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John Sheppard Whump

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    Happy Birthday Listy!!!

    Originally posted by sherryw View Post
    Party? Where? Our room? That sounds great! I can't wait! It's not exactly a suite, but it definitely is a better room with a better view and I believe a little larger as well.

    I'm planning on bringing my portable DVD player that I use on trips for my kids. I will have to see if there is an adapter for the TV so we can watch it on the bigger screen. I take it he will record it on disk?

    Do we need to send chocolate to WWLH?
    Bring steak for WWLH!

    Originally posted by twinchaosblade ½ View Post
    And just to make you envious propperly, here's the pic we had taken with Paul McGillion on Sunday afternoon (Twinny is the taller one of us); he actually tried to match the look on the shirt - just in case you were wandering.

    What a great picture!!

    How are you doing, Sherry? I hope you are well.
    Originally posted by knightie View Post
    We asked Joe about exercise. He said he tried to get up at 4.30 in the morning but it was too much for him. He hates just standing around. He patted his tummy and said he has to watch things now.
    I volunteer to watch things for him!!

    Originally posted by sherryw View Post
    I'm really good, about ready to go to bed. That's a great pic. I love how he's making the same face. I believe Paul is going to be at the NJCON and I will more than likely have my pic with him there. Have you seen knightie and salty's pics with Joe and David. They are awesome!

    OK my mind is failing what is COC? I really wish we new how strong Shep's gene really is? Is it stronger than O'Neill's? I do hope they are going to dive into Shep's gene more.
    We haven't heard anything about eps with Shep's gene, except with Travellers so maybe the back ten will deal with it.

    Repost of my pic with the boys for those who missed it

    Originally posted by sherryw View Post
    I can barely get up at 6am. Did you happen to ask of find out what time they usually show up on set? Or does it depend on the call sheet?
    Depends on their scenes. The first call time is 7am. The day we were there Rachel and Jason left around 3pm, and David's call I think was at 2:30, David Nykl's was at 4pm. Joe was still there at 7pm but I don't know what time he started. We tried to get a copy of the call sheet but we couldn't - I guess it gave away too many spoilers. But I did see
    Larrin's name on it

    Originally posted by knightie View Post
    I have a new convert.

    My 16 year old daughter after seeing the 250 set pictures decided to go have a look. We watched Rising together. Then she wanted to watch Hot Zone. It was so cool watching it with someone for the first time. She wanted to watch 38 minutes but I told her tomorrow in order to savor that lovely gem.

    Now lets see if she is a whumper. I think so since she reads H/C in other genre

    Her reactions. She loved the McKay and Sheppard Banter. She thought Joe looked hot for "a older guy"

    She is now bugging me to marathon them.
    Excellent! Now make her go somewhere else to watch the next 2 eps so it counts as two viewer households!
    SaltyJr wants to watch now that Joe signed his drawing! I hadn't let him watch since he's oversensitive for his age and I didn't want to deal with nightmares. But this summer we're watching all 3 seasons together - an hour a night - I'm so looking forward to it!

    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
    Well, I guess JM has made it clear now that it's down to Joe and his availability so I'm gonna stop whingeing about us not getting it. I know he is very busy when shooting because, being the lead, he is in almost every scene. It's been mentioned before that he doesn't have a lot of spare time on set - I think BamBam mentioned it once when talking about rehearsing stunt scenes and that he didn't get much chance to rehearse with Joe, and Joe mentioned it at Expo when talking about wanting to direct an episode and how it's difficult cos he is in nearly every scene and him directing means them effectively losing him for an episode.

    We asked Joe about directing - he had mentioned it during the NJ Con - he said he has no time now for it I'd rather see him in front of the camera rather than his name in the credits!
    Read about my SGA set visit at My LiveJournal - June 2007


      Originally posted by knightie View Post
      We asked Joe about exercise. He said he tried to get up at 4.30 in the morning but it was too much for him. He hates just standing around. He patted his tummy and said he has to watch things now.
      Heh, yeah, the older you get, the more you have to watch 4:30? I don't blame him, geez, that's WAY too early to even open the eyes!

      Originally posted by knightie View Post
      I think I might have to agree with you Salty. I didn't notice that until you just had to post my picture I tried to zoom in on it and its still hard to tell.

      I touched Sheppard's seat but I was too brain dead to sit in it. But as I was complaining today to Salty how I wish I had thought to sit in it ( i had McKays Seat) she said but you got your kiss. Yeah the kiss.
      Yeah, the kiss


        Originally posted by Salty View Post
        I hadn't let him watch since he's oversensitive for his age and I didn't want to deal with nightmares. But this summer we're watching all 3 seasons together - an hour a night - I'm so looking forward to it!
        That's so cool Salty! My parents did that to me when I was little and meant soooo much to me. We watched Star Trek every night and that's why I'm into scifi now. It bring such nice memories. We were old enough to wait for my father to come home from work (we barely saw him growing up, because he worked very far and we were asleep when he left and arrived) and we all loved it. It's one of the few memories I have with my father growing up. I miss those times...
        My Stargate Art | My LJ | My Fanfics | My Vids | SGA H/C Challenges Comm
        Sig and avi by me


          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
          For those who haven't been able to see the vid yet - I've had a very productive evening. Check out mucho screencaps here.
          thanks for the link, mucho doesn't quite do it justice i feel. lol

          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
          From JM's blog:

          I know Joe has a family to get back to and I guess doesn't want to spend longer on set than he has to... but it's a shame nonetheless...
          tis a shame. I understand his wanting to get back to his family though. One day i'm sure he'll have a free half hour and they'll collar him......

          Originally posted by Salty View Post
          Ok, they're not really short sleeves....hope knightie doesn't mind me posting this...I'd post mine but his arm is behind me and the other arm is next to his side so you can't really see...

          I vote for rolled up.
          Definately rolled up.
          (And if you're having trouble seeing it, look at the shadow the sleeve makes, it shows the roll.)

          Originally posted by Salty View Post
          Here's a whump question for you....I just watched Talion (SG-1) - why is it that the SG1 guys, especially Teal'c and Cameron get
          seriously whumped with whump remains on a frequent basis and Shep gets nothing??? Is it that the writers have an affinity for whumping them? So why can't they whump Shep like that? I feel nothing for a whumped Cam (although a whumped Crichton before I discovered Shep was a delight!), and even less for a whumped Teal'c.

          I challenge any of you prolific writers to ask this question of JM
          Yeeees, the SG-1 team did get whumped a whole lot more than our boys!

          Heck if no-one else asks it - i will!!

          Originally posted by Lorr View Post
          Shep won't be able to sit on the edge of Carter's desk, though. I will miss that familiarity.
          Oh i dunno - he seems the sort that'll do it anyway.

          Originally posted by twinchaosblade ½ View Post
          And just to make you envious propperly, here's the pic we had taken with Paul McGillion on Sunday afternoon (Twinny is the taller one of us); he actually tried to match the look on the shirt - just in case you were wandering.

          Great pic! Can't wait for P3!!

          Originally posted by knightie View Post
          We asked Joe about exercise. He said he tried to get up at 4.30 in the morning but it was too much for him. He hates just standing around. He patted his tummy and said he has to watch things now.
          Aw bless him! He's certainly doing a good job of watching things. And we're pretty good at watching things too!!

          Originally posted by knightie View Post
          I have a new convert.

          My 16 year old daughter after seeing the 250 set pictures decided to go have a look. We watched Rising together. Then she wanted to watch Hot Zone. It was so cool watching it with someone for the first time. She wanted to watch 38 minutes but I told her tomorrow in order to savor that lovely gem.

          Now lets see if she is a whumper. I think so since she reads H/C in other genre

          Her reactions. She loved the McKay and Sheppard Banter. She thought Joe looked hot for "a older guy"

          She is now bugging me to marathon them.
          YAY!! new convert!! But then she would like it, it's in the genes!

          Originally posted by Isolated_Fear View Post
          Good evening whumpers! How is everyone tonight?
          Gah! I've been Irish Dance whumped! I hate my teacher on Monday, my other teacher is so much nicer. For some reason the crazy lady decided we needed to do endurance drills. Which are horrible to begin with. Then my stupid asthma decides to act up and I end up gasping, bent over, and hardly able to draw breath. And guess what, that %&@$ lady didn't even act like she cared! She acted like it was my fault! I hate people.
          Huh, evil woman. But i've had that in the past too,
          usually PE teachers who act like you're doing it on purpose just to p*** on their day. There's sometimes only so much an inhaler can do and sometimes it comes on too quickly anyway and you've reached the wheezy, gaspy stage before you've got to your inhaler.
          I've felt like saying "I'm sorry this is such an inconvenience to you, believe me, not being able to breath is pretty damn inconvenient to me too!" At least i would have, if i could breath to talk.....


          The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

          l My LJ l


            Originally posted by Squonk View Post
            thanks for the link, mucho doesn't quite do it justice i feel. lol
            I may have gotten a little carried away...

            Originally posted by Squonk View Post
            Huh, evil woman. But i've had that in the past too,
            usually PE teachers who act like you're doing it on purpose just to p*** on their day. There's sometimes only so much an inhaler can do and sometimes it comes on too quickly anyway and you've reached the wheezy, gaspy stage before you've got to your inhaler.
            I've felt like saying "I'm sorry this is such an inconvenience to you, believe me, not being able to breath is pretty damn inconvenient to me too!" At least i would have, if i could breath to talk.....
            I think that's genetic to PE teachers everywhere.... I'm pretty sure sadism is a pre-requisite for getting the job!

            I was diagnosed with post-exertional asthma at age 16 and would get wheezy and short of breath and have terrible coughing fits during and after exercise. INhalers helped a little but anything that required sustained exertion would still set me off... and yet my PE teacher made me run the 1500 metres anyway and when I literally staggered over the finish line and collapsed on my back in the middle of the track, gasping for breath, she stood over me and looked down at me and said, "Oh don't be so silly!" and walked off!! Whereas another girl in my class who made a huge fuss about having asthma had only to hiccup and this same teacher would have her sat on the ground, breathing into a paper bag.

            I had my moment of revenge though.... in later years I worked at the local hospital and I was working one week for the colorectal surgeon and a set of test results came across my desk and one of them was recommending that the patient have a colonoscopy.. and I recognised the name and guess who it was? I couldn't think of any person who was more deserving of having a camera stuck up her bottom!


              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
              I may have gotten a little carried away...

              I think that's genetic to PE teachers everywhere.... I'm pretty sure sadism is a pre-requisite for getting the job!

              I was diagnosed with post-exertional asthma at age 16 and would get wheezy and short of breath and have terrible coughing fits during and after exercise. INhalers helped a little but anything that required sustained exertion would still set me off... and yet my PE teacher made me run the 1500 metres anyway and when I literally staggered over the finish line and collapsed on my back in the middle of the track, gasping for breath, she stood over me and looked down at me and said, "Oh don't be so silly!" and walked off!! Whereas another girl in my class who made a huge fuss about having asthma had only to hiccup and this same teacher would have her sat on the ground, breathing into a paper bag.

              I had my moment of revenge though.... in later years I worked at the local hospital and I was working one week for the colorectal surgeon and a set of test results came across my desk and one of them was recommending that the patient have a colonoscopy.. and I recognised the name and guess who it was? I couldn't think of any person who was more deserving of having a camera stuck up her bottom!
              Ah sweet sweet revenge!!

              Mine is brought on by exercise as wellas various allergens (woot, lucky me!) and i've met that attitude. There was one teacher though who was really nice (I know!! Who knew a PE teacher could be nice!!) and used to shout encouragement to me when we did distance running and was always genuinely please if i made it round. But he also used to get the class (who had invariably finished ages ago) to shout me on too - which was just embarrassing.
              We had one girl though who had been diagnosed with a hole in her heart and when she told the teacher she needed to watch out for her and tell her if she went red, cos that would mean she'd have to stop, the teacher didn't let her explain any further and proceeded to humilate her for being pathetic for needing to stop if she was a bit red! The look on her face when my mate calmy told her about her heart was priceless!
              This is the same teacher who told a fellow asthmatic that it couldn't be that bad if she'd forgotten her inhaler and forced her to do really evil exercises till she practically collapsed.

              Huh, maybe we should suggest PE teachers to the SGA writers as a good source of whump.................
              The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

              l My LJ l


                morning all. Pe teachers would not understand i dont think
                Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                  they'd be good at doing the whump, not enjoying watching it
                  The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                  l My LJ l


                    yeah they would. They know how to whump
                    Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                      Good Morning Whumpers!!!

                      first off.....

                      Here's a warm fuzzy for ya to help celebrate...

                      glad to see TB0.5 around again. Great pix with PM. Can't wait to meet him soon.

                      Ack, the asthma thing...pain in the arse. I'm tired of always carrying the darned inhaler around, but it is a lifesaver at times. I'm just glad I now have a reason for all the wheezing and gasping and dying to breathe that I do. all these years, people thought I was just out of shape...


                        hey gg!!!! hows it going
                        Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                          Originally posted by mckaychick View Post
                          hey gg!!!! hows it going
                          Hi MKC!! It's going. I'm on GW, got the air conditioners in, don't have to go to work for another two days, and then its off camping again for the weekend and spending time with those lovely ticks.


                            thats good im about to head off to class and get ready to start my new job. * looks at clock cya later*
                            Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                              Originally posted by Squonk View Post
                              Ah sweet sweet revenge!!

                              Mine is brought on by exercise as wellas various allergens (woot, lucky me!) and i've met that attitude. There was one teacher though who was really nice (I know!! Who knew a PE teacher could be nice!!) and used to shout encouragement to me when we did distance running and was always genuinely please if i made it round. But he also used to get the class (who had invariably finished ages ago) to shout me on too - which was just embarrassing.
                              We had one girl though who had been diagnosed with a hole in her heart and when she told the teacher she needed to watch out for her and tell her if she went red, cos that would mean she'd have to stop, the teacher didn't let her explain any further and proceeded to humilate her for being pathetic for needing to stop if she was a bit red! The look on her face when my mate calmy told her about her heart was priceless!
                              This is the same teacher who told a fellow asthmatic that it couldn't be that bad if she'd forgotten her inhaler and forced her to do really evil exercises till she practically collapsed.

                              Huh, maybe we should suggest PE teachers to the SGA writers as a good source of whump.................
                              Gosh, it's surprising more of us didn't die at school due to the incompetent malevolence of PE teachers!
                              My other PE teacher (also a *insert rude word here*) once made another girl and I run 5 laps of the hockey pitch because we turned up to a PE lesson in OCTOBER (in North Wales!!) wearing tracksuit bottoms. I should explain... our PE kit was aertex shirt and short pleated skirt and there was also a tracksuit top and bottoms that could be worn in winter but here's the thing... it wasn't winter until the PE teachers officially SAID it was winter and told us we were allowed to wear tracksuit bottoms!!

                              On this particular day I was getting over a very bad cold (and had asthma, remember) and I had a note from my parents asking the PE teacher to let me wear tracksuit bottoms for the two hour PE period (playing hockey outdoors) that (very cold, damp) day. The PE teacher tore up my parents' note without reading it, saying "I don't care what your parents think", and made me take off my tracksuit bottoms and run five laps of the hockey pitch before joining in the game!


                                Good morning (or afternoon), Whumpers!

                                Wow, your PE teachers were just evil. I had fairly decent ones, from the little I remember. It was sooooooo long ago! lol

                                Gotta go to work now. Poo, is all I can say about that. Have fun!

