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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Here is the third teaser. The format of this will be much better when they are on my site. Any mistakes are mine and I may re-edit this part when I finish and edit the rest of this fan fic.

    This one is also Untitled, not completed and set after The Ark. Here are about the first 2 pages (in Word that is):

    Some Planet/Atlantis:

    “How much longer are you going to be Rodney?” John asked.

    “I shouldn’t be much longer,” McKay replied, “I want to make sure I have enough readings from this energy source and images of the ancient language for Elizabeth to look at.”

    When McKay was finally done Sheppard’s team minus Teyla, who was on New Athosia, made their way back to the Gate. Upon entering the Gate something went right through Sheppard and then he appeared on the other side of the Gate without McKay or Dex. Sheppard looked around for them but didn’t see them anywhere so he went to the control room.

    Sheppard asked the technician, Chuck, about McKay and Dex and replied, “McKay is in his lab and Dex is in the gym. Are you alright Colonel Sheppard?”

    Sheppard didn’t get the chance to reply because Weir entered the control room so he told her what happened.

    “John that mission happened 3 years ago,” Weir replied, “Maybe you should get checked in the infirmary while you’re there. Carson wanted me to inform you the minute you got back that Teyla’s in the infirmary.”

    “What happened to her?” Sheppard asked.

    “Carson will tell you everything,” Weir replied.

    The Infirmary:

    Sheppard walked in and headed straight for Teyla. Beckett saw him and walked over. Beckett started talking knowing Sheppard was going to ask the “what happened” question. “She hit her head pretty bad but it’s not too serious just enough that she was knocked unconscious and has yet to wake up.”

    Sheppard sat down in the chair next to the bed and Beckett left to give him some privacy. Later that day Sheppard was getting on Beckett’s last nerves.

    “Colonel you should go back to your quarters to get some sleep,” Beckett said, “I’ll inform you the minute she wakes up.”

    All Sheppard did was sit back down in the chair.

    “If you’re not going to leave,” Beckett said, “at least lie down in an empty bed. I’ll let you know when I need it.”

    Sheppard got up from the chair and laid down on the empty bed nearest Teyla. Beckett left when he was sure Sheppard would stay there. A few hours after Sheppard fell asleep Teyla woke up and a nurse informed Dr. Beckett

    “Teyla how to you feel?” Beckett asked.

    “My head hurts,” Teyla replied.

    “That’s to be expected,” Beckett said, “After all you did hit your head. Now that you’re awake I’ll run some tests to determine how long you will have to stay in the Infirmary. I’ll let Sheppard know that you’re awake.”

    Teyla noticed Sheppard sleeping on the bed to the right and said, “ Let him sleep Dr. Beckett.”

    “Alright then I’ll get those test set up,” Beckett said.

    When Sheppard did wake up he noticed Teyla was asleep and figured she woke up when he was asleep. He walked over to Beckett’s desk and asked him when Teyla woke up.

    “She was awake when you were asleep. She told me not to wake you,” Beckett said.

    “How long will she have to be here?” Sheppard asked.

    “About 24-48 hours but if that changes I’ll let you know,” Beckett replied.

    “Thanks Doc,” Sheppard said as he was about to leave but then he asked, “Do you know what the date is?”

    Beckett told him and then asked why he wanted to know.

    “Well the last thing I remember before coming back to Atlantis was going though the gate with McKay and Ronan but when I appeared on the other side I was the only the one there,” Sheppard said and he continued to tell him everything he told Weir.

    “Let me run a body scan on you to make sure nothing is wrong,” Beckett said.

    Signs by Scifan and me. | My Forum - Planet TV Role Play | My Fan Fiction | My Mini City - Rygel City


      those look great Planet

      I also have a little bit more of my new fic "War of Roses"

      "This is Zerim of the Asurans, we have retaken the city, those of you with weapons will lower them and remain where you are, if you try to fight you will be destroyed"

      The comm shut off as sounds of gunfire where heard. "That is not a good sound." John said going to the door, which slid open when he neared it, making him stop dead in his tracks, "wasn't this door sealed shut?" he asked Teyla, she nodded and the pair then headed for a transporter.

      "Where do we go from here?" Teyla asked as she and John did their best to stay one step ahead of the Replicators, "I donnot belielve I have been to this part of the city before." she commented seeing the stuff that was in storage, "are we not under the main tower?"

      "We should be, I'm just trying to find a LSD to know who's who." John said, when something fell out of the ceiling and hit Teyla in the side of the head then dropped to the floor, "there it is" John said picking up the LSD, thankfully it was undamaged. "Let me see now.... we gotta go to..... "

      "The ZPM room?" Teyla asked rubbing her head as she looked around the huge room the pair were in making sure they were alone, this was not how she was thinking her sparring session with John was going to be. Far from it in fact.

      "Yup, only the place would be crawling with Replicators, if we even made a move towards the place we'd be shot down." John said he started looking around, and saw what he was looking for, the Atlantis life support vents, from the last time he went inside those things they were big enough for two people to go through though at a crawl. "Come on." John led the way to the vent which had a few boxes stancked up against it, he and Teyla climbed up the stack and entered the vent.

      After what seemed like hours or even days John found the ZPM room, "we're here." He said to Teyla who only nodded as John dropped a flashbang along with a smoker, then dropped out of the vent, and pulled the ZPM the lights went out, and a deep rumble shook the city, knocking Teyla out of the vent ontop of John who hit the ground with Teyla ontop of him.

      "uh.... ow" John said in mock pain as two Replicators arrived in the doorway, only to get zapped by what seemed to be a spark from the... walls? "Teyla, did you see that? Teyla? TEYLA?!" John moved to look to Teyla, she was out cold after hitting her head on the side of the ZPM power station.

      John patted Teyla's cheek, "come on wake up! This is no time for sleeping duty!" He said, worried as all hell.

      hope everyone likes (this story takes place seven days before Vengeance takes place. the seven days are actually the seven Atlantis ays(possibly a month)

      And now this little kitty is going to sleep

      This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
      "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
      "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


        Originally posted by planet_tv View Post
        Here is the third teaser. The format of this will be much better when they are on my site. Any mistakes are mine and I may re-edit this part when I finish and edit the rest of this fan fic.

        This one is also Untitled, not completed and set after The Ark. Here are about the first 2 pages (in Word that is):

        Some Planet/Atlantis:

        “How much longer are you going to be Rodney?” John asked.

        “I shouldn’t be much longer,” McKay replied, “I want to make sure I have enough readings from this energy source and images of the ancient language for Elizabeth to look at.”

        When McKay was finally done Sheppard’s team minus Teyla, who was on New Athosia, made their way back to the Gate. Upon entering the Gate something went right through Sheppard and then he appeared on the other side of the Gate without McKay or Dex. Sheppard looked around for them but didn’t see them anywhere so he went to the control room.

        Sheppard asked the technician, Chuck, about McKay and Dex and replied, “McKay is in his lab and Dex is in the gym. Are you alright Colonel Sheppard?”

        Sheppard didn’t get the chance to reply because Weir entered the control room so he told her what happened.

        “John that mission happened 3 years ago,” Weir replied, “Maybe you should get checked in the infirmary while you’re there. Carson wanted me to inform you the minute you got back that Teyla’s in the infirmary.”

        “What happened to her?” Sheppard asked.

        “Carson will tell you everything,” Weir replied.

        The Infirmary:

        Sheppard walked in and headed straight for Teyla. Beckett saw him and walked over. Beckett started talking knowing Sheppard was going to ask the “what happened” question. “She hit her head pretty bad but it’s not too serious just enough that she was knocked unconscious and has yet to wake up.”

        Sheppard sat down in the chair next to the bed and Beckett left to give him some privacy. Later that day Sheppard was getting on Beckett’s last nerves.

        “Colonel you should go back to your quarters to get some sleep,” Beckett said, “I’ll inform you the minute she wakes up.”

        All Sheppard did was sit back down in the chair.

        “If you’re not going to leave,” Beckett said, “at least lie down in an empty bed. I’ll let you know when I need it.”

        Sheppard got up from the chair and laid down on the empty bed nearest Teyla. Beckett left when he was sure Sheppard would stay there. A few hours after Sheppard fell asleep Teyla woke up and a nurse informed Dr. Beckett

        “Teyla how to you feel?” Beckett asked.

        “My head hurts,” Teyla replied.

        “That’s to be expected,” Beckett said, “After all you did hit your head. Now that you’re awake I’ll run some tests to determine how long you will have to stay in the Infirmary. I’ll let Sheppard know that you’re awake.”

        Teyla noticed Sheppard sleeping on the bed to the right and said, “ Let him sleep Dr. Beckett.”

        “Alright then I’ll get those test set up,” Beckett said.

        When Sheppard did wake up he noticed Teyla was asleep and figured she woke up when he was asleep. He walked over to Beckett’s desk and asked him when Teyla woke up.

        “She was awake when you were asleep. She told me not to wake you,” Beckett said.

        “How long will she have to be here?” Sheppard asked.

        “About 24-48 hours but if that changes I’ll let you know,” Beckett replied.

        “Thanks Doc,” Sheppard said as he was about to leave but then he asked, “Do you know what the date is?”

        Beckett told him and then asked why he wanted to know.

        “Well the last thing I remember before coming back to Atlantis was going though the gate with McKay and Ronan but when I appeared on the other side I was the only the one there,” Sheppard said and he continued to tell him everything he told Weir.

        “Let me run a body scan on you to make sure nothing is wrong,” Beckett said.
        Awesome job on all of them. Keep up the good work.


          Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
          those look great Planet

          I also have a little bit more of my new fic "War of Roses"

          "This is Zerim of the Asurans, we have retaken the city, those of you with weapons will lower them and remain where you are, if you try to fight you will be destroyed"

          The comm shut off as sounds of gunfire where heard. "That is not a good sound." John said going to the door, which slid open when he neared it, making him stop dead in his tracks, "wasn't this door sealed shut?" he asked Teyla, she nodded and the pair then headed for a transporter.

          "Where do we go from here?" Teyla asked as she and John did their best to stay one step ahead of the Replicators, "I donnot belielve I have been to this part of the city before." she commented seeing the stuff that was in storage, "are we not under the main tower?"

          "We should be, I'm just trying to find a LSD to know who's who." John said, when something fell out of the ceiling and hit Teyla in the side of the head then dropped to the floor, "there it is" John said picking up the LSD, thankfully it was undamaged. "Let me see now.... we gotta go to..... "

          "The ZPM room?" Teyla asked rubbing her head as she looked around the huge room the pair were in making sure they were alone, this was not how she was thinking her sparring session with John was going to be. Far from it in fact.

          "Yup, only the place would be crawling with Replicators, if we even made a move towards the place we'd be shot down." John said he started looking around, and saw what he was looking for, the Atlantis life support vents, from the last time he went inside those things they were big enough for two people to go through though at a crawl. "Come on." John led the way to the vent which had a few boxes stancked up against it, he and Teyla climbed up the stack and entered the vent.

          After what seemed like hours or even days John found the ZPM room, "we're here." He said to Teyla who only nodded as John dropped a flashbang along with a smoker, then dropped out of the vent, and pulled the ZPM the lights went out, and a deep rumble shook the city, knocking Teyla out of the vent ontop of John who hit the ground with Teyla ontop of him.

          "uh.... ow" John said in mock pain as two Replicators arrived in the doorway, only to get zapped by what seemed to be a spark from the... walls? "Teyla, did you see that? Teyla? TEYLA?!" John moved to look to Teyla, she was out cold after hitting her head on the side of the ZPM power station.

          John patted Teyla's cheek, "come on wake up! This is no time for sleeping duty!" He said, worried as all hell.

          hope everyone likes (this story takes place seven days before Vengeance takes place. the seven days are actually the seven Atlantis ays(possibly a month)

          And now this little kitty is going to sleep

          Another cool story. Keep up the good work.

          Ok. It's way past my bedtime. g'night guys.


            Sorry, I'm getting back to these so late. I'm having computer issues......

            Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
            how exactly do we vote for the JT awards? I clicked vote and nothing happened.
            To vote for the awards, leave a comment with the work's title and creator's name.

            Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
            You knew I had to do something sarcastic.
            Love the posters, love the sig. Might have to try one myself...

            Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
            Completely OT:

            Hehehe, did anyone notice the third pic down in JM's blog tonight of his new puppy?

            Link here

            Yellow Chicken lives.
            Yellow Chicken? Where? What the hel-?!? LOL!

            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
            Very nice DONNA!!

            Ok SOS someone please before I freak out

            I'm doing my voting for j/t awards and i keep having to do the non human test of spam thing where you have to copy the weird letters ONLY problem is I cant freakin ever get them right! theyre all weird and half ledgible. Is there anyway I can NOT have to do that???
            Sorry, I have to do them as well. Unfortunately, we can't get around it.

            Originally posted by NinaM View Post
            MrsB108 Is it when you have to vote that these weird letter come up...odd..I didn't end up having to do that for then ones I've voted on as far....

            I know all how hard it might be to chose...but hey I think all nominated are winners anyway...

            all what I'm wondering,,,if how are we going to keep track of everything that has been nominated this time around,,since I don't think the same ones can be nominated again next year... atleast I think it wont...oh well I'm sure Devine or Camy might be able to answer it at some point *lol*

            I'm thinking too to leave the fics to last,,since it's way more work reading a story atleast if there is several chapter...then it it to watch videos... *lol* and speaking from experience,,,it's a heck of alot easier to watch videos then make them *hehe*
            This is something that is still under consideration. If we decide to exclude previously nominated work, we'll provide a listing of the titles and creators. The work will also be archived on the J/T Awards site.

            Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
            I still have to vote too! It's on my to-do list this weekend. I agree, it's hard to choose what to vote for! But I don't look at it as choosing between friends, we're voting on the work itself, not the person. And I think we all know that and know not to take anything personally. My goodness, there is so much amazing talent, it's just an honor being nominated! The awards are meant to be fun and to showcase some of the great J/T work out there! It's awesome to see some of our stuff compiled all together like that!

            Thanks everyone for the congrats on 1400! I hadn't even noticed! LOL!

            And completely OT: For those that have been around the last few months, you know I've eagerly been waiting for my new puppy! Belle is finally home now, so here is an updated pic of her! I'll have more pics up at my LJ soon.


            And Nick, if you're lurking, this one is just for you. Yellow Chicken's companion, Freaky Pink Bunny.

            First, Yellow Chicken and now.....Freaky Pink Bunny? And you people say I'm strange. LOL!

            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
            Does anyone have a link to the JT awards... thanks.
            Clickie below the sig....


              Originally posted by scifan View Post
              Where is everyone? It soo dead tonight, except for those crickets chirping.

              Well, I guess I'm gonna watch CG. I been wanting to watch that for awhile. Elf you're starting to rub off on me.

              Ok. Since Elf snuck a look at her present for her bigh 2000 post I'll show the wallie. It's distorted because of the program. I also posted this in galleria.


              Thats really nice scifan...

              I havn't had much much to come online lately as I've been really busy and now that we have finally some beautiful weather I'm trying to take advantage as it's been pretty awful up until now.

              Love all the artwork and fics... you guys are great and there has been some great discussion going on in the JT discussion thread. Hopefully later on I'll get a chance to particpate a bit more.


                scifan Great present to Elf.... like it...they sure have a common bond between them

                Devine Thanks for answering some of the J/T award questions... have to head over there later to do some more voting... but the weather is truly great now after weeks and weeks of crap I'm taking advantage of it now... but I'll check in during the day in here to see if there is anything intresting going on today

                But before I leave.... since Camy stuck the duty on me....

                Vote for Joe on the SyFy awards...

                Vote for J/T on Conversion in the Favorite ship episode picture game
                Pics to use...

                Support our fellow talented J/T fans in the J/T Awards...

                And last....something else.... Neelan_Liquor posted Joe pics from Comic Con over at the JFT so I'm giving out links to check them out....


                And OT on because that is just to funny....might Ben Browder be jealous of Joe's hair.... *LOL*

                Well that was it.... I've done my job Camy

                I'll see ya all later....
                Sigs by Scifan


                  Morning all.....

                  planettv - excellent writing..
                  always good to read stories where John is waiting anxiously by Teyla in the infirmary!! keep going and tell us when you update

                  teyilia - great update dude -
                  figures you would have an action packed one, complete with smoke bombs thingies and sparks flying etc etc - update soon!!!

                  scifan - nice wallie dude!! no wonder elf really liked it...its right up her ally!!

                  ninam - thanks for the links again, always helpful without having to search around everyday

                  devine - thanks, luckily it stopped asking me after awhile to punch in the code. your site is really great and we all appreciate the acknowledgement it gives us. your the bomb man!
                  Last edited by MrsB108; 05 August 2007, 06:15 AM.


                    Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                    Thats really nice scifan...

                    I havn't had much much to come online lately as I've been really busy and now that we have finally some beautiful weather I'm trying to take advantage as it's been pretty awful up until now.

                    Love all the artwork and fics... you guys are great and there has been some great discussion going on in the JT discussion thread. Hopefully later on I'll get a chance to particpate a bit more.
                    Thanks Blue. Looking forward to your input and artworks.


                      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                      Morning all.....

                      planettv - excellent writing..
                      always good to read stories where John is waiting anxiously by Teyla in the infirmary!! keep going and tell us when you update

                      teyilia - great update dude -
                      figures you would have an action packed one, complete with smoke bombs thingies and sparks flying etc etc - update soon!!!

                      scifan - nice wallie dude!! no wonder elf really liked it...its right up her ally!!

                      ninam - thanks for the links again, always helpful without having to search around everyday

                      devine - thanks, luckily it stopped asking me after awhile to punch in the code. your site is really great and we all appreciate the acknowledgement it gives us. your the bomb dude!
                      Thanks MrsB.
                      And thanks Nina for the links.


                        Where is everyone, besides Elf,Jess and Kingdom who are at church and Camy gone for the weekend.

                        I knew that JasonM had a baby, but I just saw on web somewhere that he had a girl and Lisa Bonet is the mom and I guess she has two other kids. I'm sure he'll be like a big bear of a dad to all the kids. I just thought I'd share.


                          Originally posted by scifan View Post
                          Where is everyone, besides Elf,Jess and Kingdom who are at church and Camy gone for the weekend.

                          I knew that JasonM had a baby, but I just saw on web somewhere that he had a girl and Lisa Bonet is the mom and I guess she has two other kids. I'm sure he'll be like a big bear of a dad to all the kids. I just thought I'd share.
                          I'm here on and off... been outside since the weather is awesome today,,,have to take advantage of it when I'm off work and after so many weeks of aweful weather.... and at the moment I'm at my parents place for dinner...will check in again later....
                          Sigs by Scifan


                            Lucky you NinaM,it's been bucketing it down here all day.

                            Humph...........I need some JT love to cheer me up!


                              I'm around as well... trying to get some jobs done around the house and need to go and cut the grass when it gets a bit cooler...


                              Just had a quick look on JM's blog and once again the same old nonsence is being spewed by anti JT posters just because we have been speculating about who the father of Teyla's baby is. Somehow its been intepreted that DP John is definitely the father of Teyla's baby and the usual hysteria is following. Sheesh what is with these people... we have been speculating with several possibilities... but somehow that has been read as we have confirmed that dp John is the father. Why do these posters do this everytime someone mentions JT having time together and why do these posters go into ship threads that they obviously don't support just to cause trouble. Its just so pathetic..


                                Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                                I'm around as well... trying to get some jobs done around the house and need to go and cut the grass when it gets a bit cooler...


                                Just had a quick look on JM's blog and once again the same old nonsence is being spewed by anti JT posters just because we have been speculating about who the father of Teyla's baby is. Somehow its been intepreted that DP John is definitely the father of Teyla's baby and the usual hysteria is following. Sheesh what is with these people... we have been speculating with several possibilities... but somehow that has been read as we have confirmed that dp John is the father. Why do these posters do this everytime someone mentions JT having time together and why do these posters go into ship threads that they obviously don't support just to cause trouble. Its just so pathetic..

                                Easy answer to that one...they don't have lives... and seems to feel better about themselves when picking on others.... I guess all we can do just as JM does...IGNORE them...the only thing they accomplish is looking so darn silly... I mean we are hardly the only ones to speculate.. I've seen speculation all around in the season 4 thread...and that's all it is SPECULATION...
                                Sigs by Scifan

