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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Pocus View Post
    No just showed how well you fit in here!

    Oh no!! Not a fun way to start off a break. Hope he feels better soon!

    See problem! We find many ways to whump the poor guy. I don't think he can even brush his teeth safely.
    That'd be a funny fic - after a long stressful day, Shep goes back to his quarters in search of some peace. Little did he know, danger was lurking in his bathroom....

    Poor Shep...not


      Originally posted by Strey View Post
      RL whump - my poor daughter...
      tripped on her bedding as she was climbing out her bunk bed. She hit her face, and bit right through her tongue. Talk about blood everywhere. She needed stitches in her tongue, for crying out loud! Gah, it was awful, but she was very brave. I don't do RL whump, and certainly not kids, my own at that.

      She's home now, and totally zonked from the sedative. I'm sitting in bed with her, messing around on my laptop.
      oh gosh! the poor thing! hope she feels better soon...

      Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
      Morning all - it's raining here again (started about 4:30 AM - nothing like waking up to a huge crack of thunder). I've got towels at the bottom of one of my sets of french doors in case the water gets too high (it's actually rained hard enough that it's not draining) and of course the cat has taken advantage of his new nest.

      Right now I'm just picturing Shep in the middle of a field, far from the gate, soaked to the bone and worried about lightning....
      raining here too. has been all day. and, of course, today us the day that hubby had booked the car in for sevice and mot so i had to drive it to the garage this morning and walk home - half hour walk, mostly uphill! - with aimee in the pushchair, in the rain. And later thius afternoon i get to do it all again in reverse - in the rain - to collect the car!! aaaargh!!!

      p.s. plz excuse the total lack of capital letters - am typing 1-handed due to baby sleeping on my other arm/lap and using the shift key is just too much effort!


        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
        oh gosh! the poor thing! hope she feels better soon...

        raining here too. has been all day. and, of course, today us the day that hubby had booked the car in for sevice and mot so i had to drive it to the garage this morning and walk home - half hour walk, mostly uphill! - with aimee in the pushchair, in the rain. And later thius afternoon i get to do it all again in reverse - in the rain - to collect the car!! aaaargh!!!

        p.s. plz excuse the total lack of capital letters - am typing 1-handed due to baby sleeping on my other arm/lap and using the shift key is just too much effort!
        At least that counts as a workout, right?


          Originally posted by jodz92 View Post
          Hey whumpers!

          I'm new here - well new as a member. I have been looking at this thread for a while now, but confidence has kept me back from joining in. However I have now decided that I should get an account to be faithful to all the other whumpers out there!

          Anyway, I am a die hard whumper, Shep whump is the best kind of Shep IMO, I have too many fav episodes, but Search and Rescue and Common Ground are up the top. In too many episodes we were denied whump

          Welcome to the whump thread! We're delighted you decided to join us. And great choices of fav eps.
          Sig by Luciana
          My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


            Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
            Yikes!! On the plus side, maybe this will convince her she never wants to pierce her tongue?
            Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
            At least that counts as a workout, right?
            I get the feeling you're a 'the glass is half full' kind of person.
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              Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
              Welcome to the whump thread! We're delighted you decided to join us. And great choices of fav eps.
              Thank you for the welcome! I'm glad to be here


                Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                At least that counts as a workout, right?
                true, i guess. and the exercise will come in handy. have rejoined ww and lost 2lb my furst week!

                Originally posted by shepsgirl72 View Post
                I get the feeling you're a 'the glass is half full' kind of person.
                sure seems that way, doesn't it?


                  Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                  true, i guess. and the exercise will come in handy. have rejoined ww and lost 2lb my furst week!

                  WW - every mother's best friend. Congrats on the weight loss. I used to stick both mine in a tandem buggy and trapse arround the village. Great exercise pushing something in the region of 4 stone for two miles.

                  Spoilered for OT:
                  I think WW is brilliant. I have picked back up on my WW eating regime to lose a little bit of weight for a wedding. I lost 24 pounds last year when I was a member, put about 3 back on in eight months which isn't too bad, but would now like to lose about 7 to get back into better shape. I'm hitting the exercise bike and stomach crunches because the knees don't care much for walking at the moment! I made the mistake of going to Lincoln last weekend and tackling Steep Hill --mistake!!
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                    Originally posted by shepsgirl72 View Post
                    I get the feeling you're a 'the glass is half full' kind of person.
                    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                    true, i guess. and the exercise will come in handy. have rejoined ww and lost 2lb my furst week!

                    sure seems that way, doesn't it?
                    Let's just say I know where the line on the glass is, and that there's no use stewing over some things. However, I've also had some stuff happen in my life that I haven't gotten over, even though it's been 20+ years and I haven't forgiven the people who made some of the decisions (and it hurts to hold things against my parents), but it's not something I can totally discuss here.


                      Originally posted by shepsgirl72 View Post
                      WW - every mother's best friend. Congrats on the weight loss. I used to stick both mine in a tandem buggy and trapse arround the village. Great exercise pushing something in the region of 4 stone for two miles.
                      i've also joined a "pushy mothers" class which is a weekly exercise class in a local park with a trained fitness instructor where you take babby along in the buggy and use the buggy as part of the exercise routine! it's good fun and a good workout.

                      Originally posted by shepsgirl72 View Post
                      Spoilered for OT:
                      I think WW is brilliant. I have picked back up on my WW eating regime to lose a little bit of weight for a wedding. I lost 24 pounds last year when I was a member, put about 3 back on in eight months which isn't too bad, but would now like to lose about 7 to get back into better shape. I'm hitting the exercise bike and stomach crunches because the knees don't care much for walking at the moment! I made the mistake of going to Lincoln last weekend and tackling Steep Hill --mistake!!
                      wow. you're a braver woman than i. it ain't called that for nothing!!


                        Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                        Let's just say I know where the line on the glass is, and that there's no use stewing over some things. However, I've also had some stuff happen in my life that I haven't gotten over, even though it's been 20+ years and I haven't forgiven the people who made some of the decisions (and it hurts to hold things against my parents), but it's not something I can totally discuss here.
                        Unfortunately parents are fallible and make stupid choices and decisions sometimes.


                        The only good thing I can say about my folks is that they taught me how not to be a parent! It's actually quite a useful skills set now I have kids of my own! If you ever need to vent, feel free. I can probably sympathise since it took tweve months in counselling to sort me out once I left home! I try not to hold it against them...

                        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post

                        wow. you're a braver woman than i. it ain't called that for nothing!!
                        If you substitute the words 'more foolish' for 'braver' in that sentence, you'd proabably have it right. Steep Hill and crumbling knee bones do not mix! That's why I will be sticking with cycling for a few weeks.

                        Have fun with the exercise classes!

                        Oh,and thanks to Squonk and Pocus for the well wishes for my boy. I'm sure he'll be fine. He's a very robust young man!

                        I really ought to throw somethin on topic in now:

                        There, I feel better for that.
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                          hello whumpers

                          hope your boy feels better soon, shepsgirl *huggles*

                          Same for your daughter, Strey. That sounds horrible

                          There´s an awful lot of selfwhump going on, guys!

                          I don´t know if Luciana posted this here, but you guys shouldn´t miss her adorable Joe/Jason gif

                          not really whumpy....


                          to stay on topic...

                          Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
                          picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


                            Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                            hello whumpers

                            hope your boy feels better soon, shepsgirl *huggles*

                            Same for your daughter, Strey. That sounds horrible

                            There´s an awful lot of selfwhump going on, guys!

                            I don´t know if Luciana posted this here, but you guys shouldn´t miss her adorable Joe/Jason gif

                            not really whumpy....


                            Ooooo... That's simply mesmerizing. What's that from?
                            Sig by Luciana
                            My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                              Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                              Ooooo... That's simply mesmerizing. What's that from?
                              I think she took it from the season 5 bloopers

                              Reminds me.. I haven´t watched that yet
                              *puts on list to do*

                              edit: Just checked and s5 doesn´t have bloopers.
                              Soo, guess it´s from s4 then
                              Last edited by SheppAddictedFangirl; 21 July 2009, 10:36 AM.

                              Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
                              picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


                                Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
                                I think she took it from the season 5 bloopers

                                Reminds me.. I haven´t watched that yet
                                *puts on list to do*

                                edit: Just checked and s5 doesn´t have bloopers.
                                Soo, guess it´s from s4 then
                                Yep, it's from the Season 4 bloopers on disc 2.

                                Thanks for the good wished for my little 'un btw, SAF.
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