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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
    I LOVE THIS!!!

    Ronon: Does it Hurt? ROTFL! SICKO!!! YES! YES!

    John's looks to kill at Ronon! ...hehehehehe..Evil Elfie!!

    ROFL!! That was dedicated to you. I could help myself. I love the pic. YOU'RE A RIOT!!

    You can snag the sig if you want Elf.


      does anybody know how to decatnip a dudette?


      I have the wallie as well, as a wallie right now and am going to bed... *door slams shut in face as the alarms go off through out the city* *slaps self in the face* Rodney's gonna kill me, I messed around with the base alarm and now we uh.... we are in lock down and I'm cut off from my bed and Teyla is locked inside her room now.... with John... I think i'll sleep with Fluffy tonight....

      Night all

      *hugs Camy again*

      *hugs every JT shipper currently online beofre going to seek out Fluffy for some sleep*

      This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
      "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
      "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


        Originally posted by scifan View Post
        That was so great Jess!!!
        Thanks for the extra Dr.Davis parts. hee hee. I needed that. It mad a sucky night more tollerable(sp?).

        As for the ending. I like them both, I would have to agree with MrsB. The shippper in me say let it stay the way it is.
        Thanks Sci! You know, it's just hard for my to break from the show's storyline, but I'm glad I posted it the way I did. I can always post it on my site with both endings.
        Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


          Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
          I thought pic fit perfectly with the whole scene..

          It went really well with dietician. Elfie lost 7lbs.
          Baby! Oh! How I so want a KIT KAT BAR!! I am not even lying!! WooHOO!
          Yes. I can believe it. It is my brother's B-Day tomorrow! I am busy this month!
          But, best of all only 8 more FRIDAYS TIL S4! I digress. I still have 3 more
          go for my surgery. My dietician is giving me a break from the food journal for a month. Which a good thing. It was starting to run together. But, I am still working on figuring how to set it up on my LJ for other people who are looking for positive motivation when preparing both pre-op and post-op. I also want to be able to have my SGA and JT stuff on there too! It is still in it's infancy stages. I swear I can not spell!!! But, anyway you get the point!! That's the latest for now. I hope to be able to put as challenge to get a banner made for it to. All in due time and when it up and running I will post it for all of you!
          Congrats on loosing weight!!!
          I think I found what you lost.
          I still haven't got my LJ profile done. They make me nervous.


            Originally posted by scifan View Post
            Congrats on loosing weight!!!
            I think I found what you lost.
            I still haven't got my LJ profile done. They make me nervous.
            They make me nervous too! You may found what I lost! But, like I said
            I so want a Kit Kat bar!! Chocolate BABY!! I suck one those down as we speak!!
            I hoped you enjoyed my comments on the part of The Tie that Binds before the last part you just put up in her...
            sig by Sci!

            Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


              Originally posted by NinaM View Post
              Haven't seen that pic....
              You know it's like a baby place soon ...
              Jason became a dad a short while ago,,Rachel is going to be a mom, David is going to be a dad, Joe became a dad like almost just a year ago... the whole main cast is or will become parents...
              Thanks for the pic MrsB.
              Nina, I know. It must be in the water. JF has three boys. Maybe he's the one that got them all wanting kids. hee hee. They have NO idea what they got themselves into. LOL


                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                ROFL!! That was dedicated to you. I could help myself. I love the pic. YOU'RE A RIOT!!

                You can snag the sig if you want Elf.
                Thank you for both...although it was have been wonderful for a possible infirmary nurse who has care for a certain Colonel under a bed sheet....
                sig by Sci!

                Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                  Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                  I think this picture shows how much John cares for his wife in my fanfic!! Made by camy for me Thanks much Hon!!!


                  I hope no-one minds the spoiler tags as the pic is kinda big, but it is so gosh-darned-drop-dead BEAUTIFUL!!!!

                  I also have a Live Journal myself and will soon have Camy's lovely and very wonderfully made "STORY SCREENCAPS" on mine within the hour.

                  Thanks again Camy!!

                  Elf: you know the chapter that screenshot is from yes?
                  That is so BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for sharing Teyilia and Great job Camy!

                  Before I forget.
                  Congrats on Thread and Teyilia for their milestones!!

                  If I missed anyone I'll catch up soon.


                    Originally posted by scifan View Post
                    Thanks for the pic MrsB.
                    Nina, I know. It must be in the water. JF has three boys. Maybe he's the one that got them all wanting kids. hee hee. They have NO idea what they got themselves into. LOL
                    Now, you know that JF has said this: OK kids...Don't make me have to pull this
                    SUV over!....I promise I have connections...I can arrange it where you can visit another galaxy altogether if you do not start behaving....!

                    Or...possibly...Where's my Wraith stun gun! I will use if you do not stop jumping up and down on the furniture....ask Bob.... He will agree that I will!

                    Corny..I know. But, you can not tell me he has not...especially with the sense of humor he has...

                    Well kids!

                    Elfie hs to get offline now! Everyone is going to bed here! I have to go watch
                    Rising as part the marathon in prep for S4. The only thing I do not have is S3
                    eps available. But I S1 and S2!! It is a new Thread that started with a list of the eps to watch! I will have to see 'cuz for some reason I always seem to watch Conversion a lot...hmmmm...wonder why...

                    So, good night!
                    Last edited by Elflinn; 31 July 2007, 07:39 PM.
                    sig by Sci!

                    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                      Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                      Great new chapter Scifan!!!

                      Are you going to add what may possibly happen on "missing" in the next chapter with the Athosians missing????
                      Thanks Mayra.
                      Yep and with some twists to the story too.


                        Originally posted by kingdom View Post
                        Scifan, I hope you are able to locate the rest of your story.
                        This part was so sweet....I wonder what he wanted to ask her.
                        Thanks Kingdom, I'm glad you're liking it.
                        I'm glad you like the sig too. Thanks again


                          Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                          Thanks Sci! You know, it's just hard for my to break from the show's storyline, but I'm glad I posted it the way I did. I can always post it on my site with both endings.
                          Yea, I kinda feel the same way sometime when I do stories. I think that's why I don't normally do anything more than kissing in my stories. Well, with some exceptions. LOL


                            Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                            They make me nervous too! You may found what I lost! But, like I said
                            I so want a Kit Kat bar!! Chocolate BABY!! I suck one those down as we speak!!
                            I hoped you enjoyed my comments on the part of The Tie that Binds before the last part you just put up in her...
                            Yes for all your comments. I'm glad you're liking it.

                            I'm sure he'll ask the question again soon. ; Or at least he'll get an answer. LOL. If you're his nurse, what about Teyla? Poor thing. )

                            G'night Elf.

                            JT only needs more votes to get 15th place, but Vala and Tomin are only 1 vote behind, for now.
                            Last edited by scifan; 31 July 2007, 08:29 PM.


                              Go vote....
                              J/T needs now only 2 more votes to make it to 50 for The Return the Favorite ship episode picture game...

                              Now I'm off to work...see ya all later
                              Sigs by Scifan


                                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                                Ok. I'm SO bummed. I messed and missed a chunk of the story that I downloaded on FF. I tried to reload it and I'm not sure how long it's going to take before it shows that it's fixed. UUUGGGHHH!!!!

                                I'm gonna catch up and get ready for bed. Here's another part.

                                The Ties That Bind

                                Teyla has just gotten to John’s quarter when she gets a call on her comm. from Sam. Teyla reaches for her ear, “Yes, Colonel Carter.” She pauses to listen and a smile comes across her face, “Thank you so much Colonel Carter. Yes. Yes of course, Sam. Thank you.” Her smile doesn’t fade as she walks into John’s quarters.
                                John notices the smile on Teyla’s face. “Hey. I haven’t seen that to often. May I ask what brought that on?” he says with glimmer in his eyes.
                                Ronon excuses himself and Teyla pats him on his arm as he walks out. She sits in a chair next to him, “Sam has just allowed me to go visit my people. It has been so long since I have got to see them.”
                                John looks with a slight confusion on his face, “They are allowing gate usage now? I thought they were still trying to calibrate it?”
                                “I believe that Sam said that they just finished and she is allowing me and Dr. Keller to go tomorrow,” she replies.
                                A mischievous looks comes across John’s face, “Do you want company?”
                                She gives him a big smile and tells him no. She sees him yawning, “I believe I will leave to let you rest. The pain medication Dr. Keller gave you must be working.” She reaches over him to fix the pillows behind his head.
                                John indulges himself and takes in the fragrance of her hair, and images of spending a night with her flash in his head. He fights to stay awake. “Teyla, may I ask,” he yawns. “May I ask you a question?” He struggles to keep his eyes open.
                                “Go to sleep John. I will talk to you when I get back tomorrow,” Teyla says softly and quietly leaves the room.
                                Dude that sucks about the story...did it fix yet? It does update too slow sometimes

                                BTW, this is great.
                                I bet Teyla wanted to hear his question but she didnt take advantage of his state, just like her

                                - Congrats on your milestone!

                                JM BLOG UPDATE
                                In case anyone didnt read it, he did NO mailbag again, talked a little about the wee turtles showing up and a war council scene.

                                -OT - Found a spoiler about your Danny Lindsay ship this morning. I think thats the one you like, right???
                                Question: You said you had "some good news for Danny/Lindsay-shippers." Spill, please!— Rian
                                Ausiello: Wow, I can't get anything past you guys. According to CSI: NY exec producer Pam Veasey, they will start off the season very much an item. "They are together and their relationship is happy and interesting," she tells me. "And, at some point, which we haven't decided yet, there will be a bump in the road — like any relationship." Veasey adds that unlike a certain high-profile romance on another CSI show, Danny and Lindsay won't be going out of their way to keep their romance a secret from their coworkers. "We're not going to make a big deal about whether people know or don't know," she says. "They played that very well on CSI [with Sara and Grissom]. It's more about seeing that they have this mutual respect. They'll have moments that they share, things that the audience shares with them, but mostly they'll continue to do their jobs and enjoy working together. And then, ultimately, we'll find a little skip in there somewhere."

                                Wake up people!
                                Last edited by MrsB108; 01 August 2007, 04:22 AM.

