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John Sheppard Whump

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    Originally posted by bebop View Post
    Part 8
    Teyla dipped her head slightly and closed her eyes, pausing to gather herself, as she knew that the task ahead of her would not be pleasant..and would require all her concentration.

    The visit to this world had only ever been intended as an exploratory visit. They had been unsure as to the actual level of technology they would encounter, as the preliminary scans had shown that there were indeed inhabitants, but there had been no power signatures as such, so a standard meet and greet mission had been agreed. Rodney, of course had grumbled at the' necessity of interupting his valuable research time..'whereas Ronon had jumped at the chance to get off world for a while on what should have been a 'safe' mission.

    Teyla shivered slightly, the air under the shade of the trees was several degrees cooler than the warmth of the sunshine they had experienced during the journey from the jumper. It had not been a long journey, but because of the terrain, they had been forced to leave the jumper close to the gate and walk from there, through a rock strewn valley and into the tree line.

    A soft moan drew Teylas attention to Johns face...ashen in the subdued light. His body was trembling, so Teyla removed her jacket and gently placed it over his torso being careful not to touch his leg.

    Teyla had seen many types of injury during her time in her own settlement.. her people were hunters themselves and accidents happened in the course of their many travels searching for food, but this was different, this was her friend and to see him suffering cut her to the core.

    "John, I need to dress your wound....I will be as careful as I can but...."

    There was no response from the Colonel and for that Teyla was grateful as she knelt next to his leg.

    More whump to come...if you like?
    Yes, I like very much! More please!


      Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post

      off topic - but some more new promo pics!
      Thanks for that! It took me ages to find the new piccies! Doh!


        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
        Yeah, planned order of attack is:
        Finish elements challenge (An Ill Wind That Blows)
        Possibly update Not An Addict
        New Sheppard HC/LJ challenge fic
        More of the World of Hurt tag fics...

        Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post

        off topic - but some more new promo pics!
        oh my....THUNK....oops wrong thread......some nice shots there!!
        Originally posted by bebop View Post
        Part 8
        Teyla dipped her head slightly and closed her eyes, pausing to gather herself, as she knew that the task ahead of her would not be pleasant..and would require all her concentration.

        The visit to this world had only ever been intended as an exploratory visit. They had been unsure as to the actual level of technology they would encounter, as the preliminary scans had shown that there were indeed inhabitants, but there had been no power signatures as such, so a standard meet and greet mission had been agreed. Rodney, of course had grumbled at the' necessity of interupting his valuable research time..'whereas Ronon had jumped at the chance to get off world for a while on what should have been a 'safe' mission.

        Teyla shivered slightly, the air under the shade of the trees was several degrees cooler than the warmth of the sunshine they had experienced during the journey from the jumper. It had not been a long journey, but because of the terrain, they had been forced to leave the jumper close to the gate and walk from there, through a rock strewn valley and into the tree line.

        A soft moan drew Teylas attention to Johns face...ashen in the subdued light. His body was trembling, so Teyla removed her jacket and gently placed it over his torso being careful not to touch his leg.

        Teyla had seen many types of injury during her time in her own settlement.. her people were hunters themselves and accidents happened in the course of their many travels searching for food, but this was different, this was her friend and to see him suffering cut her to the core.

        "John, I need to dress your wound....I will be as careful as I can but...."

        There was no response from the Colonel and for that Teyla was grateful as she knelt next to his leg.

        More whump to come...if you like?
        heck yeh!!
        Originally posted by Astraldust View Post
        Thanks Lauriel. Yep you're probably right. I guess it's just my wish to have a lovely HD pic of Shep no matter what.


        Other than the very old wrinkly Shep. Wasn't so keen on that.

        hmmm no i wasnt either funnily enough!!!



          JM posted this in his blog yesterday.

          Question: “If you were given unlimited time and an unlimited budget with any guests that you wanted and no recommendations from a network to alter any details of a story, what kind of episode for Stargate or Atlantis would you write?”

          Joe's answer: To be honest, I’m telling a number of the stories I’ve wanted to tell in season four of Atlantis. Check out Reunion, Travelers, and the late-season two-parter.

          Question: “…Does that mean less Wraith stories than in season 3? And are they actually still a serious threat?”

          Answer: Our relationship with the wraith will take an interesting/alarming/unexpected turn. And, yes, they’ll continue to prove themselves a very serious threat.

          I've just had a thought.....maybe Shep turns into a Wraith in Travelers and becomes that alarming/unexpected threat.

          Okay only kidding.


            I have to ask.....does anybody mind that I am posting my drabble...rambling as it is...on here? It started off as a little one-off but I am enjoying writing it and it appears to be growing in length!!!! If anybody thinks it should stop..please, do say. I never thought I would enjoy writing a fic, I never thought I would feel comfortable enough to 'expose myself', which, it does, it sort of shows what your deepest fantasies are..and boy...mine are whumpy!!!!

            my fan fiction place


              Originally posted by bebop View Post
              I have to ask.....does anybody mind that I am posting my drabble...rambling as it is...on here? It started off as a little one-off but I am enjoying writing it and it appears to be growing in length!!!! If anybody thinks it should stop..please, do say. I never thought I would enjoy writing a fic, I never thought I would feel comfortable enough to 'expose myself', which, it does, it sort of shows what your deepest fantasies are..and boy...mine are whumpy!!!!
              Dear me, let's see now... do we mind you posting delicious Shep whumpy drabbles on here for us all the read and enjoy? Hmm... let me think about that for a moment.....



                Thanks Ali...actually, a you construct your fic elsewhere and then post from there, or do you create straight into the relevant site ie. your fics for FF or here with drabbles?

                my fan fiction place


                  Good night whumpers! I have to take LSC to the infirmary. The silly boy engaged in some Sheppy/Ronon gun porn on the thunk thread. There is only one possible outcome when they both do that - Ronon stunned my poor Sheppy clone. Catch you all later.

                  My LJ & Fics * Proud Member of W.A.S.P. * Pay It Forward


                    Originally posted by bebop View Post
                    Thanks Ali...actually, a you construct your fic elsewhere and then post from there, or do you create straight into the relevant site ie. your fics for FF or here with drabbles?
                    I write everything in MS Word and then, for ffnet, upload the document (and usually edit it to add in a little intro/author's note) or, for posting stuff in here or on LJ, copy and paste it from the Word doc. I save everything in Word doc form on the server at home.


                      Originally posted by Astraldust View Post
                      JM posted this in his blog yesterday.

                      Question: “If you were given unlimited time and an unlimited budget with any guests that you wanted and no recommendations from a network to alter any details of a story, what kind of episode for Stargate or Atlantis would you write?”

                      Joe's answer: To be honest, I’m telling a number of the stories I’ve wanted to tell in season four of Atlantis. Check out Reunion, Travelers, and the late-season two-parter.

                      Question: “…Does that mean less Wraith stories than in season 3? And are they actually still a serious threat?”

                      Answer: Our relationship with the wraith will take an interesting/alarming/unexpected turn. And, yes, they’ll continue to prove themselves a very serious threat.

                      Yeh i just saw that on his blog.....everytime they mention travelers i squee!!! hehehe im wondering if maybe this ep could be the common ground of season 4......i just have a really good feeling about it, cant wait til we get some more spoilers for it!!
                      and yay for the wraith still being there!!



                        Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                        i know it wasnt....lets just hope someone with half a brain writes some actual backstory in season 4 for our sheppy!!
                        And that we like the backstory.


                          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                          Dear me, let's see now... do we mind you posting delicious Shep whumpy drabbles on here for us all the read and enjoy? Hmm... let me think about that for a moment.....


                          Ditto! I am glad you are enjoying writing it too!


                            Originally posted by Suzann View Post
                            And that we like the backstory.
                            One of the questions I'd really like answered is from which parent John got the ATA. Father? Mother? Both?


                              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                              I write everything in MS Word and then, for ffnet, upload the document (and usually edit it to add in a little intro/author's note) or, for posting stuff in here or on LJ, copy and paste it from the Word doc. I save everything in Word doc form on the server at home.
                              Thanks..I will do that instead of writing direct..I've already lost the whole piece I was working on twice(for posting), cause I caught a button as I was typing GGGRRRrrr!!

                              my fan fiction place


                                Originally posted by bebop View Post
                                I have to ask.....does anybody mind that I am posting my drabble...rambling as it is...on here? It started off as a little one-off but I am enjoying writing it and it appears to be growing in length!!!! If anybody thinks it should stop..please, do say. I never thought I would enjoy writing a fic, I never thought I would feel comfortable enough to 'expose myself', which, it does, it sort of shows what your deepest fantasies are..and boy...mine are whumpy!!!!
                                Do I mind? Well, DOH! I love it! So. I'd mind if you didn't continue it! Actually I'd hunt you down until you posted some more,
                                Besides, if some don't want to read it, and I think everyone here does anyway, it's in spoilers...and people don't have to click on the spoiler if they don't want get typing girl!!!

