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    Originally posted by EH-T View Post

    You get ice cream from your phone? Sign me up.

    Interesting food for thought.

    Anyone else want to weigh in?
    Will be soon! After that it's Jelly Bean. Even yummier.

    I'm definitely through and through an Android gal. Why? I'm not into the Apple-centric mindset for buying everything. I can go to the Google Play store for apps, music, books and movies or if I'm even go to Amazon for the same exact thing if I wanted. I like having choices. Android allows me to pop off the back of their devices if I care to replace the battery if I needed to, root it, and even insert a micro SD card to increase the storage potential. All Android is the same in this sense. I increased my phone storage to 32 gb this way and could have gone all the way to 80gb if I wanted to. I do everything on my phone; email, web surfing, games, book reading, texting, Netflix, Hulu, taking pics, gps navigation, music through their Cloud service, etc.. I find it very easy to use and have never had a problem with my SG2. Actually neither of the two Android tablets I have has had any problems either. Android runs smoothly, is very user friendly and I am quite happy with the system.

    I guess it boils down to how much control you want over your phone. All of it or none at all? You decide.


      My first phone in the UK was a Nokia. I LOVED my Nokia. Seriously - you could throw it down a set of stairs, pick up the 5 or 6 pieces it was now in, put 'em back together, press the power button, and Bob's your uncle! LOL (Great phone for the more accident-prone of us in the crowd.)

      My last three phones have been Erickson, LG, and Erickson ... as much as I would like an iPhone, let's face it - an iPod touch would be more what I need. My phone suits just fine for texting and *gasp* talking, and I don't tend to do a lot of browsing. My problem with the Apple world is that everything is Apple-centric. All my music converted to go into iTunes. Now I can't get my CDs to burn backups, let alone burn the music I actually purchased through them onto CDs in a format my car stereo can handle. Grrrrrrr. I am currently resisting the shift to Apple.

      (BTW: we don't worry about Dad asking Siri about where to hide dead bodies ... well we DO, but only in the sense that he's asking for outside help - usually we keep that sort of thing in the family )
      ....*whistles innocently*....
      ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

      SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
      ames on facebook
      ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


        An iPhone would be good for a luddite. Not only are they really user friendly, but you can opt to take a class where they will teach you how to use it

        And for the record, I have an Android phone and own a Mac.


          Originally posted by MayoGate View Post
          I rate Nokias, the first phone I ever had was a Nokia (back when they were like house bricks), and they are always VERY simple to use. - They are the brand we tend to buy for our elderly relatives. Seriously.

          I've had all sorts, and the only phone I really detest is a Blackberry: glitch-a-day, compatibility issues, just unreliable and not user friendly in the slightest.

          I've now had every incarnation of the iPhone and iPod, and I use a Mac - won't ever go back to a PC.

          Largely, it's Apple customer service I love, last year I dropped my phone and broke it - over 3 months outside of my warranty - they just gave me a brand new one no questions, no charge, no fuss.
          Any time I've had a problem, they've fixed it quickly and for free.

          And on the iTunes issue - there are ways around that, if you do your research there are loads of free programmes out there that will rapidly convert stuff for you to use on an iPhone.
          None of the media I buy comes from the itunes store - I watch it all on my iPod and Phone though...

          Just to clarify: I've only ever had one problem with an iPhone that wasn't caused by me. I'm very gifted at breaking stuff
          What are you implying?

          Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
            What are you implying?
            Implication would suggest subtlety. Not really something I do ahaha

            Ames - the everything going into itunes and converting is your fault - sorry Lol

            You can change the settings so it doesn't automatically do that. I'm a control freak so I don't really allow my computer to do anything 'automatically'


              Originally posted by Celandine View Post

              I guess it boils down to how much control you want over your phone. All of it or none at all? You decide.
              That line, coupled with the 'iSheep' comment earlier makes me disinclined to consider the other paragraphs which are actually quite informative.

              Much as I know people do like to follow trends - odd footwear choices being a prime example for me this week - I think the iPhone share of the market can't be written off as simply mob mentality. It's quite apparent they're doing something right.

              Marketing isn't really my thing, but I do find the anti-iPhone/ Apple hostility all over the interwebs quite fascinating from a people point of view.


                Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post

                Hee. Yeah, they S4K folks are a pretty apple-centric crowd
                (raises hand) I have a Nokia.

                For details of AT10 go to


                  Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                  I've had an iPhone since the 2nd generation (3G) and have never had a single complaint. It's ridiculously user-friendly and always works. I don't know anyone who has an iPhone who is not completely in love with it. Chelle is the first I've heard of, but she has an old model that is technologically far behind what most app developers are developing for, which could be part of her issue. I tend to upgrade every-other incarnation. I still have an iPhone 4, and will hang on to it until this summer's version comes out.
                  I use it for far more than a phone too. I keep a lot of references for work on it as well as for my iPod, to listen to pandora and npr, web browsing, email, travel references, photography, and even the occasional game. It's like a mini computer AND excellent point and shoot camera in your pocket. And yes, android devices do the same thing, but my experience playing with friends' android devices is that they are not as user friendly and a bit more glitchy, partially because the platform is more open. But your mileage may vary.
                  Don't get me wrong - I do love my phone but with any Apple product you need Apple compatible programs to run them - unlike with my Nokia where I could apply any ringtone from any phone - you can't do that with the iphone. And I am not the only one who has the same issue. I can't get music sent to my iphone & use it as a ringtone without going through itunes whereas with my Nokia I could have it bluetoothed to me from any phone. But I do love my phone & love being able to tweet/FB and do other stuff I simply couldn't do with my old Nokia.
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                    (raises hand) I have a Nokia.

                    So Do I and it's got old and a bit sick so I need to replace. I have thought about getting an i phone but the cost per month is double what I pay now and could get with an andriod smart phone. Whats the "nokia" you are quite liking mayo? I may be able to get that one in a free upgrade!


                      Originally posted by MayoGate View Post
                      I rate Nokias, the first phone I ever had was a Nokia (back when they were like house bricks), and they are always VERY simple to use. - They are the brand we tend to buy for our elderly relatives. Seriously.
                      I've had all sorts, and the only phone I really detest is a Blackberry: glitch-a-day, compatibility issues, just unreliable and not user friendly in the slightest.
                      I've now had every incarnation of the iPhone and iPod, and I use a Mac - won't ever go back to a PC.
                      Largely, it's Apple customer service I love, last year I dropped my phone and broke it - over 3 months outside of my warranty - they just gave me a brand new one no questions, no charge, no fuss.
                      Any time I've had a problem, they've fixed it quickly and for free.
                      And on the iTunes issue - there are ways around that, if you do your research there are loads of free programmes out there that will rapidly convert stuff for you to use on an iPhone.
                      None of the media I buy comes from the itunes store - I watch it all on my iPod and Phone though...
                      Just to clarify: I've only ever had one problem with an iPhone that wasn't caused by me. I'm very gifted at breaking stuff
                      I do love the customer service with the iphone - can't knock that.
                      I think my point is also, you shouldn't have to find a way around anything to get apps on your iphone - never had to with my Nokia.
                      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                      ~Amanda Tapping


                        Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
                        So Do I and it's got old and a bit sick so I need to replace. I have thought about getting an i phone but the cost per month is double what I pay now and could get with an andriod smart phone. Whats the "nokia" you are quite liking mayo? I may be able to get that one in a free upgrade!
                        Nokia now have their own smart phone that's very compatible to the iphone - I'm sticking with my little red baby for now but come the time I need to upgrade, I'm hoping to go back to Nokia...maybe. I think once bitten by the iphone bug, you kinda get hooked. But doesn't mean they are the best phone out there. Good luck on the phone shopping.
                        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                        ~Amanda Tapping


                          I have a Nokia - it makes and receives calls, sends and receives texts and takes a pretty good photo. That's all I need it to do

                          Oh, and it does still work after it's been dropped and put back together - what more could I possibly want?


                            Becky - This one:

                            But I'm not sure it's actually out yet?? - the predecessor Lumia looks pretty decent though to be fair.

                            iPhone contracts are just ridic. now.
                            I'm lucky, I've had the same mega cheap contract for about 4 years and never gotten a new one, so I just buy a new handset when I want/ need to, and keep the good deal I've always had - and it works out the cheapest overall despite the big outlay for the handset.


                              Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                              You all know Android phones had voice search before iDevices even came along with Siri don't you?

                              Oh and Mayo, love on that Nokia.

                              I'm eagerly awaiting the Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) update for my GS2 any day now. Yummy.

                              I have a GS2 too! Android rulez!
                              My vids Sig made by me


                                Jumble, I dropped one down the toilet once. And flushed.

                                Put it on top of the radiator on a towel and by morning it was good as new

