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    "little" boy? hehehe! I'm so happy for you


      well i'm off now to pick up my Bubba. sooooooohappy


        Safe and happy travels.


        For details of AT10 go to


          Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
          well i'm off now to pick up my Bubba. sooooooohappy
          May you and baby Bubba have a long and happy life together with fun and laughter and not too much damage to the house - or you! ENJOY the adventure.


            Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
            My friend Emma (SpacegirlNZ) just got her 2 year work/tourist visa for the UK! She decided if she was going to travel all the way to AT6 she may as well go for it.

            The 4 of us that went to school together... Anja just got back from a year in China and the rest of us are disappearing. Emma to England, my twin sister to Nepal, me to Nepal and England. We will each be spending our first birthday and Christmas away from home.
            Aw, you're making me so jealous! I feel like I've missed out on so much by having children and staying at home - no college, no Uni, no travelling My first trip out of the UK was to TSE

            So, good for you! Enjoy every experience you can get while you can still get it


              i've got him. i'm home. i love him and he's a goof. will give some details later-very tired.


                Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
                i've got him. i'm home. i love him and he's a goof. will give some details later-very tired.
                Congratulations!!! Can't wait to see some pics of your new boy! *hugs*
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
                  i've got him. i'm home. i love him and he's a goof. will give some details later-very tired.

                  Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                    Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
                    i've got him. i'm home. i love him and he's a goof. will give some details later-very tired.


                      so here is Bubba the Moose. picked him up near indianapolis. they warned me that he likes to get in front while riding. didn't realize how strong he was till i got on the highway and he tried to get up front. i barely held him back while i pulled off the road. i wrapped a 25 ft. rope leash around the head rests and arm rests and put my cane across the space and tried again. needless to say i had to pull over again immediately. sat on road side waiting for a cop car to stop but of course none did. i tried calling the ones i got him from-no answer. so i called the adoption person. she got hold of the other couple and they came and rescued me. he tied 2 leashes to the metal bars on the floor from the back seats. that kept him back far enough to keep us from getting killed. i admit that at that point i was rethinking my decision to get a young dog that was so big and so very not at all trained. of course he slept all the way home and a neighbor man helped get him into the garage because the guy that brought him could not control him on a leash. once he got in the garage he was better. we went out in the yard and he just followed me all around in the scooter(me not him). he was out for quite a while and got used to his new name right away. by the end of the evening he would come to me when i called. he's a fast learner. i might have to get a bigger bed-there's not enough room for his head. poor baby.
                      he spent time wandering around the house just getting used to things. he settled down and finally ate. the poor guy was in cars for 12-14 hours and with 6 groups of strangers. i'm sure it was a very stressful day for him.
                      he slept on my bed half the night and just wanted to cuddle in the morning. he needs constant attention. he's just starved for it. he likes to drink water from the garden hose and my bathroom sink. he likes to sit on one of my legs with one hip and just stand there for 15-20 min. at a time. he tries to do that on my bed but it's an inch or 2 too high.
                      he had no manners at all and had no clue what the word NO meant. he's learning a few manners(only been here 24 hours) and is quickly learning the NO word, since i seem to be using it a lot. and in a very stern way. too bad he can't read, i could use EH-T's card and flash him. he gets a little mouthy when he gets playful. a pop under the chin usually stops him. he's just too big to have that habit. and he jumped on me once last night.i yelled NO at him and turned away. he started to do it again later- i just held my hand out and yelled NO and he stopped. so i think he'll be fiine-he's just had no training and apparently not much attention in the past. he's very loving and i really like him, but i think i'm going to be working my butt off to get him settled down before AT6. have a trainer coming to the house tomorrow to start working with him. she's only charging me half her fee because he's a rescue dog. that's nice of her.
                      i brought a toy with when i picked him up but he wasn't interested. i brought it in today and he loves it. it's a Kong squeaky bone. he puts it on his bed and then jumps on it with his front paws-so cute and he chews and squeaks it. he even gives it to me to throw for him. that surprised me. gave him one of my Mocha's stuffed toys and he had fun with that too. ok, sorry-once i start talking about him i can't stop. he's a handfull but i'm willing to work with him. he's still a puppy mentally-16 months old . he was born feb 24th 2011 so everybody put that on your calendars. well, i'm worn out now, so will try to go to bed. he's on the bed now-crosswise. hope he'll move over.


                        He looks like a cutie - although I have a feeling that'll prob be a good thing!

                        In ames' gabity updates ... I need to make bluey goodness tomorrow. Was supposed to do it today. Whoops. Wait - that wasn't the update! Erm ... right. Vacation. I'm going to request two days of unpaid leave in addition to my holiday. That way it doesn't matter which shift I'm on because I'll fly on the same days either way! If they say 'no' I'm no further behind than I am right now - I'll still be waiting to hear about whether I'm getting the new job or not ... but if they agree to it, I can go ahead and book, which'll be such a nice relief, to have that out of the way! Then I can deal with rail tickets, and confirming couches/book hostels etc, start plotting the sharing of bluey goodness, fun stuff like that!
                        ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                        SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                        ames on facebook
                        ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                          Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
                          so here is Bubba the Moose. picked him up near indianapolis. they warned me that he likes to get in front while riding.
                          He's BEAUTIFUL! I'd love a Dane but hubby prefers the mutts...well I got me part Dane at least.

                          My daughter got her drivers license today so if I turn up at AT6 with grey hair, you'll know why! We just entered a new zone of worry as parents.
                          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                          ~Amanda Tapping


                            108 days til AT6 Ripples!!
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
                              [ATTACH=CONFIG]35038[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]35039[/ATTACH] so here is Bubba the Moose. picked him up near indianapolis. they warned me that he likes to get in front while riding. didn't realize how strong he was till i got on the highway and he tried to get up front. i barely held him back while i pulled off the road. i wrapped a 25 ft. rope leash around the head rests and arm rests and put my cane across the space and tried again. needless to say i had to pull over again immediately. sat on road side waiting for a cop car to stop but of course none did. i tried calling the ones i got him from-no answer. so i called the adoption person. she got hold of the other couple and they came and rescued me. he tied 2 leashes to the metal bars on the floor from the back seats. that kept him back far enough to keep us from getting killed. i admit that at that point i was rethinking my decision to get a young dog that was so big and so very not at all trained. of course he slept all the way home and a neighbor man helped get him into the garage because the guy that brought him could not control him on a leash. once he got in the garage he was better. we went out in the yard and he just followed me all around in the scooter(me not him). he was out for quite a while and got used to his new name right away. by the end of the evening he would come to me when i called. he's a fast learner. i might have to get a bigger bed-there's not enough room for his head. poor baby.
                              he spent time wandering around the house just getting used to things. he settled down and finally ate. the poor guy was in cars for 12-14 hours and with 6 groups of strangers. i'm sure it was a very stressful day for him.
                              he slept on my bed half the night and just wanted to cuddle in the morning. he needs constant attention. he's just starved for it. he likes to drink water from the garden hose and my bathroom sink. he likes to sit on one of my legs with one hip and just stand there for 15-20 min. at a time. he tries to do that on my bed but it's an inch or 2 too high.
                              he had no manners at all and had no clue what the word NO meant. he's learning a few manners(only been here 24 hours) and is quickly learning the NO word, since i seem to be using it a lot. and in a very stern way. too bad he can't read, i could use EH-T's card and flash him. he gets a little mouthy when he gets playful. a pop under the chin usually stops him. he's just too big to have that habit. and he jumped on me once last night.i yelled NO at him and turned away. he started to do it again later- i just held my hand out and yelled NO and he stopped. so i think he'll be fiine-he's just had no training and apparently not much attention in the past. he's very loving and i really like him, but i think i'm going to be working my butt off to get him settled down before AT6. have a trainer coming to the house tomorrow to start working with him. she's only charging me half her fee because he's a rescue dog. that's nice of her.
                              i brought a toy with when i picked him up but he wasn't interested. i brought it in today and he loves it. it's a Kong squeaky bone. he puts it on his bed and then jumps on it with his front paws-so cute and he chews and squeaks it. he even gives it to me to throw for him. that surprised me. gave him one of my Mocha's stuffed toys and he had fun with that too. ok, sorry-once i start talking about him i can't stop. he's a handfull but i'm willing to work with him. he's still a puppy mentally-16 months old . he was born feb 24th 2011 so everybody put that on your calendars. well, i'm worn out now, so will try to go to bed. he's on the bed now-crosswise. hope he'll move over.
                              Hmmm that pillow is a little small - but no problem - he has your bed!
                              Sounds like Bubba is going to be one big loving handful for you but I think he will train easy from what you have said. I'm very happy for you.
                              Too bad you can't bring your baby to AT6! A picture with Amanda would be fun!


                                he's beautiful! Since he's picking up on "no" quickly, he should be very trainable. Good thing you have a trainer coming to help you out with such a big guy.

