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'The Lost Tribe' (511) General Discussion

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    Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
    Loved the explosion in the Tower and the gate being blasted into a gazillion pieces. Now, what i'm curious to know is, can Atlantis still dial Earth after replacing the Stargate. Didn't earlier on in the show Rodney say that that particular stargate was the only one that could dial back to Earth in the whole of the PG? So what does that hold for future eps, and how can Daniel go back through the 'gate, if the Atlantis (original) gate was the only one that could dial earth... I didn't dream that did I?
    It's my faint recollection that they can dial Earth from Atlantis because of a specific control crystal in the DHD, not because the gate itself is special. It's the crystal they took in Home to use the gate on the mist planet to dial Earth.
    Sig by Luciana
    My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
      The control crystal in the DHD is what make it the only gate that can dial the MW system. As long as that intact we can dial Earth.
      Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
      It's my faint recollection that they can dial Earth from Atlantis because of a specific control crystal in the DHD, not because the gate itself is special. It's the crystal they took in Home to use the gate on the mist planet to dial Earth.
      I knew I hadn't imagined it. But with me ya never know. But if the whole of the Gate room has been blown up, wouldn't it suggest that everything connected to it would also suffer that same fate like in 48 hours with the 'gate going on the fritz, the crystal got blown up to, didn't it? So wouldn't this be the same?

      I might need to watch again I think.


        Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post

        Loved the explosion in the Tower and the gate being blasted into a gazillion pieces. Now, what i'm curious to know is, can Atlantis still dial Earth after replacing the Stargate. Didn't earlier on in the show Rodney say that that particular stargate was the only one that could dial back to Earth in the whole of the PG? So what does that hold for future eps, and how can Daniel go back through the 'gate, if the Atlantis (original) gate was the only one that could dial earth... I didn't dream that did I?
        Funny how far they got from the table. They used their wings. About the gate....a gate does what the DHD says. The Atlantis Gate had the only DHD with a crystal capable of locking in the galaxy chevron. Nothing more. McKay already opened it in DUET, SAM built one for the ORI supergate so it will not be difficult to replace the gate.

        Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
        I really enjoyed seeing the inner workings of the Travelers ship and the young engineer. Thought she was quite sweet and I enjoyed the Shep, Zelenka dynamic. It's nice to switch things up again. But I do miss the team interactions. Even though we get to see them interacting across the screens it's never quite the same.
        How convenient. Knight Rider came to save the day.

        Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
        The Danny/McKay thing was okay, not my most favourite parts. But I liked the fact that Daniel seemed like his old self and not gung ho Daniel of S9 and S10. McKay did revert a bit to his old self, but i'm guessing jealousy played a big part of that and he does tend to go into 'old McKay' mode when he feels threatened.

        Felt awkward and badly written.

        Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
        The Asgard storyline while interesting didn't really do much for me to be honest. Not quite sure why, they've never really interested me that much to be honest. I like extremes in my character 'baddies' and they are a bit to much like middle of the road for me.
        I did not see the Asgard. For me the suits were empty. They should have introduced a new race and not copy paste the SG1 story with Loki.


          Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
          Funny how far they got from the table. They used their wings. About the gate....a gate does what the DHD says. The Atlantis Gate had the only DHD with a crystal capable of locking in the galaxy chevron. Nothing more. McKay already opened it in DUET, SAM built one for the ORI supergate so it will not be difficult to replace the gate.
          Hiya hon long time no speak.

          Well in all fairness, the conference room isn't far from the 'gate room, so they had a bit of time. Oh I remember now thanks to some prodding, but my question now is that when the 'gate sort of went nuts in 48 hours, it blew the chrystal, so with this being such a huge explosion and the gate being connected at the time. Wouldn't that amount of power destroy the chrystal to?

          How convenient. Knight Rider came to save the day.
          Night Rider? Well we know the Travelers do look on at what the SGA teams are doing as in BAMSR. Remember. So if they see 'gate's blowing up left right and center. Who they gonna call?

          Felt awkward and badly written.
          They weren't my fave parts, and probably felt awkward because McKay was acting awkwardly.

          I did not see the Asgard. For me the suits were empty. They should have introduced a new race and not copy paste the SG1 story with Loki.
          I agree i'd have preffered new baddies to be honest. I don't get if they were stuck on a planet for 10k years or so, how did they obtain the materials to escape?


            Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
            Night Rider? Well we know the Travelers do look on at what the SGA teams are doing as in BAMSR. Remember. So if they see 'gate's blowing up left right and center. Who they gonna call?
            Ghostbusters oops sorry, wrong show!


              Originally posted by Ruffles View Post

              Again, to be clear, I LIKE SGA. A lot. I like almost every ep they've done. And I liked this one. I just found parts of it very disappointing.
              I have felt that disappointment this season. With Carson's eps. Whispers was a let down even though I still thought it was a decent episode. The Seed was good but not my favorite of the season. Hopefully the next ep will really have something special and it will be a good episode.


                Originally posted by Pegasus_SGA View Post
                I knew I hadn't imagined it. But with me ya never know. But if the whole of the Gate room has been blown up, wouldn't it suggest that everything connected to it would also suffer that same fate like in 48 hours with the 'gate going on the fritz, the crystal got blown up to, didn't it? So wouldn't this be the same?

                I might need to watch again I think.
                Rewatch the first 5 minutes - no, no skipping directly to the infirmary scene. When they walk through the control room you can see lots of damage but the consoles are still there. In theory, the DHD console is intact and the crystals undamaged.

                Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                I have felt that disappointment this season. With Carson's eps. Whispers was a let down even though I still thought it was a decent episode. The Seed was good but not my favorite of the season. Hopefully the next ep will really have something special and it will be a good episode.
                I am happy to say I haven't disliked any ep this season. But some are certainly much better than the others. I'd like to think I would still be disappointed even if we were having a 6th season because I do see glimmers of really good stuff occasionally. I go into each episode with an optimistic attitude, anticipating to be entertained. And I usually am. I was also disappointed with Whispers, but I can admire the risk they took in playing in a different genre (even if it's one I don't care for). I had high expectations after the build-up of FC and knowing it was the conclusion of the mid-season 2 parter which is typically some of the best episodes.

                Oh well. On to next week.
                Sig by Luciana
                My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                  WOW what an amazing ep. Definitely lived up to the hype. I've seen quite a few negative posts and I'm not sure what some people were expecting. For me this had everything I love about Atlantis and then some. The definitely upped the ante in the eminent danger this time. That was quite an explosion and if it hadn't been for the shield the whole city would have gone up. The control room definitely needs
                  a new paint job, new windows
                  and new computers.

                  Not to mention a new gate. It was great seeing the Asgard again and despite being spoiled it was still a big twist and the way it was done was brilliant. Also these Asgard definitely are not the Asgard we knew. These are a sect of Asgard that do not have the morals that the ones we knew did. These are basically the Ori of Atlantis. What I mean by that is they are an offshoot of the same species.
                  Daniel and Rodney played off of each other perfectly. They really work well together. Several of their scenes are priceless but this one definitely qualifies as my favorite and most memorable lines.

                  Daniel: So what do we do now?
                  Mckay: We have to shut down the device.
                  Daniel: How do we do that?

                  Mckay:We'll just improvise.
                  Daniel: Right!

                  Great scene. Loved seeing the Travelers again too bad we couldn't see Larin again. Nice little nod to Firefly there as well. Nice to see they can hold their own in a fight now but it almost destroyed the ship. Todd was great as always and Ronon and Keller do work well together. I was never against the love triangle and I am quite satisfied how they handled it. I've heard some say how mean of her to lead Ronon on and say sorry I don't see you that way. I didn't see it like that at all she never led him on except for the near kiss in Quarantine.
                  Very well done ep and IMO the best mid season two parter to date.
                  Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                  "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                  Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                    Originally posted by Briangate78 View Post
                    I have felt that disappointment this season. With Carson's eps. Whispers was a let down even though I still thought it was a decent episode. The Seed was good but not my favorite of the season. Hopefully the next ep will really have something special and it will be a good episode.
                    I haven't. Yet anyway. The Seed was great IMO and yeah Whispers was not a A+++++ ep but was still a decent B and fairly well done IMO.
                    Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                    "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                    Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                      I have just one problem with this episode:
                      Why oh why oh why.........WHY was Sheppard piloting the Traveller ship?
                      Don't they have their own pilot that can pull off the fancy stuff and fire the weapons?
                      I understand that he's the main character, and as such, he has to blow the bad guys up more than anyone else. But it just didn't make sense.

                      Otherwise, YAY a nice episode with yet more fancy battles.
                      What's the deal with the retardedly huge sigs?!
                      Spelling correction by Gen Blue


                        Originally posted by Voxyn View Post
                        I have just one problem with this episode:
                        Why oh why oh why.........WHY was Sheppard piloting the Traveller ship?
                        Don't they have their own pilot that can pull off the fancy stuff and fire the weapons?
                        I understand that he's the main character, and as such, he has to blow the bad guys up more than anyone else. But it just didn't make sense.
                        Don'tcha know that women are terrible drivers...err pilots. Best leave that stuff to the men and the hero of the show.

                        Eh, there may have been some lame excuse given, but I don't remember and don't care as I found that space battle laughable anyway.
                        IMO always implied.


                          I have to agree with Voxyn about Sheppard piloting the Traveler ship. It's just not smart to put an inexperienced pilot behind the helm when going into a combat situation.


                            This is Macgyver we are talking about... I mean Sheppard...He has to be everywhere otherwise dolphins stop swimming!!!!


                              Originally posted by Jeffala View Post
                              I have to agree with Voxyn about Sheppard piloting the Traveler ship. It's just not smart to put an inexperienced pilot behind the helm when going into a combat situation.
                              Shepard is far from an inexperienced pilot. He has shown he can pilot anything.
                              Proud Sam/Jack and Daniel/Vala and John/Teyla Shipper!
                              "We're Americans! Shoot the guys following us!"
                              Don S. Davis 1942-2008 R.I.P. My Friend.


                                Even a new alien ship
                                Originally posted by aretood2
                                Jelgate is right

