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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
    A list of demands written in blood on a roll of bandage?
    You realise of course that some people are going to read these comments and take it as further proof that we are all deranged psychopaths.


      Originally posted by Josie View Post
      You realise of course that some people are going to read these comments and take it as further proof that we are all deranged psychopaths.
      Of course. And I feel sorry for those people who haven't discovered the joy of sheer silliness that we have so thoroughly embraced in this thread.


        Originally posted by Josie View Post
        You realise of course that some people are going to read these comments and take it as further proof that we are all deranged psychopaths.
        we aren't?


          Originally posted by Pocus View Post
          we aren't?
          *hides from men in white coats*
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            Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
            *hides from men in white coats*
            **directs men in white coats Sheppard's way, especially if they have big pointy needles to sedate him**


              Originally posted by Pocus View Post
              **directs men in white coats Sheppard's way, especially if they have big pointy needles to sedate him**
              and a strait-jacket!
              My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
              Sig and avi by me


                Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
                and a strait-jacket!

                Well, I love my new summer schedule because I get to come and play here before work. Now is the time time to head for work though. Last day without a class to myself. Monday I get to work with the "big kids" (completed kindergarten through 4th grade). Oh joy! This is the group that thinks it is not "cool" to show excitement about anything.

                I'll show them! Next week is "Ice Cream WeeK!" We will make it, eat it, play with it, graph it, write about it...oh I just made myself hungry!

                Have a great day Whumpers and I will try to sneak on during work to see how the
                Whump Him Intensely Please (WHIP) Campaign is going!


                  Originally posted by Pocus View Post

                  Well, I love my new summer schedule because I get to come and play here before work. Now is the time time to head for work though. Last day without a class to myself. Monday I get to work with the "big kids" (completed kindergarten through 4th grade). Oh joy! This is the group that thinks it is not "cool" to show excitement about anything.

                  I'll show them! Next week is "Ice Cream WeeK!" We will make it, eat it, play with it, graph it, write about it...oh I just made myself hungry!

                  Have a great day Whumpers and I will try to sneak on during work to see how the
                  Whump Him Intensely Please (WHIP) Campaign is going!

                  Josie, of course we're nuts! Wouldn't have it any other Sheppy, oh yes I can think of plenty of other ways...ahem... back off to white coat land...


                    Originally posted by Linzi View Post

                    Josie, of course we're nuts! Wouldn't have it any other Sheppy, oh yes I can think of plenty of other ways...ahem... back off to white coat land...
                    Oh yeah we're a danger to society.

                    I would love, love, love to see a crazy Shep episode.


                      Originally posted by Josie View Post
                      Oh yeah we're a danger to society.

                      I would love, love, love to see a crazy Shep episode.
                      That would be awesome. I'd love to see him lose it...


                        I'd love to see Shep lose it too. We just have never seen that. I have such wonderful images in my head of what he'd look and sound like, but I REALLY want to see that on screen. It's just not fair that we haven't seen anything like that!!!!


                          Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                          I'd love to see Shep lose it too. We just have never seen that. I have such wonderful images in my head of what he'd look and sound like, but I REALLY want to see that on screen. It's just not fair that we haven't seen anything like that!!!!
                          You know what I'd love to see? Shep losing it and aware that he's losing it and terrified because of it. We've never really seen Sheppard scared... other than I guess CG and
                          he was gagged and bound then!
                          I'd love to see him scared not for physical reasons but scared of what's happening to him... in Conversion we kinda got that but he reacted by isolating himself and almost kinda sulking. And again that was a physical transformation... I'd like to see him scared that he is losing himself, losing what makes him who he is... I'd like to see the kind of wonderful scenes we got in the Dr Who ep 42, where the Dr was struggling
                          to hold on and crying out to Martha in a panic that he was scared of what was happening to him....


                            Oh my goodness you whumpers are full of energy this morning! I haven't had a smile on my face this early in the morning in a lonnngggg time.

                            Originally posted by Josie View Post
                            Morning everyone. It was quiet in here last night did GW have problems or is everyone just all squeed out?

                            Have you seen this short interview with Rachel Luttrell over on SciFi Wire? It clears a few things up. WARNING SEASON FOUR SPOILERS.
                            Thanks for that hon. Certainly clears the air of a few things. Which I would rather have than getting new news that leave me scratching my head.

                            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                            We'd definitely need a sarcophagus so we could keep bringing him back to life and whumping him all over again..... now there's a concept for a show! Sheppard: The Sarcophagus Years. I'd watch it!
                            SQUEE!! how fun would that be! Poor boy wouldn't know what hit him. So, when does this series start then?

                            Originally posted by Pocus View Post
                            Should we start a campaign and send intubation kits, ripped shirts and bandages to TPTB?
                            Hey, i'm still trying to get an intubation kit to SD. now i ahve to get one to TPTB??

                            I do like this plan though. Ya think it would work?

                            Originally posted by Josie View Post
                            You realise of course that some people are going to read these comments and take it as further proof that we are all deranged psychopaths.
                            They're just jealous because they don't have as much fun in life as we do.

                            Originally posted by Pocus View Post

                            Well, I love my new summer schedule because I get to come and play here before work. Now is the time time to head for work though. Last day without a class to myself. Monday I get to work with the "big kids" (completed kindergarten through 4th grade). Oh joy! This is the group that thinks it is not "cool" to show excitement about anything.

                            I'll show them! Next week is "Ice Cream WeeK!" We will make it, eat it, play with it, graph it, write about it...oh I just made myself hungry!

                            Have a great day Whumpers and I will try to sneak on during work to see how the
                            Whump Him Intensely Please (WHIP) Campaign is going!

                            Send your kiddies to the planetarium. I'll get them excited. But yeah, I know what you're dealing with. It is a difficult age - the peer pressure is beginning to start in and well, yeah............

                            WHIP??? The whumpers come up with some great acroynyms. I LOVE it!!


                              Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                              I'd love to see Shep lose it too. We just have never seen that. I have such wonderful images in my head of what he'd look and sound like, but I REALLY want to see that on screen. It's just not fair that we haven't seen anything like that!!!!
                              I agree Sheppy really really needs an eppy like this. Think of the character growth and team bonding that could result!!!


                                Congrats Josie on 5500 posts!!!
                                Sigs by Scifan

