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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Strey View Post
    Been having fun reading Erika's new fic - lots of lovely whump! She's posting the links here, so I won't be, but - here's another fic rec - Obliterated by Kreek. 9 chapters up so far, and it's really clever and well written. Shep whump emotionally and physically, plus a hefty dose of both for McKay, too, though in a very different way. Will post again when it's complete, but it seems to be updated regularly. The boys are in big trouble... Well, duh... Treat yourselves!

    EDIT: apparently 16 chapters in total, and it's finished, so I have no qualms about reccing this one.

    Erika's is 11 chapters, and she's posting daily! Yay!
    Thanks for the recs. I'm so behind on my fic read. I have time tonight but I'm already tired!

    Originally posted by shepsgirl72 View Post
    And I promised myself I was going to work on my novel for my agent this past few weeks...oh, well. Thanks to the recession, things are pretty quiet in the book publishing world, so I guess she won't be in a rush to have it!
    Originally posted by Strey View Post
    I'm currently plotting who to send my fic to. And whether or not to bother with a sequel. It's just as hard to catch an agent as it is to catch a publisher. Still, at least it's done!
    *daydreamz about movie rights and merchandising... *
    Cool that so many SGA fanfic writers are pro writers. The fandom benefits greatly and the writers enrich the quality of fanfic, pushing the boundaries and expectations.

    Originally posted by maggs View Post
    Wow quite a catch up...

    I won't pitch fruit your way...

    but I must admit I liked David Soul way back when S&H was on. Used to argue with my neighbor over who was cuter. Looking back - I'm not sure why I liked him more cause PMG was definitely more attractive.

    I met both DS and PMG a few years ago and must say that they were both the nicest and coolest people ever. Both are actually still handsome but DS looks a little more worn out and shows his age. PMG has aged better. Took a picture with them and... they were both flirty in a funny way. When the picture was snapped - PMG had is hand on my butt... it was hilarious.
    You're very lucky Maggs!

    I remembered totally liking PMG. Although I vaguely remember a scene where DS's Hutch was stabbed while he was showering. He had to try and hide from the stalker or something. I remembered liking that... must be the whumper gene in me, already expressing so strongly at such an early age.

    LOL. I too suffer from SCF. A little tip
    if you have a computer with a camera. Macs have Photobooth. Late at night when no one is around - you can take pictures of yourself. Your face is on the screen and you can identify those exceptionally stupid expressions... not that I've done it...
    about the self portraits! I hate self portraits, especially the ones where I hold the camera at arms distance... so NOT flattering! I think my camera on a tripod will still be cringe worthy! But I suppose it is an exercise in (A) working on ridding the SCF or (B) learn to take better pics!!

    Originally posted by Strey View Post
    Ooh, lucky you! Luffs PMG. He's still a looker. He was a wonderful Starsky. He and DS played off well against each other. Luffs buddy stuff. Shep/Ronon, Shep/McKay. *sigh* Don't think it happens so much with girls, but I could be wrong.
    Originally posted by maggs View Post
    Buddy stuff is the best. There must be some with girls but I can't think of any now.
    I'm sure they are out there but somehow girl buddy scenes don't seem to stick in my mind. I don't know... Charlie's Angels? Charm? Buffy?

    Doesn't count but Alexis Colby cat fighting with Crystal Carrington in Dynasty is pretty iconic.

    Originally posted by Lorr View Post
    ITA about buddy stuff. In SGA it was team stuff. I just wish we'd gotten a bit more of it. I will never understand the need to split the team up so often!
    Love SGA team (and SG-1 team too). I like the buddy moments between Shep and Ronon or Shep and McKay but I really enjoy the ones with the whole team. The little smirks, eye rolls, eyebrow lifts they give to each other... I miss them.

    I'm off to fetch some more fics to load onto my Kindle. I am so happy, and grateful to all writers, to have SGA with Shep whump to read on my vacation! I shall not be bored.
    Hey, you got your kindle! Can they be customized to display pics, wallies, etc?

    Originally posted by Strey View Post
    ITA, but if there's bloody good whump, I'll merrily peek through my fingers at anything remotely squicky, stick fingers in ears, and sing, 'la la la' - whatever it takes, so long as the fic is well written, clever or insightful. (Obviously I need at least 3 sets of hands here, for peeking through, blocking ears and for navigating my laptop. ) The only thing I will never, ever be able to handle is deathfic. Seen too much of the real thing. I need escapism, not reminders. Luffs post-whump hugs and back rubs and squishes and surreptitious nods. Guh... Ultimately, there has to be an element of hope to my mind.
    That's pretty much me too for het and slash fics.

    But I'm fine with deathfics - I don't mind a good cry. I love all sorts of whump but my favorite would probably be Shep angst - my left wrist starts hurting when I read those really strong passages, especially the ones where he doubts his self worth or when the team tries to convince him otherwise. Wrist pain twinges combined with tears... really good fic. Hits the right spot, literally.

    Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
    Hey all, I've been lurking and trying to take care of a few things. Need to take my car to the body shop on Monday to get an estimate for fixing some scratches - including one bad one I did myself today (stupid parking garage pillar and SUV - me trying to go down the ramp and had take a corner sharper than I wanted because of stupid SUV coming up the ramp and turning left like he wasn't supposed to). Debating how much I can pay and if it's worth dealing with insurance (I have a high deductible).
    Ugh... bad SUV driver. How bad are the scratches? I avoid dealing with the insurance company as much as I can.

    Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
    I hope so too. At worst, I'll run it through insurance and deal with fallout when I have to renew in 5 1/2 months. Does make me think about cutting back on my spending for the LA con. Just how many photo ops do I need?
    Hard to decide... pretty pic of Flan with you (or JF and PMG with you), or pretty car...
    Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
    Hey! Sorry! Here... sorta.... been hammering out an outline to start a new whump story. Can you believe its not either of the two ideas I had but another one? *rolls eyes* Guess i'll save the other two for some other time. Hope to start this tonight Got to get some dinner first though
    Is that what "plot bunnies" refer to? 'cause one thing leads to another and next thing you know, too many ideas?


      Originally posted by Strey View Post
      Oh, just toss me some whippy drippy blood, and I'm well happy!
      Yes! And abuse, lots of abuse I've been so wanting poor John picked on and beat on by guys bigger than him.

      And John...
      abused and experimented on until he's all nervous and skittish and feral and attacking anyone he thinks is going to hurt him. And Ronon keeps having to stun him, but it only makes things worse. So he finally grabs John, holding him as he struggles and the team talks to him until he calms down. But he's still nervous and skittish, so they have to be careful. But the IOA wants him sent back to earth! But if he's around anyone but his team, he goes nuts, and there are restraints involved, and struggling until his wrists bleed and he breaks his arms. His team helps him escape and they somehow manage to go off world where they nurse him back to health and help him fight his demons until he's functional... or it can be left with them wandering from world to world, maybe with a sequel where they finally return to Atlantis. Or Atlantis finds them. Or something happens to Atlantis...

      Gah! silence the plot bunnies! Silence them!
      Kick-butt space pirate. And proud of it.


        Originally posted by CritterCreator View Post
        Yes! And abuse, lots of abuse I've been so wanting poor John picked on and beat on by guys bigger than him.

        And John...
        abused and experimented on until he's all nervous and skittish and feral and attacking anyone he thinks is going to hurt him. And Ronon keeps having to stun him, but it only makes things worse. So he finally grabs John, holding him as he struggles and the team talks to him until he calms down. But he's still nervous and skittish, so they have to be careful. But the IOA wants him sent back to earth! But if he's around anyone but his team, he goes nuts, and there are restraints involved, and struggling until his wrists bleed and he breaks his arms. His team helps him escape and they somehow manage to go off world where they nurse him back to health and help him fight his demons until he's functional... or it can be left with them wandering from world to world, maybe with a sequel where they finally return to Atlantis. Or Atlantis finds them. Or something happens to Atlantis...

        Gah! silence the plot bunnies! Silence them!
        Now why does that remind me of a certain writer's style, that I seriously can't get enough of, and that I'm well busy reading right now? Hm, let me think. Nope, not coming to me! Not that I'm reading The Good Fight again, or that I just read No Matter Where You Go or Waiting For John just today. Guh. Do not silence teh plot bunnehs! Nooo... *handz plot bunniez megaphonez and sundry digital recording devicez and big, big stickz*

        EDIT: joking aside, if you have fic where our boy is sent offworld by the team instead of back to the SGC, I'm so there. Yummm! Maybe he can still save the day even while disfunctional, because of the ATA gene, which, as we all know, was never fully exploited in canon. Grr.
        Last edited by Strey; 18 July 2009, 06:37 PM.


          I really do want to write something like that one day: John incredibly broken, or drugged, or with amnesia, and wild and feral because of it. I usually make him timid, so would like to go in another direction.

          But it'll have to wait. Big Bang and the original fic and promised fic and wild plot bunnies attacking me out of the blue with strange AU ideas are a hair's breadth away from overloading my brain *twitches*

          Speaking of promised fic, I still haven't figured out a plot where Sheppard ends up on his knees and whumped in front of his team. I feel bad about that, but I'm still trying, dang it! I will not give up on it!

          Must go now. Things to watch, to write, to whump.
          Kick-butt space pirate. And proud of it.


            Originally posted by CritterCreator View Post
            I really do want to write something like that one day: John incredibly broken, or drugged, or with amnesia, and wild and feral because of it. I usually make him timid, so would like to go in another direction.

            But it'll have to wait. Big Bang and the original fic and promised fic and wild plot bunnies attacking me out of the blue with strange AU ideas are a hair's breadth away from overloading my brain *twitches*

            Speaking of promised fic, I still haven't figured out a plot where Sheppard ends up on his knees and whumped in front of his team. I feel bad about that, but I'm still trying, dang it! I will not give up on it!

            Must go now. Things to watch, to write, to whump.
            Whumped in front of his team. Kneeling. Oh, yeah... Still waiting on that one... Remember, you promised right here! More than once! We whumpers will keep you to it! Tag fic? To Broken Ties, mayhaps?


              Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
              *waves at whumpers and goes off to start her story....*
              Now this is what I like to read!!!!

              Hey CC!! Glad to see you around again! You and Strey had a great convo.

              No whumpage for me today. It was beautiful weather, good friends and good food for my first day of vacation....which also happened to be my Wedding Anniversary. 17 years with Hubby and he still puts up with me. I guess I shouldn't tell him about whump. He might not want another 17 years.


                Originally posted by Skylore View Post
                Is that what "plot bunnies" refer to? 'cause one thing leads to another and next thing you know, too many ideas?
                heheheh... those are the nasty little things that attach themselves to your ankles and refuse to let go until you write the story. The ones that keep you up until all hours of the night writing because you can't stop.

                Plot bunnies are Evil!!!

                I think I've caged those other two for now but I have a couple pretty firmly attached. *sigh* hehe

                Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                Now this is what I like to read!!!!
                hehehehe... working on it!
                My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                  Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                  It's me again.

                  Conversion icons.
                  All snurchable.


                  Those are awesome!
                  Thanks for sharing!
                  That is one of my favorite episodes


                    Originally posted by CritterCreator View Post
                    I can watch them...

                    by Thinking "they're not really dead!" Because they didn't actually show them die . I already did a Vegas tag. One of these days I'd really like to write a tag about the fate of the clone-team. but those pesky nanites keep getting in the way of all the yummy whump possibilities. I need to figure out a way to destroy the nanites without the clone team dying.
                    Originally posted by CritterCreator View Post
                    Speaking of promised fic, I still haven't figured out a plot where Sheppard ends up on his knees and whumped in front of his team. I feel bad about that, but I'm still trying, dang it! I will not give up on it!
                    But maybe we can utilized the nanites after all, and kill 2 Sheps with one stone?
                    Clone!Team are captured and brought to a wraith outpost for study. A notTodd wraith scientist attempts to reprogram the nanites to shut down permanently but only manages to make the nanites work insufficiently slow. Clone!Shep is forced to his knees and tortured in front of his team again and again and again to force clone!McKay to help with the nanite coding. I realize whumping clone!Shep is not the same as whumping Shep, but sluggish nanites can make for very slow, painful healing, and clone!Shep obviously feels pain, harbors old nightmares and worries...

                    just a thought
                    Originally posted by Strey View Post
                    Whumped in front of his team. Kneeling. Oh, yeah... Still waiting on that one... Remember, you promised right here! More than once! We whumpers will keep you to it! Tag fic? To Broken Ties, mayhaps?
                    AU to Broken Ties? Where the wraith male tries to convert Shep too?

                    Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                    heheheh... those are the nasty little things that attach themselves to your ankles and refuse to let go until you write the story. The ones that keep you up until all hours of the night writing because you can't stop.

                    Plot bunnies are Evil!!!

                    I think I've caged those other two for now but I have a couple pretty firmly attached. *sigh* hehe
                    If Shep wants the whump writers to stop, he'll have to seek out and fight the Killer Rabbit, the defender of all plot bunnies. Hmm, sure, let's wish him "luck".


                      Originally posted by Skylore View Post
                      If Shep wants the whump writers to stop, he'll have to seek out and fight the Killer Rabbit, the defender of all plot bunnies. Hmm, sure, let's wish him "luck".
                      No one has been able to stop them yet! I have a cage full of them, only 2 attached tome at the moment... .

                      They're like Iratus Bugs. Once they get a hold of you, they don't let go and suck the life out of you until you finish writing their story! LOL

                      *eyes cage warily and backs slowly away....*
                      My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                        Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                        No one has been able to stop them yet! I have a cage full of them, only 2 attached tome at the moment... .

                        They're like Iratus Bugs. Once they get a hold of you, they don't let go and suck the life out of you until you finish writing their story! LOL

                        *eyes cage warily and backs slowly away....*
                        *Hmm, imagines iratus bunnies* innocent-looking fluffy white bunnies chittering away incessantly, building web traps using Sheppard clones as bait.

                        Or, *imagines wraith bunnies* Pink Queen bunny with flowing white mane bends you to your knees with her rabbit's foot and commands you to "Write me" (echoes).


                          Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                          No whumpage for me today. It was beautiful weather, good friends and good food for my first day of vacation....which also happened to be my Wedding Anniversary. 17 years with Hubby and he still puts up with me. I guess I shouldn't tell him about whump. He might not want another 17 years.
                          Happy anniversary hon!


                            Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                            Now this is what I like to read!!!!

                            Hey CC!! Glad to see you around again! You and Strey had a great convo.

                            No whumpage for me today. It was beautiful weather, good friends and good food for my first day of vacation....which also happened to be my Wedding Anniversary. 17 years with Hubby and he still puts up with me. I guess I shouldn't tell him about whump. He might not want another 17 years.
                            Happy Anniversary!

                            No, don't tell hubby about whump. In some cases, ignorance really is bliss!

                            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                            Happy anniversary hon!
                            Good morning! I hope you got a good night's sleep.

                            Skylore, I'm not sure what kind of graphics I can load on the Kindle. I need to woork it all out.


                              Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                              Good morning! I hope you got a good night's sleep.
                              Meh. Not bad. Went to bed not too long after midnight and Aimee woke me up at around 5:45am. Would normally go back to sleep after feeding her etc but couldn't get off to sleep so after half an hour gave up and got up!

                              Aimee and hubby are both still fast asleep!


                                Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                                Meh. Not bad. Went to bed not too long after midnight and Aimee woke me up at around 5:45am. Would normally go back to sleep after feeding her etc but couldn't get off to sleep so after half an hour gave up and got up!

                                Aimee and hubby are both still fast asleep!
                                So not fair!

                                Anyway, I am off to beddy-bye myself. Goodnight!

