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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Strey View Post
    SAF - I'll let you know if Thanatos is 'safe to read'. Hopefully more chapters will be posted soon. I just hope the 'comfort' bit pans out, too...

    This is what Kiku65 has to say:

    "Thanatos: Shep whump. And when I say whump, I mean real, nasty, I'm-going-to-hell-for-writing-this whump."

    ok, I did just have a peek, and it says "Up to "this mortal coil" .. so I guess it will be safe! LOL. Anyway, waiting until it´s finished!

    Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
    picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
      I remember when first watching that scene that Shep was wearing a long-sleeved gown/scrubs top. I'd never seen anyone in one of those before! That always stands out in that final shot of Sheppard for me. I guess they didn't want to continue the prosthetics up Joe's arms? But I always felt we could have been given a little more in that scene.
      ITA that always annoys me, we never saw those before or again, wish they had done prosthetics, I guess JF's lovely hairy arms might have caused problems they should ahve just put his arms under the blankets, the long sleeves looked out of place.

      You're certainly not the only one!

      That would have been great, IMO. I also wanted: The Seed spoilers:

      Them to show Carson getting to Sheppard after he was impaled on the tentacle. I'd love to have seen Carson doctoring and fussing over Shep for a few minutes and telling Shep everything was going to be ok etc... I felt it was all over too soon!

      I saw that siggie yesterday and thought it was incredibly well done and creative. I wish I had those sorts of skills!
      Yes that would have been nice I keep looking for tags for this but haven't really found many.

      Originally posted by Strey View Post
      Linzi - re needles - I watch, too. I have to be 'in the know'. Plus, I'm not very trusting. Sadly, I told my youngest son to watch his blood being taken. He fainted passed out and convulsed. These days, he gets to lie down and look away and generally be distracted by his mother. Wide open fields, wide open fields...
      Needles don't bother me at all. I donate blood, however there isn't much call for my blood type... well I can't at the minute because of my new tattoo I think I have to wait 6 months before I can go again.

      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
      Me too. But that's mostly because I'm shallow and I like my whumpees young and pretty - young, handsome whumped Shep is tingly and fab... old, wrinkly whumped Shep? Yah. Not so much.
      ITA I am shallow too, wrinkly old Shep is not a good look IMHO.

      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
      See the make-up in Conversion didn't jarr so much for me - I guess because the make-up is creating something "unreal" anyway, that doesn't look like something we know... whereas old age make-up is trying to make the actor still look human and normal, but just older - and we know that they're *not* that old.

      Originally posted by PuddleJumper42 View Post
      I used to donate blood fairly regularly (not so much now) and I never watched the needles being put into my arm, but I have watched my blood flow into the bag with no problems.
      I have watched the blood flow out of my arm when the spot where the needle was hasn't sealed properly, minding my own business having a cup of coffee, it went all over a lovely white shirt good job I had black trousers on, I just felt something warm on my leg. It didn't bother me, I was more disturbed by the women next to me who noticed and freaked out.

      Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
      The going in the bag or tube or whatever doesn't bother me, it's just the needle. I've designed a tattoo but I haven't got the guts to go and get it done cos of the needles
      You don't really see the needle and it doesn't feel the same as a needle like in a blood test or donation. I was a wuss for my first tattoo I got the area numbed, second one attempted to get it numbed but it didn't work, it was fine, nipped a bit, but I would have another one and I am a wuss.... just don't tell my mum as for getting drunk, a decent tattoo artist won't work on someone who is drunk, its not good!

      Lots of lovely fic rec's!! I do love a good fic and they seem to be pretty thin on the ground at the minute.


        Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
        Really?! I always figured it to be a rather painful process
        Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
        Me too. I've spoken to loads of people and it seems to be a 50/50 over whether it hurts or not.
        It does hurt but a) it depends on where you get it (anywhere close to the bone or where there's a lot of muscle is worse) and b) it's not a bad pain and you can just kinda ignore it and zone out. The only one I've had which *really* hurt and where I couldn't switch off from the pain was one on my thigh (see above re: lots of muscle!!).

        Originally posted by Salty View Post
        Didn't anyone tell you that the baby in the belly saps all your motivation for anything else and gives you mushy mommy brain????
        Yeah, I'm becoming rapidly aware of that!!

        Originally posted by Squonk View Post
        Soooooo tired - went to see DAVID TENNANT IN HAMLET last night - which meant a two and a half haour drive there, two and a half hours back... bed at half one and up at half six! But DAVID TENNANT!!!
        Oh I hate you - I tried really hard to get tickets but no joy.


          Originally posted by Listy View Post
          hmmm least favourite whump... I didn't think there was much I didn't like until I really thoguht about it...

          eyeball whump - I quite like a good temporary blindness thing, but actual physical eye whump like in that CSI ep with the nail gun is not good - makes me feel sick just thinking about it.
          Oh, that's just not nice!

          Originally posted by Listy View Post
          Death - eeek!!! can't read a death fic and am quite upset if I read one by accident.
          I once read a death fic without realising it was one. It's a very well known one and I sobbed. Totally lost it. Even now I can't read it without sniffing, so I don't read it because it's just totally heartbreaking. Sniff. In fact I feel all sad now just thinking about it. It's the most beautifully written story, and is so emotive and you don't even know what's gone on for ages, until you're nearly at the end and it all clicks into place. Sniff...

          Originally posted by Listy View Post

          Foot whump - I like feet, the thought of someone standing on a big old rusty nail in barefeet just makes me want to hurl.
          I actually don't mind foot whump. I loathe the thought of fingers being shut and trapped in doors though. *Whimpers* And I also don't like the thought of skulls being cracked on concrete when someone falls. I'd hate that for Sheppy unless I knew he was 100% not brain damaged!

          Originally posted by Listy View Post
          Strangulation - because I once read what happens to a man if he gets hung/strangled and now whenever I see it I just get all embarrased
          I feel I should know what happens, but I don't think I do! Perhaps you should email me and tell me?

          Originally posted by Listy View Post

          Amputation - nothing permanent. I want my hero to get all better and I don't think many heroes can grow a new limb.
          My pet hate. Can't stand amputation. Eeew and yuk and whibble!

          Originally posted by Listy View Post

          Yes they are unfinished, and they are good, I would love to read the endings.


          Originally posted by Listy View Post

          oooooooooooo!!!! See I think Sheppy would do that so well!!

          I agree I love your fics I am always re-reading them, would love something new to enjoy!

          Vomiting doesn't bother me. I can quite happily live without it who couldn't , but it is not something I am too bothered about either way, I owuldn' tneed to look away from the screen or anything. Also things like a virus doesn't bother me either... it makes them seem more real I guess..... however it wouldn't really seem like whump to me, just an everyday thing so it is much more enjoyable if the illness is inhibiting Sheppy's progress somehow, and makes him more likely to get injured or hurt you know makes his reactions slower so can't quite dive out of the way
          Oh, that sounds good. Shep being sick makes him physically whump himself. I like it!

          Originally posted by Listy View Post

          Nice picture

          No you don't because if you do then so do I because that would be awesome

          grrrrrrrr - everyone knows you have to intubate a bug in a coma!!!
          Of course you do! Silly PTB
          Originally posted by Listy View Post

          I know a few more seconds and we would have all been no good damn sheppard and his timing
          Yeah, his timing really sucks sometimes, doesn't it!
          Originally posted by Listy View Post
          ITA that always annoys me, we never saw those before or again, wish they had done prosthetics, I guess JF's lovely hairy arms might have caused problems they should ahve just put his arms under the blankets, the long sleeves looked out of place.
          Ouch! Arm hair whump for poor Joe isn't on, I agree. I often wonder how they stuck the scaly spot which first appeared on. Must have really hurt to pull it off! But I too wasn't keen on the long-sleeved gown. It just didn't look right, IMO. And as far as I'm concerned, the more of whumped Sheppy I can see the better... within reason!

          Originally posted by Listy View Post

          Yes that would have been nice I keep looking for tags for this but haven't really found many.

          Needles don't bother me at all. I donate blood, however there isn't much call for my blood type... well I can't at the minute because of my new tattoo I think I have to wait 6 months before I can go again.

          ITA I am shallow too, wrinkly old Shep is not a good look IMHO.


          I have watched the blood flow out of my arm when the spot where the needle was hasn't sealed properly, minding my own business having a cup of coffee, it went all over a lovely white shirt good job I had black trousers on, I just felt something warm on my leg. It didn't bother me, I was more disturbed by the women next to me who noticed and freaked out.
          Cool! I bet Erika would have enjoyed seeing that! All that drippy blood! Poor you though. I wouldn't mind either seeing all that blood. But I think I'm just a little bit weird!

          Originally posted by Listy View Post

          You don't really see the needle and it doesn't feel the same as a needle like in a blood test or donation. I was a wuss for my first tattoo I got the area numbed, second one attempted to get it numbed but it didn't work, it was fine, nipped a bit, but I would have another one and I am a wuss.... just don't tell my mum as for getting drunk, a decent tattoo artist won't work on someone who is drunk, its not good!

          Lots of lovely fic rec's!! I do love a good fic and they seem to be pretty thin on the ground at the minute.
          You should read the new challenge responses. They're totally fantastic!


            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
            I actually don't mind foot whump. I loathe the thought of fingers being shut and trapped in doors though. *Whimpers* And I also don't like the thought of skulls being cracked on concrete when someone falls. I'd hate that for Sheppy unless I knew he was 100% not brain damaged!

            You should read the new challenge responses. They're totally fantastic!
            Oh this round of challenge responses was great - I'm having trouble picking favorites!

            As far as fingers shut in doors - my Dad considered breaking a couple fingers this way to get out of being drafted (mind you, this was 1968, the height of the Vietnam War, he was six weeks from being too old to be eligible, and had just gotten engaged...)


              Afternoon Whumpers!

              I am off to catch up.



                Originally posted by Vecturist View Post
                Oh this round of challenge responses was great - I'm having trouble picking favorites!

                As far as fingers shut in doors - my Dad considered breaking a couple fingers this way to get out of being drafted (mind you, this was 1968, the height of the Vietnam War, he was six weeks from being too old to be eligible, and had just gotten engaged...)
                I don't blame your dad!

                Weren't the stories fabby? I not only found it hard to choose my favs, but also to choose my least favs. The standard was so high. But several made my tummy flip flop, and that's always a sure sign I adore them!


                  Add me to the list of people who don't like vomiting and other bodily function type things in fics. I know a lot of people like to be medically accurate but personally when it comes to proceedures such as urinary catherterisation there is such a thing as too much information.

                  As for death fics well I have to confess I have written one, and forced poor Ali to read it when she betaed it for me, but I did signpost it as such and so hopefully no one read it by mistake - I certainly wouldn't want that to be the case - and I did leave just a tiny sliver of doubt, Stealth Dragon has been talking for a while about writing a tag to it and giving it a happy ending but that girl's got too many ideas in her head.


                    Ooooh.....I have read "Day of Reckoning" and "Castles in the Sky". Both are good fan fics. I am soooo far behind in reading.....I'm still in the midst of "Hound of Hell You Cry". At the moment I have limited computer time where I can just sit and read. Some day I hope to catch up on all the recommended fics.

                    Not too long to wait for another new episode. Which means......"Remnants" is getting closer! But it also sadly means less new shows on the horizon.

                    I didn't think about the prosthetics in "Conversion" on JF's arm hair.......but you are right. The other night I had to pull a big bandaid off hubby's arm.....and I made the mistake of trying to yank the thing off in one swift motion. He screamed!!! He said he felt like Steve Carell in "The 40 Year Old Virgin". LMAO Thank goodness the SGA people thought about that or JF would have had a fun week or so. NOT



                      Ooh! Some of you are reading the latest challenge entries. Oh, goody! And - don't forget to vote! I'll tell you afterwards which one's mine - but only if I don't get kicked off! Just kidding.

                      Anyway, I read them all. Fun stuff! A very mixed bag of whumpees this time. (Round 1 had 14 Shep whumps, 12 McKay whumps, 2 Teyla whumps. Nary a Ronon whump. Go figure.)

                      Just finished Day of Reckoning. Again. Now I'm stuck for a good read. Grr. Anything in the pipeline?

                      Alipeeps - *poke prod* - your 'roundwind' story? You finish, yes?
                      Last edited by Strey; 05 November 2008, 02:56 PM.


                        Originally posted by Strey View Post
                        Pilota - Thanatos by Kiku65 has waterboarding. I'd post the link but my computer is playing up. Thanatos is a WIP, but was updated a few days ago after a whopping hiatus. You might be thinking of another fic, but this is what came to mind. Full of well wicked whump, and very dark. I almost feel guilty reading it. Almost...
                        Thanks so much. I bet that is the one. I started it so long ago and hadn't gotten all the way through and know that more chapters have been posted. So much whump in that one that I forgot about the specifics. It is good so far but a little confusing. Know what you mean about feeling guilty but then I always keep reading...


                          Hi, pilota - glad I could help. I hope more chapters get posted soon. This one is driving me nuts - poor Sheppy!

                          BTW - I said I almost feel guilty...

                          Think I'll go reread the latest challenge entries so's I can vote...

                          Last edited by Strey; 05 November 2008, 03:09 PM.


                            *raises hand* Don't like vomiting either.

                            OMG! How hard is to choose a favorite entry this week!

                            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                            Cool! I bet Erika would have enjoyed seeing that! All that drippy blood! Poor you though. I wouldn't mind either seeing all that blood. But I think I'm just a little bit weird!
                            I don't mind blood at all but I'd much rather have Shep blood than whumper's blood, .
                            My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
                            Sig and avi by me


                              Whumper blood? Perish the thought!
                              Whippy/drippy Sheppy blood? Yummm!


                                *Erika* - re Round #2 - I'm having a hard time picking least faves. Do we really have to? *pouts*

