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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Pocus View Post
    Sounds great to me. I will be looking first thing in the morning to see if anyone has started. **iz excited** Maybe I will think about it so much tonight, I will have a whumpy dream. Not like the one about the bee that wouldn't die I had last night.

    Well, off to finish Reliquary. I will be peeking in to see if anyone is around.
    OK, I'll start seen as it is tomorrow for me and I won't get on the net till the evening possibly

    spoiler for size

    He could have landed on a protruding root or something here! He threw himself down without looking and could quite easily have ended up with something impaled in his stomach


    And this one is just so adorable with his little scratch

    I hope somebody has a cap of Shep being held down with the Wraith Queen, I haven't got one but that scene sure has possiblities

    What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


      Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
      ^Hello? Anybody out there?

      Sorry I've been absent of late been going through a rough time of it and been ridiculously busy - but finally, after what seems like forever, I have a completely free day all to myself. Yay!.

      Love the lolSheps LCEB.

      Regarding S&R:
      I'm really very confident that we will see some nice whumpage and a reasonable amount of time spent on the gang trying to rescue Shep (and Ronon presumably) - after all the episode is called Search & Rescue, And although it could be argued that the title also refers to Teyla the big S&R operation that Carter puts in place is definitely aimed at rescuing Shep and Ronon. Plus I really don't think that they would go to all the trouble of building that massive set with all the rubble (and we've seen pictures of both Carter and Vega walking through it) if they weren't going to make good use of it.

      I'm feeling very confident and very positive and squeeful about this episode.
      Welcome back Josie!!! I'll have to agree with you. You are usually spot on about the episodes.

      Originally posted by Pocus View Post
      **waves at Josie**

      Sherry I love your S and R idea of
      Shep waking up alone and fearing everyone is dead. You are right that JF can pull off that look perfectly.

      I really, really hope that they deal with Shep being trapped in a "realistic" way. I want it to take a while to get to him and for it to not be easy to get him out AND for him to show real affects from the whole ordeal. I know JF said it is hard to act while laying on your back, but I want to feel a bit of stress and worry about him. I care for his character very much and I don't want anything to permanently affect him, but I don't want a cartoon rescue where he bounces up out of the whole after Ronon uses his muscles and lifts the beam off and they run to find a stressed out Rodney holding Teyla's baby. I hope they treat the situation in the way that it deserves.
      Well JF won't exactly be on his back will he? He'll be sort of sitting resting against something. I really do like seeing the helpless Shep. If TPTB play their cards right this could be one fantastic episode. I'm really looking forward to it.

      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
      I really hope for that too. I want what you describe and will feel cheated with anything less, to be honest. The possibilites are endless, yet I worry everything will be glossed over because it's the season premiere, and so much has to happen in it.

      Today I'm not feeling that positive about everything. I don't know if it's because I'm stuck in mid-hiatus blues, or because of the lack of knowing anything about Shep in season 5. The fact that JM won't even give us any clues about anything for Shep as a character in season 5 when he seems to be happy to tell us about other characters is making me miserable and a little peeved. I don't know if it's because there's not a lot to tell, or if he's just being coy. But why single out Shep fans? Why tell us about eppies and things for other characters and not for Sheppard?

      I really loved season 4, and felt it had some great whumpy moments and some great character moments for Sheppard too. In fact, it's probably my favourite season for Shep over all in many ways. Ok, not for whump perhaps, though I did love what we got in TR, DG, Midway, Travelers, to name a few, and the emo whump was wonderful! Best ever, I think. But for character development and importance to the show Shep was very well served, I think. I was just thrilled. I just am feeling not so positive about season 5 at the moment. It's so hard to feel excited when you hear about good things for just about every other character but the one you love. This time last year we knew so much about what was coming up for Sheppard, and this year? We know nothing.

      To sort of explain the thing that finally tipped me over the edge was what I read today in JM's blog:

      The Tracker has some sort of Ronon/McKay/Keller element to it.

      I was hoping that Tracker might be Shep centric? Guess not. We have to make do with him being in Beckett's episode. Great... I know having a centred eppie isn't everything, hell, a few days ago I was saying it wasn't the be all and end all, but now I'm finally starting to be annoyed. Who is the leading man again? I'm honestly beginning to think it's Joe F only in name. I am at the point where I'm not even going to read JM's blog anymore. I gave up posting on it a while back, because Shep fans are just ignored. Well, I guess JM has got his wish. This Shep fan is fed up, hurt and ready to quit.

      I need to go and watch 38 Minutes to feel the love again!
      *hugs* I think we are all in a bit of a rut right now. With no news about a Sheppy epi it's getting a little frustrating.

      Originally posted by Linzi View Post
      Awwww, thanks Pocus. I'm ok, just a little peeved. It's a difficult time when it's hiatus, as I know from the previous years here! I get antsy and uncertain and impatient. Ok this year more than before. But that's the nature of the fandom I think.

      I will read the blog of doom, because I usually read it, though I don't always read the comments now. I even just posted a tongue in cheek post But it would be nice to know Sheppard fans have got something to look forward to other than S and R. I am really looking forward to that on the whump front. I mean, heck, there's whump! That has to be good, right?

      I want a time machine. I want to see promo piccies and episodic photography, I want to know there's something coming up for my fav character! I don't want massive details or spoilers, but for some reason this year, unlike last, I don't have the blind faith I had. I need a little reassurance
      Maybe the whumpers need to send more chocolate to him.

      Originally posted by pilgrim soul View Post
      ^I find it really is best not to read the comments on JM's blog - its not good for my health.

      I wish I could enthuse you all with my current optimism. In the past we've worried about a lack of Shep in certain episodes and have ended up with some lovely surprises - I'm sure season five will be a great season for our favourite Lt Col.

      Spoilers for Tracker:
      Don't worry too much about the whole Ronon/McKay/Keller thing. We know that in this episode Ronon and McKay team up so I'd guess that the Keller thing is nothing more than a conversation between the two of them.

      Now what interests me is why are Ronon and McKay teamed up with no Shep or Teyla in sight? Maybe Shep gets captured and they have to go rescue him.
      Love your thinking.

      Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
      Pocus that 'silly idea' sounds like a fab idea!

      Why dont we take one episode a day - from the very start, post whumpy caps and then discuss how the whump in each episode could have been improved and how more whump could have been introduced (the missed whump opportunities in each)?
      That sounds like a great idea. Unfortunately I won't be able to participate due to work , but I know I will enjoy reading everything. Please keep this whumper entertained.

      Congrats to all the milestoners!!! I know there were a few, but I don't remember who.

      Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
      AVI by *ERIKA*


        Good evening Whumpers!

        I'm just posting on the fly once again. I hope to catch up soon.....right now I don't have the time since RL is crazy!

        {{{HUGS}}} to all the Whumpers!



          *waves* Back from the Stargate Con in Vancouver. No JF but still TONS of fun!

          no where was I with that fic...

          Hope everyone is well!?
          My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


            Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
            *waves* Back from the Stargate Con in Vancouver. No JF but still TONS of fun!

            no where was I with that fic...

            Hope everyone is well!?
            *waves back* I hope you are having fun. Take lots of pics and I can't wait to hear about it.

            Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
            AVI by *ERIKA*


              Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
              *waves* Back from the Stargate Con in Vancouver. No JF but still TONS of fun!

              no where was I with that fic...

              Hope everyone is well!?
              **tackle hugs SGA*** hope you are having a great time!!!!


                Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Did anyone miss me???? I've been SO busy with stuff lately - mostly trying to get to the end of the 2007 Stargate Fan Awards so we can start 2008 and get back on track with a normal schedule!

                I've missed playing in here What have I missed?? Tons of stuff??? Ok, so I don't miss spoilers! Nasty things those

                Ok, keep track of what I'll be missing in the next week - I leave tomorrow for a one week Disney cruise to the Eastern Caribbean! Which will mean one week closer to S5, and I plan on laying by the pool with a drink in hand and Blood Ties in the other which I've been saving to take with me on the cruise!!
                Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


                  Hi, Josie!!! Great to see you back!

                  Thank you for the lovely pics, Peggy, Bebop, everyone. Makes it easy to forget the trials of the day.

                  (((HUGS))) to everyone feeling a little Shep deprived. It is hard to be patient, I know.

                  Originally posted by SGAFan View Post
                  *waves* Back from the Stargate Con in Vancouver. No JF but still TONS of fun!

                  no where was I with that fic...

                  Hope everyone is well!?
                  Hey, SGAFan!! Big ol' bear hug! How was the con? Ya doing a report???


                    Bear hugs for Salty, too!!! Thank you for all the hard work on the awards! You deserve a lovely vacation!


                      Originally posted by Salty View Post
                      Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Did anyone miss me???? I've been SO busy with stuff lately - mostly trying to get to the end of the 2007 Stargate Fan Awards so we can start 2008 and get back on track with a normal schedule!

                      I've missed playing in here What have I missed?? Tons of stuff??? Ok, so I don't miss spoilers! Nasty things those

                      Ok, keep track of what I'll be missing in the next week - I leave tomorrow for a one week Disney cruise to the Eastern Caribbean! Which will mean one week closer to S5, and I plan on laying by the pool with a drink in hand and Blood Ties in the other which I've been saving to take with me on the cruise!!
                      Lots of lost faces showing up here tonite. I have missed all the old friends.

                      You haven't missed too much. It has been extremely quiet in here lately. Have you seen you the pic from Search and Rescue? That caused a stir. Not too much speculation going on or spoilers floating around.

                      Hope you have a great time and get lots of relaxation on your trip!!


                        Originally posted by Salty View Post
                        Hellooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Did anyone miss me???? I've been SO busy with stuff lately - mostly trying to get to the end of the 2007 Stargate Fan Awards so we can start 2008 and get back on track with a normal schedule!

                        I've missed playing in here What have I missed?? Tons of stuff??? Ok, so I don't miss spoilers! Nasty things those

                        Ok, keep track of what I'll be missing in the next week - I leave tomorrow for a one week Disney cruise to the Eastern Caribbean! Which will mean one week closer to S5, and I plan on laying by the pool with a drink in hand and Blood Ties in the other which I've been saving to take with me on the cruise!!
                        *hugs* Well it's about time you came out of lurkdom. How's it going since the last time I talked to you? I'm so extremely jealous of you right now you can't even imagine. Be sure to get me a souvenir that you can give me in November. I'll reciprocate when I go to Disney in July. How's that? Deal?

                        You haven't missed much. It's been a rollarcoaster ride. Whumpers are squeeing then not squeeing, then squeeing and not squeeing. JM has been leaving us squeeless.

                        Miss you!!! I hope you have lots of fun and make sure to not get burned.

                        Rotating SIGs by Pegasus_SGA
                        AVI by *ERIKA*


                          report... report.. yes, must do that. LOL Wrote one for the site I admin but need to write one for you all here I can tell you that I won a gift cert from Creation for my Tribute to Rodney McKay vid. heheeh.. had fun spending that

                          in the mean time... (spoiler for OT Convention pics...)

                          just links.. the pics are pretty big...


                          love that Jason Momoa.. he was a sexy boy at the con! got 6" away from him at the dessert social. Just for the record, he has probably the most gorgeous eyes I have ever seen... Still wish JF would've been there too!
                          My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                            OMG, those are amazing pics! You are one lucky girl, SGAFan! One day, I hope I can get back to Vancouver for a con or just to be a tourist. It's a great city.

                            Where's the report you posted elsewhere?



                              It's in the forum, however you have to be a member to view it (its in the member area) but feel free to join It's a JF/Shep fan site

                              and yes, I had a GREAT time. This is my third VancouverCon in a row... have fun each year
                              My Fanfiction: ** My LJ (Art and Fanfiction): SGAFan LJ


                                Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                                Sounds great to me. I will be looking first thing in the morning to see if anyone has started. **iz excited** Maybe I will think about it so much tonight, I will have a whumpy dream. Not like the one about the bee that wouldn't die I had last night.

                                Well, off to finish Reliquary. I will be peeking in to see if anyone is around.
                                ACtually i really need to watch Rising again! Linzi

                                Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                                OK, I'll start seen as it is tomorrow for me and I won't get on the net till the evening possibly

                                spoiler for size

                                He could have landed on a protruding root or something here! He threw himself down without looking and could quite easily have ended up with something impaled in his stomach


                                And this one is just so adorable with his little scratch

                                I hope somebody has a cap of Shep being held down with the Wraith Queen, I haven't got one but that scene sure has possiblities

                                I have some in my photobook - I will have to go dig them out unless someone beats me to it!

                                Well Rising...our first ever stunning Was a good one actually because it was an unexpected one from behind

                                There wasnt a terrible amount of physical whump in this episode was there? But at least we got some! Had emotional whumpage of course

                                I am trying to think where extra whump could have been added....anyone else got any thoughts?

