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GABIT attendees thread

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    I checked my school calendar for next Feb today and good news for me - Monday after the con is a school holiday for us so I can book my flight back for Monday and not have to worry about taking a personal leave day for that day. Means I only have to use two personal leave days for the con - the Thursday and Friday before the con as I will make this one a quick trip over flying over Wednesday evening after school and back on Monday after the con so I only need to miss two days of work.

    If the funds are available I think I may try and go see a musical on Thursday evening.
    My View From The Peanut Gallery


      I've got good news! I've managed to change my leave dates!!! So I'm going to be off for that weekend

      If anyone works out the days for me i'll get the countdown started . I'm to tired this morning to work it out myself. Just had a loooonnnngggg night at work. Well it was the usual 12 hours but it was one of those nights.


        Oh no... please no count down yet...
        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


          Originally posted by PengYn View Post
          Man, I miss that badge...

 was such fun to ignore

          Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
          *high fives PengYn*

          As for the ritual de-panting... photos or it didn't happen
          That's fine, I will prefer to think it didn't happen.

          Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
          I checked my school calendar for next Feb today and good news for me - Monday after the con is a school holiday for us so I can book my flight back for Monday and not have to worry about taking a personal leave day for that day. Means I only have to use two personal leave days for the con - the Thursday and Friday before the con as I will make this one a quick trip over flying over Wednesday evening after school and back on Monday after the con so I only need to miss two days of work.

          If the funds are available I think I may try and go see a musical on Thursday evening.
          Glad to hear it.

          Originally posted by SEREN LWCH (MAL) View Post
          I've got good news! I've managed to change my leave dates!!! So I'm going to be off for that weekend

          If anyone works out the days for me i'll get the countdown started . I'm to tired this morning to work it out myself. Just had a loooonnnngggg night at work. Well it was the usual 12 hours but it was one of those nights.
          Glad to hear that too.

          Originally posted by antoa View Post
          I do understand that the credit card thing is out of G4's hands. I am not blaming anyone and I apologize if it came across that way. I am just incredibly disappointed and frustrated at a time when I don't have much to look forward to except more days of unemployment for the foreseeable future. At this point I am not even sure I will be able to make it to TSE because flight and hotel are just too expensive as well.
          Big, big hugs ((antoa)).

          Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


            Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
            Ahhhhhhh!!!!!! Ames!!!!!!!

            *big, huge, massive, gigantic, squishy hugs*
            *tackle hugs back*

            Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
            I checked my school calendar for next Feb today and good news for me - Monday after the con is a school holiday for us so I can book my flight back for Monday and not have to worry about taking a personal leave day for that day. Means I only have to use two personal leave days for the con - the Thursday and Friday before the con as I will make this one a quick trip over flying over Wednesday evening after school and back on Monday after the con so I only need to miss two days of work.

            If the funds are available I think I may try and go see a musical on Thursday evening.
            I highly rec doing a musical on the Thurs night - we had a blast at AT4! Grease is the word, eh ladies?
            Glad to hear you've got your holidays sorted! I figured the weekend was chosen with the halfterm break in mind for Julia ... as well as everyone else who works in the field of education, of course!

            Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
            I'll answer that one, as Becky is currently in the air at the far end of a 10 hour flight to Vangroovy for a holiday in Whistler. The Pink helmet is a ski helmet. She's going to be hurtling down the mountains at Whistler and Blackcombe with her hubby.

            Ah ... and here I was having all sorts of visions of what Amanda might be asked to do that would involve hot pink headgear -- contact curling for charity, anyone? *bats eyelashes and adjusts halo slightly*
            ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

            SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
            ames on facebook
            ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
              I will NOT destroy anything but will take my pants off in your honour (at night, while in my room, with no one else around )
              Not quite in the spriit there Eh-T. It must be done on stage.

              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
              ((Becks and the G4))

              I don't think anyone is intending to blame you for the way things are. You didn't set the credit card rules and you have to live with them just as we do. The date has to accomodate AT, the availability of the facility and your lives. The payment scheme won't work for everyone. The date won't work for everyone. For some it is too soon, for others it will not come soon enough. I think folks are expressing their (understandable) disappointment at not being able to attend or at the possibility of not attending. That is really a compliment to the G4 for how popular and wonderful your events are, if people didn't want to attend so badly, they wouldn't be so disappointed that they can't.

              We know and appreciate how much work you do so we can attend these events so hugs all 'round, sounds like you need it at the moment. While I'm at it, hugs all 'round to those on the Gabit thread. Very sorry some of you can't some for sure. Fingers crossed for those who still have a chance that things work out for all of you. I know people are disappointed and I know I am a totally glass-half-full kind of person (which some may find extremely annoying at the moment) but take some solice in the positives in your life. Beyond the really important things like having your health, food and shelter, even if you can't make AT5, do you have the opportunity to see AT at some other event this year? Then you are further ahead than the vast majority of fandom. At the moment I plan to be at AT5 but any number of things could change my plans. Even if I never get to another event, I know I have been way luckier than most to have been at two.
              Very well said and 100% correct.

              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
              We Canadians find great enjoyment in others' attempts to deal with a little snow. Eh, rderoch? It keeps us going during the long dark winters.
              I officially retract the compliment I just paid you.

              Snow I have no problem with. Lived with it all my life in Minnesota and Michigan. It's the "I can't see the end of my car hood" white out conditions I take issue with. Can't say I had ever been in conditions that bad before and it has left me permanently traumatized.
              Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
              William Shakespeare

              Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                I'm just gonna make a slight adjustment to your post here EH-T...just like the G4 made to Amanda's comment at AT4. Me thinks the G4 have a corrupting influence on me!

                Believe me, taking my pants off would not be to the benefit of the AT attendees.

                Originally posted by ames View Post

                Ah ... and here I was having all sorts of visions of what Amanda might be asked to do that would involve hot pink headgear -- contact curling for charity, anyone? *bats eyelashes and adjusts halo slightly*
                Contact curling is not to be recommended. Played sports all my life and the only time I broke anything was curling!

                Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                  Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                  Maybe if I tell him he's having trouble compartmentalizing his rational thoughts and beliefs then maybe I'll confuse him enough to let me go.
                  Dancing phalanges indeed!
                  Just beware he doesn't answer with, 'I don't know what that means.' Then you know your goose is cooked.

                  Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
                  I checked my school calendar for next Feb today and good news for me - Monday after the con is a school holiday for us so I can book my flight back for Monday and not have to worry about taking a personal leave day for that day. Means I only have to use two personal leave days for the con - the Thursday and Friday before the con as I will make this one a quick trip over flying over Wednesday evening after school and back on Monday after the con so I only need to miss two days of work.

                  If the funds are available I think I may try and go see a musical on Thursday evening.
                  Wonderful news! Glad you were able to arrange it!

                  I went up to London for a long weekend for AT3 myself due to work and buying my tickets last minute. I definitely had a blast but funnily enough, couldnt fully shake the jet lag until Monday when I was scheduled to fly back home. Perfect timing huh?

                  A musical sounds awesome too. If your looking for company, let me know as I may be interested in going depending on what your thinking of seeing.

                  Originally posted by SEREN LWCH (MAL) View Post
                  I've got good news! I've managed to change my leave dates!!! So I'm going to be off for that weekend

                  If anyone works out the days for me i'll get the countdown started . I'm to tired this morning to work it out myself. Just had a loooonnnngggg night at work. Well it was the usual 12 hours but it was one of those nights.

                  Countdown? Yus! Was gonna do it myself, but thought it might be jumping the gun a bit. I'm all for it though (sorry Neep! ) and my analytical self knows exactly how many days we have remaining...hehe.

                  340 days till AT5!


                    Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                    Not quite in the spriit there Eh-T. It must be done on stage.
                    Only if you want people to leave the room!

                    I officially retract the compliment I just paid you.
                    Aww, gee, and it was the only one too.

                    Snow I have no problem with. Lived with it all my life in Minnesota and Michigan. It's the "I can't see the end of my car hood" white out conditions I take issue with. Can't say I had ever been in conditions that bad before and it has left me permanently traumatized.

                    Hey, at least no one ate you!

                    Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                      So this is my squeeing yay post for AT5!
                      I'm super excited it's waaaay sooner than I ever expected, which means I get to see you guys way sooner than I ever could have hoped for!
                      And you guys who won't be able to go again, will be missed (My dear sweet Neep *wipes a tear*) and Chelle you keep working that man of yours And Antoa, I truly wish for your situation to turn around soon. *hugs*

                      But the way I see it, since AT5 is so ridiculously close, it means AT6 can't be too far away either, am I right GABITs? And then we'll definitely see each other again.

                      Will definitely try to get hubby a ticket too, I think he's rather curious what the fuss is all about, lol!

                      And yes Ames, Grease is the word *nods*

                      Thank you GABIT and the G4 for pulling this together so soon, I don't know how you do it, but you certainly do it with style (pink helmets or not)


                        Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
                        So this is my squeeing yay post for AT5!
                        I'm super excited it's waaaay sooner than I ever expected, which means I get to see you guys way sooner than I ever could have hoped for!
                        And you guys who won't be able to go again, will be missed (My dear sweet Neep *wipes a tear*) and Chelle you keep working that man of yours And Antoa, I truly wish for your situation to turn around soon. *hugs*

                        But the way I see it, since AT5 is so ridiculously close, it means AT6 can't be too far away either, am I right GABITs? And then we'll definitely see each other again.

                        Will definitely try to get hubby a ticket too, I think he's rather curious what the fuss is all about, lol!

                        And yes Ames, Grease is the word *nods*

                        Thank you GABIT and the G4 for pulling this together so soon, I don't know how you do it, but you certainly do it with style (pink helmets or not)
                        So glad to hear you will be at AT5 (and nice to have you posting again)

                        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                          Believe me, taking my pants off would not be to the benefit of the AT attendees.

                          *Wonders now about decision of having EH-T as one of our roommates at SE*

                          my fanfic


                            Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                            Snow I have no problem with. Lived with it all my life in Minnesota and Michigan. It's the "I can't see the end of my car hood" white out conditions I take issue with. Can't say I had ever been in conditions that bad before and it has left me permanently traumatized.
                            I've driven through a tornado cell before - does that enhance my status as a Crazy Cdn? Er... hearty Canadian, I mean?
                            (By 'drive', I of course mean 'aiming the hydro-planing vehicle with as much skill/precision as possible while looking through the sheet of water on the windshield - the wipers being unable to keep up with the sheer amount of water falling at the time - and giving directions to the driver of the car following closely behind so she could see me - who happens to be afraid of thunderstorms - via 2-way radio', as that was what was actually happening for a good portion of the trip.)

                            *blinks* What can I say? Not even highly impressive acts of Mother Nature were going to keep me from my much-needed Stargate-filled girls' weekend!!!
                            ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                            SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                            ames on facebook
                            ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                              Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                              *Wonders now about decision of having EH-T as one of our roommates at SE*
                              Too late to back out now.

                              Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                                Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                                *Wonders now about decision of having EH-T as one of our roommates at SE*
                                Several pots got called black by several kettles during the making of this quote.


