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    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
    Not a parent but aunt to many!
    I know when I am an auntie to many - just did the easter egg shopping - 17 chocolate bunnies and that doesn't include my kids! The adults get a teeny bunny so as to avoid them stealing the kiddies chocolate when drinking around the fire.
    Originally posted by MayoGate View Post
    Wait a sec - having a landline was a condition of buying a house? - Is there a really obvious reason that I'm missing cus that sounds weird!
    My landline is rubbish, reception is way better on my phone, but may just need new handsets...
    Most if not all houses built here are built with the landline connected - it's easier & cheaper to do it during construction rather than at a later date. And because mobile coverage still has a long way to go before it can do what the landlines do, I don't see the landlines being phased out. Mobiles are handy & great for those who use it for other things but not everyone has one so imagine moving into a house with no phone either pay big bucks to have the line connected to the house or get a mobile. And from experience, my sister inlaw lives literally up the road from me and cannot get mobile reception at her house - they rely on landlines...hate to not have one in case of emergency. That and if anyone forgets to charge the phone and an emergency should arise, how would you call for help?
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      Happy birthday MoB!!!
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        Originally posted by ames View Post
        Happy Bday MoB!!!! *hugs*
        Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
        Happy birthday MoB!!!
        Thanks, Ladies! Starting my day with tea, granola, and yoga. Ending it with friends, fod,wine,& Game of Thrones.

        come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


          Originally posted by rderoch View Post
          Technically, I still have a landline, though it's a voip phone. I'd much rather talk on a regular phone when I'm home. And with my new cable package I have caller ID on the TV which has already come in handy. Eliminates those nuisance calls.
          O, come on, I've promised to stop calling. No need for the caller ID anymore.

          Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
          I agree. I don't think I will get a landline when I move next month since I never really use it now. I'm still 37 for a few more hours, but I guess I fall into the 'new generation'
          Happy Birthday MOB. Welcome to the "old" generation.

          Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
          I know when I am an auntie to many - just did the easter egg shopping - 17 chocolate bunnies and that doesn't include my kids! The adults get a teeny bunny so as to avoid them stealing the kiddies chocolate when drinking around the fire.
          The kiddies are drinking around the fire?

          That's a lot of chocolate! I stopped giving the kids chocolate a few years ago. They already got quite a bit and many are now adults. I may have mentioned this before, I give them money but first they have to earn it. Scavenger hunt or family history quiz, etc. Then the gift comes with a long list of rules. They have to give 20% to charity and tell me which charity they choose and why (I want them to put thought into it), they have to save 10%, they get to spend the rest but there are rules about that too!

          Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


            that's a really great idea EH-T. i think i'll start doing that for the little kids in the family when they are old enough to understand. it may be a challenge getting my little nephew with downs syndrome to understand, but i bet his adopted mother will be able to make him understand. she's a christian and a wonderful person. i'm actually thankful that my nephew and niece-in-law adopted him out. my jace and the other little girl with downs (1 yr older) that they also adopted are definitely blessed to get some one so devoted to them. everything she and hubby do is for the 2 squibs. they decided to not have their own kids but adopt these 2 instead. i just wish they lived closer so i could see him once in a while, but she has a blog site which she updates almost every day with photos and stories and she is very entertaining in the way she presents it all. so at least we can follow him as he grows up. (wipes tear away)


              Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
              And from experience, my sister inlaw lives literally up the road from me and cannot get mobile reception at her house - they rely on landlines...hate to not have one in case of emergency. That and if anyone forgets to charge the phone and an emergency should arise, how would you call for help?
              I'm all agog to discover I'm not the only one who has a landline with this as the reason! Who knew I wasn't the only paranoid one in the group?

              As for VOIP, I hate those for the simple reason that my phone should keep working even when the power cuts out. I giggled a little when I got the latest advertisement from the phone company. Their main competitor for internet is the cable company, who offers to bundle cable/internet packages with VOIP. Phone company's add was all about how phones shouldn't stop working in emergencies because that's when you're more likely to need them.

              Personally, my main "emergency" reason to want it is because cell phones don't give your address to 911. I've taken enough calls from people who are too sick or injured to think clearly to assume that I would always know my own address under all circumstances. And when I have cousins house-sitting because I'm running off to Gabit events, I know they can't just forget my address or lose the paper I wrote it on.

              Yes. I fully realize I'm an emergency nerd. I'll be quiet now.


                I also have a land line just in case...and I prefer using that phone over my other one!


                  Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                  The kiddies are drinking around the fire? That's a lot of chocolate!
                  Well yes but the little kiddies drink hot chocolate while we big kiddies drink other stuff.
                  I have 11 nieces & nephews of which 7 are under the age of 10 - so they get a small chocolate bunny. But we also have my cousins kids who are also under the age of 10 so I get them a bunny too. And my brothers new partner may be bringing her two little kiddies so I've made provision for them too. The older kids still get chocolate but while they participate in the chocolate egg hunt, they are merely there to help the little ones find the eggs we big kids have hidden.
                  My kids still have their original baskets they had as toddlers to put their eggs in, only now I put in the tradional Humpty Dumpty egg & a Lindt bunny and put it in their swags the night before easter - they are usually still awake when we do it and if not they soon are - by the time we do it we've had a lot of drinks around the fire so tip toeing through the campsite isn't the delictate mission it should be.
                  One year my sisters in law & I were laughing so hard when we were sneaking around with the eggs, the kids were shouting out to be quiet - like who did they think we would scare away??? The Easter bunny???
                  We can have anywhere up to 20 kids at camp on easter morning so I try to make sure I have some for everyone...even the adults get a tiny egg.
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    Originally posted by Trindajae View Post
                    I'm all agog to discover I'm not the only one who has a landline with this as the reason! Who knew I wasn't the only paranoid one in the group?

                    As for VOIP, I hate those for the simple reason that my phone should keep working even when the power cuts out. I giggled a little when I got the latest advertisement from the phone company. Their main competitor for internet is the cable company, who offers to bundle cable/internet packages with VOIP. Phone company's add was all about how phones shouldn't stop working in emergencies because that's when you're more likely to need them.

                    Personally, my main "emergency" reason to want it is because cell phones don't give your address to 911. I've taken enough calls from people who are too sick or injured to think clearly to assume that I would always know my own address under all circumstances. And when I have cousins house-sitting because I'm running off to Gabit events, I know they can't just forget my address or lose the paper I wrote it on.

                    Yes. I fully realize I'm an emergency nerd. I'll be quiet now.
                    Don't be too sure, I made an emergency call from my mobile on a moving bus about 2 years ago - they called me back and told me exactly where I was and asked me to confirm! Lol

                    Big Brother will find you if they need to....


                      There is a "universal" emergency number that anyone can call on any mobile phone, supposedly in any place on the planet - 112 -

                      "112 is the GSM international standard emergency number which can only be dialled on digital mobile phones. 112 can be dialled anywhere in the world with GSM coverage and is automatically translated to that country's emergency number."
                      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                      ~Amanda Tapping


                        i remember calling 911 when my mom and i were stranded on the hwy in some other state and they said they didn't need to know our mile marker location or anything because they could track us thru the phone. some kind of gps locator or something. i also remember i couldn't get the phone to work for a while after that-didn't know i had to remove the battery to get it back to normal mode. that was about 10 years ago.


                          The other day I had a bit of time to kill so I went back and read some of the posts after AT3, my first event. Interesting to go back and read those now.

                          Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                            Not so gobsmacked now?


                              Curious question, but by some miracle we hear from Syfy that they've renewed Sanctuary for a 5th season and filming must begin right away.

                              Would this put AT6 in jeopardy with AT too busy to spare a weekend away?

                              Just wondering.


                                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                                Wait, people still have landline? I thought only people parents had landlines
                                One advantage of a works even if the power is out. Lose the power to the cell towers and your cell phone is a paperweight. In the land of natural disasters, wind storms and tornadoes, landlines come in handy.

                                It's jsut like all these folks that live on their debit card and never have cash.....well a substantial power outage and the ATM's and credit machines don't work. Your card is worthless.

                                It's cool that people depend on the modern conveniences, but I think they're also taken for granted.
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


