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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by Salty View Post
    Thanks for the heads up! Does anyone think Joe looks uncomfortable? In one pic, he looks like he wants to burst out laughing!!!

    So what did I miss this weekend? It was busy - MIL's birthday and recovery and cleanup yesterday!!! And now today both my kids are whumped - MiniSalty is hoarse, and SaltyJunior stayed home from school with a bad cough - although he probably could have gone - I'm just a pushover Mom!
    I think he looks like he's got a sharp object stuck in his pants, quite honestly! He does look very uncomfortable, doesn't he? The poses look very stiff. I don't really think any of the promo shots for anyone looked relaxed. The poses for all the actors are a little bizarre, IMO. Not the most talented photgrapher in the world taking those piccies, I'd guess.


      Okey Dokey's Part 9 *throws at thread and runs away*
      Teyla had been attentive during the first aid lessons that Carson had insisted they all attend, she had also been interested enough to seek him out after the first training session to ask for additional tutorage. Carson had been surprised at her interest, but had agreed readily to give her additional time when he could, to learn the basics of triage and emergency procedures- after all it could never hurt to have an additional person able to help during an emergency.
      It had been during one of those training sessions that Teyla had learnt to recognise the symptoms of shock…and another had dealt with wounds and how to apply pressure to prevent blood loss……she was grateful now that she had taken notice and listened to Carsons advise.

      The strap around the top of Johns thigh, she knew, had the same effect as applying direct pressure to the wound, which was impossible due to the position of the metal jaws encasing his leg. Teyla knew that she would have to release the strapping periodically otherwise it would start to compromise the blood flow and cause a different set of problems, but for the moment her priority was to try to clean the rusty debris and moss from the horrific wound below his knee.

      She fetched the water bottle that Rodney had left before disappearing with Ronon, and the dressings that they had also gathered together, then reached out with trembling hands towards the wound. The cloth of his trousers had split under the pressure from the trap and the metal jaws were deeply imbedded in the skin and muscle tissue. Teyla couldn’t help thinking how long it must have taken for an animal to die having been caught in such a trap….a type that her people had never used as it had been considered too cruel. Teyla tentatively touched the fabric above the wound, expecting John to cry out, but his face remained impassive, so she continued. The fabric was shredded and some of it had been pushed into the wound itself…..this Teyla ignored, as her priority was to clean away the dirt and metal debris. She opened the water bottle and gently poured water around the wound itself, being careful not to jostle his leg and the obviously broken bones.

      “John…I am unsure weather you can hear me, but I have to clean your leg, then I will dress it…….John, can you hear me?”

      There was no response to her voice but, speaking to him reassured her to carry on and she hoped that unconsciously her voice would ease him as she worked. Teyla knew that there was nothing she could do about the blood loss until Rodney and Ronon returned from the jumper with the medical supplies that were now standard issue an all away missions, including morphine and saline bags, but she could cover the wound and that was her next priority. The dressings were not big enough to cover the entire area, but she managed to wrap the bandages loosely around the wound to her satisfaction.

      A shudder passing through Johns body stopped Teyla
      from progressing any more and when she looked up, her gaze was caught by a pair of pain filled hazel eyes.

      my fan fiction place


        Originally posted by bebop View Post
        Okey Dokey's Part 9 *throws at thread and runs away*
        Teyla had been attentive during the first aid lessons that Carson had insisted they all attend, she had also been interested enough to seek him out after the first training session to ask for additional tutorage. Carson had been surprised at her interest, but had agreed readily to give her additional time when he could, to learn the basics of triage and emergency procedures- after all it could never hurt to have an additional person able to help during an emergency.
        It had been during one of those training sessions that Teyla had learnt to recognise the symptoms of shock…and another had dealt with wounds and how to apply pressure to prevent blood loss……she was grateful now that she had taken notice and listened to Carsons advise.

        The strap around the top of Johns thigh, she knew, had the same effect as applying direct pressure to the wound, which was impossible due to the position of the metal jaws encasing his leg. Teyla knew that she would have to release the strapping periodically otherwise it would start to compromise the blood flow and cause a different set of problems, but for the moment her priority was to try to clean the rusty debris and moss from the horrific wound below his knee.

        She fetched the water bottle that Rodney had left before disappearing with Ronon, and the dressings that they had also gathered together, then reached out with trembling hands towards the wound. The cloth of his trousers had split under the pressure from the trap and the metal jaws were deeply imbedded in the skin and muscle tissue. Teyla couldn’t help thinking how long it must have taken for an animal to die having been caught in such a trap….a type that her people had never used as it had been considered too cruel. Teyla tentatively touched the fabric above the wound, expecting John to cry out, but his face remained impassive, so she continued. The fabric was shredded and some of it had been pushed into the wound itself…..this Teyla ignored, as her priority was to clean away the dirt and metal debris. She opened the water bottle and gently poured water around the wound itself, being careful not to jostle his leg and the obviously broken bones.

        “John…I am unsure weather you can hear me, but I have to clean your leg, then I will dress it…….John, can you hear me?”

        There was no response to her voice but, speaking to him reassured her to carry on and she hoped that unconsciously her voice would ease him as she worked. Teyla knew that there was nothing she could do about the blood loss until Rodney and Ronon returned from the jumper with the medical supplies that were now standard issue an all away missions, including morphine and saline bags, but she could cover the wound and that was her next priority. The dressings were not big enough to cover the entire area, but she managed to wrap the bandages loosely around the wound to her satisfaction.

        A shudder passing through Johns body stopped Teyla
        from progressing any more and when she looked up, her gaze was caught by a pair of pain filled hazel eyes.
        Very good! Pain filled hazel eyes....sigh...


          Salty, congrats on 2000! You get to choose an avatar (iz so jealous)!

          Very nice to come in on Monday morning and get new pics, drabbles and news from JM! I needed something good to happen. We have a vendor meeting today that promises to not be fun, and I nearly got hit by a taxi while walking to work. Silly a** was looking the other way for oncoming traffic as he turned the corner. If I hadn't yelled, I'd be in the ER with many broken bones right now. He was speeding up to turn!

          Y'all have a fun day and I'll see you tonight!


            Originally posted by bebop View Post
            Okey Dokey's Part 9 *throws at thread and runs away*
            Teyla had been attentive during the first aid lessons that Carson had insisted they all attend, she had also been interested enough to seek him out after the first training session to ask for additional tutorage. Carson had been surprised at her interest, but had agreed readily to give her additional time when he could, to learn the basics of triage and emergency procedures- after all it could never hurt to have an additional person able to help during an emergency.
            It had been during one of those training sessions that Teyla had learnt to recognise the symptoms of shock…and another had dealt with wounds and how to apply pressure to prevent blood loss……she was grateful now that she had taken notice and listened to Carsons advise.

            The strap around the top of Johns thigh, she knew, had the same effect as applying direct pressure to the wound, which was impossible due to the position of the metal jaws encasing his leg. Teyla knew that she would have to release the strapping periodically otherwise it would start to compromise the blood flow and cause a different set of problems, but for the moment her priority was to try to clean the rusty debris and moss from the horrific wound below his knee.

            She fetched the water bottle that Rodney had left before disappearing with Ronon, and the dressings that they had also gathered together, then reached out with trembling hands towards the wound. The cloth of his trousers had split under the pressure from the trap and the metal jaws were deeply imbedded in the skin and muscle tissue. Teyla couldn’t help thinking how long it must have taken for an animal to die having been caught in such a trap….a type that her people had never used as it had been considered too cruel. Teyla tentatively touched the fabric above the wound, expecting John to cry out, but his face remained impassive, so she continued. The fabric was shredded and some of it had been pushed into the wound itself…..this Teyla ignored, as her priority was to clean away the dirt and metal debris. She opened the water bottle and gently poured water around the wound itself, being careful not to jostle his leg and the obviously broken bones.

            “John…I am unsure weather you can hear me, but I have to clean your leg, then I will dress it…….John, can you hear me?”

            There was no response to her voice but, speaking to him reassured her to carry on and she hoped that unconsciously her voice would ease him as she worked. Teyla knew that there was nothing she could do about the blood loss until Rodney and Ronon returned from the jumper with the medical supplies that were now standard issue an all away missions, including morphine and saline bags, but she could cover the wound and that was her next priority. The dressings were not big enough to cover the entire area, but she managed to wrap the bandages loosely around the wound to her satisfaction.

            A shudder passing through Johns body stopped Teyla
            from progressing any more and when she looked up, her gaze was caught by a pair of pain filled hazel eyes.
            *eeep!* More? *begs pitifully*

            Originally posted by Lorr View Post
            Salty, congrats on 2000! You get to choose an avatar (iz so jealous)!

            Very nice to come in on Monday morning and get new pics, drabbles and news from JM! I needed something good to happen. We have a vendor meeting today that promises to not be fun, and I nearly got hit by a taxi while walking to work. Silly a** was looking the other way for oncoming traffic as he turned the corner. If I hadn't yelled, I'd be in the ER with many broken bones right now. He was speeding up to turn!

            Y'all have a fun day and I'll see you tonight!
            Congrats from me too Salty!!

            Scary news about the taxi. Eejit. I nearly got hit by a car a few months back in Nottingham - I actually had to bang my fist on the bonnet to make him actually look through his windscreen before he ran me down! And I was on the damn pavement!! He was a stupid young lad in a car with a load of mates and he had been parked alongside a shop building and started driving forwards, across the pavement, to pull out into the road... as he was doing so, he was laughing and joking and having a conversation with a mate who was walking alongside the car - he had the driver's side window wound down and all his attention was to the side, on his conversation, and he wasn't even looking ahead of him. Even when I yelled, he didn't look and kept coming forward and I literally had to bang my fist on the car bonnet, whilst jumping my legs back out of the way to make him pay attention and brake! I called him all kinds of impolite names and walked off and 30 seconds later I heard a squeal of brakes and turned around to see traffic stopped where he had pulled out into the road without looking and caused other cars to have to brake! What a pillock!!


              eta: put my rant in spoiler tags although no spoilers just long!!hehe

              im on the will you be watching season 4 glad a lot of people are still going to at least wait and really surprised at the attitudes of some people though, i know i was moaning a few weeks back (although that was a lot to do with realistic whump/teyla whump etc but even now im over that-still think we've actually been lucky with whump this season) but i was always going to check out season 4 before i made my mind up.
              beckett fans i understand why theyre not watching, weir fans also, although nothing has been confirmed about her status yet....some arent watching season 4, some stopped watching after sunday, some arent even going to check out the second half of season 3? and others are basing the whole of season 4 on first strike.....i mean i think the changes were done well...obviously we're still waiting on carter my one really big problem when it coems to season 4, some people think everyone was OOC in FS, but i could never base my opinion on one episode,heck i thought shep was waaay out of character in TRW and if id stopped watching because of that i wouldnt have seen him back to his kick ass sheppy self in common ground, the sheppy that i love!! even people whos fav characters arent beckettt and weir arent watching which surprises me a bit, i mean i thought they would want to support their fav characters just as we are doing with joe. for me the show has always been about sheppy and his team anyway so although i loved beckett and love weir, im grateful we might be getting more focus on the team.
              i understand why people might want to stop watching believe me i do, but no one has all the facts yet, im just wondering why some people are still going into these threads and saying how crap sga is (especially those who say they dont even watch it anymore), i know its a forum for opinions and everything but i just think why not stay in the threads you like and have fun in and let the rest of us watch season 4....if its crap its crap but at least we gave it a try...and im still thinking itll be good.

              that was a rant hehe NOT aimed at anyone on here btw..i just needed a rant and if id said in that thread i probs wouldve been redded LOL......

              i guess im easy...sell me a story where theres something for those who are of the shep whumping persuasion and im there LOL and im just so intrigued as to where the character will go....theres more stories to tell and i wanna be there to listen.
              and remember that in joe we trust motto....if hes still happy then i am too, joe is the most critical person when it comes to sga and the day he says theres no hope for the show then ill go.

              plus id miss out on sheppy hawtness

              without sga i dont have a show to feel pasionate about anymore and that thought depresses me too...i care too much about the show just to walk away at the first sign of Linzi said in the FS ep thread, the ratings have been pretty crap this year and i dont forsee any big jump when the show comes back in april? either....they had to do something to shake things up in order to survive.

              oops that was a bit OT....Traveler squee!!



                Bebop - I love the drabbles! Definately continue for as long as you'd like! You should post this this on LJ or when you're finished. It would be a shame to lose this in the back pages of the whump thread!


                  Morning all.

                  Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                  Actually, one US-speak thing that does bug me and that, although it probably was originally a mistake, does seem to have entered common usage and be considered grammatically correct in the US, is saying "I could care less." The phrase should be "I couldn't care less" (the intimation being that you so totally and utterly don't care about something that there is no way for you to care any less about it) but I *always* see it written as "could care less" in US writing. It bugs me!
                  <giggle> I am completely guilty of that one even though I try to remember to say it correctly.

                  Originally posted by wraithkeeper View Post
                  How about a little piece of what I was working on earlier. Inspired by my hanging suggestion for the 101 list.
                  Ooooo... that was so good. More please.

                  Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                  I need to get my darn con report finished and typed up so I can concentrate on some fic writing to see us through the cold and lonely months ahead...
                  *sobs piteously* Yes please!! We need fic to keep us going.

                  Originally posted by bebop View Post
                  Okey Dokey's Part 9 *throws at thread and runs away*
                  Teyla had been attentive during the first aid lessons that Carson had insisted they all attend, she had also been interested enough to seek him out after the first training session to ask for additional tutorage. Carson had been surprised at her interest, but had agreed readily to give her additional time when he could, to learn the basics of triage and emergency procedures- after all it could never hurt to have an additional person able to help during an emergency.
                  It had been during one of those training sessions that Teyla had learnt to recognise the symptoms of shock…and another had dealt with wounds and how to apply pressure to prevent blood loss……she was grateful now that she had taken notice and listened to Carsons advise.

                  The strap around the top of Johns thigh, she knew, had the same effect as applying direct pressure to the wound, which was impossible due to the position of the metal jaws encasing his leg. Teyla knew that she would have to release the strapping periodically otherwise it would start to compromise the blood flow and cause a different set of problems, but for the moment her priority was to try to clean the rusty debris and moss from the horrific wound below his knee.

                  She fetched the water bottle that Rodney had left before disappearing with Ronon, and the dressings that they had also gathered together, then reached out with trembling hands towards the wound. The cloth of his trousers had split under the pressure from the trap and the metal jaws were deeply imbedded in the skin and muscle tissue. Teyla couldn’t help thinking how long it must have taken for an animal to die having been caught in such a trap….a type that her people had never used as it had been considered too cruel. Teyla tentatively touched the fabric above the wound, expecting John to cry out, but his face remained impassive, so she continued. The fabric was shredded and some of it had been pushed into the wound itself…..this Teyla ignored, as her priority was to clean away the dirt and metal debris. She opened the water bottle and gently poured water around the wound itself, being careful not to jostle his leg and the obviously broken bones.

                  “John…I am unsure weather you can hear me, but I have to clean your leg, then I will dress it…….John, can you hear me?”

                  There was no response to her voice but, speaking to him reassured her to carry on and she hoped that unconsciously her voice would ease him as she worked. Teyla knew that there was nothing she could do about the blood loss until Rodney and Ronon returned from the jumper with the medical supplies that were now standard issue an all away missions, including morphine and saline bags, but she could cover the wound and that was her next priority. The dressings were not big enough to cover the entire area, but she managed to wrap the bandages loosely around the wound to her satisfaction.

                  A shudder passing through Johns body stopped Teyla
                  from progressing any more and when she looked up, her gaze was caught by a pair of pain filled hazel eyes.
                  <sigh> Very nice. *looks for part 10* More please!

                  Something to keep those muses inspired....


                  Hope it works.
                  Sig by Luciana
                  My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                    righto gotta pop back into uni and then go food shopping woo! lol see you all later to whump that sheppy!!



                      Hi whumpers! I see Travelers squeeeee LOL! The scary thing is how long that wait will be. I don't think I'll rest well until we get a premiere date. I'm too worried it's going to be October. *sob* (that will so not be cool)

                      I'm just popping in on my lunch, what a long morning. My 11 yr old has been working on a creative fiction piece since last week and it's wearing me out. The kid is not a natural. I love him, but yikes. His idea of telling a story is giving a thorough summary of the story.


                        Originally posted by IWantToBelieve View Post
                        Hi whumpers! I see Travelers squeeeee LOL! The scary thing is how long that wait will be. I don't think I'll rest well until we get a premiere date. I'm too worried it's going to be October. *sob* (that will so not be cool)

                        I'm just popping in on my lunch, what a long morning. My 11 yr old has been working on a creative fiction piece since last week and it's wearing me out. The kid is not a natural. I love him, but yikes. His idea of telling a story is giving a thorough summary of the story.
                        Well, he's already at the same level as many writers who feel fully confident in publishing their work on ffnet!


                          Originally posted by Astraldust View Post
                          You know if JM's gift to us whumpers turns out to be a grazed knee, he'd better find a place to hide because we'll be out for more than just a little blood from a certain producer/writer.
                          Honestly, do not set your expectations too high. I've seen JM makes promises in his earlier blog and the fans were well, not quite happy with what they got (ship stuff). Too bad the folks that write Wraithfall aren't writing the show.... THEY know how to whump!!
                          Last edited by prion; 12 February 2007, 08:43 AM.


                            LOL, Ali!!!

                            Yes, very true. I guess there is that. Always look on the bright side of life, hehe.

                            Well, I've got to get back to the grind. I've got 30 more mins and I've got to finish up editing my zine story. Once that is done, I'm finishing up the evil toe fic finally. It might take till the premiere of season 4, but I'm going to get these things wrapped up and finished.

                            You all don't squeee too hard when I'm gone.


                              Anyone home?
                              Sig by Luciana
                              My LJ Proud member of W.A.S.P. My Fanfics


                                Originally posted by Ruffles View Post

                                Anyone home?
                                I'm about to head home...

