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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by Bekki View Post
    Thanks Woohoos!

    *grabs Martin and runs away*
    Heeeeeeyyyyyy!!!!!!!!! You don't get to take him with you

    Sarai the fact that you've asked yourself that shows that you'll be a great mum

    True Wendy, there's nothing complicated about it that I can see

    The relationship can be complicated, but there should never be any doubt about the love


      Originally posted by jumble View Post
      Heeeeeeyyyyyy!!!!!!!!! You don't get to take him with you
      But...but butbutbutbut...




        Originally posted by Bekki View Post
        But...but butbutbutbut...


        NO!! You can come visit anytime you like, but he stays here *gives Bekki a stern Mom look*

        Take him with you, and next thing we know you'll be painting his face and teaching him ballet And dragging him off to mad parties and such

        He'll never get our 20 eps of Sanctuary done in time for S3 at that rate


          Totally OT

          *iz having a weird day*


            Originally posted by jumble View Post
            NO!! You can come visit anytime you like, but he stays here *gives Bekki a stern Mom look*

            Take him with you, and next thing we know you'll be painting his face and teaching him ballet And dragging him off to mad parties and such

            He'll never get our 20 eps of Sanctuary done in time for S3 at that rate
            aaw, but Muuuum!!!

            (wait, you gave me a "mom" look -'re being my American/English mum/mom? Ok, I'll take that!)

            And sure, I'll be 'painting' Martin's 'face'

            Although I would enjoy teaching him ballet. There's something to be said for men in tights...


              Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
              Totally OT

              *iz having a weird day*

              Originally posted by Bekki View Post
              aaw, but Muuuum!!!

              (wait, you gave me a "mom" look -'re being my American/English mum/mom? Ok, I'll take that!)

              And sure, I'll be 'painting' Martin's 'face'

              Although I would enjoy teaching him ballet. There's something to be said for men in tights...
              Oh, don't you try to distract me young lady............. er.............. hmmm.....


                I'd never distract you, mum I was just thinking that maybe I might have to help Martin with his turnout, you know - guys never have great hip rotation. I might have to get a little hands know...with his hips...


                Ooh my! I think I just landed a date for next week! (random information...and not with Martin )


                  Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                  I'd never distract you, mum I was just thinking that maybe I might have to help Martin with his turnout, you know - guys never have great hip rotation. I might have to get a little hands know...with his hips...


                  Ooh my! I think I just landed a date for next week! (random information...and not with Martin )
                  Bekki my love, you're meeting the wrong guys

                  See? You want to take him away with you but you're already planning to cheat on him


                    Ooo! Thanks for the french toast Jumble. I never did have dinner last night. Got caught up in photoshop and then just went to bed.

                    Originally posted by starlover View Post

                    <snip for space>

                    (big BSG fan here)

                    Yeah...I iz....

                    <space spoiler>
                    It is? I had no idea I said I only know the dark and transperant bottles...I always look at how "shiny" the bottles are and the etiquette...or I just ask someone....

                    In the restaurant where I work people also often ask if the wine we have is good(red one) but since I don't drink red one I can't really answer that, just say the name and all...and otherwise let my boss come...

                    *shuffles off to bed again*
                    *grabs hammer and knocks self unconcious*
                    *Hands Jann a band aid for bruise on head*

                    Not the biggest BSG fan here. Couldn't get into it for the most part. The only time I was interested was when Lucy Lawless was on it on a semi regular basis. How many days till Spartacus???

                    For those of you who like The 300 you may want to check out Spartacus. Lots of um nekkid man flesh. Not that I am watching for that reason *yawns* but Lucy Lawless is in it *does happy dance*

                    Blue bottle usually =crap. *LOL* Some people love that stuff tho' *shudders*
                    Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                    lol. <spoilered for space>
                    Digital downloads from (you can also get them from iTunes but I prefer amazon as they play on WMP which is where I have all my video files so I can add them to my randomized play list.) This is as good (if not better) than a DVD for us since we don't actually have TV connected to our tv anymore but use it as a very large computer monitor and watch television via Hulu/Netflix/Amazon/etc. When we were visiting my parents over Christmas my kids thought it was really silly that anyone would watch TV with *so* many commercials in it - never mind all the garbage advertising showing up all over the screen.

                    Of course, you don't need a dedicated TV, but if you happen to have a TV which either accepts the standard computer monitor connection or HDMI/SVideo etc and have a PC to connect to it (laptops are convenient for this), you too can be watching your very own perfect HD copies of Sanctuary (and all kinds of other things) as well.

                    Plus, you know, it's nice to be able to make caps without all that garbage all over the place and in the way.
                    I realized that after I went to Amazon to see if S2 was available for pre-order. It's not I did sign up for the alerts tho.

                    My TV's are ancient and my laptop can barely handle the syfy rewind version of Sanctuary, which is how I make my caps so I will just have to wait for the DVD (besides I love the extras )

                    Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                    I just realised that The Birhday is tomorrow and I haven't made anything new yet!

                    *thinks about songs and poems and letters and... and ...artwork*

                    I need a challenge.
                    I don't have anything either..can I get away with re-posting my earlier stuff?

                    Originally posted by jumble View Post
                    Ha! That proves my instincts are right
                    She downloaded it

                    *snurches pic* *huggles Bree* Thanks

                    A poem! A poem! You must do a poem for Martin's Birthday! *bounces*

                    Edit: The package is 'with the overseas postal service awaiting delivery'
                    You're welcome. *huggles back*
                    I envy the down-loaders sometimes.
                    Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                    *munches on toast*

                    Martin: Um... I'm here to pick up my package.
                    Clerk (Bubba): Ah yes, Mr. Wood?
                    Martin: You know who I am?
                    Bubba: Who doesn't?
                    Martin: True that...
                    Bubba: Is it the one from jumble and the WooHoos?
                    Martin: Yes!
                    Bubba: ...What's the secret password?
                    Martin: Um... Shorts?
                    Bubba: Nope.
                    Martin: HubbaHubba?
                    *Bubba shakes head*
                    Martin: ...Aaaaand cut?! *waves arms*
                    Bubba: Not that either.
                    Martin: ...WooHood?
                    Bubba: A little more enhousiasm!
                    Martin: WoooooHooood! *shouts and happy dances while waving his arms*
                    Bubba: Here you are sir. Have a nice day.

                    Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                    *jumps on icy, snow covered Martin*

                    It's official. I got into University and I move in 25 days! WoohooD!!!!
                    Awesome Bekki!!
                    Originally posted by jumble View Post
                    WooHoooood! Congrats Bekki *huggles*

                    Martin's happy for you....
                    Either I have women on the brain (not an impossibility all things considered) or it's too early in the morning for my brain to properly process things because...
                    when I scrolled down and saw the pic of Martin...the way he's leaning forward....and the insignia on his looked like boobs at first.

                    Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                    WOOOOHOOOOOOOOD! Congrats, Bekki

                    I don't think I'm qualified to answer that, but in the words of Teal'c, loving your child should be the one thing that isn't complicated.
                    Wish my father knew Teal'c

                    Have a Happy Day woohoos!

                    *dances out of thread..with clothes on..gotta work*


                      Originally posted by jumble View Post
                      Bekki my love, you're meeting the wrong guys

                      See? You want to take him away with you but you're already planning to cheat on him
                      Hahahaha! Never! I'm just sharing the love around


                        Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                        *munches on toast*

                        Martin: Um... I'm here to pick up my package.
                        Clerk (Bubba): Ah yes, Mr. Wood?
                        Martin: You know who I am?
                        Bubba: Who doesn't?
                        Martin: True that...
                        Bubba: Is it the one from jumble and the WooHoos?
                        Martin: Yes!
                        Bubba: ...What's the secret password?
                        Martin: Um... Shorts?
                        Bubba: Nope.
                        Martin: HubbaHubba?
                        *Bubba shakes head*
                        Martin: ...Aaaaand cut?! *waves arms*
                        Bubba: Not that either.
                        Martin: ...WooHood?
                        Bubba: A little more enhousiasm!
                        Martin: WoooooHooood! *shouts and happy dances while waving his arms*
                        Bubba: Here you are sir. Have a nice day.

                        ROFL!! *high fives Nad*

                        Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                        *jumps on icy, snow covered Martin*

                        It's official. I got into University and I move in 25 days! WoohooD!!!!
                        Fantastic Bekki, well done

                        And no. You can't take Martin. I wood fear for Jumble's sanity if you did And my ear drums. I would also fear the flying crockery.

                        Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                        I don't have anything either..can I get away with re-posting my earlier stuff?
                        Of course, that's the best bit about parties Get that artwork out and wave it around some

                        Either I have women on the brain (not an impossibility all things considered) or it's too early in the morning for my brain to properly process things because...
                        when I scrolled down and saw the pic of Martin...the way he's leaning forward....and the insignia on his looked like boobs at first.
                        You know, they have medication for this!


                          *runs around*

                          Me hates late exams...

                          *giggles at Nad* bubba..ROFL

                          *falls down*


                            *huggles Woohoos*

                            You guys bring a smile to my face even on a sad day

                            *iz feeling sentimental*

                            EDIT: I just found a tenner in my jeans that I haven't worn for ages. This day is definitely looking up
                            Last edited by Sarai; 18 January 2010, 04:32 AM.


                              Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                              ROFL!! *high fives Nad*

                              Fantastic Bekki, well done

                              And no. You can't take Martin. I wood fear for Jumble's sanity if you did And my ear drums. I would also fear the flying crockery.
                              What? You think I'd go crazy and start throwing things if someone took my Martin away? Throw a massive tantrum? Scream and cry? Hurl myself on the floor and kick and screeeeeeaaaaammmm??

                              I really can't imagine why you wood think that of me

                              Of course, that's the best bit about parties Get that artwork out and wave it around some
                              Absolutely! And I'll be posting all the challenge entries tomorrow, just because I can

                              You know, they have medication for this!


                                Just realized I will be even further from you all (and Martin) than I already am! Good grief!!!

                                Hmm, I'm in a fangirling kind of mood...I love that AT counts as TPTB


