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John Sheppard Whump

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    Took some time (and by some - I mean alot) to read the comments on JM's recent blog entry. Here are a few that some who aren't completely done/exhausted with the topic may find of interest

    Loads of perspectives here. Nearly all were pro JF while staying pro JM. A few slammed JM and another few supported JM's feelings towards JF.

    Regarding your comment to Joshua about Joe Flanigan’s interview, I don’t think it is about whether you like the actors. I took it as, and think it true, that if SGU makes it, then the franchise shows that the actors aren’t the important issue that the franchise is. In my case I think I have been quite open that the actors are it for me not a franchise.

    My take on Joe v Joe – you’re both as bad as each other, like to stir and aren’t afraid to tell everyone how you really feel.

    I would love to see you guys sit down to a friendly dinner, maybe when he’s next in Vancouver, ‘cos I’d hate to see this all blowing up and spoiling future Atlantis projects. Please, for me?

    Cheers, Chev

    I feel that I need to make a comment here.
    I’ve been an avid reader of your blog for some time now. I always liked the information we get about the Stargate shows. And I’ve always thought you were okay.
    But this obvious slam against Joe Flanigan you got going on these days is really cheap, even for you. Is it not bad PR?
    I guess you feel somewhat pissed off when he says things that might be seen as negative about the cancelation of SGA, and your new show Universe, but can’t you try and see it from his side? He perhaps felt that the actors voice wasn’t heard enough, and obviously you dissagree. Maybe you should sit down and have conversation with eachother.
    But one thing is different to what he is doing and what is going on here. He might say negetive things about the franchise, but NEVER about you personally. That is, however, what you are doing.
    Why don’t you just write “Joe Flanigan is a jerk” and be done with it?
    But I hope it doesn’t come to this. Perhaps this is just a big missunderstanding from me and other fans. I hope this will blow over soon.
    I made a comment about this earlier, but appearently it wasn’t approved. I hope this one will. Or maybe I’m not welcome here either?
    But I think the person who gave you that quote of what JoeF had said, is just spiteful of that person.
    Everyone is entiteld to their own opinion, and all the pople who post things that JoeF, for instance has said, on your blog, is obviously trying to get you to write things like this. I feel that those people are not very nice.
    I know it happened earlier this year. Someone actually quoted from someones PERSONAL livejournal, where she/he had written down what Joe was talking about with them.
    Also that was taken out of context. These people who do that, obviously has a thing against Joe Flanigan. It feels that to me anyway.
    Did anyone mention to you Joe, when David Hewlett called Stargate Universe for Stargate 90210, some time ago on a con he did? No one huh?
    If Joe Flanigan had said it, what would you have written here then?


    I would like to comment on the “Joe v Joe” situation, as Chevron 7 phrased it. I believe it is obvious that there is perhaps some residual “tension” over the cancellation of SGA as well as how certain aspects of the show evolved during the five years it was on the air. Not everyone is going to get along, or see eye to eye; that is only human nature and is very natural. Everybody is entitled to an opinion based on their experiences, and only people directly involved with SGA know what went on during its production. Anything else is pure speculation.

    I would like point out that there were a whole slew of writers and producers during SGA’s 5 year run. Joe F. has never ONCE said the name Joe M. in his general comments. But since you, Joe M., are the only writer/producer with a blog as this, it seems natural that many fans start looking to you when comments are made, so it becomes “Joe v Joe” in the eyes of some.

    I think what frustrates a lot of fans, whether they are general SGA fans, or Joe F. fans, is that here you have one person being very direct, honest, and blunt about their feelings, as Joe F. tends to be. He says what is on his mind; there is no guessing here. On the other spectrum, you have you, Joe, being more indirect and unclear; snarky, as someone else called it. Now that’s not a bad thing! However, there’s obviously a lot more room for interpretation here, especially for most of us who don’t know you personally. I think this only adds fuel to the fire. People start to think ‘Why isn’t Joe F. mentioned anymore?’ or ‘Why was Joe F. left off that fairly inclusive list of actors when you said: “We have great respect for the contribution cast members past and present have made to the franchise”?’ The speculations start to mount.

    This is how I see things, from my perspective. Is it even possible to acknowledge the contribution Joe F. made to the franchise? He is a great actor and he sticks up for what he believes in and isn’t afraid to give his opinion openly. He is one of the reasons many people who weren’t even Stargate fans at all, started watching SGA. And most likely many of these people, despite what many claim, will tune into SGU in the fall to check it out. I know I plan to!

    Whether or not there was a good working relationship, we fans would just appreciate confirmation that Joe made Sheppard a great character to watch each week; his relationships with all the other characters made each of them more enjoyable to watch. Whether it was the Rodney/John banter, the Ronon/John action, or the subtle Teyla/John relationship, Joe helped to bring these relationships to light and just added so much to the SGA team cohesiveness. It is things like this that made me enjoy the show, and it is things like this that make me miss the show.

    I can understand and appreciate there were circumstances and situations that led to the ultimate cancellation of SGA, but overall it is a run to be proud of. Even Joe F. himself has said that making 100 episodes is a great achievement, especially in today’s television production environment. I am sure the writers and producers of SGU are looking for the same success. If Brad Wright and Rob Cooper can keep developing exciting new aspects of the Stargate franchise, who is to say that there won’t be a 4th or even a 5th series with a new cast? I think this idea is where the idea of casts being “disposable” comes into view. I appreciate that the writers and producers don’t agree with the term “disposable”; it is a bit harsh, and perhaps not the best choice of words, but I understand why it was used. I see both sides here.

    OK, enough of my rambling. I just want to say a “few” words and leave a comment. Thanks for reading and bearing with a Joe F. fan who is looking forward to giving SGU a shot in the fall.


    I, too, have noticed the dead silence from Joe every time Flanigan’s name is brought up – as I believe many of us have. Of course, I could also say that I haven’t noticed Joe gushing praise over my personal favorite – Chris Heyerdahl – but never have I jumped to conclusions about that. Of course, Chris isn’t a main player, so his omission isn’t quite as glaring as Flanigan’s, but sometimes there are things going on that we are not quite aware of and – honestly – those things really are none of our business. Joe is kind enough to share much of Stargate with us – something he really doesn’t have to do – so if he chooses to keep something to himself, so be it – it is his prerogative.

    That said – and for as much as I would like to think the best of everyone…I’m going to go out on a limb here and make a suggestion. I may be totally off-base, but perhaps things are not quite as they seem. For instance, remember a few weeks back when someone slapped Joe on the wrists for posting SGU pictures? Well, what if – and it is a BIG what if, since this is pure speculation – but what if Mr. Mallozzi was asked and/or told not to mention Flanigan on this blog, without prior permission? What if Mr. Flanigan doesn’t want to be discussed here – perhaps out of a desire for privacy, or for control over his image – and Joe is just respecting those wishes? And maybe – just maybe – Joe got slapped on the wrists for saying something that wasn’t appreciated, and he now prefers to err on the side of caution and remain silent?

    Yes, that silence speaks volumes. But if there is some issue between these men, it’s really not our business and we shouldn’t pry, but respect Mr. Mallozzi’s decision to remain silent. Afterall, he may just be obeying orders.

    AND I may be WAY off, but sometimes there really are two sides to every story.

    Whatever personal issues between you and Flanigan are none of our business. But Flanigan was the lead in your show. And in my humble opinion, I think he did a great job playing Sheppard. An acknowledgement of that would be helpful, unless you think otherwise.

    Joe, do you really dislike Joe F. so much? You certainly go to great and noticeable lengths to exclude him from your ever-growing lists of SG actors who “walk on water.” Someone took one quote from a set of answers that covered a wide range of topics, and that’s your reponse? Joe F. said he still had no idea why SGA was cancelled. He is not alone, despite the many and varying explanations we have been given. Also, it has been shown that TPTB of Stargate have no problem discarding main characters as they see fit — Jonas, Ford, Beckett and Weir — so why wouldn’t Joe have qualms?

    What I got most from Joe’s interview was that he truly enjoyed being a part of SGA and was sorry that it ended in the rather abrupt way it did, and that he misses his fellow cast and crew members.

    >>every one of them is not only great at what they do, but incredibly down to earth. Not an inflated ego or demanding grandstander in the bunch.

    Shanise writes: “I’m trying to find on what would be engraved on John Sheppard’s dogtags. I bought a set of dogtags and would like to get it engraved.”

    Answer: “I’M NUMBER ONE”.<<

    I can't help it but to me this sounds as if a personal dislike for the actor got mixed up with the answer about the fictional character.

    Hope this kind of confusion didn't make it into the movie-script.

    One of the best pieces of advice I ever got was you don’t have to like the people you work with, you just have to be able to work with them. Also if you fill a water bottle full of vodka and sit in on your desk, no one is the wiser.

    It must be frustrating having adulation heaped on an actor that you don’t think is worthy of it because of personality issues, but he’s your product to sell. It might be cathartic to vent, but that’s what friends and private spaces are, and as much as this is a personal blog it’s in a public space.

    It would be like a Chef running into a restaurant and throwing hints about that one of the ingredient suppliers didn’t wash their hands and kicked baby crippled orphans for laughs – it might feel liberating to say, but the dessert for your customers is certainly going to look less appetising.

    Should Flanigan have toed the line himself? Probably. But then again he’s not the only SGA actor who has voiced concerns over season five or the cancellation, and at least publically he’s limited his comments to the material and not given an extensive list of TPTB that he praised with your name glaringly missing, and then made not so subtle comments about egos and grandstanding.

    This is the stuff that gets *****ed about behind closed doors, not in front of the kids (fanbase).


      Maggs Thanks for wading through the quotes and for your thoughts since you have a connection to the business. I'll be curious as to whether JM responds. I know there are 2 (or sometimes more) sides to every story, but I think JM could be a little more direct sometimes, for example concerning why there suddenly weren't bts pics of JF - that JF (and apparently several other cast members) asked him not to - they wanted a little privacy when they weren't shooting). That's something he simply could have posted and the vast majority of people would have understood.


        Thanks for posting all those, maggs. There are some very good comments in them.


          Almost forgot I promised whumpy pics...


          And, yes, the last one counts. He has an itty bitty whump on the elbow!


            Lorr Nice pics! I'm almost willing to bet the elbow owie is from a weekend adventure...


              *squishy hugs Ali* Just read your fic!! It was wicked!! Ya got talent! Woohoo!! hehe }:O


                Since I have PB open...



                  Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                  Maggs Thanks for wading through the quotes and for your thoughts since you have a connection to the business. I'll be curious as to whether JM responds. I know there are 2 (or sometimes more) sides to every story, but I think JM could be a little more direct sometimes, for example concerning why there suddenly weren't bts pics of JF - that JF (and apparently several other cast members) asked him not to - they wanted a little privacy when they weren't shooting). That's something he simply could have posted and the vast majority of people would have understood.
                  Well as I was reading them I just kept thinking that some of you might be interested so I started cutting and pasting. Glad you and Lorr appreciate it - makes it worth the effort already.

                  My thoughts on the matter... and then I think I'd like to go back to being happy clueless Shep Whumper

                  This whole things is such a complicated issue for any publicity or social media professional. It is just fortunate that our group (as well as GW's whole readership) and the people who read JM's blog actually represent a fraction of the total SG viewership. The # of voices pro JF or JM or vice versa that we hear on GW and on his blog just does not make a ripple in the pool. There probably is not much need to attempt to fix it and anyone who tries to play arbiter would probably fail.

                  I've been on film sets with what I believe to be a similar dynamic and there is just no winning. Egos are big, easy to bruise and rarely fully heal. A writer/director/producer can have as big (if not a bigger) an ego than any actor. I'm not saying that this is the case here but I never assume that the actor is going to be the biggest problem on a film and I can't imagine it is much different in television. I believe that JM is a pretty even keeled guy and I respect him. As show runner it is his job to make sure everyone is happy, on time and doing what they are supposed to. A very tough job indeed and that person is bound to butt heads with one if not many of the cast at one point or another. Bottom line... This is showbiz folks... it ain't pretty but we love it nonetheless.

                  Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                  Almost forgot I promised whumpy pics...
                  Oh those were so good. Made me forget all that other stuff completely. Thanks Lorr.

                  Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
                  *squishy hugs Ali* Just read your fic!! It was wicked!! Ya got talent! Woohoo!! hehe }:O
                  OMG - totally forgot about that one. Am heading to the library (aka my couch and laptop) to read it now.


                    Well, time for me to wander off. I have to be up very early tomorrow. Happy whumpy dreams!


                      Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
                      *squishy hugs Ali* Just read your fic!! It was wicked!! Ya got talent! Woohoo!! hehe }:O
                      Why thank you!

                      *sigh* Would someone tell me why on earth I am wide awake at this silly hour after only 3 or so hours sleep? I've been really tired for the past couple of days and when baby woke me up at 6am demanding feeding I could quite happily have gone back to sleep. But somehow, in the time it's taken me to feed her, I have woken up and instead of going back to sleep for a few more hours, I am sitting here surfing the net! Argh!!!


                        Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                        WooHoo! More reading for my trip. A little OT
                        I called my Mom today. The family always sends me a gift card for my birthday (next month), usually for Macys. I said that they should not be getting me a gift this year, but IF they did to get me an card. I can put it towards buying a Kindle. Then I can load dozens and dozens of fics to take with me! Including this one

                        Wow, Lily, you really are catching up!
                        Forgive my complete ignorance here, but what's a Kindle?
                        Originally posted by Listy View Post
                        Aw I missed talk of feet... yum!!! I do like that Epiphany scene, I can't help it I think there is something rather nice about a barefoot man..... but only if he has nice feet

                        Me too!!

                        Thanks for the link.... I can't get it to load, but Ali has been kind enough to post the Q&A

                        Thanks for this I couldn't get the link to work... LOL you gotta love Joe He amuses me

                        That is very nice, thanks for sharing.

                        As for the JM talk I would like to be able to say that what has been posted surprises me, angers me, etc..... but it doesn't I expect nothing less, shame on the poster for only posting part of a quote, trying to get a rise out of JM and predictibly, he responded as he has before, one of the reasons I don't bother with the blog. I can't seem to even stir up enough emotion to get mad LOL.

                        ITA and as for the last part..... I may feel the need to acquire some dog tags stating just that to go with my black wrist band I am also glad JM realises it too well said Linz

                        ooo some bed time reading
                        Listy!!!!! *HUGS AND SQUISHES* ITA to you too!
                        Originally posted by lily View Post
                        Congrats to all the milestoners I might have missed.

                        I'm so sorry about your MIL, Ali {{HUGS}}

                        Well, Shep carried this in canon in The Defiant One:
                        He could've gotten one of those multi tools things since then and replace the one he used in The Defiant One
                        Well spotted Lily!
                        Originally posted by Lorr View Post
                        Oh, I just had a thought re JM's blog -
                        the conspiracy theorist in me thinks that JM is causing a flap on purpose. He loves to stir up trouble. Well, don't blame me, I said it was the conspiracy theorist in me!
                        Nope. You're not a conspiracy theorist, just an intelligent woman whose pretty perceptive, IMO.
                        Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                        **happy dances at new Ali fic** Not sure when I will get to read it but it is safely bookmarked

                        OT RL whinging
                        I will be so happy when this week is over. My class graduates tomorrow night and I am feeling overwhelmed this year with graduation preparation. It will all be done in time and, in fact, is mostly done now. I just need it to be over.

                        hears the scream in head
                        (((HUGS))) It'll be all over soon. And then you'll have to do it all again next year! Hope all goes well. I know how hard it is at this time of year!

                        Maggs - thanks for wading through those JM blog posts, I just daren't go there anymore as it just annoys me. Some interesting points of view there, for sure. I really liked Dovil's comments. Then again, she always makes me smile, even when she's being serious!

                        Ali - looking forward to reading your fic!


                          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                          Forgive my complete ignorance here, but what's a Kindle?
                          It's a "wireless reading device". Kinda like an iPod for books/fics, I guess!


                            I'm not going to say any more about JM's blog, cos i think it's all been said and frankly, it's a bit depressing.

                            All i will say is thanks to maggs for posting those quotes, both sides have vaild comments. But it's nice to see JM has some intelligent, articulate responses to ponder. Or knowing him, not.

                            Also thanks to everyone who posted the pretty. Tis good to start the day with a grin on one's face

                            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                            Well, I've done it. After a loooooong, long writing drought, I have committed fic.

                            Written for the Sheppard_HC comm's flashfic challenge, it's called Colonel Sheppard and the Satedan Kid. Sep whump within, bien sur.
                            Wahey!! I'll be reading that in a bit. (Got a huge order in which is 300 reels - 150 hours - long. That's quite a bit if time to fill! )

                            Originally posted by lily View Post
                            Nope. The site got hacked. Check this entry at their companion LJ comm:
                            In fact they say that if people go there it seems that a virus/trojan will try to download into the person's computer, so if you went there, you might want to be sure your antivirus is up to date and then run a full virus scan on your computer, just in case.
                            Oh, bloody hell, that's worrying! I've not ben there thankfully, but it's sad that this kind of thing is getting more common.

                            Originally posted by lily View Post
                            Sorry about your knee problems. Hope it gets better soon.
                            Thanks hon. Got my second physio tomorrow.

                            Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                            Lorr Nice pics! I'm almost willing to bet the elbow owie is from a weekend adventure...
                            That's where my money is! lol. Wonder whether it was mountain biking or helicopter skiing...
                            The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                            l My LJ l


                              Wow, Maggs, thanks for going through all that stuff for us. I popped over to the blog to have a look for myself, first time I've been there for ages, and you're right, lots of people supporting JF.

                              Spoilered for general musings...

                              I wonder if the fact that JM has cleared these posts maybe means he appreciates he went a little too far with his comments.
                              I have mixed views myself on the whole thing. I think it's important that we remember that as fans we all view JF with rose-tinted glasses. I admire and support his right to speak his mind, but then JM is allowed to defend his side of things. Unfortunately, he didn't have all the facts, thus misinterpretted things, spat his dummy out, and took it to heart. He should have checked out the interview first. I wish the person posting just hadn't bothered. It would have saved a lot of trouble.
                              I see one person commented that JF will cause problems for himself if he continues to be outspoken about the fact he feels the cast weren't treated as well as they should have been, and that is my fear, too. While I think every one of us can understand that the SGA cast feels they have been pushed aside for a new show, he could do himself more harm than good in being so outspoken. In an ideal world, JF would be allowed to have his say and everyone would respect him for his forthrightness. But I can imagine in the industy he's in, that aspect of his personality will turrn some writers/producers agaist him.
                              That said, he does have a huge fanbase to bring to any new show that would almost guarantee successful viewing figures, and that would also factor into things where casting is involved, I'm sure. Perhaps the two sides will balance each other out.
                              I have to say, from reading his blog in the past, JM seems to be the type to get a bit fiery when people make comments he doesn't like. I can imagine working with a guy like JF, who always speaks his mind and stands up for others, would cause some clashes behind the scenes, but I suspect we'll never know if that was the problem. Maybe JF does have an inflated ego as was suggested by JM. He doesn't come across that way to us, but we don't have to work with him on a daily basis.
                              An apology from JM would be the best way to end this, that and an acknowledgement of what JF brought to SGA in terms of the show's success. Unfortunately, I think we're unlikely to see either.

                              Phew! Glad that's out of my system!

                              Thanks to everyone who posted lovely pictures yesterday. I think that was the pick-me-up we all needed!

                              Ali, hope you catch up on your sleep today. Unfortunately, the three hours a night is fairly normal when it's early days with a baby!

                              Sqonk, I hope your next physio session goes well.

                              Let me see if I can find a nice whumpy pic or three to finish up with:

                              My Fan Fiction Page
                              My LJ Fics


                                Thanks shpsgirl

                                Ali - just read your fic. Fan-bloody-tastic.
                                The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                                l My LJ l

