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Ronon Dex Discussion Thread (possible spoilers)

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    After seven years on the run, as Ronan was, I guess he would be lost without the goatee.


      Originally posted by greytop
      Is he keeping the goatee? I hope not, I like hime better without it.
      Originally posted by wizzy502
      As far as I know the dreads and goatee are staying
      Poor greytop, can you ask Jason to shave the goatee because greytop finds him more attractive without the goatee
      "Love is not for life, it's for one week only" Wass

      “You have to stay in shape. My grandmother, she started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 today and we don't know where the hell she is.” Ellen DeGeners

      “You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is 'never try'.” Homer Simpson

      “It took me fifteen years to discover I had no talent for writing, but I couldn't give it up, because by that time I was too famous.” Robert Benchley

      “What is it with McDonald's staff who pretend they don't understand you unless you insert the 'Mc' before the item you're ordering? It has to be a McChicken burger...a chicken burger gets blank looks. Well, I'll have a McStraw and jam it into your McEyes, you f**cking Mc******!” Billy Connolly

      “Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes. After that, who cares? ...He's a mile away and you've got his shoes.” Billy Connolly


        The episode Trinity has to do with Ronon Dex character. Stated by GateWorld.


          Goodness, I'm surprised nobody has seen through the addition of Ronen Dex to SGA.

          Dex is the Teal'c stereotype. Big, tough, grim alien warrior who knows the enemy's weaknesses.

          Teyla has to stay because she provides some of the Daniel Jackson role (the specialist on local cultures) and some of the later Carter elements (like Carter's ability to sense Goa'uld from the naquata in their blood to Teyla's
          Wraith detection via shared DNA

          Sheppard, of course, is just a slightly altered and rebadged Jack O'Neill.

          Ronen Dex is simply closer to the Stargate formula than Ford is... Ford is the classic Red Shirt from Star Trek:TOS. Be glad the character will at least have something interesting happen to him and he will continue to appear in the show.

          As to the new guy: whatever he does, think of Teal'c in a similar situation. If there is any substantive variation between the two, I'll be shocked.


            Originally posted by Darth Buddha
            Goodness, I'm surprised nobody has seen through the addition of Ronen Dex to SGA.
            Dex is the Teal'c stereotype. Big, tough, grim alien warrior who knows the enemy's weaknesses.
            Others have already made similar comparisons:
            Originally posted by Shadowmaat
            I hope that all of the preliminary character stuff we've heard turns out to be inaccurate. Thus far, he sounds too much like a pumped-up version of Ford. I'm trying to keep an open mind, but I admit I'm biased against him. I love Ford, I don't like the initial description of Dex and I don't have any faith in the chosen actor... *shrug* Like I said, I'll watch the show regardless, but I hope that Dex turns out a lot better than he sounds so far.
            Originally posted by Lord Anubis
            Whatever. I don't like how he looks. Besides, he's just another Teal'c and Teyla. I never said I wanted unique, but adding another soldier would be consistent, but why bring in another "alien", especially one who's used to being a loner? I bet his personality is gonna be just grand!
            Originally posted by Shadowmaat
            If Teyla and Ronon are both "experts" in the Wraith, why not sideline Teyla? Yes, I know, they need the Sexy Alien Female. But Ronon's basically the Sexy Alien Male, so it's close enough for me. Sexy Alien Anythings are all useless as far as I'm concerned.
            Originally posted by prion
            I'm holding out judgement on the character until I see him. I DON'T want to see him be another noble savage Klingon / Jaffa type character, who is always out to avenge some wrong (and then consequently, gets the team into trouble - Teal'c's done it enough, and I stopped watching Trek due to the Klingon ad naseum storylines).
            Originally posted by SaharaGate
            This Ronon guy sounds like Teyla and Ford rolled into one - that makes him unneccessary and superfluous already. Just because Ford was underdeveloped in the first season is no reason to start from *scratch* with a new character. How is that an improvement?? Build on the existing foundations, don't start a new sandcastle
            "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


              I'm excited to see the Ronon/Aiden fight scene that BamBam was talking about. I'm really sad that Ford is leaving, but I'm going to try really hard to give Jason/Ronon a chance. I haven't seen anything that Jason Momoa has been he a good actor? I'd hate to stereotype him because he was on Baywatch.
              Secretary-General of GATO ¤ Defender of F.O.R.D.


                Originally posted by Major Tyler
                I haven't seen anything that Jason Momoa has been he a good actor? I'd hate to stereotype him because he was on Baywatch.
                That's the only thing I have seen him in, too. Like you I'm going to give him a chance. He even might be better as Ronon Dex than what he has in, so far.


                  I have not seen any of his work but I hope he turns out good like everyone else I will give him chance see what he is like.
                  "Love is not for life, it's for one week only" Wass

                  “You have to stay in shape. My grandmother, she started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 today and we don't know where the hell she is.” Ellen DeGeners

                  “You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is 'never try'.” Homer Simpson

                  “It took me fifteen years to discover I had no talent for writing, but I couldn't give it up, because by that time I was too famous.” Robert Benchley

                  “What is it with McDonald's staff who pretend they don't understand you unless you insert the 'Mc' before the item you're ordering? It has to be a McChicken burger...a chicken burger gets blank looks. Well, I'll have a McStraw and jam it into your McEyes, you f**cking Mc******!” Billy Connolly

                  “Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes. After that, who cares? ...He's a mile away and you've got his shoes.” Billy Connolly


                    Originally posted by Wass
                    I have not seen any of his work but I hope he turns out good like everyone else I will give him chance see what he is like.
                    I never watched Baywatch, so I had no idea who Jason Mamoa was. I was fortunate to see some clips at the Vancouver Con, of his upcoming debut in the second season of SGA. I think he's going to be GREAT! I was very impressed with is acting ability, his "presence" and he is not very hard on the eyes either.

                    I also don't think he is being used as a stereotypical "Teal'C".......I believe the character of Ronan Dex will be developed in a completely different vein. So, why don't we withhold final judgement until July? Personally, I'm really looking forward to seeing him in the role.
                    On fighting:
                    Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
                    Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


                      Originally posted by greytop
                      Since it is official that Jason Momoa is to play him. I thought we need to start a thread to discuss his character in general.

                      Personally I think he is not needed but will give him time before I start making judgements ..
                      If his Character is fleshed out appropiately and not simply taking time away from the established characters which is the thing I'm dreading
                      I'm not sure why he has to come on but TPTB seem to feel he does so ...
                      Time will tell I'm sure ..



                        I want to be open-minded with Dex, but I can't help but associate his arrival with Ford's departure. I hate the way TPTB are white-washing the cast. First Bates, then Ford, then...wait, that's about all of the non-white cast they had in the first place! Sure we have Teyla, but she's an alien...aliens are supposed to be different by virtue of their alien-ness.

                        What I want are non-white actors playing non-white characters that aren't aliens. I want someone that minorities and non-Americans can directly relate is supposed to be an international expedition after all, not a club with "whites only" posted above the door.


                          Why must color always be an issue? Until this was brought up here, I never once thought about it. Why don't you take a good hard look at many shows have ALL black casts? Do you complain about them?

                          I think the TPTB, who write the shows, don't cast the shows. I'm sure they have final say, but I don't think they pick out colors before hand. But what do I know? I'm not one of the writers, producers, etc. Why don't you ask Joe or Martin?

                          I just watch the shows, enjoy them and never think, wow, what a great (insert color) actor!
                          On fighting:
                          Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
                          Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


                            I'm gonna give ronan/jason momoa a chance even though I'd rather stick with Ford; he brought some fresh youthfulness to the show. but I can't wait to see wether ford's change really is better for the show, he should be a lot more interesting ( if it's not cheesy). I think if your a great actor you can make a mediocre script or a cliche character fun to watch. As for the non-white cast thing I do like a balance of people, isn't that what exploring brand new exciting, cool (etc.) places is all about, you know meeting new people (making allies or enemies),discovering stuff, and doing it with other people (just one of the things that makes stargate awesome IMO) but people can get way overboard and nit-picky on the whole race deal. I say just relax, and enjoy.
                            -Hey, isn't jason momoa a non-white after all.-correct me if I'm wrong.
                            Last edited by !Dorentus!; 20 May 2005, 09:27 PM.
                            Things I've learned about the Stargate Universe:
                            1. Don't kiss a goa'uld.
                            2. Don't shake hands with a Wraith.
                            3. Whacko! are the Ori. It's their way or the hot way.


                              Originally posted by Jonas Quinn
                              I want to be open-minded with Dex, but I can't help but associate his arrival with Ford's departure. I hate the way TPTB are white-washing the cast. First Bates, then Ford, then...wait, that's about all of the non-white cast they had in the first place! Sure we have Teyla, but she's an alien...aliens are supposed to be different by virtue of their alien-ness.

                              What I want are non-white actors playing non-white characters that aren't aliens. I want someone that minorities and non-Americans can directly relate is supposed to be an international expedition after all, not a club with "whites only" posted above the door.
                              Underneath all the the bitterness I do think you make a valid point. Given that the show is about an international team, the fact that all the principle (non-alien) characters and most of the secondary characters are all white is very conspicuous.
                              Originally posted by Lida
                              Why must color always be an issue?
                              It's unfortunate that color has to be an issue, but it is.
                              Originally posted by Lida
                              Until this was brought up here, I never once thought about it.
                              That's exactly the problem.
                              Originally posted by Lida
                              Why don't you take a good hard look at many shows have ALL black casts? Do you complain about them?
                              Name one show with an all black cast.
                              Originally posted by Lida
                              I just watch the shows, enjoy them and never think, wow, what a great (insert color) actor!
                              Yeah, because you just said you don't notice the absence of non-whites, so why should I expect you to notice them at all?
                              Liaison of F.O.R.D.
                              Click here to help Save Ford!


                                Name one show with an all black cast.Yeah, because you just said you don't notice the absence of non-whites, so why should I expect you to notice them at all?[/QUOTE]
                                well, just a helpful reminder ; there's bernie mac and the cosby show (some of my personal favorites) and don't forget we've got all of BET to watch and that's just the stuff I can remember. I guess what I'm saying is I enjoy a show based on whether it's good or not, not because of the color of the people in it. I get your point though: International Expedition= people of every country,color,culture etc. (makes sense), But I really don't think TPTB moved Ford on purpose for anything close to that reason
                                Things I've learned about the Stargate Universe:
                                1. Don't kiss a goa'uld.
                                2. Don't shake hands with a Wraith.
                                3. Whacko! are the Ori. It's their way or the hot way.

