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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    You know.. I always thought it was Orlin... cause in Never Alone Again... my bad guy's name is Orin... grrr... what am I to do.

    My favorite part of that episode is when they have this conversation.

    : (Slightly exasperated) What else do you want from me?
    : (Slowly, reluctantly even) Too much I fear.

    Now... what did she mean by too much?!??!

    GL12... looks like I need to pick up some hints.
    Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


      I don't know, but I have my suspicions. And my imagination.

      Yea! I always thought it was Orlin, too! Strange....

      I think my favorite conversations were actually the 'fights'. I think that they were character building and they had a lot of hints in them. Like how much they feared that the other would be hurt or killed.

      Anyway, my 2cents.

      *Runs off to write* Dang plot bunnies!

      (You can use this image, but please, if you use the poem, I wrote it, so please leave a copywrite on it. Thanks!)


        Hey all and welcome expendable crewman to this thread. *waves*

        Now onto my newest fic )

        The second part to my little John/Teyla fic.

        This was suppossed to be two parts but I changed my mind. So i'm not sure how long it's going to any more. )

        Title: The Case of the Missing Pertew
        Author: Nicole
        Part: 2/?
        Rating: PG for language
        spoilers: none
        Summary: John buys a gift for Teyla but will he be able to give it to her

        read it here:

        feedback is love.


        i need a new sig lOL i need to get to work on that.



          LOL! I love it! I can't wait for the next part! You are doing such an amazing job! I think my favorite part would have to be where Rodney and Jon both start talking at once to try and cover themselves up.

          Anyway, I hope the next part is up soon. I can't wait!

          (You can use this image, but please, if you use the poem, I wrote it, so please leave a copywrite on it. Thanks!)



   Brotherhood contribution..I still have to work on LFP..don't know if I will be able to do one...jeepers..I should turn these into my ABC's too...

            I'm really experimenting with this new program...let me know what you think!



              I did another one...

              Brotherhood..I'm pretty proud of myself...I got rid of the extras...LOL


              Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 13 June 2006, 06:44 PM.


                Wow! Was that last one supposed to be so fuzzy? Wow!

                My program is up and working again, so off to work I go!

                (You can use this image, but please, if you use the poem, I wrote it, so please leave a copywrite on it. Thanks!)


                  Camy, I liked both of those wall/banner combos. I really liked the first one, with the swirl effect. Very nicely done. Love the quote, too.

                  Oh, and great job on the shippy discussion of the episode. Last time I watched LFP with my friend, the s/w one, she gave me this look like "what does your ship say about that?" kind of thing. I didn't have an answer then, but I do now.
                  The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


                    Here is an image I made for LFP. It didn't come out quite right, so I had to put some words in there. I did another poem! Anyway, hope you all like!

                    *Runs off quickly*

                    Last edited by Angel007; 12 June 2006, 08:53 PM.

                    (You can use this image, but please, if you use the poem, I wrote it, so please leave a copywrite on it. Thanks!)


                      Hey, Fishyone, are you online now? The GW 'online' page says your not, but the little light beside your name says you are .. unless that light means something else ... hmm ...

                      (You can use this image, but please, if you use the poem, I wrote it, so please leave a copywrite on it. Thanks!)


                        Originally posted by Angel007
                        Here is an image I made for LFP. It didn't come out quite right, so I had to put some words in there. I did another poem! Anyway, hope you all like!

                        *Runs off quickly*

                        I like it... although it kind of bothers me that the pics don't line up evenly... Never mind me. I'm a bit OC... I like the words. Very fitting. Nice J/T there.
                        The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


                          Originally posted by Angel007
                          Hey, Fishyone, are you online now? The GW 'online' page says your not, but the little light beside your name says you are .. unless that light means something else ... hmm ...
                          At the risk of OT, (maybe you should have pm'd me?) I'm around... for now... Anything S/T I can help with?
                          The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


                            Originally posted by fishyone
                            At the risk of OT, (maybe you should have pm'd me?) I'm around... for now... Anything S/T I can help with?
                            My bad! Sorry! I forgot! On a more On Topic note, what do the EP innitals GUP stand for? It is driving me insain!

                            (You can use this image, but please, if you use the poem, I wrote it, so please leave a copywrite on it. Thanks!)


                              Originally posted by Angel007
                              My bad! Sorry! I forgot! On a more On Topic note, what do the EP innitals GUP stand for? It is driving me insain!
                              Grace Under Pressure
                              The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


                                First off, DM, the colors in the banner you made are beautiful! Nice!
                                Your Brotherhood banner is great too bella! Funny!

                                Originally posted by Camy
                                I wonder if she was planning this before she even got there....again, John was not going to go down..she had already convinced John once, we just didn't see come down and warn Orin and his family...Teyla is aware of her influence in John..I think..cause she had this plan way before she got there..I think from the minute she knew she was coming with John, she was going to try to save her family...or her close friend....She convince John to come down to warn them and didn't say anything to him about telling Orin to come and rescue, I'm not saying she used John...but I think Teyla is like VB..said..a negotiator and a very smart woman..and she would do what was necessary to save those she loves! with or without John...
                                I hadn't thought of this when I first watched the episode, but there really is no mention of actually stopping on the planet. I agree that stopping to warn the people was most definitely Teyla convinceing John. Like she said, they are like family to her and there was no way she was just going to let them be victims of the Wraith. She may be a part of the Atlantis team, but she hasn't forgotten her life and friends before.

                                Originally posted by Camy
                                Now, see I think John is full of *HIT* in here...I don't think he means a word of what he says here...I mean if what we know about John is true..then if it was someone he knew, would he really left them just to stay with the mission!? Is that really John?
                                That did seem a bit odd to me too that John wouldn't stay behind to help his friends. Yeah, I understand that he is thinking from a military perspective being the military commander of Atlantis and all, but we know that he hasn't always been one to follow the rules and do everything by the book. He wouldn't have left anyone behind. And speaking of only fighting battles they can win, the battle against the Wraith doesn't always look that winable (is that a word? now)

                                I like the conflict and compromise between John and Teyla in LFP. There's his military thinking about saving Atlantis versus her acting as a leader in Pegasus trying to save her friends and family. One of my favorite scenes was when the gate finally shut off and John wanted to leave, but Teyla wants to wait for Orin. I think Camy posted it. Teyla boldy says she is going to stay no matter what, but still asks for John to stay and help. This is one thing she needs his help with and cannot do alone. He may have been fine with leaveing Orin and his family, but he cares too much about Teyla to leave her behind.

                                And after all that, here's some art.

                                And the matching banner

                                Didn't make a icon to complete the set though
                                Sig by Cazzblade

