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The Anti Season 4 Thread (Spoilers). For complaints and misgivings ONLY.

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    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
    *keeps fingers crossed*

    If you want to know how the fight ends, there's people who have already seen it.
    I'll wait...I need something to look forward to in that ep.

    I have a Stinky Sock mix nomination: One More Minute by Weird Al Yankovic.


      Ooooh, Weird Al is goooooood! Do we have Ricky Nelson's "Garden party"?

      But it's all right now,
      I learned my lesson well.
      See you can't please everyone
      so you got to please yourself
      I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


        Originally posted by mcbarr View Post
        Question, is there a place where all the stinky albums are. i just wanna read through the songs so i dont duplicate them.

        thanks by the way for making them they are uber cool
        banner by Pandoras-box


          Originally posted by stclare View Post
          Question, is there a place where all the stinky albums are. i just wanna read through the songs so i dont duplicate them.
          Yes, there is -> The Stinky Sock Collection

          The link is also in Mcbarr's signature, and in mine... And I think in Integ's too.

          Speaking of Integ.... where is he?
          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


            Originally posted by stclare View Post
            Question, is there a place where all the stinky albums are. i just wanna read through the songs so i dont duplicate them.

            thanks by the way for making them they are uber cool
            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            Yes, there is -> The Stinky Sock Collection

            The link is also in Mcbarr's signature, and in mine... And I think in Integ's too.
            What FH said.

            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            Speaking of Integ.... where is he?
            Integra, where are you?


              Originally posted by mcbarr View Post
              What FH said.

              Integra, where are you?
              He's probably flirting w/ Scully.
              sig made by me


                Originally posted by mcbarr View Post
                Next time, expedition members will pay Keller for a lap dance.

                Originally posted by marielabbott View Post
                Um, I'm not sure they would even have to pay her.
                She would do them for free because that's just the kinda gal she


                  Originally posted by SMB_BOOKS View Post
                  Just a little post I put in the ProWeir S4 & S5 thread. My leanings toward "anti-ness" have certainly increased in the last few weeks, so I wanted to share it here....


                  I, too, think my days of watching SGA are numbered. Too many changes that I'm not too thrilled about....

                  *Torri is out with no chance of return in Season 5.
                  *Carson's back, but then again, not really because.....
                  *Keller is becoming a regular character.
                  *Larrin will be back.
                  *The team I loved (and yes, that included Elizabeth - I don't care if she wasn't on the offworld team, she was part of the team) is gone.
                  *Frat-boy, sophomoric humor is on the rise. A little is okay, but I'm seeing too much of it to suit me.
                  *The forced marrying of SG-1 and SGA. I'm getting tired of the crossovers from one show to the next. Let's allow SG-1 to rest in peace now and focus on SGA, okay?

                  I hate to say it, because I really loved this show. But, there have just been too many changes for me.

                  And, to somehow bring this back to topic - I think Season 4's Lifeline is one of Torri's greatest episodes as Elizabeth. I hate what TPTB did to this character in TMC, but at least I got to see Elizabeth in Season 4. Torri's acting was phenomenal in these two eps. And, Elizabeth had some real emotional scenes.

                  Elizabeth was NEVER a supporting character for me. SGA, for me, was not about the offworld team. It was about the expedition. Who better to be a part of the show than the character who has always been the biggest voice of advocacy for the expedition?

                  When you see all of the changes laid out like this, it makes you think, "ya it's gone from bad to worse all right".


                    Originally posted by Celcool View Post
                    I'm finally grateful for people using spoiler tags. I don't care one bit what they're hiding anymore.haha

                    Am I right, are people really not allowed to count words on the show?! what else will GW tell not to do in one's free time? LOL This forum is getting as ridiculous as the show. wth?! Why?
                    Give me an example of where you were chastised by the staff for doing this. SInce you have shut of PMs I am unable to ask you privately. Please PM me and I will look into this because to my knowledge we don't have any rule against this.
                    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                      Yes, there is -> The Stinky Sock Collection

                      The link is also in Mcbarr's signature, and in mine... And I think in Integ's too.

                      Speaking of Integ.... where is he?
                      I have never noticed that. I just look at the pretty pictures. How especially inobservant I am. Should I start writing for SGA now?

                      Also, Reiko mental super green

                      And McBarr (the Hammond comment) - stop it, I just spat out all my drink
                      Last edited by gateraid; 12 February 2008, 09:06 PM.


                        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                        Yes, there is -> The Stinky Sock Collection

                        The link is also in Mcbarr's signature, and in mine... And I think in Integ's too.

                        Speaking of Integ.... where is he?
                        **raises hand ***

                        I had a very busy day yesterday . Spent over 16 hours driving and every inch of my sexy self hurts .

                        He's probably flirting w/ Scully.
                        She would have to go home because I do not have the energy to fool around .

                        Hugs and kisses for everyone who missed me


                        I hope you guys noticed the pink .


                          Nice to see you back Integra *Hugs*


                            Guys, how come the new Captain...
                            has been trying on the old 'lantis uniforms? Can we hope for the old uniforms to come back? That would be awesome.


                              Originally posted by gateraid View Post
                              And McBarr (the Hammond comment) - stop it, I just spat out all my drink

                              Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
                              **raises hand ***
                              Welcome back!

                              Originally posted by dana View Post
                              Guys, how come the new Captain...
                              has been trying on the old 'lantis uniforms? Can we hope for the old uniforms to come back? That would be awesome.
                              The one from GW's front page? Isn't that the s4 uniform?

