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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Linzi
    I agree.
    It would be disappointing. Though it could add to Shep's angst! The only thing I'd be a little peeved about, would be if the wraith saves Shep just to die himself. That would be a little too easy of a solution to me. They did say this Wraith would be a little different, but a self-sacrificing wraith sounds a bit of a stretch to me. I'm interested to know what part Kolya is going to play in this episode. JF didn't mention anything about his scenes with RD is his interview with Starburst, so I'm wondering how much interaction the two will have. But, Kolya surely must come out this as pretty evil if he sets up the whole situation Sheppard finds himself in. I'm so excited to see this episode!

    Common Ground spoiler
    Excited and then some!!! You know when we first saw that pic of old Shep I was really not at all keen on the idea. I guess I have got used to it now as I dont feel half as disturbed about the idea. IMO we are going to know that it is Shep despite his appearance. Joe had such a distinctive manner, the way he talks and moves we are so going to know it is him so the angst will be totally amazing. Plus we are going to get some young and beautiful Shep whump to start with. All in all it sounds like it is going to be fab. Actually the fact that we have had no whump so far will make any whump fab!!!! My only problem is waiting !!!!


      Originally posted by SLC
      Common Ground spoiler
      Excited and then some!!! You know when we first saw that pic of old Shep I was really not at all keen on the idea. I guess I have got used to it now as I dont feel half as disturbed about the idea. IMO we are going to know that it is Shep despite his appearance. Joe had such a distinctive manner, the way he talks and moves we are so going to know it is him so the angst will be totally amazing. Plus we are going to get some young and beautiful Shep whump to start with. All in all it sounds like it is going to be fab. Actually the fact that we have had no whump so far will make any whump fab!!!! My only problem is waiting !!!!
      I agree with you here!
      I was not happy when I first discovered old Shep. He looks awful! But, I've slowly come round to the idea, and can see it should make for some excellent drama! I also don't think he'll be like that for much of the episode, otherwise he'd be dead pretty quickly, I think. He really looks as bad as Sumner did, and worse than Everett! I don't know how many days the episode is set over. However, we've not seen any snippets of Shep with a beard. Certainly old shep looks pretty clean shaven. So, I'm wondering how long he'll be captured for. Of course, his beard could be suffering from male pattern baldness!


        Me as I am of accort with you, in all cases, I think as Sheppard will
        not change, but that it will become one can more adult, its my way of
        seeing the things.


          Originally posted by Linzi
          I agree with you here!
          I was not happy when I first discovered old Shep. He looks awful! But, I've slowly come round to the idea, and can see it should make for some excellent drama! I also don't think he'll be like that for much of the episode, otherwise he'd be deads pretty quickly, I think. He really looks as bad as Sumner did, and worse than Everett! I don't know how many days the episode is set over. However, we've not seen any snippets of Shep with a beard. Certainly old shep looks pretty clean shaven. So, I'm wondering how long he'll be captured for. Of course, his beard could be suffering from male pattern baldness!

          Common Ground
          You are right I had not thought about the beard!!! I bet TPTB didnt either (probably on purpose) because it just wouldnt fit in with what they wanted to show! You know I would give anything to be able to watch that episode right now!!!!! Please let there be some whump to keep me going for the next few weeks!!! Or even better please let there be some epsiode pics!!!!!Maybe those that release the pics are on holiday and we will start getting some next week!!!!

          There is no way that I will be able to sleep the night of CG. I will be up and pacing around!!! Probably stress myself out totally


            Originally posted by SLC
            Common Ground
            You are right I had not thought about the beard!!! I bet TPTB didnt either (probably on purpose) because it just wouldnt fit in with what they wanted to show! You know I would give anything to be able to watch that episode right now!!!!! Please let there be some whump to keep me going for the next few weeks!!! Or even better please let there be some epsiode pics!!!!!Maybe those that release the pics are on holiday and we will start getting some next week!!!!

            There is no way that I will be able to sleep the night of CG. I will be up and pacing around!!! Probably stress myself out totally
            One month to go. 25 August - 4 weeks today!!


              Originally posted by SLC
              Common Ground
              You are right I had not thought about the beard!!! I bet TPTB didnt either (probably on purpose) because it just wouldnt fit in with what they wanted to show! You know I would give anything to be able to watch that episode right now!!!!! Please let there be some whump to keep me going for the next few weeks!!! Or even better please let there be some epsiode pics!!!!!Maybe those that release the pics are on holiday and we will start getting some next week!!!!

              There is no way that I will be able to sleep the night of CG. I will be up and pacing around!!! Probably stress myself out totally
              Nope, I won't be able to sleep either. This thread will certainly be hopping after CG though. On another note, I see GW released more info on two more SG1 episodes yesterday. They have been VERY quiet about SGA. WHY???? Why should we suffer this cruel fate?

              **mumbling under my breath as I go to find my clone**


                Hello everyone! I come to see how things are going, and it's all CG all over again.. so much speculation... I will try not to imagine anything and see how things come but
                no matter, i will hate seeing Shep old...even for a short scares me just to think of it.


                  Originally posted by Gate Geek
                  Nope, I won't be able to sleep either. This thread will certainly be hopping after CG though. On another note, I see GW released more info on two more SG1 episodes yesterday. They have been VERY quiet about SGA. WHY???? Why should we suffer this cruel fate?

                  **mumbling under my breath as I go to find my clone**
                  Hmmm yeah - I know we got more episode pics etc upfront that SG1 did etc but of late it's all been SG1 pics and none for Atlantis. And where the HECK are the rest of the damn studio promo shots?!!!!


                    Originally posted by Gate Geek
                    Nope, I won't be able to sleep either. This thread will certainly be hopping after CG though. On another note, I see GW released more info on two more SG1 episodes yesterday. They have been VERY quiet about SGA. WHY???? Why should we suffer this cruel fate?

                    **mumbling under my breath as I go to find my clone**
                    right question, why is that? they stopped caring about atlantis and only promote SG1?


                      Originally posted by Gate Geek
                      Nope, I won't be able to sleep either. This thread will certainly be hopping after CG though. On another note, I see GW released more info on two more SG1 episodes yesterday. They have been VERY quiet about SGA. WHY???? Why should we suffer this cruel fate?

                      **mumbling under my breath as I go to find my clone**
                      They are certainly whumping the whumpers at the moment!!!!!

                      Maybe we will all have an all night party on GW that weekend!!!!!! (or day depending on where people live)

                      Last week I must say I did get up at about 4.30 in the morning and had a chat to IWTB before going back to bed. It wasnt just because of SGA there was a storm here that woke me up but still . CG week no chance of any sleep!!!!


                        Originally posted by anaM
                        right question, why is that? they stopped caring about atlantis and only promote SG1?

                        I am not sure that they have forgotten about SGA. I think that for a long while there was much more SGA than SG-1 so maybe they are just getting things even??


                          Originally posted by Alipeeps
                          Hmmm yeah - I know we got more episode pics etc upfront that SG1 did etc but of late it's all been SG1 pics and none for Atlantis. And where the HECK are the rest of the damn studio promo shots?!!!!
                          Maybe we should create our own episodic and promo pixs of SGA and post them. Maybe then, we'll actually get the real deal? Nah, probably not. ARGH!!


                            Originally posted by SLC
                            Common Ground
                            You are right I had not thought about the beard!!! I bet TPTB didnt either (probably on purpose) because it just wouldnt fit in with what they wanted to show! You know I would give anything to be able to watch that episode right now!!!!! Please let there be some whump to keep me going for the next few weeks!!! Or even better please let there be some epsiode pics!!!!!Maybe those that release the pics are on holiday and we will start getting some next week!!!!

                            There is no way that I will be able to sleep the night of CG. I will be up and pacing around!!! Probably stress myself out totally
                            I'll be stressed out too! If i'm not away, and I'm praying I won't be, I'll be awaiting an Email from IWTB telling me all about it! lol!


                              Originally posted by SLC
                              I am not sure that they have forgotten about SGA. I think that for a long while there was much more SGA than SG-1 so maybe they are just getting things even??
                              You are probably right...being a new show it must have been more promoted and now they find SG1 is in need of promo...


                                Originally posted by anaM
                                You are probably right...being a new show it must have been more promoted and now they find SG1 is in need of promo...
                                I think SLC is right. We got SGA piccies before SG1 and for more episodes too. The latest SG1 piccies are for episodes 5 and 6, I think. Am I wrong there? Or is it 6 and 7? So I guess TPTB are evening things out. However, with a month to go before CG, I'm surprised we've not had any piccies.

