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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Steve Austin View Post
    I was also wondering, from all the times those Queens put Sheppard on his knees and they were just about this close to feed on him....why none of them rip his shirt just like they did to Sumner! they certainly had several opportunities....why gosh!
    Hey, good point! Even Todd was all careful not to damage the clothes. Darn considerate Wraith.


      Originally posted by Steve Austin View Post
      I was also wondering, from all the times those Queens put Sheppard on his knees and they were just about this close to feed on him....why none of them rip his shirt just like they did to Sumner! they certainly had several opportunities....why gosh!
      I think that every time I watch that scene!

      Originally posted by Sabine View Post
      Hey, good point! Even Todd was all careful not to damage the clothes. Darn considerate Wraith.
      Yeah, that darn zipper shirt was just too cooperative!!

      Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
      picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


        Originally posted by Skylore View Post
        Hope your boys are okay and that it’s just a reaction to the weather or something non-flu related.
        Originally posted by Steve Austin View Post

        Jeez SG72! Take care of your kids, what did the doctr said last time?
        Originally posted by Lorr View Post
        I hope your little one gets better fast.

        Anyway, must work.
        Thanks for the good wishes about the boys.


        Have had it confirmed that littlest has swine flu and has been given a course of antivirals. This means the rather wishy washy 'we think it could be swine flu' I got for the oldest last week is now confirmed as a case too. Thankfully, oldest is pretty much recovered other than the occassional bout of coughing. He looks well in himself because last week he looked very dark around the eyes and nose which is always a sign he's ill. Littlest one passed out on the sofa beside me for 2 1/2 hours this afternoon and I had trouble waking him, which is when I knew he was deteriorating. Very high temperature, too, so contacted the national helpline and they authorise treatment. Then had to beg my parents to pick up meds for me because husband is away and not back until late! Why do kids always pick the worst possible time to fall ill! Now I have a headache and snuffles so I guess I know what's coming. If I'm away from the site for a few days you'll all know why! I feel like I should be painting a big X on my front door, or ringing a bell shouting "Unclean!".

        So, I'll add a whumpy pic to bring it on topic, though not from Rising I'm afraid. Coughing Whump.

        That's what my boys looks like at the moment, and the look on Rodney's face is pretty much me!

        Oh , and SA, I completely agree about the shirt thing. Definitely should have been more queens ripping shirts when it came to questioning Shep!
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          Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
          I wish I knew more about genetics to answer intelligently. When we see Sheppard use Ancient tech, he does it effortlessly. The closest he gets to concentrating is closing his eyes when he flies the city. So he can definitely use it more naturally than anyone else. Is that because it's stronger? Is that how genes work? Or is it just a natural talent - like his ability to fly or Rodney's genius or Ronon's athletic abilities or Teyla's people skills?
          Well, speaking as someone with a background in genetics there are several different ways to go with this - especially since the writers didn't give us many details (I think most of the details are in 'Rising' and 'Hide and Seek'). Shep simply could have the strongest gene expression - how active the gene is (genes can be more active at some stages of life or if there are other cues such as hormones). An active gene can also 'switch on' several other genes - given the mental component needed for ATA tech it's possible Shep's ATA gene is more efficient at switching on those necessary nerons.

          If Carson were sequencing Shep's gene (and given that the ATA gene is in a known position - such as on a certain chromosome) it'd take a minimum of 4 hours under the best of circumstances and assuming access to certain equipment (this what I do on a regular basis). At the most basic you have to isolate the DNA (it's not fun) and then run PCR to amplify the DNA.


            Hi!! Took a long time to catch up!!! Wow, you have been chatty, it took me two days!

            Anyway I did my Rising watch and posted my recap in my LJ.

            Also, I have a new whumpy fic, Rodney POV, friendship fic, whump for both. While You Were Sleeping

            I'm loving the discussion and the fic recs!!!
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              Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
              Well, speaking as someone with a background in genetics there are several different ways to go with this - especially since the writers didn't give us many details (I think most of the details are in 'Rising' and 'Hide and Seek'). Shep simply could have the strongest gene expression - how active the gene is (genes can be more active at some stages of life or if there are other cues such as hormones). An active gene can also 'switch on' several other genes - given the mental component needed for ATA tech it's possible Shep's ATA gene is more efficient at switching on those necessary nerons.

              If Carson were sequencing Shep's gene (and given that the ATA gene is in a known position - such as on a certain chromosome) it'd take a minimum of 4 hours under the best of circumstances and assuming access to certain equipment (this what I do on a regular basis). At the most basic you have to isolate the DNA (it's not fun) and then run PCR to amplify the DNA.
              That's really cool. I wish I could actually understand what it means. Maybe I should have paid more attention to those genetics classes back at uni.
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                Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                Morning all - just back from a fun morning at student health - bloodwork and an EKG. I might have to post a couple EKG observations for those who like to attempt medical accuracy.
                I wouldn't mind getting and education about EKG lines!

                Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post

                Probably a decision to see his father and say goodbye or not. I don´t see any other option. Seeing that he wasn´t in the Antarctic at this point, I think the decision to leave was already made and he gave O´Neill that "yes" long before the coin was tossed.
                Before season 4, I never exactly knew how to interpret that coin toss. I just didn't see him as a wishy washy kind of guy. He had to have given O'Neill his answer before he left McMurdo and this bridge/grassy knoll is clearly not McMurdo. After finding out he actually had a family and that they were not on speaking terms, it made sense to me that he was trying to figure out if he would let them know that he was going away on a dangerous mission and that they wouldn't be able to contact him. The coin toss is still a wishy washy thing. Either way, I can't see Shep doing this.

                No. I think the only thing transmitted was the message that a new food source turned up. But then, given the queen´s later reactions to Sheppard and their constant need to touch his face could mean "hey, didn´t I see this face somewhere before?!" Well, unless they just think "Hey, this puppy is cute!" which I wouldn´t blame them for!
                I forget, did the Keeper ever touch Sumner's face? If she didn't, then the queens sure have a thing for Sheppard!

                Originally posted by shepsgirl72 View Post
                So, I'll add a whumpy pic to bring it on topic, though not from Rising I'm afraid. Coughing Whump.

                That's what my boys looks like at the moment, and the look on Rodney's face is pretty much me!
                Sheppard still looks delicious even when he's whumped by a nasty cold. And Rodney, that germaphobe... ha ha ha ha

                Oh , and SA, I completely agree about the shirt thing. Definitely should have been more queens ripping shirts when it came to questioning Shep!
                If only Andie insisted, for continuity's sake, and TPTB agreed... JF would have had no choice to bare himself. All the time. In the name of art.


                  Originally posted by shepsgirl72 View Post
                  Thanks for the good wishes about the boys.


                  Have had it confirmed that littlest has swine flu and has been given a course of antivirals. This means the rather wishy washy 'we think it could be swine flu' I got for the oldest last week is now confirmed as a case too. Thankfully, oldest is pretty much recovered other than the occassional bout of coughing. He looks well in himself because last week he looked very dark around the eyes and nose which is always a sign he's ill. Littlest one passed out on the sofa beside me for 2 1/2 hours this afternoon and I had trouble waking him, which is when I knew he was deteriorating. Very high temperature, too, so contacted the national helpline and they authorise treatment. Then had to beg my parents to pick up meds for me because husband is away and not back until late! Why do kids always pick the worst possible time to fall ill! Now I have a headache and snuffles so I guess I know what's coming. If I'm away from the site for a few days you'll all know why! I feel like I should be painting a big X on my front door, or ringing a bell shouting "Unclean!".

                  For your OT

                  My goodness!!!!! those are bad news! At least you are being treated already! So, your youngest will be better in no time! And, you need to take the treatment ASAP right?
                  I'm sending my best to your kids and to you girl! BIG HUGS))))))))
                  Please take care.


                    Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                    Well, speaking as someone with a background in genetics there are several different ways to go with this - especially since the writers didn't give us many details (I think most of the details are in 'Rising' and 'Hide and Seek'). Shep simply could have the strongest gene expression - how active the gene is (genes can be more active at some stages of life or if there are other cues such as hormones). An active gene can also 'switch on' several other genes - given the mental component needed for ATA tech it's possible Shep's ATA gene is more efficient at switching on those necessary nerons.

                    If Carson were sequencing Shep's gene (and given that the ATA gene is in a known position - such as on a certain chromosome) it'd take a minimum of 4 hours under the best of circumstances and assuming access to certain equipment (this what I do on a regular basis). At the most basic you have to isolate the DNA (it's not fun) and then run PCR to amplify the DNA.
                    I think Carson already mapped out the ATA gene since he was very close to finishing his gene therapy by Rising. He was ready to administer it in Hide and Seek. Would he have all his mol bio equipment at the outpost? Maybe.

                    Speculation here:
                    Since the ATA protein is interacting with tech in a non-direct, energy field generating kind of way (I forget if this was canon or fanon), then
                    it could be a matter of quantity or quality of the ATA protein.

                    Quality-wise, Sheppard would have the most accurate copy of the ATA gene compared to other carriers. Carson's gene therapy would administer Sheppard's copy to his subjects. Why it doesn't work on everyone? This suggests that they don't have viable regulatory genes whos functions are to regulate ATA expression.

                    Quantity-wise, Sheppard has more functional regulatory genes than the other carriers. This would entail that Carson has not only figured out and mapped the ATA gene but also all the other genes involved in its expression. Carson's gene therapy will contain a cocktail of these genes. Why it doesn't work for everyone??? Carson's missing some key genes.


                      Originally posted by Steve Austin View Post
                      oh! you do that please
                      Originally posted by Skylore View Post
                      I wouldn't mind getting and education about EKG lines!
                      EKG info
                      Had to take off my shirt and bra - apparently metal such as an underwire can mess up the EKG, so I'm guess Shep would need to take off his dogtags or at least move them off his body. I'd had an EKG years before, but I had forgotten how many pads they stick on you, and yes the glue is still very sticky when peeling them off, plus they were cold (despite the nurse joking she hadn't stuck them in the fridge).

                      Pads were stuck on the left and right side of my body just above my ankles, just below the elbow, just under my collarbone and two sets on lower ribcage. The pads were stuck on, then the nurse clipped the electrodes on to each of the pads. Took more time to stick and clip and then undo everything than to actually run the EKG - took maybe 10-15 miutes total.


                        Originally posted by Steve Austin View Post
                        For your OT

                        My goodness!!!!! those are bad news! At least you are being treated already! So, your youngest will be better in no time! And, you need to take the treatment ASAP right?
                        I'm sending my best to your kids and to you girl! BIG HUGS))))))))
                        Please take care.
                        More OT Stuff:

                        Youngest has treatment for five days - five to seven days recovery is normal, and the oldest certainly recovered in that time without medication. He and I are not automatically issued antivirals because there aren't enough for everyone in the UK if we all came down with it. I don't mind about me, because I'm pretty healthy other than my creaky knees, and thankfully Charlie got through it ok. Only high risk groups are automatically given the medication, that's anyone under 5 or over 65, and anyone with one of a great long list of health problems. Jake gets them because he's only 3, and my husband will get them if he falls ill because he's asthmatic.
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                          Originally posted by Skylore View Post
                          I think Carson already mapped out the ATA gene since he was very close to finishing his gene therapy by Rising. He was ready to administer it in Hide and Seek. Would he have all his mol bio equipment at the outpost? Maybe.

                          Speculation here:
                          Since the ATA protein is interacting with tech in a non-direct, energy field generating kind of way (I forget if this was canon or fanon), then
                          it could be a matter of quantity or quality of the ATA protein.

                          Quality-wise, Sheppard would have the most accurate copy of the ATA gene compared to other carriers. Carson's gene therapy would administer Sheppard's copy to his subjects. Why it doesn't work on everyone? This suggests that they don't have viable regulatory genes whos functions are to regulate ATA expression.

                          Quantity-wise, Sheppard has more functional regulatory genes than the other carriers. This would entail that Carson has not only figured out and mapped the ATA gene but also all the other genes involved in its expression. Carson's gene therapy will contain a cocktail of these genes. Why it doesn't work for everyone??? Carson's missing some key genes.
                          Wow...are you a scientist too?


                            Originally posted by Skylore View Post
                            I think Carson already mapped out the ATA gene since he was very close to finishing his gene therapy by Rising. He was ready to administer it in Hide and Seek. Would he have all his mol bio equipment at the outpost? Maybe.

                            Speculation here:
                            Since the ATA protein is interacting with tech in a non-direct, energy field generating kind of way (I forget if this was canon or fanon), then
                            it could be a matter of quantity or quality of the ATA protein.

                            Quality-wise, Sheppard would have the most accurate copy of the ATA gene compared to other carriers. Carson's gene therapy would administer Sheppard's copy to his subjects. Why it doesn't work on everyone? This suggests that they don't have viable regulatory genes whos functions are to regulate ATA expression.

                            Quantity-wise, Sheppard has more functional regulatory genes than the other carriers. This would entail that Carson has not only figured out and mapped the ATA gene but also all the other genes involved in its expression. Carson's gene therapy will contain a cocktail of these genes. Why it doesn't work for everyone??? Carson's missing some key genes.
                            Blimey! And the most surprising thing is that I understood what you were saying!
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                              Originally posted by Skylore View Post
                              I think Carson already mapped out the ATA gene since he was very close to finishing his gene therapy by Rising. He was ready to administer it in Hide and Seek. Would he have all his mol bio equipment at the outpost? Maybe.

                              Speculation here:
                              Since the ATA protein is interacting with tech in a non-direct, energy field generating kind of way (I forget if this was canon or fanon), then
                              it could be a matter of quantity or quality of the ATA protein.

                              Quality-wise, Sheppard would have the most accurate copy of the ATA gene compared to other carriers. Carson's gene therapy would administer Sheppard's copy to his subjects. Why it doesn't work on everyone? This suggests that they don't have viable regulatory genes whos functions are to regulate ATA expression.

                              Quantity-wise, Sheppard has more functional regulatory genes than the other carriers. This would entail that Carson has not only figured out and mapped the ATA gene but also all the other genes involved in its expression. Carson's gene therapy will contain a cocktail of these genes. Why it doesn't work for everyone??? Carson's missing some key genes.
                              As far as Carson's gene therapy not working, there's always the question of actually being able to get the new gene incorporated into the cell (Carson makes mention of the mouse adenovirus) and then transforming enough cells to make a difference.

                              Genes can vary slightly in sequence from person to person (ie third base of an amino acid codon) which is why in RL certain drugs do not affect everyone the same way. If Carson used Shep's gene as the template for therapy, in that case it'd be most effective in someone from a similar ancerstral/genetic background.

                              It's somewhat rare for a single gene to be responsible for something (yes there are a few diseases), it's usually a set of genes, but they may not all contribute equally towards a condition. In the case of the ATA gene, maybe they've only identified the primary gene?

                              From experience, mapping regulatory function can be a nightmare and you really have to have identified all the elements.


                                Originally posted by shepsgirl72 View Post
                                More OT Stuff:

                                Youngest has treatment for five days - five to seven days recovery is normal, and the oldest certainly recovered in that time without medication. He and I are not automatically issued antivirals because there aren't enough for everyone in the UK if we all came down with it. I don't mind about me, because I'm pretty healthy other than my creaky knees, and thankfully Charlie got through it ok. Only high risk groups are automatically given the medication, that's anyone under 5 or over 65, and anyone with one of a great long list of health problems. Jake gets them because he's only 3, and my husband will get them if he falls ill because he's asthmatic.
                                I hope he get through okay. I'm friending you in LJ if you don't mind, and skylore too. I'm x-erikah-x over there.
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