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Radek Zelenka/David Nykl Appreciation, Thunk, Translation Thread

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    Originally posted by belevision View Post
    That does sound like a lot of fun! Sometimes very different personality types can play off each other really well.
    The class is great. It's fun, it's relaxing, it's challenging and just a unique experience.

    The hardest part with Improv is not to negate the other persons idea or the audience's suggestions...we've both been in class long enough and are working hard on not negating - it's tough, 'cause people in general tend to do it without realizing that we do it.
    Our different styles and personalities seem to compliment each other when we do scenes together which really makes it fun!

    It would be fun to do some Improv scenes with this guy!



      Originally posted by Rosehawk View Post
      The class is great. It's fun, it's relaxing, it's challenging and just a unique experience.

      The hardest part with Improv is not to negate the other persons idea or the audience's suggestions...we've both been in class long enough and are working hard on not negating - it's tough, 'cause people in general tend to do it without realizing that we do it.
      That actually sounds like it would be useful practice to apply to other areas of life (I know I could use to remember that sometimes).

      Originally posted by Rosehawk View Post
      Our different styles and personalities seem to compliment each other when we do scenes together which really makes it fun!

      It would be fun to do some Improv scenes with this guy!
      It would indeed!


        Originally posted by belevision View Post
        That actually sounds like it would be useful practice to apply to other areas of life (I know I could use to remember that sometimes).
        You definitely can apply it to other areas in life. It's a good way to learn to relax and do presentations, talk to people, etc. Where I take classes, they do offer corporate seminars. I like it because it helped me get back in touch with a part of me that I had lost, actually just hid deep inside, because of alot of stuff I had been through in my past. Improv is really bringing a part out in me that I really like (and missed) and the people in the class are great!

        A friend of mine, when she came for a visit last year, showed me some video's she took of David doing Improv at a convention she went to a few years ago. David was simply hilarious! He's a bit of a natural at Improv! Course he's had plenty of time to learn the art but I still think he is a natural at it!



          Originally posted by belevision View Post
          It's 45 degrees here, the sun's out, and it's snowing. So weird.
          That reads so weird, if you are used to use Celsius

          We have 6°C, its nasty, nasty nasty and as far as I know it's not better in Vancouver

          Just 5 days until I start!
          The cake is a lie!


            Hey *thunkers* and Radek fans! There's an awesome fan video featured on the main GW page, and it stars Radek! Here's a direct link to it too:


              Originally posted by iolanda View Post
              That reads so weird, if you are used to use Celsius
              We have 6°C, its nasty, nasty nasty and as far as I know it's not better in Vancouver

              Just 5 days until I start!

              Either way, it's still cold! We got snowflakes and it is suppose to snow this weekend.
              Vancouver will probably be wet and cold by the time you get there but hopefully it will be nice for the convention!
              I know I would like a bit of sunshine as I am on vacation next week and we are going to be doing alot of walking!

              Be sure to share any of your David stories on this or David's appreciation thread!




                Originally posted by iolanda View Post
                That reads so weird, if you are used to use Celsius

                We have 6°C, its nasty, nasty nasty and as far as I know it's not better in Vancouver

                Just 5 days until I start!
                Yeah I think if it were that warm, I would be thinking the flakes were ash instead of snow.

                Hopefully the weather gets better out there; it was freezing here yesterday but today isn't bad.





                    LOL Rosehawk... that last one you posted begs a dirty caption.... I just can't think of one right now.


                      Originally posted by belevision View Post
                      LOL Rosehawk... that last one you posted begs a dirty caption.... I just can't think of one right now.
                      Yeah, I know...isn't it great!


                      Radek: I suppose after watching Rodney do the Hulu Hoop, it's probably not a good time to tell Elizabeth that I would like to see her Hulu Hoop!



                        OMG, this thread is gonna get quiet when I am on vacation.

                        Belevision, post lots of piccies please and I will be on a serious Zelenka withdrawal if I can't get on-line for a whole week!

                        If I can get on-line I will, since I am going with 7 teenagers, at some point I am going to need some serious downtime, or should I say Zelenka *Thunk* time!




                          Originally posted by Rosehawk View Post
                          OMG, this thread is gonna get quiet when I am on vacation.

                          Belevision, post lots of piccies please and I will be on a serious Zelenka withdrawal if I can't get on-line for a whole week!

                          If I can get on-line I will, since I am going with 7 teenagers, at some point I am going to need some serious downtime, or should I say Zelenka *Thunk* time!



                          Gosh, I know... I hope you can sneak online- I'm going to be *THUNKING* here by myself, unless some of our other visitors pop in from time to time.

                          When are you leaving? Is this your last evening on, or will you be around over the weekend? I'll make sure there's something for you to see when you return.

                          Love those pics you posted! *snags them*


                            Originally posted by belevision View Post
                            Gosh, I know... I hope you can sneak online- I'm going to be *THUNKING* here by myself, unless some of our other visitors pop in from time to time.
                            We've lost a few due to the changes. They may or may not come back, otherwise this thread typically just has occasional visitors that post!

                            David is at the Creation Vancouver convention next Friday so hopefully we will have some new convention pics posted by those who attend. David's doing the Caberet. I would so love to see what he would do at the Caberet! One of my friends is getting me another David autograph! I am just finishing up the pic - it's a collage of pics from the Chicago convention. I had such a fun time meeting David, Chuck, Tony, Alex and the rest of the talent, David's autograph for that event just seems like the appropriate crowning touch for a very very fun convention last year!

                            When are you leaving? Is this your last evening on, or will you be around over the weekend? I'll make sure there's something for you to see when you return.
                            Tomorrow morning at 6:00 am! So yep, this is my last evening on for a few days unless I can find internet access as I do want to check my home e-mails as well as get a Radek *thunk* in here and there. I will be lucky to get a few hours of sleep tonight. Everyone just wants everything this week. And we won't be back until the following Saturday, late! I'm so excited. I haven't had a vacation (other than a long weekend) in a really really long time!

                            Originally posted by belevision
                            Love those pics you posted! *snags them*
                            What's not to love with Radek!



                              Well, I hope you have a fabulous time!

                              I know exactly what you mean about everyone wanting something right before you go on vacation. I hope you can still get some rest! Here's a little something for sweet dreams...


                                Originally posted by belevision View Post
                                Well, I hope you have a fabulous time!
                                Thanks. I'm excited.

                                Great, there's a snowstorm on the way. Suppose to hit both here and Chicago this weekend. Just lovely, lovely indeed! We planned on walking alot! Guess we will have to bundle up. And I will have to bring my clone to keep me warm!

                                Originally posted by belevision
                                I know exactly what you mean about everyone wanting something right before you go on vacation. I hope you can still get some rest! Here's a little something for sweet dreams...
                                Work was a nightmare! And then there was all the errands and stuff I had to get done. Geezzzzzzz! I hope I can sleep on the way. It will be hard as I will be in chaprone mode, taking care of several teens and the radar will constantly be on!

                                Some lovely *THUNKS* and then off to bed!



