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    Originally posted by Josie View Post
    Yeah it is but then I'm a big wuss anyway.

    Just read JoeM's blog and thought this was interesting:

    Mirjam writes: “Regarding season 4 of SGA, will we get more of Sheppard's backstory?”

    Answer: This is something we want to do and are trying to come up with a story that will focus on Sheppard’s life prior to his joining the Atlantis expedition. A number of ideas floating around but nothing has really gelled yet.

    Well at least they're trying and I'd rather that they took their time and came up with a great episode than rushed it to appease fans and create something disappointing.
    Oh that sounds promising!!!!! I hope that they manage to figure something out!!!!


      Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
      Oh that sounds promising!!!!! I hope that they manage to figure something out!!!!
      INdeed. Thanks for that bit of info, Josie. How's the writing going?


        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
        INdeed. Thanks for that bit of info, Josie. How's the writing going?
        Well I confess I haven't actually got a great deal of actual writing done but I've been doing a teensy bit of research on something, my main concern right now is that I'm not going to get it finished in this chapter, I think I'll at least have to do an epilogue.


          Originally posted by Josie View Post
          Well I confess I haven't actually got a great deal of actual writing done but I've been doing a teensy bit of research on something, my main concern right now is that I'm not going to get it finished in this chapter, I think I'll at least have to do an epilogue.
          Hmmmmm.. an extra chapter to the story? *So* not complaining!


            Originally posted by Josie View Post
            Yeah it is but then I'm a big wuss anyway.

            Just read JoeM's blog and thought this was interesting:

            Mirjam writes: “Regarding season 4 of SGA, will we get more of Sheppard's backstory?”

            Answer: This is something we want to do and are trying to come up with a story that will focus on Sheppard’s life prior to his joining the Atlantis expedition. A number of ideas floating around but nothing has really gelled yet.

            Well at least they're trying and I'd rather that they took their time and came up with a great episode than rushed it to appease fans and create something disappointing.

            Yes, let us be happy about that! at least they are trying.

            Thank you for the sig, SciFan!

            Thank You Sheyla Fan!



              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
              Hmmmmm.. an extra chapter to the story? *So* not complaining!
              Well, we'll see the thing is I'm getting to the stage where I have to write the...
              infirmary scenes and I hate writing them because I know bugger all about medical matters (I barely know my arse from my elbow most of the time ) but I know that a lot of people who read my fics do - people like Linzi - and they've said how much they hate it when people get things wrong so I worry about it and it's just horrible to write. Mostly what I do is just keep that stuff vague and hope no one notices.


                Originally posted by Josie View Post
                Well, we'll see the thing is I'm getting to the stage where I have to write the...
                infirmary scenes and I hate writing them because I know bugger all about medical matters (I barely know my arse from my elbow most of the time ) but I know that a lot of people who read my fics do - people like Linzi - and they've said how much they hate it when people get things wrong so I worry about it and it's just horrible to write. Mostly what I do is just keep that stuff vague and hope no one notices.
                Lookit, none of us are trained medical folks and Linzi and I are in the same boat as you - we want it to sound convincing but all we can do is research online and try to make it as good as poss.. though Linzi has a cheat advantage cos her brother's a doctor and her daughter's studying medicine!

                Your tactics are the same as mine - keep it fairly vague and do some research to make the vague stuff sound vaguely convincing!


                  Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                  Happy Valentines Day GG!!

                  oh it was wonderfully depressing being out and seeing all these couples together. i did have some idiot hit on me though....shame he was bald, old, ugly, drunk and a bit of a perve!

                  You know i was just in the threads like has atlantis jumped the shark, and the how can you judge what you havent seen thread and ive got to wonder why some of these people are still even posting on here, if they say Atlantis is so crap!

                  all this negative talk for season 4 is really annoying me, i have some reservations yes but the flipping season hasnt even been filmed yet and we have no idea what is going to happen!!! end of mini rant!
                  Oh Roo, how horrible to have some perve trying to hit on you! That's happened to me before and it isn't nice, is it? Hugs to you!
                  I agree about some of these threads. In spoilers for OTness
                  Being so negative and posters getting themselves in such a state is not conducive to being in a healthy frame of mind, and most importantly, being happy. Surely it's better to either accept the changes, have reservations by all means, but if not, just give the new season a try or just to move on? It's a tv programme for goodness sake, and if makes people that unhappy, what on Earth is the point in watching it and whining endlessly, and making themselves miserable? It's like torturing yourself, in my opinion. Being so negative all the time just isn't good for the individuals feeling that way. It's a really unhealthy attitude to have. Life is so short, something that's really been brought home to me recently, and if Atlantis made me that negative and that unhappy, I would not watch it and wouldn't be involved in the fandom anymore. I do think some people really enjoy being negative though, and, of course, that's entirely up to them if they enjoy feeling that way. We all have complaints and reservations, I certainly do, but at the end of the day it's supposed to be entertainment, and when it makes you sad and depressed, or evokes such frightening anger as I've seen around here sometimes, then it's just not worth the effort. I adore Atlantis and Sheppard, but if the show ever did that to me, I'd soon drop it, but not before I'd actually at least tried the new season, even if Joe wasn't in it anymore. If it sucked big time for me, I could at least say I went in with an open mind and it tanked in my opinion. Being prejudiced is not a quality I admire. I always try to give things a chance, judge them, and then act accordingly. Of course, if people drop a show because they don't like it any more, I say good for them. Vote with the remote control. I've certainly done that.

                  Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
                  Thats true. I went to another forum the other day, and those folks made me real angry. I wont even bother going there again. Those horrible things they said about the show, and they said that TPTB should take out Shep and Ronon, and bring everyone from SG1 to take their place... can you believe that? Kill sheppy!!! And they said that Ronon was a poor imitation of Tyr from Andromeda!!!
                  Oh I loathe Andromeda. IMO - biggest load of rubbish I've ever seen. So cheesy and clichéd it's frightening. Tyr and Ronon? Ronon wins hands down every time for me. Did I mention I really like Ronon? He's really grown on me.
                  Originally posted by Rootortoise View Post
                  Ronon is sooo better than Tyr, and better looking LOL....funnily enough the sg1 fans tend to want all of the sg1 people over to the show and replace the current Atlantis cast members....funny that. Its ridiculous!
                  i just dont understand, if they claim not to care about atlantis anymore then why bother posting at all? or why post so much negativity about season 4, it makes me feel almost guilty for actually being excited about it and thats not right. sometimes i just think id be better off staying here, but i like a bit of variety and heck apparently i have to defend my show in other threads, because im aware that TPTB read the threads and i dont want them thinking that some idiots opinion of a season that hasnt even aired/been filmed yet is the only opinion.

                  aww bye GG...yep not squee at all!!
                  Don't feel guilty for feeling positive sweetie. Nobody can stop me feeling that way and why should they? If others dislike the show, well so what? Let them wallow in negativity. That's their choice. If you enjoy what you enjoy, you'll be much happier for it. I'm sure those who are anti season 4 wouldn't want you to lose your squee just because they have In the poll in the season three thread, only 10% or so say they won't watch the show because of the changes, so that means roughly 90% will, or at least will give it a try, so that means most people who bothered to vote think the show is still worth a go, and that's encouraging. Squee all you like, it's very healthy. Happier people live longer than unhappy ones. That's a fact.

                  Originally posted by *Erika* View Post
                  Joe does fight for sheppy. He speaks what he wants and what he likes, so as long as he in on the show, I shall watch him.
                  DITTO! I do rather like Joe, you know

                  Originally posted by wraithkeeper View Post

                  I like some shows, like Prison Break and Heroes, where you have to watch every ep; but I don't really like Lost. I used to watch it but now it's just too confusing. Not much fun to watch when every 10 seconds you have to say "Who's that?" "When did that happen?" "Where did he come from?" LOL way too confusing!
                  I got lost watching Lost. My daughter loves it though. I got confuzzled very quickly, but I did miss a few episodes!!! Haven't tried Heroes or Prison Break. Any good?

                  Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                  I'm with you on that.... the day I really start a rant is when Joe gets cut back... but as long as I get him as much as he has been in for in the seasons I'll be happy.... I have no idea what season 4 will bring,,, but I'l be there... I wont give it up... as long as I have Shep on a lot of screen time,,,focus on him and his team.. great stories, I'm there..
                  Joe seems optimistic about season 4... he is the main lead...he is also the one that is their hardest critic,,he has said it himself in a magazine interview.. and I've heard him talk about going up to the writers and talking with them and fighting for his co-stars as in Rachel and Jason...
                  So as long as he is happy, and still in the show, and that they produce kick ass epis as I've gotten a lot of in season 3 now... I'll be sitting there watching season 4...
                  Ditto Joe is a harsh critic of the show. He also has a pretty good idea what viewers want to see from what I can gather. I loved that he fought for Jason and Rachel's characters and encouraged them to. Bless his heart. I really hope we get some good character stuff in season 4. Joe Mallozzi has promised we will, and said in his blog today that they're trying desperately to get some decent backstory in the season for Sheppard. I really hope they do.
                  Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                  I've posted the next part of my con report on my LJ here - it mostly about the morning's guest talks on the Saturday.

                  Lots more yet to come.
                  Goody! Runs off to read! Thanks for that. I can't remember a thing that was said!

                  Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
                  Awwww (((hugs))) Roo

                  I think it is best to just stop going to the other threads - I prefer to stay positive.!
                  I like going to many threads, just to read others opinions, but there are some I'm avoiding now, because it's the same people making the same points over and over, and when something's been said several times, it just becomes plain boring and frustrating to read. So, it's best to just not visit, IMO. I do enjoy the episode threads though. Even when people are posting negative stuff. I like to see what others think, even if I strongly disagree. Have to say the 'Shep is dirty, unshaven and a pervert' is getting tiresome though. It's as if the more you say it, maybe some people will actually believe it...right... It's best to ignore that sort of thing, I think.
                  I prefer being positive too, though I quite enjoy nit-picking certain aspects of episodes. Like, 'Why wasn't there whump in that scene. They missed a really good opportunity there. What were they thinking?'


                    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                    Oh I loathe Andromeda. IMO - biggest load of rubbish I've ever seen. So cheesy and clichéd it's frightening. Tyr and Ronon? Ronon wins hands down every time for me. Did I mention I really like Ronon? He's really grown on me.
                    Word on all the negativity stuff hon. I definitely have my concerns and my reservations about all the changes being made and I had my little wallow in negativity and frustration, but I got it out of my system and at the end of the day I'm willing to at least give the show a chance. I desperately *want* it to be good cos I love the show. If it's bad, I'll be sad, I'll be sorry and I'll stop watching. But I'll see how it is before I decide on that.

                    I couldn't stand Andromeda either and to me, Tyr is a poor man's version of Ronon! (Though I think Tyr came first). In the few bits of the show I saw, I never found Tyr particularly engaging or interesting. The only character I ever found really vaguely interesting was Trance. Didn't Tyr's character get written out after not too long anyway?

                    P.S. I adore Ronon. He 's definitely one of my fave characters both on the show and to write for/about.

                    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                    DITTO! I do rather like Joe, you know
                    Really? You surprise me. I'd never have guessed....

                    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                    I got lost watching Lost. My daughter loves it though. I got confuzzled very quickly, but I did miss a few episodes!!! Haven't tried Heroes or Prison Break. Any good?
                    I've never seen any of Lost - just couldn't be bothered getting into it. I think knowing in advance it was going to be one of those shows with a confusing, ongoing plot and convoluted developments where you have to watch every week and probably still won't understand what's going on kinda put me off watching. I don't think I have the patience for those kind of shows anymore. Prison Break didn't appeal much so never watched that either. I adored the first season or two of 24 but really lost interest in it in season 3 and haven't watched it since..

                    Heroes though sounds interesting to me and I'm looking forward to seeing that. I also taped the Dresden Files while I was out last night so plan to watch that tonight and see what I think...

                    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                    Ditto Joe is a harsh critic of the show. He also has a pretty good idea what viewers want to see from what I can gather. I loved that he fought for Jason and Rachel's characters and encouraged them to. Bless his heart. I really hope we get some good character stuff in season 4. Joe Mallozzi has promised we will, and said in his blog today that they're trying desperately to get some decent backstory in the season for Sheppard. I really hope they do.
                    Indeed. My fingers are crossed to. Remember, "In Joe we trust!"

                    Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                    I like going to many threads, just to read others opinions, but there are some I'm avoiding now, because it's the same people making the same points over and over, and when something's been said several times, it just becomes plain boring and frustrating to read. So, it's best to just not visit, IMO. I do enjoy the episode threads though. Even when people are posting negative stuff. I like to see what others think, even if I strongly disagree. Have to say the 'Shep is dirty, unshaven and a pervert' is getting tiresome though. It's as if the more you say it, maybe some people will actually believe it...right... It's best to ignore that sort of thing, I think.
                    I prefer being positive too, though I quite enjoy nit-picking certain aspects of episodes. Like, 'Why wasn't there whump in that scene. They missed a really good opportunity there. What were they thinking?'
                    I'm the same. I like to visit other threads, particularly the ep threads, and enjoy seeing other opinions and discussing and debating, but there are some threads - usually anti ones, in name or nature, that I just don't bother with because I know I don't agree with the main viewpoint being discussed and I often find that a lot of the posters putting forward that viewpoint are very aggressive about it and don't want logical argument or discussion and, at the end of the day, I can't be bothered with the hassle.

                    I gave up on the "AT gates to Atlantis" thread for that very reason. It was SO staunchly pro-Carter and the same people over and over beating everybody over the head with their opinions, dressed up as fact, and pretty much attacking and/or denigrating anyone who dared to disagree or try to engage in logical discussion. I have no interest in a thread where people with differing opinions cannot even acknowledge the logic of another person's argument, even whilst disagreeing with it. That's not discussion. That's "I'm right and you're wrong, so there!" And I'm not 5 anymore!


                      The thing that annoys me is that had the situation been reversed and SGA cancelled while SG1 continued I would not have wanted to see Shep or any other character from SGA moved over - an occasional mention maybe, or even an odd guest appearance, because it is the same universe after all, but I would have accepted that "my show" had finished and hope that the actors found another good series. I've had shows I loved cancelled before it's sad but hardly the end of the world. I can't understand people being such rabid fans that they can't let go.


                        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                        Word on all the negativity stuff hon. I definitely have my concerns and my reservations about all the changes being made and I had my little wallow in negativity and frustration, but I got it out of my system and at the end of the day I'm willing to at least give the show a chance. I desperately *want* it to be good cos I love the show. If it's bad, I'll be sad, I'll be sorry and I'll stop watching. But I'll see how it is before I decide on that.
                        In all fairness to those who have concerns, so do I. I've gone into both season 2 and 3 with reservations and quibbles. Some have been unfounded, others...not so much! I certainly was pretty upset about SG1 characters invading Atlantis, but like many things in life, I've just accepted it and moved on. I can't hope to change it, and maybe, just maybe, it could be a good move. I'm willing to wait and see. If it's a disaster in my opinion, I'll say so, for sure!
                        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                        I couldn't stand Andromeda either and to me, Tyr is a poor man's version of Ronon! (Though I think Tyr came first). In the few bits of the show I saw, I never found Tyr particularly engaging or interesting. The only character I ever found really vaguely interesting was Trance. Didn't Tyr's character get written out after not too long anyway?

                        P.S. I adore Ronon. He 's definitely one of my fave characters both on the show and to write for/about.
                        Now I liked Trance too. A rather unique character, IMO. Ronon has really come to life in season 3. I love his sense of humour and dead pan expressions. He's also quite intimidating too, but a big friendly bear at the same time. He has great chemistry with Shep, IMO. Certain scenes in Sunday had me in hysterics!!!

                        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post

                        I've never seen any of Lost - just couldn't be bothered getting into it. I think knowing in advance it was going to be one of those shows with a confusing, ongoing plot and convoluted developments where you have to watch every week and probably still won't understand what's going on kinda put me off watching. I don't think I have the patience for those kind of shows anymore. Prison Break didn't appeal much so never watched that either. I adored the first season or two of 24 but really lost interest in it in season 3 and haven't watched it since..

                        Heroes though sounds interesting to me and I'm looking forward to seeing that. I also taped the Dresden Files while I was out last night so plan to watch that tonight and see what I think...
                        I Sky plussed The Dresden Files, so I'll be interested to see what I think of that. I gave up on 24 too.
                        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post

                        Indeed. My fingers are crossed to. Remember, "In Joe we trust!"
                        Indeed. He has said there are going to be some great character arcs in season 4, and if he says that, I believe him.
                        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post

                        I'm the same. I like to visit other threads, particularly the ep threads, and enjoy seeing other opinions and discussing and debating, but there are some threads - usually anti ones, in name or nature, that I just don't bother with because I know I don't agree with the main viewpoint being discussed and I often find that a lot of the posters putting forward that viewpoint are very aggressive about it and don't want logical argument or discussion and, at the end of the day, I can't be bothered with the hassle.

                        I gave up on the "AT gates to Atlantis" thread for that very reason. It was SO staunchly pro-Carter and the same people over and over beating everybody over the head with their opinions, dressed up as fact, and pretty much attacking and/or denigrating anyone who dared to disagree or try to engage in logical discussion. I have no interest in a thread where people with differing opinions cannot even acknowledge the logic of another person's argument, even whilst disagreeing with it. That's not discussion. That's "I'm right and you're wrong, so there!" And I'm not 5 anymore!
                        I know what you mean! I love Carter, but I really didn't want her in Atlantis as I was so worried about how they were going to service all the characters. My fears have been allayed somewhat, and I'm keeping an open mind, but I hope TPTB know what they're doing!


                          Originally posted by Josie View Post
                          The thing that annoys me is that had the situation been reversed and SGA cancelled while SG1 continued I would not have wanted to see Shep or any other character from SGA moved over - an occasional mention maybe, or even an odd guest appearance, because it is the same universe after all, but I would have accepted that "my show" had finished and hope that the actors found another good series. I've had shows I loved cancelled before it's sad but hardly the end of the world. I can't understand people being such rabid fans that they can't let go.
                          Especially when they have had 10 years of the show! I'd never have expected or wanted Sheppard in SG1 if Atlantis had been cancelled. I read somewhere that TPTB have admitted Carter is coming to Atlantis to woo SG1 fans over, and I can understand that if it means the show will survive, but I do wonder if it will make a difference to the ratings.


                            Originally posted by Linzi View Post
                            Especially when they have had 10 years of the show! I'd never have expected or wanted Sheppard in SG1 if Atlantis had been cancelled.
                            And it doesn't mean you have to stop supporting the actors - I really hope that the cast of SG1 find lots of work outside of the films because they all deserve it. I'd be delighted to see one or more of them land a role in a big series.


                              Originally posted by Josie View Post
                              And it doesn't mean you have to stop supporting the actors - I really hope that the cast of SG1 find lots of work outside of the films because they all deserve it. I'd be delighted to see one or more of them land a role in a big series.
                              Me too. I wish them all the best. I'll be sorry to see SG1 go, but there's the movies to look forward to, so it's not even ending yet. Another reason why I don't understand the need to have so many SG1 characters coming over to Atlantis.


                                Quick rant while in work....

                                Just checked my PM's and i've got an infraction for my sig.... does that mean that some moaning meanie has reported my sig?

                                Well they either don't like Shep, lol, or they love the decisions made by the powers that be...either way I have to make a choice....


                                *jumps off soap box* Have I offended someone again, lol.

