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GABIT attendees thread

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    Originally posted by penjab View Post
    OK, Brenda, you are from the same country as me. There are peanut butter and jelly M&Ms? I have never heard of them. It must be a northern thing!
    Strawberry peanut butter M&M's even! Nom. Not sure if they are exclusive to my area, but like I said, I'll bring a bag and let everyone decide what they think.

    Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
    OK, when is this chocolate party thing? Normally I smell it a mile away. Somewhere I missed one of my memos?
    (Not that my waistline can take it )
    The chocolate party is 'unofficially' scheduled for Saturday afternoon. I believe it begins at 3.20p? Neep made a post of the rules a few pages back and added her email so she can get a rough tally of how many people are actually going to show up.

    Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
    TSE2, AT6, I could tell you but then I would have to kill you :0)
    Killing us must mean *really* good news.


      Thank you Becky for all the 'official' information!! Good to hear, especially the
      its all good but we have a couple of extra goodies for you to enjoy this year

      Looking forward to the seating plan ... so someone can get started on that mapthingy.

      Originally posted by penjab View Post
      Are you all saying that Reese's peanut butter cups are the kind of things you want brought? I thought you were more interested in more exotic or unique stuff. I would be happy to bring peanut butter cups and m&ms if that's the kind of candy everyone would like. They would be easy to obtain and bring. I don't know about these penguin bars though. What about Snickers, 3 Musketeers and Milky Ways?
      Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
      But that is the exotic stuff! At least from my point of view
      (We do have Snickers and Milky Ways here though)
      You should bring whatever you feel like, from what I remember last time it was a great variety chocolates from very unique and exclusive chocolates to the basic sorts. You should bring something suitable to your budget and luggage. Me, I'm bringing a box of a fairly common chocolate around here, but I doubt they would be easy to find anywhere else.

      And by now I assume all the newbies have come to the understanding that gabit events actually is just a clever cover for a world-spanning chocolate distribution network.
      Hehe ... that is what I was going to say!!
      Peanutbutter chocolate is really exotic over here ... lol. We don't have any kind of chocolate that has peanutbutter in it.
      If you would bring something exotic for you ... it would probably be very normal over here. Lol.

      I'm bringing the usual (if I can find it)
      Last edited by SamJackShipLover; 10 January 2011, 08:20 AM.


        Originally posted by Celandine View Post

        Killing us must mean *really* good news.
        *crosses fingers and toes*


          Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
          Back to chocolate. A Milky way inthe UK is a mars bar. A milky way inthe uk is a small 3 mustateers bar but the chocolate is better in a UK milky way. Snickers is snickers ( but used to be a marathon)
          Penguins are like flatter wider tim tams.... but tim tams are better.
          Yes, now my life makes sense again
          I have to disagree on the tim tams vs penguins though
          And thanks for all the info!

          Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
          Looking forward to the seating plan ... so Ames (right? or was it TJ?) can get started on that mapthingy she does.
          The seating chart was a very handy thing to have. And a great conversation starter, just walk up to someone and ask to fill in their name in the right seat. (or point it out if they're already on it).


            Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
            *makes mental note not to stock freezer up with Ben and Jerry's for that weekend*

            Ohhhh! Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia! Yummmmmm!


              Becky or whomever:

              Who is in charge of getting the items together for the auction....and don't say Julia please?


                Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
                But that is the exotic stuff! At least from my point of view
                (We do have Snickers and Milky Ways here though)
                You should bring whatever you feel like, from what I remember last time it was a great variety chocolates from very unique and exclusive chocolates to the basic sorts. You should bring something suitable to your budget and luggage. Me, I'm bringing a box of a fairly common chocolate around here, but I doubt they would be easy to find anywhere else.

                And by now I assume all the newbies have come to the understanding that gabit events actually is just a clever cover for a world-spanning chocolate distribution network.
                Global Acquisition and Bartering of International Treats

                Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                Strawberry peanut butter M&M's even! Nom. Not sure if they are exclusive to my area, but like I said, I'll bring a bag and let everyone decide what they think.

                The chocolate party is 'unofficially' scheduled for Saturday afternoon. I believe it begins at 3.20p? Neep made a post of the rules a few pages back and added her email so she can get a rough tally of how many people are actually going to show up.

                Killing us must mean *really* good news.
                I went to the M&M's site last night and they aren't even listed. Must be a down under exclusive. Sounds wonderful though!
                Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                William Shakespeare

                Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                  Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
                  if anyone is interested in the york pieces(like m&ms but dark choc. peppermint just like york patties, but not with the white peppermint which is just too much - see previous post) i could bring some. i'm not planning on attending the choc. party. i'm diabetic and it's just better to not have to fight to resist, but i can bring those. and if anyone is coming from the land of tim-tams, if you have room could you smuggle 2 packages of dark chocolate ones for me. i will gladly reimburse for whatever they cost. those can be rationed out at home and last a long time. haven't been able to get them online, always out of stock.
                  Tim Tams are available in Canada. I'll look and see if I can find the dark chocolate ones for you.

                  Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
                  Amanda does not mind signing fabrics, but please be aware they are hard to sign nicely and the item may become damaged. You can stabilise the area to be signed by ironing on some freezer paper to the back ( don't worry it will peel off without leaveing a trace.) We will have a variety of markers but having trouble getting the gold and silver fabric paint markers for dark fabrics over here. You have to buy them fresh as they don't "store" well once opened. We will have the normal silver and black sharpies and as many other colous as Julia allows us to play with )
                  I have a couple of silver markers left from the tour but I don't think they will write well now. However, I will check and can bring them if they still write.

                  Couple of other responses and clarifications.
                  There will be a few changes to the normal schedule this time. its all good but we have a couple of extra goodies for you to enjoy this year. I could tell you but I would have to kill you.

                  The seating plan is nearly done... sorry guys this is my fault, I messed it up the first time and have to have another go.
                  No worries. Still lots of time. Hoping for an aisle seat.

                  Just to confuse you guys the staff and G4 may be wearing our black fleece tops a bit more this time. Look for the headsets.
                  Just because it's February?

                  TSE2, AT6, I could tell you but then I would have to kill you :0)
                  That indicates there will be a TSE2 and an AT6. Telling us there are not going to be TSE2 and AT6 would kill us so you wouldn't have to!

                  There will be jugs of water and glasses about the event rooms. It is tap water, but it's generally okay to drink. Please DO bring a water bottle with you and re-fill it. it saves on washing up and you can take the water with you. We will also have a small supply of new GABIT water bottles on sale at the reg desk. Limited numbers, so get yours early! We are not doing the bottomless tea and coffee this year, but we do have some spare mugs left so if you missed out or want a couple more for a set, these will also be on sale at the reg desk. Please write you name and or seat number on the base of your Mug/ bottle incase you put it down somewhere and forget.
                  I have been drinking that water in the past without any problems. I can bring my water bottle from TSE or MTM.

                  Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                    Originally posted by llp View Post
                    Becky or whomever:

                    Who is in charge of getting the items together for the auction....and don't say Julia please?
                    That would still be Sue I assume, easiest way to get a hold of her would be through the fund raising mail I would think. fundraiser @

                    Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                    Global Acquisition and Bartering of International Treats


                      Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                      Tim Tams are available in Canada. I'll look and see if I can find the dark chocolate ones for you.
                      I found Tim Tams in Target the other day in the USA too. Both the milk and dark chocolate kinds.


                        FYI, the Tim Tams in the US and Canada are most likely not the same as the ones from Australia. They are packaged by Pepperidge Farms and might not use the same chocolate. Just like the Cadbury bars here in the US are made by Hershey's and do not use the same quality chocolate at the Cadbury bars in the UK.

                        I was told that they are imported from Australia, but are packaged different, but it wasn't a very reliable source and I was not able to confirm.


                          Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
                          Chocolate party- as a Peanut allergee it would be great if you could keep the boxes/ ingredients lists handy, I can't eat peanuts but can eat other nuts ( like macademias- yum)
                          Yup, last time when I put together a staff doggy bag I made sure everything that went in was separately packaged with it's ingredients on. Watch out for the bag, we will put another one together this year.
                          Last edited by NZNeep; 10 January 2011, 12:47 PM.
                          Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                          Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                          Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                            Bumping for anyone who hasn't seen it.

                            Chocolate Party! Oh yeah! Saturday 3.20 to 4.15pm (that's some Julia precision right there!)

                            So based on the "rules" we had last time, here is how things will go:

                            1. Chocolate. Nom. Now, don't try and feed everyone. Remember that everyone will be bringing some so a good rule of thumb is only bring as much as you can eat. All chocolate will be named and any left over will go home with the person who brought it. So don't go stressing... if someone wants to bring 5kg of truffles from... Des Moines or somewhere, it will be up to them to clean up the left overs. Also, if you can only afford to buy/pack a few chocolates that's fine too. A pack of m&m's from the little store across the road will do in a pinch (please don't let there be 20 packets of m&m's now that I have said that).

                            2. Allergies- there will be markers at the party. If you know for a fact your chocolate is nut free, label it nut free. If you know it definitely has nuts, label it full o' nuts. If you're not sure, don't worry too much about it. Anyone with a serious nut allergy who has made it this far will be smart enough to go for the nut free chocolate that will be held separately.

                            3. Attendees- this is a Gateworld/Samandan organised event, but that doesn't mean anyone should feel left out. While it won't be announced to the general attendees (try fitting the whole con in the bar ) if you have a mate who wants to come along, bring them. Chocolate=love and we are very loving here. Almost too loving. Last time the left overs were laid out on a table for anyone to dig in.

                            4. Numbers- just so things feel slightly in control and we don't get sobbing, hysterical G4 (love you guys!) please let me know if you plan on rockin' up. Private message to NZNeep on GW or email [email protected] with numbers and names.

                            5. Cross posting- if you have friends on other boards who want to come, please copy/paste this whole thing so they can let me know what numbers we are talking.

                            I will be providing 2 plastic table cloths to keep the Ren nice, plastic doggie bags for people who can't eat a metric tonne of chocolate in one go and marker pens to write names and nut status on their chocolate.

                            Any questions? Let me know!

                            Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                            Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                            Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                              Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
                              That would still be Sue I assume, easiest way to get a hold of her would be through the fund raising mail I would think. fundraiser @

                              Correct - that would be me!

                              Either use the fundraiser email or PM me on the AT Board regarding fundraising stuff generally but please don't say the word Auction as I have been inundated with stuff for AT5 (bless everyone's generosity! ) and the catalogues are all done and dusted.

                              Drop me a line and we'll chat.



                                Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                                LOL!! Yes.

                                In my case, I tell everybody I'm going to Scotland as that is where I'll be for over a week before AT5. My answer is very simple:

                                "It's curling season!" And they laugh. And when they say "but it will be so cold". I reply "I have a coat!"

                                P.S. I've even been asked if I'd be a tour guide on another trip to Ireland and Scotland in October. I somehow have become an "expert" on the country. I was there for a few weeks visiting friends during college 25 years ago and this will be my second time. Yes, I'm an expert. (Did you see me keep a straight face that time? )
                                Yup, totally believable that time!

                                Originally posted by lame moose (mocha) View Post
                                of course there is the old reliable explanation....i'd tell you, but then i'd have to kill you.
                                You'd be amazed at how many times I've actually used that comment in conversation...

                                Originally posted by penjab View Post
                                Are you all saying that Reese's peanut butter cups are the kind of things you want brought? I thought you were more interested in more exotic or unique stuff. I would be happy to bring peanut butter cups and m&ms if that's the kind of candy everyone would like. They would be easy to obtain and bring. I don't know about these penguin bars though. What about Snickers, 3 Musketeers and Milky Ways?
                                It's amazing what is considered commonplace in one area and yet exotic treats elsewhere. The first time I flew home from England, I declared that I had brought food with me. The customs official asked what it was, so I told her chocolate. She just blinked at me, and asked if I was serious. I looked her in the eye and asked if she'd ever tasted milk chocolate from England. She paused, and wished me a lovely trip home

                                Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
                                But that is the exotic stuff! At least from my point of view
                                And by now I assume all the newbies have come to the understanding that gabit events actually is just a clever cover for a world-spanning chocolate distribution network.
                                Shhhhhh.... don't be giving away our secrets!

                                Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                                I'm going to do my best to avoid all that chocolate - at SE I had to walk past Ames' table several times and just couldn't get by it without eating something very bad for me My willpower was definitely on hold at SE
                                Hehehe - it's all about the placement of the goodies What can I say, it was totally for a good cause!

                                Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                                Strawberry peanut butter M&M's even! Nom. Not sure if they are exclusive to my area, but like I said, I'll bring a bag and let everyone decide what they think.
                                Strawberry PB M&Ms? Yes, definitely want to try those!
                                Dad says he wants them. NOW. If you hand them over, no one gets hurt.
                                ....erm .... when are you coming to visit again?
                                Dad just asked if you were on your way yet?

                                Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                                Global Acquisition and Bartering of International Treats
                                LOL - Love it!!!

                                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                                Tim Tams are available in Canada. I'll look and see if I can find the dark chocolate ones for you.
                                That indicates there will be a TSE2 and an AT6. Telling us there are not going to be TSE2 and AT6 would kill us so you wouldn't have to!
                                Yep, we have them at Walmart. As yummy as they are though, I still think I prefer Penguins
                                ...and 'chocolate orgasms' sound much more interesting than 'Tim Tam Slams', tbf


                                Excellent point Eh-T! The fact that she'd have to kill us if she told us means there's something to tell, ergo: they are in the works!
                                (Hey, it's my logic, and I'm sticking with it! Who's with me? )
                                Last edited by ames; 10 January 2011, 06:39 PM. Reason: spelling issues :rolleyes:
                                ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                                SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
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                                ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )

