post
    LJ sucked me into it

    Friend me and Martina Pine and I'll send you some friend recs

    *huggles for ills*

    *huggles Amanda from a distance*
    Hugs Amanda for still being sick
    Hugs for everyone else too.

    Thanks Jumble. I am going to PM you later with a couple of questions if you don't mind.
    I have to go to work now but I wanted to drop this off first. I'll put it on the art thread later but I think it belongs here too.

    I've been playing with textures and trying to get myself out of my former teaching mindset and just try to have fun with PS.
    Spoilered for stretchiness.


      Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
      Hugs Amanda for still being sick
      Hugs for everyone else too.

      Thanks Jumble. I am going to PM you later with a couple of questions if you don't mind.
      I have to go to work now but I wanted to drop this off first. I'll put it on the art thread later but I think it belongs here too.

      I've been playing with textures and trying to get myself out of my former teaching mindset and just try to have fun with PS.
      Spoilered for stretchiness.
      Oh my. That is gorgeous!! *snurches*

      Glad to help you with those questions


        Nice piece of art, Bree!
        (Did that sound icky? )

        WooooHooood Sarai!
        Congrats on getting the job

        *hugs WooHoos*
        Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

        Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


          Originally posted by Sarai View Post
          *hugs Amanda* Sorry to hear you're feeling icky but yay for Spring Break!

          And hopefully I'll still have time to be around, I'm not really sure yet but it seems like this job is a regular 9 to 5
          9 to 5? Those exist??

          No, seriously. Congratulations Sarai. I'm pleased for you
          Made by the lovely Jakie


            No good news arose from "The Call", but I still have high hopes for the other birthmom we've been talking to.


              Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
              No good news arose from "The Call", but I still have high hopes for the other birthmom we've been talking to.
              *crosses fingers again*
              ''Good things come... ''
              Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

              Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                *hugs LJ* Sorry this one didn't work out, but still got my fingers firmly crossed for you
                Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                  *hugs LJ*
                  Made by the lovely Jakie


                    Congrats on your new job, Sarai!
                    "Are you like, a crazy person?"
                    "I am quite sure they will say so."


                      Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                      *crosses fingers again*
                      ''Good things come... ''
                      Originally posted by josiane View Post
                      *hugs LJ* Sorry this one didn't work out, but still got my fingers firmly crossed for you
                      Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                      *hugs LJ*
                      What they said ^^^^ ((((LJ))))


                        I think we need a Happy Hug Fest. *nods*
                        *spreads arms and waits for WooHoos to join in the group hug*
                        Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                        Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                          *sigh* That's three times I've been unsubscribed today

                          And even when I am subscribed, I'm not getting alerts when people post

                          Or for pm's

                          GW hates me

                          *snuggles in Martin's jacket*

                          See if I care

                          Edit: *joins in hugfest* (but still hanging onto the jacket )


                            ((((((((((Group HUGGGGGGGGGGGG)))))))))))


                              Woo! *jumps in on group hug*


                                *comes into the thread feeling better, still have a headache, but much better*

                                I suffered a minor concussion last night, not from my husband, though we did have a lot of "fun" when he came home. Locks work great, btw. My hubby was nice enough to tell me to go out and have fun by playing volleyball. Let's just say that I went for a block and the guy across from me spiked the hardest ball I have ever felt and it hit me right between the eyes. I dropped like a sack of potatoes. It nearly knocked me out. It took awhile for me to get my bearings back. I am still feeling the after affects, but I'm a lot better than I was this morning.

                                Thank you Jumble and Cags for your concerns and your comments on FB.

                                Originally posted by Sarai View Post

                                I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                *falls to floor crying*

                                Congratulations on the job, Sarai! Sounds like it is a good one that you will love to do.

                                Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                                No good news arose from "The Call", but I still have high hopes for the other birthmom we've been talking to.
                                Sorry to hear, lj. There is another child out there with a greater need for a mom like you and when you meet their Birthmom she is going to know that you are the one who is going to give that child the best care a mom could give. Keep your chin up. The time will come.

                                Bree, glad you haven't had a migraine in awhile. Keeps fingers crossed. Also, nice job on the MW artwork. Keep working with textures, because you are doing a great job. Have fun with Charmaine this weekend.

                                Hope you feel better, Amanda, and at least you will have Spring Break to get better. Just isn't fun wasting your Spring Break doing it. I remember spending a Spring Break not being able to walk because I unfortunately stepped on multiple nails that went through both my feet and my big toe. Darn chickens.

                                *hugs to everyone else I may have forgotten*

                                EDIT - joins hugfest, just be careful of my head
                                I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them

