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Official SG Con, Burbank 2007

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  • ScifigirlSG
    Originally posted by Sa'Hut_IH' View Post
    and as for the fans...well according to Mama you guys rock!
    we try!!

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  • Sa'Hut_IH'
    Originally posted by mamasue9 View Post
    to clarify.....she let me know where the venues were such as registration, photo ops, etc. since I've never been to Burbank. She said that New Jersey was awesome so her and Brian would do the Burbank show. There must have been a change of plans somewhere....
    After Supernatural, Mama was conned (pun intended) by Brian into going to Burbank.
    She should have saved the airfare.
    Brian she says is always wonderful to work for, the talent were great as usual, and as for the fans...well according to Mama you guys rock!
    But volunteer wise it was obviously a less then stellar experience for her (she wont say who or why), but she swears unless she is working directly for talent or talent agents she will not do another Burbank or Vegas event.

    On the plus side, Mama got to see a friend she hasnt seen in over seven years, it made her con.

    Of course, I see her reading the after convention emails and wonder if all the name calling and outright lies she gets (not from GW members of course) is worth it
    Last edited by Sa'Hut_IH'; 22 November 2007, 10:16 AM. Reason: Political correctness baby

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  • Suebsg9
    Originally posted by erinanderson View Post
    Oh sure why not!! I always love pictures of myself LOL. Actually I hate pics of myself but the hubby likes to see the photographic proof of the antics I get up to onstage. Did I happen to chat with you over the weekend? I chatted with so many folks, I like to try and put handles to faces, if at all possible!
    Thats great that your husband likes to see pics of what you are like at the cons; you and your antics

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  • erinanderson
    Originally posted by M2W View Post
    Erin! It was you. And since I assumed as much at the time, I took pictures of you up on stage with Carmen in case you wanted them. They aren't great, but they're decent enough. Let me know if you want them.
    Oh sure why not!! I always love pictures of myself LOL. Actually I hate pics of myself but the hubby likes to see the photographic proof of the antics I get up to onstage. Did I happen to chat with you over the weekend? I chatted with so many folks, I like to try and put handles to faces, if at all possible!

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  • M2W
    Erin! It was you. And since I assumed as much at the time, I took pictures of you up on stage with Carmen in case you wanted them. They aren't great, but they're decent enough. Let me know if you want them.

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  • Suebsg9
    Originally posted by erinanderson View Post
    I scanned and uploaded my photo ops from the weekend. I am still waiting on my Katee Sackhoff one (starbuck) as I flitted back and forth between the Stargate and BSG cons on Sunday.

    Me and Corin (ignore my hair, I was having a bad hair day). He is such a sweetie and I am really glad that he was able to be at the con and I was even more pleased that we got to spend so much time with him!!

    Me and the wonderfully delectable Jamie Bamber (Apollo of BSG fame). He is so adorable and I wasn't planning on getting a photo with him, but after sitting next to him at breakfast, let's just say I was smitten and had to get one.

    And last but not least, me and the one and only Michael "Mr Melty" Shanks!!!

    Intentional Repost of the melty one; love the pics erin. And what did you shirts say? Or shirt with Bamber? The melty one pic is kinda blurry so can't tell if you have something on there?

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  • erinanderson
    I scanned and uploaded my photo ops from the weekend. I am still waiting on my Katee Sackhoff one (starbuck) as I flitted back and forth between the Stargate and BSG cons on Sunday.

    Me and Corin (ignore my hair, I was having a bad hair day). He is such a sweetie and I am really glad that he was able to be at the con and I was even more pleased that we got to spend so much time with him!!

    Me and the wonderfully delectable Jamie Bamber (Apollo of BSG fame). He is so adorable and I wasn't planning on getting a photo with him, but after sitting next to him at breakfast, let's just say I was smitten and had to get one.

    And last but not least, me and the one and only Michael "Mr Melty" Shanks!!!

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  • erinanderson
    Originally posted by Arctic Goddess View Post

    Oh, yeah, Erin? Well, well.... I'm not jealous....not a bit....

    Hey, where are the Cliff pics? Or are you tormenting your dear dear friend on purpose?
    Uhh well you see....there was only a little bit of fundage left in the ravaged bank account. And well you see, Michael is kinda cuter than Cliff. I mean Cliff did go out of his way to give me a get well hug and such so I mean that doesn't mean that Michael is sweeter then Cliff....ahhh hell the next rolls I get done next week will have Cliff on them I swear....put the whip away Pat!!! *backs away slowly*

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  • madaboutdanny
    Originally posted by Arctic Goddess View Post
    Thanks for that. I live in Alberta Canada...way up there....

    So far north, that I often take my pet Polar Bear, Cuddles, out for a walk. He loves the snow. The only trouble is, with him being white and the snow being white, I often loose him. I only usually find him after another citizen of our fair community has gone missing. I don't get that. There must be a connection... Nah...

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  • strider6
    Thanks for the fabulous pics Erin!!

    Hope you feel better Chelle!

    Thanks for sharing your story Mamasue!

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  • prion
    Big thanks to all those who have shared their pictures and accounts!!

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  • Arctic Goddess
    Originally posted by madaboutdanny View Post
    It's beautiful, really! All that snow! Where do you live in Canada?
    Thanks for that. I live in Alberta Canada...way up there....

    So far north, that I often take my pet Polar Bear, Cuddles, out for a walk. He loves the snow. The only trouble is, with him being white and the snow being white, I often loose him. I only usually find him after another citizen of our fair community has gone missing. I don't get that. There must be a connection... Nah...

    Originally posted by erinanderson View Post
    Well I got all five rolls of Michael developed today. You can take a look at them here: , it's also where I will be posting all of my Burbank pics when I eventually get them all uploaded and such. Here's a bit of a sneak preview.

    Oh, yeah, Erin? Well, well.... I'm not jealous....not a bit....

    Hey, where are the Cliff pics? Or are you tormenting your dear dear friend on purpose?

    Originally posted by mamasue9 View Post
    I'm waiting for my photo op with Jay to show up at the Creation site.....because it wasn't ready by Sunday evening.

    My only complaint with the photo ops was the lighting in the room. I look so horrible.....nothing like the mirror image in my room. The guys looked great...

    I had photos taken with Jay, Steve, Cliff and Michael, Corin, and Joe.

    Comments I made before photo op:

    Steve.....' taking shirt off for charity'...
    Cliff.....'just because Patricia isn't here'....
    Corin....'you are missed'...
    Joe....'where's your skateboard and guitar?'...

    in the autograph line:

    Corin....many of us are going to Gatecon, so if you could, contact as many SG team members and ask them to be there so we can give a standing ovation. The look on his face was ....priceless! He said he would do what he could...

    Joe......I couldn't ask him to be at Gatecon because there a Creation person there......but I did ask about Silent Men per request by pisces27, and he doesn't know anything more about the film. Not even if it's out or how to get it...
    Details, Sue! Don't leave me hanging, girl!

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  • Suebsg9
    Originally posted by erinanderson View Post
    Sorry to hear that, I am a bit congested myself and trying valiantly not to share your con crud....please don't share. I love you guys but not that much, LOL!!! I have had my share of con crud, I don't want it! Take care of yourself so you can enjoy your first Thanksgiving in your own home tomorrow!!!

    Here is hopeing you haven't caught CON CRUD!

    And your pics are wonderful

    Thanks for sharing!

    Well lets hope you aren't catching it and can enjoy THANKSGIVING tomorrow; and that CHELLE AND KRIS can enjoy THANKSGIVING as well.

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  • erinanderson
    Originally posted by Chelle View Post
    ERIN!!!!!!!! Your pics came out GREAT!!!!

    Sorry all, but I'm too lazy to edit right now. It seems that both Kris and I came home with a case of the dreaded Con Crud, and all I want to do is curl up on the couch and dope myself with large quantities of cold medicine. Lost my voice last night, and feeling like that very same bus that plowed you over on the forst morning of the con.... Complete with tire treads arcoss my forehead.

    I do however promise to be back tomorrow to post post post more piccies.
    Sorry to hear that, I am a bit congested myself and trying valiantly not to share your con crud....please don't share. I love you guys but not that much, LOL!!! I have had my share of con crud, I don't want it! Take care of yourself so you can enjoy your first Thanksgiving in your own home tomorrow!!!

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  • Suebsg9
    Originally posted by Chelle View Post
    ERIN!!!!!!!! Your pics came out GREAT!!!!

    Sorry all, but I'm too lazy to edit right now. It seems that both Kris and I came home with a case of the dreaded Con Crud, and all I want to do is curl up on the couch and dope myself with large quantities of cold medicine. Lost my voice last night, and feeling like that very same bus that plowed you over on the forst morning of the con.... Complete with tire treads arcoss my forehead.

    I do however promise to be back tomorrow to post post post more piccies.

    Take care of yourself; sounds like you got a bad case of con crud.

    And hopefully you are able to enjoy the holiday tomorrow.

    Post your pics when you are feeling better; we are a somewhat patient bunch; takeing care of yourself most important thing.

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