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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Alipeeps
    Anyone around? Am feelong lonely and stressed. It's been such a busy and insane day i feel kinda stressed out and twitchy, even though it's also been a good day. Also my psoriasis has flared up recently and right now is itching like CRAZY and I need something take my mind off it! Someone talk to me? Please?
    I'm here! Have a piccy:

    Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


      Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard
      Thanks hon. How's life in your fair corner of the world? Going anywhere fun this weekend? *wink*


        I'm kind of here.

        I'm in a good mood now. I just counted out the contents of my piggy bank (yes I know I'm too old to have a piggy bank but it's a very nice piggy) and have over £100 in there. Woo hoo! May not sound like much but when you're on minimum wage trust me it's enough to make you very happy.

        And I have got some more writing done. All in all I'm feeling very pleased with myself. <--*smug face*


          Hello *waves* I am here too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


            Originally posted by Alipeeps
            Thanks hon. How's life in your fair corner of the world? Going anywhere fun this weekend? *wink*
            Things are pretty good 'round these parts. Incidentally, I am going somewhere this weekend. My dad and I are flying out to Denver for the International Tuba-Euphonium Convention – we're both euphonium players. We're leaving Sunday afternoon and coming back Friday night/Saturday morning. It's going to be a fun week.

            Something to make this legal:

            Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


              Originally posted by Josie
              I'm kind of here.

              I'm in a good mood now. I just counted out the contents of my piggy bank (yes I know I'm too old to have a piggy bank but it's a very nice piggy) and have over £100 in there. Woo hoo! May not sound like much but when you're on minimum wage trust me it's enough to make you very happy.

              And I have got some more writing done. All in all I'm feeling very pleased with myself. <--*smug face*
              Hey honey, the state my finances are in £100 is certainly cause for celebration! That's part of why I've been so giddy today.. was so nice to get a decent bonus - and means i can sort out a few things that have been hanging over me and stressing me!

              Glad to hear the writing is going well. For once I'm really not in the writing frame of mind. Just can't settle to it. Guess a day off might do me good. Geeting a bit fed up now this evening.. the evening is passing and nothing is being done and we haven't even decided what we want to eat yet. I've said I don't feel like deciding but hubby's done nothing about it. Just for once I want things not to be left to me.

              At this rate I'll end up giving up and making myself a sandwich at about 11pm.


                Some 38 minutes pics to take Ali's mind off things.


                  Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard
                  Things are pretty good 'round these parts. Incidentally, I am going somewhere this weekend. My dad and I are flying out to Denver for the International Tuba-Euphonium Convention – we're both euphonium players. We're leaving Sunday afternoon and coming back Friday night/Saturday morning. It's going to be a fun week.

                  Something to make this legal:
                  Cool! That sounds well interesting! I love that you guys do stuff like that in the US and have big conventions etc for people with the same interests to get together. It's ace. Can't imagine anything like that over here... people going to spend a week at a convention? Heck no. far too frivolous. Stiff upper lip and all that!


                    Originally posted by Alipeeps
                    Cool! That sounds well interesting! I love that you guys do stuff like that in the US and have big conventions etc for people with the same interests to get together. It's ace. Can't imagine anything like that over here... people going to spend a week at a convention? Heck no. far too frivolous. Stiff upper lip and all that!
                    Actually, ITEC is an international thing – it's only in the US every other year. On the odd years, it's elsewhere. I think it was in Prague last year, or maybe Budapest (I didn't go – my family is lucky to have the money to send two of us to Denver!).

                    Plus, we're low brass players – we're a little nuts by default.

                    Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                      I'm so jealous of you CeeKay I wish I had some sort of musical talent but I never progressed beyond the recorder. An international convention sounds really cool.


                        Gosh it is quiet on here tonight.

                        How about an old favorite?


                          Originally posted by Josie
                          Gosh it is quiet on here tonight.

                          How about an old favorite?

                          Oh yeah that has woken me up!!


                            Feeling meh



                              I'm here for a little bit!! Just been catching up with hubbie who has been away 3 days! But he has gone to bed as he had a long drive so I have half an hour before I head off!

                              Bloody!! I love it for the fic but hate it when it is down like this!!

                              Have you eaten yet Ali!! I had a scrummy weightwatchers meal - how exciting!!

                              CeeKay - how great you share something with your dad like that!! We all share sci fi and my son and hubbie love Smallville and they are going to a con together in July but only for one day!! We also all share a great love of history!

                              Josie has done some more writing!!

                              Woo hoo!!!!!!!!!

                              sig by SheppyD
                              Whumpydoodlesquee and Frenxies a Speciality

                              I'm not crazy - I just have another consciousness in my brain
                              So he just looks crazy


                                Think I might go donwstairs and watch some eps. Hubby has finally gone out to get takeaway. No idea what sort - he said he didn't know either! Just "not Chinese or pizza"! ? !

