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John Sheppard Whump

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    Oh, curses. I'm going away later today for a long weekend at a folk festival in Oxford, which I've been looking forward to a lot both because Oxford is a place with many happy memories, and because my two favourite bands will be playing there. So what happens? I wake up at 4, shivering, hot/cold and sniffly. Grr!

    I was in the middle of a strange Shep whumpy dream at the time. (cut for weirdness and wordiness)
    Sheppard and Ronon were in partnership as burglars. They were also squirrels. Shep was a small red squirrel, and Ronon was a bigger grey squirrel. They spent their nights breaking into large houses and stealing all their packets of luxury cereal. However, on this one occasion, their presence was discovered, thanks to Ronon tripping over a set of discarded Morris dancer bells, and there was a huge police chase. They stole a car - Ronon steering, and Sheppard down on the floor, manipulating pedals with his little paws. To confuse pursuit, they then abandoned that car and stole another one... whereupon Ronon abandoned Shep and teamed up with Rodney the talkative bluetit instead.

    So then we had Shep the red squirrel, abandoned and betrayed, with the police bearing down on him. I had a very clear sequence of his emotional agony as he scurried along the side of a house, looking desperately from side to side, unable to believe that this was really happening. Then a cat attacked him, leaving him all blood-stained and droopy. He tried to climb a tree, but couldn't. As the police sirens neared, he slumped down on a rockery next to some gentians...

    Then I woke up. Poor Shep! Even as a squirrel, he gets whumped. He should come to live on my little island, though. We're one of the last remaining bastions of red squirrels in England, since the bigger and pushier grey squirrels can't get over the water. Everyone is passionately protective of them. I suspect sometimes that the local people would be more forgiving of someone who'd killed 20 people than someone who was mean to a red squirrel.

    Anyway, despite feeling ill, I'll still be going to Oxford later. Hope everyone has a good weekend.


      Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
      *waves* Back from the Stargate Con in Vancouver. No JF but still TONS of fun!

      no where was I with that fic...

      Hope everyone is well!?
      Welcome back! I can't wait to hear all about it! All the gossip and spoilers and piccies! Glad you had a wonderful time!
      Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
      report... report.. yes, must do that. LOL Wrote one for the site I admin but need to write one for you all here I can tell you that I won a gift cert from Creation for my Tribute to Rodney McKay vid. heheeh.. had fun spending that

      in the mean time... (spoiler for OT Convention pics...)

      just links.. the pics are pretty big...
      love that Jason Momoa.. he was a sexy boy at the con! got 6" away from him at the dessert social. Just for the record, he has probably the most gorgeous eyes I have ever seen... Still wish JF would've been there too!
      Congrats on winning the gift certificate! Well done! Great piccies too.
      Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
      ACtually i really need to watch Rising again! Linzi
      Ooops. Sorry. I will watch it again! Honest!

      Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post

      I have some in my photobook - I will have to go dig them out unless someone beats me to it!

      Well Rising...our first ever stunning Was a good one actually because it was an unexpected one from behind

      There wasnt a terrible amount of physical whump in this episode was there? But at least we got some! Had emotional whumpage of course

      I am trying to think where extra whump could have been added....anyone else got any thoughts?
      Well, in Rising, I thought Shep could have got into more difficulty when fighting the wraith queen towards the end. Maybe he could have been speared through the leg with the end of the big wraith stunner, but managed to grab it off the queen and then stab her? Ok, so that's a little unlikely, but I'm looking for whump possibilties here! He'd have been all woozy and finding it difficult to run back to the Jumper, and then he'd have fought to control the ship and fight off the darts and get back to Atlantis without losing consciousness. That would have been cool. He'd have been hobbling around on crutches in the last scenes.

      The only other whump is the emo whump as SheppyD said. I mean there was some talk on the audio commentary about what Shep had had to do. I think that could have been played a little more really. Shep and Weir never exactly talked about it openly, more in passing.

      Other than that? Well, when he returns to Atlantis with dirt on his face after bringing the Athosians back, maybe he could have had a cut on his cheek too? I mean falling on the ground could mean twig whump, right?

      Some piccies I love from Rising which are spoilered for size:


      The queen had him by the short and curlies here, but she could have speared him, I think!

      Shep all dirty, and he could have had a scratch on his cheek!

      Shep on the ground. What more could a girl want?


        Originally posted by rhymer View Post
        Oh, curses. I'm going away later today for a long weekend at a folk festival in Oxford, which I've been looking forward to a lot both because Oxford is a place with many happy memories, and because my two favourite bands will be playing there. So what happens? I wake up at 4, shivering, hot/cold and sniffly. Grr!

        I was in the middle of a strange Shep whumpy dream at the time. (cut for weirdness and wordiness)
        Sheppard and Ronon were in partnership as burglars. They were also squirrels. Shep was a small red squirrel, and Ronon was a bigger grey squirrel. They spent their nights breaking into large houses and stealing all their packets of luxury cereal. However, on this one occasion, their presence was discovered, thanks to Ronon tripping over a set of discarded Morris dancer bells, and there was a huge police chase. They stole a car - Ronon steering, and Sheppard down on the floor, manipulating pedals with his little paws. To confuse pursuit, they then abandoned that car and stole another one... whereupon Ronon abandoned Shep and teamed up with Rodney the talkative bluetit instead.

        So then we had Shep the red squirrel, abandoned and betrayed, with the police bearing down on him. I had a very clear sequence of his emotional agony as he scurried along the side of a house, looking desperately from side to side, unable to believe that this was really happening. Then a cat attacked him, leaving him all blood-stained and droopy. He tried to climb a tree, but couldn't. As the police sirens neared, he slumped down on a rockery next to some gentians...

        Then I woke up. Poor Shep! Even as a squirrel, he gets whumped. He should come to live on my little island, though. We're one of the last remaining bastions of red squirrels in England, since the bigger and pushier grey squirrels can't get over the water. Everyone is passionately protective of them. I suspect sometimes that the local people would be more forgiving of someone who'd killed 20 people than someone who was mean to a red squirrel.

        Anyway, despite feeling ill, I'll still be going to Oxford later. Hope everyone has a good weekend.
        Okay that's waaaaaay weirder than my dream last night:

        My dream contains some spoilers for S&R
        I dreamt Shep was trapped ala S&R and they could only get to him via this little tiny gap so they could only send one person in to dig him out so they sent.... CHUCK! Yes in my dream Shep was single-handedly saved by the Chucknician.

        He was very pale and bloody when Chuck eventually pulled him out and for some reason he was also wrapped up in this big green piece of canvas *shrugs*


          Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
          Okay that's waaaaaay weirder than my dream last night:

          My dream contains some spoilers for S&R
          I dreamt Shep was trapped ala S&R and they could only get to him via this little tiny gap so they could only send one person in to dig him out so they sent.... CHUCK! Yes in my dream Shep was single-handedly saved by the Chucknician.

          He was very pale and bloody when Chuck eventually pulled him out and for some reason he was also wrapped up in this big green piece of canvas *shrugs*
          I think my slight fever explains the strangeness of my dream, and the squirrels. I was thinking just the other day that I'd like to see an episode from Chuck's POV. Atlantis would be facing dreadful peril, and we'd keep seeing our heroic team racing around in the background, bleeding, desperate, dragging wounded team-mates, saving the world, but the focus would be on Chuck having a personal small life-and-death drama of his own. (And, yes, this is totally inspired by a Buffy episode, The Zeppo.)

          As for Rising... I'm away this weekend, so won't be able to join in the group watch-and-talk, but here's one thought. What about Shep having a worse landing in the helicopter at the start? (further rambling behind cut)
          Not a proper crash, of course, since he's still got to demonstrate super flying skills, but enough of a bump to make him a bit whumped. No-one notices or cares, though, so he's all alone, wandering through the base, totally ignored. I really need to sit down, he thinks, or I'm going to fall down.

          Then he sees this strange-looking chair. He's dimly aware that people were working on it earlier, but they've all left, and everyone's on the far side of the room, talking urgently about incomprehensible things. It's not very comfortable-looking, but right now anything will do. He slumps down wearily into it - falling, really, rather than sitting... and suddenly everything goes very strange.

          No-one notices at first, then someone (Carson) turns round and sees him, and gapes. Someone else (Rodney) wonders what this person's looking at, turns round, and shouts aloud. Soon everyone's looking at him. "What?" Shep says. "What?" And his body still hurts, and he's bruised and battered and exhausted... but something miraculous is opening up in his mind, and he knows that nothing will ever be the same again.


            Originally posted by rhymer View Post
            Oh, curses. I'm going away later today for a long weekend at a folk festival in Oxford, which I've been looking forward to a lot both because Oxford is a place with many happy memories, and because my two favourite bands will be playing there. So what happens? I wake up at 4, shivering, hot/cold and sniffly. Grr!

            I was in the middle of a strange Shep whumpy dream at the time. (cut for weirdness and wordiness)
            Sheppard and Ronon were in partnership as burglars. They were also squirrels. Shep was a small red squirrel, and Ronon was a bigger grey squirrel. They spent their nights breaking into large houses and stealing all their packets of luxury cereal. However, on this one occasion, their presence was discovered, thanks to Ronon tripping over a set of discarded Morris dancer bells, and there was a huge police chase. They stole a car - Ronon steering, and Sheppard down on the floor, manipulating pedals with his little paws. To confuse pursuit, they then abandoned that car and stole another one... whereupon Ronon abandoned Shep and teamed up with Rodney the talkative bluetit instead.

            So then we had Shep the red squirrel, abandoned and betrayed, with the police bearing down on him. I had a very clear sequence of his emotional agony as he scurried along the side of a house, looking desperately from side to side, unable to believe that this was really happening. Then a cat attacked him, leaving him all blood-stained and droopy. He tried to climb a tree, but couldn't. As the police sirens neared, he slumped down on a rockery next to some gentians...

            Then I woke up. Poor Shep! Even as a squirrel, he gets whumped. He should come to live on my little island, though. We're one of the last remaining bastions of red squirrels in England, since the bigger and pushier grey squirrels can't get over the water. Everyone is passionately protective of them. I suspect sometimes that the local people would be more forgiving of someone who'd killed 20 people than someone who was mean to a red squirrel.

            Anyway, despite feeling ill, I'll still be going to Oxford later. Hope everyone has a good weekend.
            Wow! What a dream!

            Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
            Okay that's waaaaaay weirder than my dream last night:

            My dream contains some spoilers for S&R
            I dreamt Shep was trapped ala S&R and they could only get to him via this little tiny gap so they could only send one person in to dig him out so they sent.... CHUCK! Yes in my dream Shep was single-handedly saved by the Chucknician.

            He was very pale and bloody when Chuck eventually pulled him out and for some reason he was also wrapped up in this big green piece of canvas *shrugs*
            Lucky you having a whump dream.

            Originally posted by rhymer View Post
            I think my slight fever explains the strangeness of my dream, and the squirrels. I was thinking just the other day that I'd like to see an episode from Chuck's POV. Atlantis would be facing dreadful peril, and we'd keep seeing our heroic team racing around in the background, bleeding, desperate, dragging wounded team-mates, saving the world, but the focus would be on Chuck having a personal small life-and-death drama of his own. (And, yes, this is totally inspired by a Buffy episode, The Zeppo.)

            As for Rising... I'm away this weekend, so won't be able to join in the group watch-and-talk, but here's one thought. What about Shep having a worse landing in the helicopter at the start? (further rambling behind cut)
            Not a proper crash, of course, since he's still got to demonstrate super flying skills, but enough of a bump to make him a bit whumped. No-one notices or cares, though, so he's all alone, wandering through the base, totally ignored. I really need to sit down, he thinks, or I'm going to fall down.

            Then he sees this strange-looking chair. He's dimly aware that people were working on it earlier, but they've all left, and everyone's on the far side of the room, talking urgently about incomprehensible things. It's not very comfortable-looking, but right now anything will do. He slumps down wearily into it - falling, really, rather than sitting... and suddenly everything goes very strange.

            No-one notices at first, then someone (Carson) turns round and sees him, and gapes. Someone else (Rodney) wonders what this person's looking at, turns round, and shouts aloud. Soon everyone's looking at him. "What?" Shep says. "What?" And his body still hurts, and he's bruised and battered and exhausted... but something miraculous is opening up in his mind, and he knows that nothing will ever be the same again.
            That was a good addition to the possible whump.

            What I thought of was when Shep slid down the hill while walking with Teyla. He could have twisted his ankle or knee. He would have had a limp for a good bit of the rest of the show and we would have gotten to see him limping through the rescue but determined to save his people.


              Rising had several almost-whumps - the drone and the helicopter, exploring Atlantis, falling down the hill, the Wraith attack on Athos, getting captured and interrogated by The Keeper.

              I think he should have sustained some injuries in the Wraith attack. People were screaming, tents were burning, etc. Some of the dart debris could have hit him causing all sorts of bleeding head wounds, wooziness and heroic staggering. And The Keeper should have given him a good backhand for his insolence.

              I'm off for now. Jury duty calls. Yea.
              Sig by Luciana
              My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                I just watched Rising Wednesday. Convinced my dad to start watching all over again, so you guys have a great timing!

                I did see a small cut on his face in the end though. Yes, really. A small cut from all the burning bushes and exploding darts, creepy wraith Keeper and everything. I would have liked some more cuts on the face, and especially on the arms! I like his arms being all scratched up

                And now I think about it, that Keeper was very nice on him wasn't she. She could have done some real damage with those fingernails to his face What a missed whump opportunity.. Wow, thinking about this really carries me away now, doesn't it.
                Sigs by me, CazzBlade, Luciana, csom, scifan, sgmajorshipper, x_stargatergirl_x and LJ's glaringcandle
                Save Our Seeker!
                LotS on LJ.


                  Originally posted by SanGate View Post
                  I just watched Rising Wednesday. Convinced my dad to start watching all over again, so you guys have a great timing!

                  I did see a small cut on his face in the end though. Yes, really. A small cut from all the burning bushes and exploding darts, creepy wraith Keeper and everything. I would have liked some more cuts on the face, and especially on the arms! I like his arms being all scratched up

                  And now I think about it, that Keeper was very nice on him wasn't she. She could have done some real damage with those fingernails to his face What a missed whump opportunity.. Wow, thinking about this really carries me away now, doesn't it.
                  I love his arms and yeah... scratches and contusions and bloody arms would have been great!
                  Be still my beating heart.....

                  The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread... Keeping the dream alive.


                    Eek, second page?! This will not do!

                    So, anybody read any good whumping fic lately? There's a cute story in which virtually the entire team gets whumped by ... household appliances (oh, the shame), over at LJ at the genficathon.

                    Ooh, and 'Brute Science' at is finished! Haven't read it yet as I can only read so many stories at the same time and have been having a ball withl T'Pring's post-OUTCAST story "Blooder is Thicker" in which yes, Shep is whumped and only one person can save him...


                      Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                      ACtually i really need to watch Rising again! Linzi

                      I have some in my photobook - I will have to go dig them out unless someone beats me to it!

                      Well Rising...our first ever stunning Was a good one actually because it was an unexpected one from behind

                      There wasnt a terrible amount of physical whump in this episode was there? But at least we got some! Had emotional whumpage of course

                      I am trying to think where extra whump could have been added....anyone else got any thoughts?
                      Its been ages since I watched Rising, I will have to watch it later and imagine all of the whump that could have been that people have pointed out

                      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                      Welcome back! I can't wait to hear all about it! All the gossip and spoilers and piccies! Glad you had a wonderful time!

                      Congrats on winning the gift certificate! Well done! Great piccies too.

                      Ooops. Sorry. I will watch it again! Honest!

                      Well, in Rising, I thought Shep could have got into more difficulty when fighting the wraith queen towards the end. Maybe he could have been speared through the leg with the end of the big wraith stunner, but managed to grab it off the queen and then stab her? Ok, so that's a little unlikely, but I'm looking for whump possibilties here! He'd have been all woozy and finding it difficult to run back to the Jumper, and then he'd have fought to control the ship and fight off the darts and get back to Atlantis without losing consciousness. That would have been cool. He'd have been hobbling around on crutches in the last scenes.

                      The only other whump is the emo whump as SheppyD said. I mean there was some talk on the audio commentary about what Shep had had to do. I think that could have been played a little more really. Shep and Weir never exactly talked about it openly, more in passing.

                      Other than that? Well, when he returns to Atlantis with dirt on his face after bringing the Athosians back, maybe he could have had a cut on his cheek too? I mean falling on the ground could mean twig whump, right?

                      Some piccies I love from Rising which are spoilered for size:
                      ooo very nice.

                      I just think with all of that darkness, he should have stumbled and tripped far more often, someone should have stolen his night vision goggles and thne he would have been stuffed

                      Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                      I think my slight fever explains the strangeness of my dream, and the squirrels. I was thinking just the other day that I'd like to see an episode from Chuck's POV. Atlantis would be facing dreadful peril, and we'd keep seeing our heroic team racing around in the background, bleeding, desperate, dragging wounded team-mates, saving the world, but the focus would be on Chuck having a personal small life-and-death drama of his own. (And, yes, this is totally inspired by a Buffy episode, The Zeppo.)

                      As for Rising... I'm away this weekend, so won't be able to join in the group watch-and-talk, but here's one thought. What about Shep having a worse landing in the helicopter at the start? (further rambling behind cut)
                      Not a proper crash, of course, since he's still got to demonstrate super flying skills, but enough of a bump to make him a bit whumped. No-one notices or cares, though, so he's all alone, wandering through the base, totally ignored. I really need to sit down, he thinks, or I'm going to fall down.

                      Then he sees this strange-looking chair. He's dimly aware that people were working on it earlier, but they've all left, and everyone's on the far side of the room, talking urgently about incomprehensible things. It's not very comfortable-looking, but right now anything will do. He slumps down wearily into it - falling, really, rather than sitting... and suddenly everything goes very strange.

                      No-one notices at first, then someone (Carson) turns round and sees him, and gapes. Someone else (Rodney) wonders what this person's looking at, turns round, and shouts aloud. Soon everyone's looking at him. "What?" Shep says. "What?" And his body still hurts, and he's bruised and battered and exhausted... but something miraculous is opening up in his mind, and he knows that nothing will ever be the same again.
                      that would have been a a lovely whumpy start to SGA

                      Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                      Wow! What a dream!

                      Lucky you having a whump dream.

                      That was a good addition to the possible whump.

                      What I thought of was when Shep slid down the hill while walking with Teyla. He could have twisted his ankle or knee. He would have had a limp for a good bit of the rest of the show and we would have gotten to see him limping through the rescue but determined to save his people.
                      yes or fell and a twig stuck into his leg, so not only limping but bleeding

                      Originally posted by Ruffles View Post
                      Rising had several almost-whumps - the drone and the helicopter, exploring Atlantis, falling down the hill, the Wraith attack on Athos, getting captured and interrogated by The Keeper.

                      I think he should have sustained some injuries in the Wraith attack. People were screaming, tents were burning, etc. Some of the dart debris could have hit him causing all sorts of bleeding head wounds, wooziness and heroic staggering. And The Keeper should have given him a good backhand for his insolence.

                      I'm off for now. Jury duty calls. Yea.
                      Yes a head wound from some dart debris clonking him on the head

                      Originally posted by prion View Post
                      Eek, second page?! This will not do!

                      So, anybody read any good whumping fic lately? There's a cute story in which virtually the entire team gets whumped by ... household appliances (oh, the shame), over at LJ at the genficathon.

                      Ooh, and 'Brute Science' at is finished! Haven't read it yet as I can only read so many stories at the same time and have been having a ball withl T'Pring's post-OUTCAST story "Blooder is Thicker" in which yes, Shep is whumped and only one person can save him...
                      Thanks for the links, someone mentioned that appliance fic and I meant to go look for it but I am uselss if someone doesn't shove a link uner my nose I forget to go looking for it I am so lazy.

                      Wow all this potential whump has got me all squeeful I need to go watch rising with all these comments in mind, should make for interesting watching.

                      I am so tired, been to the gym after work.... ok when I say been to the gym, thats not strictly true, I went for a nice long swim in the pool which was legitimate exercise, then wandered into the sauna and then finally relaxed in the spa..... *sigh* its a tough life


                        Originally posted by prion View Post
                        Eek, second page?! This will not do!

                        So, anybody read any good whumping fic lately? There's a cute story in which virtually the entire team gets whumped by ... household appliances (oh, the shame), over at LJ at the genficathon.

                        Ooh, and 'Brute Science' at is finished! Haven't read it yet as I can only read so many stories at the same time and have been having a ball withl T'Pring's post-OUTCAST story "Blooder is Thicker" in which yes, Shep is whumped and only one person can save him...
                        I'll second the rec to "Blood is Thicker" by T'Pring very well done and the updates were very fast. Here's the link


                        Brute Science was oddly not my cup of tea but I think many will enjoy.

                        I think after April 21, there should be a master list with writer and fic on the genficathon which will make it a bit easier for the whumpers to pick out what they'd like to read if they only want to digest the h/c stuff. Since it'll be easier to ID the type of story based on who wrote it.

                        There's also a nice list of older fics on this thread being rec'ed by those who enjoy John suffering really bad headaches, which is a favorite of mine.


                        Okay back to writing. Beth and I hit the 65,000 word mark. Eeeek.
                        My fanfic-


                          Originally posted by rhymer View Post
                          Oh, curses. I'm going away later today for a long weekend at a folk festival in Oxford, which I've been looking forward to a lot both because Oxford is a place with many happy memories, and because my two favourite bands will be playing there. So what happens? I wake up at 4, shivering, hot/cold and sniffly. Grr!

                          Anyway, despite feeling ill, I'll still be going to Oxford later. Hope everyone has a good weekend.

                          Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
                          Okay that's waaaaaay weirder than my dream last night:

                          My dream contains some spoilers for S&R
                          I dreamt Shep was trapped ala S&R and they could only get to him via this little tiny gap so they could only send one person in to dig him out so they sent.... CHUCK! Yes in my dream Shep was single-handedly saved by the Chucknician.

                          He was very pale and bloody when Chuck eventually pulled him out and for some reason he was also wrapped up in this big green piece of canvas *shrugs*

                          Glad you had a great time at the con SGAFan!

                          My friend Ruby has a pic of her sat in JF's personal chair and EG has one of her in Shep's chair in the PJ! Well jealous!

                          Thanx for the fic recs

                          What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                            Has anyone tried posting to JM's blog? Am I the only one to get an error message about it?
                            My fanfic-


                              Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                              OK, I'll start seen as it is tomorrow for me and I won't get on the net till the evening possibly

                              spoiler for size

                              He could have landed on a protruding root or something here! He threw himself down without looking and could quite easily have ended up with something impaled in his stomach


                              And this one is just so adorable with his little scratch

                              I hope somebody has a cap of Shep being held down with the Wraith Queen, I haven't got one but that scene sure has possiblities

                              Never mind landing on them he could have tripped over the protruding branch and then have to hobble heroically back to the gate - we wouldn't want him too injured straight away or there would be no chance for extra whump when the queen gets him. That’s where there should have been extra whump I mean he didn't even end up on his knees that just wrong….

                              Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                              report... report.. yes, must do that. LOL Wrote one for the site I admin but need to write one for you all here I can tell you that I won a gift cert from Creation for my Tribute to Rodney McKay vid. heheeh.. had fun spending that

                              in the mean time... (spoiler for OT Convention pics...)

                              just links.. the pics are pretty big...

                              love that Jason Momoa.. he was a sexy boy at the con! got 6" away from him at the dessert social. Just for the record, he has probably the most gorgeous eyes I have ever seen... Still wish JF would've been there too!
                              Lucky you Wonderful pics ( though at first I read conversion not convention and wondered why you were talking about Jason :0

                              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                              Well, in Rising, I thought Shep could have got into more difficulty when fighting the wraith queen towards the end. Maybe he could have been speared through the leg with the end of the big wraith stunner, but managed to grab it off the queen and then stab her? Ok, so that's a little unlikely, but I'm looking for whump possibilties here! He'd have been all woozy and finding it difficult to run back to the Jumper, and then he'd have fought to control the ship and fight off the darts and get back to Atlantis without losing consciousness. That would have been cool. He'd have been hobbling around on crutches in the last scenes.

                              The only other whump is the emo whump as SheppyD said. I mean there was some talk on the audio commentary about what Shep had had to do. I think that could have been played a little more really. Shep and Weir never exactly talked about it openly, more in passing.

                              Other than that? Well, when he returns to Atlantis with dirt on his face after bringing the Athosians back, maybe he could have had a cut on his cheek too? I mean falling on the ground could mean twig whump, right?

                              Some piccies I love from Rising which are spoilered for size:
                              The queen had him by the short and curlies here, but she could have speared him, I think!
                              Shep all dirty, and he could have had a scratch on his cheek!
                              Shep on the ground. What more could a girl want?
                              Nice pictures always room for a dirty Shep *looks innocent*

                              What about missed whump opportunity at the beginning of the story in Antarctica, the helicopter had to make a emergency landing perhaps the helicopter could have been damaged so shep was stuck on the ice for a while.

                              There is very good story set between the outpost and leaving the SGC by pfyre (which I shall have to go and recommend on Sheppard_HC as it involves headaches) about dealing with ancient equipment for the first time, that could have been missed whump.

                              Originally posted by prion View Post
                              Eek, second page?! This will not do!

                              So, anybody read any good whumping fic lately? There's a cute story in which virtually the entire team gets whumped by ... household appliances (oh, the shame), over at LJ at the genficathon.

                              Ooh, and 'Brute Science' at is finished! Haven't read it yet as I can only read so many stories at the same time and have been having a ball withl T'Pring's post-OUTCAST story "Blooder is Thicker" in which yes, Shep is whumped and only one person can save him...

                              Blood is thicker I am loving - but I have to agree with Kirsten there was something about Brute Science that made me very uncomfortable, it is a very well written story though so do check it out.

                              Rhymer Nice dream


                                It's so quiet. Has everyone whumped themselves into oblivion or did the weekend start early?

                                I have decided I am quite partial to the dirty, scruffy look.

                                But the woozy look is good too.


                                But all tied-up....


                                *sigh* So much whump. So little time.
                                Sig by Luciana
                                My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics

