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John Sheppard Whump

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    very nice


      Originally posted by BillyPrior View Post
      Long time reader, infrequent replier here. I was finally inspired to buy my own Atlantis action figures by the wonderful photo stories I found here and on Livejournal. Mine finally arrived today and I decided it would be funny to take a picture of Shep next to my pet rabbit who has Jabba The Hut proportions. I set up the photo perfectly, the bunny looked disinterested, I waited till he sniffed Shep and then as I went to take the photo I heard a crunching sound.

      My bunny had bitten Sheps finger off! I've owned him less than 12 hours and I've broken him already! At the very least THIS photo entertained me

      Real live Action Figure whump!!!! Poor Shep! At least the hair didn't get nibbled on!


        hehehe, rabbit-whumped Shep! Nice one, Billy!!

        Originally posted by Pocus View Post
        Real live Action Figure whump!!!! Poor Shep! At least the hair didn't get nibbled on!
        If I had a rabbit that nibbled on MY action-figure Shep's hair, there'd be rabbit stew for dinner that night!!
        My Manips & other artwork!


          Originally posted by Pocus View Post
          Real live Action Figure whump!!!! Poor Shep! At least the hair didn't get nibbled on!
          I agree The hair is all important, the fingers can be hidden with a well placed gun!


            Originally posted by SanGate View Post
            I'd swear my face turns red and I get sweaty too because I can't let the squee out!
            I get the sweats too and the clammy hands - that's one of the reasons why I watch with hubby on the other side of the room!!

            Originally posted by Ruffles View Post

            *puts on thinking cap*

            S&R/The Seed
            Anesthesia sucked. It made him nauseous and clumsy and... gross. John swam through layers of cotton and molasses toward the beeping sound that was interrupted occasionally by a fwump and a hiss. Exhausted, he stopped. His eyes just flat out refused to open. Sensation returned slowly - a pinch in both arms, soft bedding beneath him, cool cotton covering him, something firmly pressing against his nose and mouth, a fire raging in his right side.

            His breathing hitched as the fire spread through his middle. That's when he discovered the tube down his throat. He gagged, needing to breathe.

            "Easy, Colonel," a calm feminine voice said, small hands on his face. "You're on the vent. Let it breathe for you."

            The only thing worse than anesthesia was the damn ventilator. He forced it from his mind but couldn't hold in a moan as the fire danced up his spine. Suddenly, he was freezing cold, shivering. The soft voice faded away, calling for things he couldn't make out. Then it was back.

            "I told you not to go. Why do air force colonels always think they know more than their doctors?" She chuckled quietly. "You've developed quite the infection from running around on Michael's ship with an open wound. I've injected a little something in your IV that should ease the pain."

            Oh, yeah. The good stuff began to flow. The stuffed rabbit his mother gave him on his birthday the year she died held his hand, whispering words of comfort. He drifted away.

            The next few days were a blur of pain and numbness. Voices washed over him - Ronon informing him that he had to get better soon before McKay met with an unfortunate accident involving citrus laced swords, Lorne giving status updates, Rodney ranting about Ronon and Lorne and how could Sam possible not let him run Atlantis while she was gone, Teyla singing softly in Athosian, and a baby that alternated between cooing and crying.

            The fire was constant now, burning furiously beneath his skin. People he hadn't seen in a while came to visit - his mom, Uncle Fred, Dex and Mitch, Holland, even Dad. Carson and Elizabeth spent the most time, telling him about how cool it was to be a sun. He could feel their hands on his face and neck, hands that were cool and damp. Sometimes when Elizabeth spoke, she sounded like Rodney. It couldn't have been Rodney though. Elizabeth was much better looking, and McKay didn't beg.

            When the fire abated, he felt like he'd run a marathon. Every muscle hurt, his lungs burned, his heart thudded loudly in his ears. The beeping was back along with the mechanic hiss of the ventilator. And voices - Keller and Ronon.

            "Is that normal?"

            "Convulsions with a high fever? It can happen. But the fever broke during the night. The last round of antibiotics seem to have done their job."

            "So, he's going to be okay?"

            "Yes. He has another tough couple of weeks ahead of him, but he'll be on his feet in no time. Sooner when he hears about Colonel Carter."

            "When is he coming?"

            "Daedalus should reach Earth in a couple of days. After they restock, it will take about three weeks. He should be here in a month or so."

            He? Who was coming? What about Carter? How long had he been out? If the Daedalus was almost to Earth it had to be a couple of weeks, but that just couldn't be right. He remembered Teyla naming her son after him. That was yesterday. Right?

            Too many unanswered questions. He couldn't stand it. Gathering all his energy, he forced his eyes open. Keller smiled down at him.

            "Welcome back, Colonel."

            Originally posted by rhymer View Post
            I arrived at work today to see that a colleague had a pile of new children's books on her desk. The one on the top was called "Ginger snaps". I then turned to my rather tedious today's job of unpacking and shelving millions of boxes of topic books returned by teachers. Box no. 1 contained a book called "Ginger finds a home." The next box contained a book called "Why do bones break?" "Oh!" I thought, pricking up my ears. "Today is clearly the day in which all books predict future season five whump."
            I had a dr appt tonight for a follow up on my bursitis and tendonitis - he was discussing treatment options and say I should try going holistic to alleviate the inflammation - suggested Ginger! It was all I could do to not smile like a Cheshire cat!!!

            Originally posted by Lt.Col.Errandboy View Post
            Dolly? who came up with that stupid name for a hurricane? Maybe it's got two huge...eyes...

            well, maybe it's all just a lot of hot air...or implants.


            Originally posted by Lorr View Post
            No, you're not wrong. (not really a spoiler)
            He's probably just too tired to get to the gym much with all the travel back and forth to LA. He's dropped a lot of that conditioning he had in S3. Isn't that the last season his family lived in Vancouver during filming?

            Now, I'm going.
            More like he's lifting beer cans instead of weights now that he's living with Jason!!

            Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
            Although I must say - JF's acting when he got speared? Perfect.
            Happy Sigh

            Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
            I also noticed Paul's Scottish accent slipping a few times. It's not the first time he's always had odd words which have come out a bit mangled but on the whole he is very, very good (after all he is Scottish) but he does have slips and it seemed pretty noticeable in this ep a couple of times. Perhaps he's out of practise. *lol*
            You should hear Paul talk when he's had waaaay too much to drink! He also giggles a lot

            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
            Oh dear god, yes. And having seen that incredibly relaxed, comfortable, loose-limbed walk of his in action in real life... GUH! I've never seen a man with such a sexy walk! There's honestly just something about the way he moves.... *dies*


            Whoops! Wrong thread!
            He definitely saunters leading all around him to swoon!!
            BTW, not the wrong thread because I"m pretty sure you got whumped with that THUNK!

            Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
            @ the bolded comment.

            The swagger - definitely the way he moves is effortless to watch. He has an inherent grace to his movement. I love his looks too, but he is 10 times sexier when you see him moving, rather than in a picture. (le sigh)
            Oh yes!!

            Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post

            im more of a hair gal, if the hair is good, im good haha..which is why i cringe if i watch early joe stuff and see the floppy hair!! haha!! i was very pleased when david cook had a good haircut on american idol....i really noticed him more then heh...oh and the fantastic voice of course!
            Hot guys with spiky hair!

            Congrats on the job Roo!!!

            Originally posted by miniglik View Post
            Hee. I don't pretend not to be shallow. I just like men for lots of different reasons. Equal-opportunity.

            Joe F definitely has a smooth way about him. I find the golf scenes way hotter than I really should. Or the stick fighting scenes. Even when he's getting his butt kicked.
            And the butt kicks are the most sexy of all!!

            Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
            Definitely get the arm porn. Especially with the wrist band and rolled up sleeves, as has been mentioned (once or twice. ) I don't get feet, though. They honestly don't do much for me.
            I'm all for arm porn!! I'm with you on the feet - I find them slightly embarrasing for some reason.

            I'm off to bed - it was a whumpy day for me. I'm fairly certain I have a cavity in a tooth (or I cracked it) and I refuse to have it looked at in case it's not a cavity since I don't want to pay for work done on it, I fell down the garage steps this morning and have a nice large bruise on my butt, and my neck is stiff from sleeping last night - I'm sure I must've been dreaming about Shep whump so I'm living it vicariously!!!

            Two more days to go!!!
            Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


              Wow!! You lot were talkative today. Sorry for all the quotes.

              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
              The thing is, RC was being rather tongue-in-cheek when he said that. (Minor DG spoilers)
              His tone was very joking... so it's hard to know to what extent he was answering at all seriously. Did Joe really not want to take his shirt off and RC was just joking about it being to prevent an overload of squeee? Or was the whole answer teasing/joking, both about the supposed "reason" *and* about Joe not wanting to take his shirt off?
              I apologize, but I am going to say something more about this. DG
              I would have thought that they would NOT want to use the paddles correctly as that would have sent the charge through Shep's heart and probably stopped it. As lovely a thought as that is for my whumper's heart, I thought they just wanted to shock him to get the entity to leave. That's why I said it wasn't much of an opportunity.

              Sorry about your internet problems, Ali. I think I would be in serious withdrawal.

              Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
              I also noticed Paul's Scottish accent slipping a few times. It's not the first time he's always had odd words which have come out a bit mangled but on the whole he is very, very good (after all he is Scottish) but he does have slips and it seemed pretty noticeable in this ep a couple of times. Perhaps he's out of practise. *lol*

              I wonder if Joe F can do a Scottish accent, he is half Scottish after all.
              I thought something was wrong, but could never put my finger on it.

              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
              DITTO! Those two things REALLY bugged me too! For ages, after Sateda, I was saying to anyone who would listen at home 'Ay - row, AY-ROW???????' What the heck? It sounded ridiculous and really jarred for me. Same as the example you gave in The Seed. I said exactly the same thing as you there. Maybe it's more noticable because we're British? But it does grate as it sounds peculiar to me.

              The Seed, Kindred II:

              I've got to be honest. I was completely underwhelmed by Carson in The Seed, and it's not as if there wasn't a good reason for Carson to be thawed, because it totally made sense for the episode, I thought. But Paul seemed....I don't know, just not on top form to me? And I honestly ended up, um, well, ok, it's difficult for me to say this...but, um, I enjoyed Keller more! Especially when she asked Shep how he was feeling. That was so cute.

              I didn't want Carson back after Sunday. I thought you know, he was dead, leave him dead. Or why have us cry over him? I knew they'd come up with the clone stuff, and I kept saying, 'It's not really Carson!' I didn't enjoy Kindred II much because of this. In The Seed it didn't seem like Carson. He looked different and seemed dull and muted somehow.

              But, I also haven't been convinced by Keller - she's seemed too young, inexperienced and even whiney on occasion and I didn't warm to her as I'd hoped I would. And, at times last season, I craved for Carson to come back! Because I liked him as a doctor! Not when he was squeezed into eppies for no reason though, but when he was a doctor, I did love him. But, S and R and The Seed have turned me round a bit. I'm now starting to like Keller more, and quite honestly wonder now what the point of bringing Carson back was exactly? He seems redundant in the scheme of things somehow, which concerns me when I think about Whispers.

              Also, in The Seed, Carson didn't show much caring towards Sheppard at all. The whole restraints and injecting scene? It seemed as if Carson just stood by and watched and wasn't around to reassure Shep. He injected him, walked away and told Shep to relax. I don't know. It just didn't seem like the old Carson to me. I like Shep to receive more...TLC really. And I felt Ronon and Rodney showed more concern really at times.

              I don't know. I just feel Carson just didn't quite fit in with the show now. Is that just me?
              ITA about Carson. The Seed
              I was astounded when he walked away. The nurse should have come to him. He just tells Shep that the injection might kill him and then he wanders off. It was totally for the purpose of McKay doing his little "poor me" thing. I thought that was s bit of a diservice, too.

              I know he's a clone, and the situation would be horribly difficult for the team and everyone. However, I do wish they had left him dead. The sublties needed to portray he is a clone and not the same Carson as so difficult. It kind of makes this "Carson" two dimensional, and makes it look like PM is not doing a good job. That makes me even more sad.

              Originally posted by Lauriel View Post
              Greetings whumpers!

              How is everyone today?

              If anyone could I know could manage to call people cheeky (pun intended) names in Latin, it would be you Ali! Or Welsh... or German...

              Spoilers for The Seed
              I agree Linzi. It was really a bit sad to watch for me, because I loved that caring, nurturing side of Carson. I was actually trying to pin down why the ep lacked a bit of lustre for me, but reading this, you've nailed it.

              Although I must say - JF's acting when he got speared? Perfect.
              Hey, Lauriel!!! (((HUGS))) It's great to see you here!

              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
              Oh dear god, yes. And having seen that incredibly relaxed, comfortable, loose-limbed walk of his in action in real life... GUH! I've never seen a man with such a sexy walk! There's honestly just something about the way he moves.... *dies*


              Whoops! Wrong thread!
              **iz completely a pile of goo on the floor**

              Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
              JF (and Sheppard) just have a 'comfortable in their own skin' aura.
              That is exactly it. I've always said that JF/Shep are so comfortable with himself that he doesn't need to compete with McKay's genius, Ronon's physicality or Teyla being a strong, smart woman. That is so incredibly sexy to me. **now is runny goo**

              Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
              speaking of words and accents...ive noticed the more i spend online epsecially in forums where there are a mix of people, the more my own language has changed...(especially using american terms!) funny isnt it!!
              My friends and co-workers are always giving me odd looks for the colloquialisms (sp?) I throw out that are definitely not American!

              Originally posted by pisces27 View Post
              He's like fine wine, he just gets better with age.
              Yes, very fine.

              Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
              16? *feels old*

              And Joe is slowly morphing into Harrison Ford anyway.
              No comparison for me. JF is head and shoulders above HF. I don't know why, but HF never impressed me that much.

              Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
              ^Spoilers for Broken Ties
              I wouldn't get my hopes up too much for whump in this episode - I'm not saying I know anything to the contrary but I think we'll see more angst for Shep than we will physical whump. That's the way I see it going anyway.
              I do not mind. I like both. I'm an equal opportunity whumper.

              Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
              dryope on LJ has just posted a bunch of promo images from Ghost In The Machine and The Shrine and I think I have a new favourite team pic.
              Lithe glistening sea panthers

              Oh and the McShep fans may explode upon seeing Nurse Sheppard.
              I just melted into a puddle. Now I totally get DH's comment.

              Welcome to the whump thread, BillyPrior!! Your poor AF!


                Originally posted by Linzi View Post

                I remember reading that too. You'd have to be insane to get up that early to work out in my world. Then again, I'm a lazy couch potato!
                On our set visit he mentioned that he no longer worked out and so had to watch what he ate. Or thought from Linzi report not so much.


                  Originally posted by knightie View Post
                  On our set visit he mentioned that he no longer worked out and so had to watch what he ate. Or thought from Linzi report not so much.
                  He just seems to get slimmer no matter what.


                    Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
                    I know! I am so utterly bouncy right now, I l love, love, love the promo shots for The Shrine. *sighs a happy sigh*
                    can someone post where I can find them. I can't seem to get around the LJ. Or at least the one fromthe shrine.



                      Originally posted by knightie View Post
                      can someone post where I can find them. I can't seem to get around the LJ. Or at least the one fromthe shrine.

                      Found this link knightie...

                      Originally posted by prion View Post
                      A whole slew of big spoilerific shots from THE GHOST IN THE MACHINE and THE SHRINE at

                      if you want high-res episode pics, go to the first post here...
                      My Manips & other artwork!


                        And, they are amazing pics from the Shrine!

                        Time to go. I am making good progress on my fic, finally. I'm just not looking forward to the final edit and clean-up. It's going to be close to 40,000 words. I'm horrified.

                        BT is less tha 48 hours away. squee!


                          Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                          Wow!! You lot were talkative today. Sorry for all the quotes.

                          I apologize, but I am going to say something more about this. DG
                          I would have thought that they would NOT want to use the paddles correctly as that would have sent the charge through Shep's heart and probably stopped it. As lovely a thought as that is for my whumper's heart, I thought they just wanted to shock him to get the entity to leave. That's why I said it wasn't much of an opportunity.

                          Sorry about your internet problems, Ali. I think I would be in serious withdrawal.

                          I thought something was wrong, but could never put my finger on it.

                          ITA about Carson. The Seed
                          I was astounded when he walked away. The nurse should have come to him. He just tells Shep that the injection might kill him and then he wanders off. It was totally for the purpose of McKay doing his little "poor me" thing. I thought that was s bit of a diservice, too.

                          I know he's a clone, and the situation would be horribly difficult for the team and everyone. However, I do wish they had left him dead. The sublties needed to portray he is a clone and not the same Carson as so difficult. It kind of makes this "Carson" two dimensional, and makes it look like PM is not doing a good job. That makes me even more sad.
                          I agree with you here. It's sad, and I felt when watching The Seed, well, I guess I asked myself what was the point of it all?

                          The Seed:

                          I know Carson's a clone, obviously, so he's not exactly the same, but I have issues with the fact that the real Carson still died. It's not as if he didn't die. He's still gone. Still suffered pain when he got blown up, still died etc.. TPTB can't take that away from me. He died and I can't forget it. If someone I cared about died, and a clone came along a couple of years later, the original person would still have died. So I have issues with that. I do understand Carson must have gone through difficult times when being Michael's research lacky, but to be honest, I don't think that would stop Carson from showing his professional and caring side, and it was just off for me here. You're quite right, of course. The little aside with McKay was for comedic purposes, and was indeed very funny. But why did Carson just stand by and let Ronon hold Sheppard down without getting nearer after that? I don't get it. I mean when Shep's heart stopped, Ronon said a worried 'Doc?' and then Carson came over. If Carson was anticipating a bad reaction, why wasn't the crash cart there already? Surely it would have been? To me he came across as a tad unprofessional and unfeeling. And the thing is, of course it's the writing here. But, I've criticised Keller for sometimes not showing a lot of concern or professionalism, and Carson was the same here. As for his CPR? Ouch!

                          So, what I'm trying to say, is that I was disappointed here, and Keller just looked better to me! I'm as surprised as anyone! But I just think, well, concentrate on Keller as CMO and get rid of Carson then! I just don't see how both will work in the long run. Shutting up now! Maybe Whispers will be brilliant? And I'll eat my words, eh?

                          Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                          Hey, Lauriel!!! (((HUGS))) It's great to see you here!

                          **iz completely a pile of goo on the floor**

                          That is exactly it. I've always said that JF/Shep are so comfortable with himself that he doesn't need to compete with McKay's genius, Ronon's physicality or Teyla being a strong, smart woman. That is so incredibly sexy to me. **now is runny goo**

                          My friends and co-workers are always giving me odd looks for the colloquialisms (sp?) I throw out that are definitely not American!

                          Yes, very fine.

                          No comparison for me. JF is head and shoulders above HF. I don't know why, but HF never impressed me that much.
                          Ditto. JF is head and shoulders above HF for me too.

                          Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                          I do not mind. I like both. I'm an equal opportunity whumper.

                          I just melted into a puddle. Now I totally get DH's comment.

                          Welcome to the whump thread, BillyPrior!! Your poor AF!
                          Welcome, BillyPrior!!!!
                          Originally posted by knightie View Post
                          On our set visit he mentioned that he no longer worked out and so had to watch what he ate. Or thought from Linzi report not so much.
                          I just think some men can eat more than women! It's so unfair! It's nice to see a slim person eating a lot. Though infuriating!


                            Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
                            I hate the use of the word "gosh" in fic because, seriously, who the hell says "gosh"? As you say having the characters use language I could never imagine them using takes me out of the story, I can't imagine Sheppard saying "golly gee" or "gosh darn it" but I can imagine him using other more colourful turns of phrase.
                            *raises hand* I do. I started it years ago as some good-humoured teasing of my Mum, who was forever reporting tiny little things as if they were of world-shattering import. "Gosh!" I'd say, in mock awe. And it kind of stuck, and I've been saying it ever since. I'd never have Shep say it, though.

                            Originally posted by BillyPrior View Post
                            My bunny had bitten Sheps finger off! I've owned him less than 12 hours and I've broken him already! At the very least THIS photo entertained me

                            Poor Shep! Nasty pointy teeth, indeed! It's like the awful, real-life version of this:

                            And welcome to the thread!

                            As for Carson in The Seed:
                            I agree with many of the concerns expressed. It also bothers me just how blithely they've done something awful to the poor man. Imagine a fanfic in which Shep has been in captivity for two years, forced to work for the enemy of his people. Then he's rescued... only to find that no-one's been looking for him because they thought he was dead - and that he is, in fact, not the "real" Sheppard at all, but a clone. Imagine the angst! Imagine the 100,000 words of in-depth character analysis, addressing what it means to be human, coming to terms with a captivity that hasn't ended with a proper homecoming at all. Imagine the angst and the guilt on behalf of his friends, as they really want him to be the real John Sheppard, but something just isn't right, and they can't relate to him as if he's real.

                            Yes, I know some of these issues were touched on in The Kindred, but now it all seems to be forgotten. I wonder if we'll ever hear anything now about the emotional repercussions of it all.

                            It also occurs to me to wonder if his actions were a bit... off in The Seed for real, proper plot reasons, something that's going to rear its head later in the season (like him still being controlled slightly by Michael, or something) I doubt it, to be honest, but I'm just remembering other TV shows where fans have attacked certain "out of character" actions... only for it to be revealed later that it was all done deliberately, and was leading to some arc.

                            (Apologies if that's already been said, but I've been kind of skimming lately, due to working obsessively on writing.)


                              Two quick questions which are OT, but I can assure you that they are asked in the service of Shep whump: (spoiler for Travelers, but nothing else.)

                              1. Do Americans use "the kitchen sink" as a idiom - e.g. "he bought everything but the kitchen sink." Normally when I have a "do Americans use such-and-such an idiom?" question in writing (which happens a lot), I can get the answer fairly quickly from google, but I'm still not sure on this one.

                              2. Can Ronon's gun shoot through a stone wall? We've seen it (or a weapon like his, in Travelers) shoot a hole in a door after multiple blasts, but I'm wondering if that was by melting metal, or something like that. What would be the effect of him shooting repeatedly at a stone wall?


                                Originally posted by rhymer View Post

                                Poor Shep! Nasty pointy teeth, indeed! It's like the awful, real-life version of this:
                                That's GOLD, rhymer!!! BAHAHAHAH!!! Greening you for that (if it lets me - I used up all my green yesterday, so here's hoping I got the power back...)

                                It's so....Monty Python...

                                Todd: That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!
                                Shep: What's he do? Nibble your bum?
                                Todd: He's got huge, sharp... er... He can leap about. Look at the bones!
                                McKay (off camera): Go on, Sheppard. Chop his head off!
                                Shep: Right! Silly little bleeder. One rabbit stew comin' right up!

                                *rabbit attacks*

                                all: Aaaaah!!! Run away!!! RUN AWAYYYYY!!!!
                                My Manips & other artwork!

