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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Camy View Post
    BP..I was looking all day today, well a good portion of the day, at the postings and I found the one with your summary of Season 1 and season 2 I posted it on the last page...but I know that there is one posting with all Caps and summaries of Season 1 and Season you know where it is, and if you find it can you post it here..I want to link it to my sig so that everyone that comes in new can just clickety click and read and see all the JT Loving in both seasons....Now, did you do the ones for the first half of Season 3...I can't remember...we need to do that one too.....if Annie can't provide the caps I can.....Wikked is going to cap Season 3 from the beginning once this season is over...I have her busy! lOl

    So, for all of you, I should have these filed so that whevever anyone wants to ask or read we have them...woohoo!

    How cool is this thread?

    That would be great Camy - I look forward to reading all the seson 1 and 2 summaries.


      OT here, but when did Weir hug Shep? Of course, it's like 3AM where I am, so please excuse my blank-minded-ness. And THAT isn't a word. lol.

      Anyway, I updated Waiting For Yesterday several times since I last posted: Here's a link.

      NOTE: If you read, please know that all questions that come up will be answered. If you review, and I accept Anon. incase you aren't signed up on, please do not ask a million questions. If you have questions, PM me. Sorry, but I'm a little overwhelmed by the questions already.

      Story Title: Waiting For Yesterday
      Description: [Sheyla] When she was controlled by them, she killed. When she was captured by her friends, she was experimented upon — and she was pregnant with a Wraith child. When she broke free of the being controlling her, she was different. John ... help her.

      (You can use this image, but please, if you use the poem, I wrote it, so please leave a copywrite on it. Thanks!)


        I'm pretty sure Weir hugged Shep in The Siege Part 3 after he came back from his suicide mission to save Atlantis...the Daedalus arrived just in time to beam him out of the PJ.

        Blank-minded-ness, I like that! And completely understandable at 3AM, lol!!

        Also, I'm loving the fic! Keep it up!!!


          Ok I finished that wrecthed Shakespeare paper and am done with school 'til August(well almost).

          I like "Return Part 2" even though we really didn't get any J/T love. My favorite was probably Jack ragging on Sheppard and the rest of the team.

          And the plot bunny fairy visited me this weekend. While listening to Mairah Carrey's "All I want for Christmas is you" this weekend (yes I know it's early, but my mom and I love Christmas music, especially this song) I got an idea for a John Teyla fic. It will be set a year and a half after Stranded(set in season three) and feature John proposing for Christmas. I'm combining it with a little Sam/Jack and Vala/Daniel ship to link it to my SG-1 fic. It will be during a proposed season 5, so Sam will be in Command of Atlantis.
          Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



            Originally posted by Angel007 View Post
            OT here, but when did Weir hug Shep? Of course, it's like 3AM where I am, so please excuse my blank-minded-ness. And THAT isn't a word. lol.

            Anyway, I updated Waiting For Yesterday several times since I last posted: Here's a link.

            NOTE: If you read, please know that all questions that come up will be answered. If you review, and I accept Anon. incase you aren't signed up on, please do not ask a million questions. If you have questions, PM me. Sorry, but I'm a little overwhelmed by the questions already.

            Story Title: Waiting For Yesterday
            Description: [Sheyla] When she was controlled by them, she killed. When she was captured by her friends, she was experimented upon — and she was pregnant with a Wraith child. When she broke free of the being controlling her, she was different. John ... help her.
            I'm going to read it this afternoon. I'd green ya, but it says I need to spread it around more first.
            Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



              Originally posted by Mayra View Post
              Very cute indeed!

              I can see how that could feel because at times i did feel like there was a little too much RDA and Woosley but i love RDA and i actually enjoyed his performance on the episode that i didn't mind it at all. He actually had me laughing lol. LOL!!! i loved his stiff reaction towards Weir's hug!. She keeps choosing to hug men who already have there sould mate Teyla and Carter LOL!. But all in all, it was a pretty good episode and with Black Panther's summary, i guess there was more J/T moments than what i officially thought LOL!
              *lol* well I have no huge problem with RDA... it's because of him I started watching Stargate... if I hadn't I most likely wouldn't be watching SGA either...even though I was sceptical to it but my brother insisted,,,so I guess it's a little bit of both....

              Maybe if I see the epi some more it will grow on me... there are parts that I enjoy and then there are those a little less... but all in all it was a good epi just not as good as the first part....
              Sigs by Scifan


                Season 1 and Season 2 Summaries I posted a page back's all there...just click on the links above the posting with BP's comments.....

                They are great!

                For those of you tracking Shadows in the Light by YOGO, she completed the fic and I'd say it's AWESOME!



                  Um...also, I"ve updated the Galleria with Wikked's caps from Lost Boys...ALL 175 of THEM! LOL

                  gracias Wikked!


                    Originally posted by Camy View Post
                    Season 1 and Season 2 Summaries I posted a page back's all there...just click on the links above the posting with BP's comments.....

                    They are great!

                    For those of you tracking Shadows in the Light by YOGO, she completed the fic and I'd say it's AWESOME!

                    Thanks Camy - I'll go and look for them.

                    Thanks for the link as well - FF won't let me review at the moment - it was a great ending.


                      Geez, you guys have been busy! I played Catch Up from page 1161, so I apologize for not having individual praise for artwork, fics, vids and comments. But there were a few things that I wanted to comment on…..

                      1st and always: Welcome Newbies, to the JT Ocean of Love. I see it’s been having some killer waves these last few weeks.

                      Teyla’s arc/S 4: I’m very optimistic. Very rarely do the writers create a story that hones in on one member of the team, without the other playing some part. And after the group dynamic they developed in the latter half of season 3, I find it hard to believe that they would completely ignore that and do a character centric episode. (They’ve proved me wrong before, but this is my hope.) I believe that, whatever Teyla goes through, her teammates (mainly John) will be there every step of the way.

                      Athosians missing/Teyla goes a little dark/Sheppy angst (ex-wife?):

                      After reading 16 pages of rumors and speculation an interesting thought came to me. 1st I’ll go over the players and then explain the theory:

                      1. It was mentioned that Joe F. had a story that he was pushing/excited about. Many believe it may have something to do with his ex-wife. Others doubt that because Joe F. is well known to prefer action to relationship stories. BUT, Joe F. has said that when he does a relationship story, he likes to see to people fighting to be together(being in love in boring, it’s the journey that gets you there that is entertaining).

                      2. Some also believe that because Joe F. loved Vengeance so much that the story must have something to do with Michael and his army.

                      3. Michael most definitely has issue with the Atlantis team, but I do believe he has some special interest (be it anger/hate/love/lust) for Teyla. She and Michael have to most in common and I think her betrayal burns him more then the others. Why? Because every chance he gets, Michael reaches out to (or singles out) Teyla is some way.

                      So what’s my theory: What if Michael’s army takes Teyla’s people? What if he experimented on them and turned them into some of his soldiers? What if he experimented on them for something else? This would cause Teyla to fall into an emotionally dark place. The root of her woes, of course, would be Michael. But, Michael is something that she helped create. So in fact, the Lanteans (herself included) would be the true root of the problem.

                      Speculations/Questions: How would Teyla feel about Atlantis? How would Teyla feel about John? How would Teyla feel about herself? Would Teyla try to leave? Where would she go? If anything, she would now be free to return to Earth. I think this would be the perfect plotline or arc for Teyla. It would make her look into her past, into her soul and into her heart. She’ll have to make some hard decisions and if her and John’s relationship were to last there would need to be some serious discussion and possibly commitment.

                      Speculations/Questions: How would John feel knowing that he caused Teyla to lose her home and her people? Would it make him look over his past mistakes(cue the ex-wife)? Instead of walking away, would he stay and fight for Teyla?

                      Reality Check: I think it would be wonderful to see, but I doubt very likely it would happen. I’m done trying to guess. There are too many possibilities.

                      Sanssong: The black wallie is what we are currently using or feel free to post the ad in your our words. For my vids, they can be downloaded from Devine’s Attic. The link can be found on my lj or below.

                      *sighs* Have to go back to work on a fic. If I don’t I’m sure to get another ‘friendly’ reminder from Camy.

                      Bye for now,


                        Oh, Dee...I like your thinking....

                        This could lead the way for so much angst and loads of psychological trauma...LOVE IT!

                        If only?

                        "friendly" reminder...*sighs*

                        I'll be nice....*wink* only because I"m on the same boat with a fic that I owe...hmmm...I forget her name!



                          Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
                          Geez, you guys have been busy! I played Catch Up from page 1161, so I apologize for not having individual praise for artwork, fics, vids and comments. But there were a few things that I wanted to comment on…..

                          1st and always: Welcome Newbies, to the JT Ocean of Love. I see it’s been having some killer waves these last few weeks.

                          Teyla’s arc/S 4: I’m very optimistic. Very rarely do the writers create a story that hones in on one member of the team, without the other playing some part. And after the group dynamic they developed in the latter half of season 3, I find it hard to believe that they would completely ignore that and do a character centric episode. (They’ve proved me wrong before, but this is my hope.) I believe that, whatever Teyla goes through, her teammates (mainly John) will be there every step of the way.

                          Athosians missing/Teyla goes a little dark/Sheppy angst (ex-wife?):

                          After reading 16 pages of rumors and speculation an interesting thought came to me. 1st I’ll go over the players and then explain the theory:

                          1. It was mentioned that Joe F. had a story that he was pushing/excited about. Many believe it may have something to do with his ex-wife. Others doubt that because Joe F. is well known to prefer action to relationship stories. BUT, Joe F. has said that when he does a relationship story, he likes to see to people fighting to be together(being in love in boring, it’s the journey that gets you there that is entertaining).

                          2. Some also believe that because Joe F. loved Vengeance so much that the story must have something to do with Michael and his army.

                          3. Michael most definitely has issue with the Atlantis team, but I do believe he has some special interest (be it anger/hate/love/lust) for Teyla. She and Michael have to most in common and I think her betrayal burns him more then the others. Why? Because every chance he gets, Michael reaches out to (or singles out) Teyla is some way.

                          So what’s my theory: What if Michael’s army takes Teyla’s people? What if he experimented on them and turned them into some of his soldiers? What if he experimented on them for something else? This would cause Teyla to fall into an emotionally dark place. The root of her woes, of course, would be Michael. But, Michael is something that she helped create. So in fact, the Lanteans (herself included) would be the true root of the problem.

                          Speculations/Questions: How would Teyla feel about Atlantis? How would Teyla feel about John? How would Teyla feel about herself? Would Teyla try to leave? Where would she go? If anything, she would now be free to return to Earth. I think this would be the perfect plotline or arc for Teyla. It would make her look into her past, into her soul and into her heart. She’ll have to make some hard decisions and if her and John’s relationship were to last there would need to be some serious discussion and possibly commitment.

                          Speculations/Questions: How would John feel knowing that he caused Teyla to lose her home and her people? Would it make him look over his past mistakes(cue the ex-wife)? Instead of walking away, would he stay and fight for Teyla?

                          Reality Check: I think it would be wonderful to see, but I doubt very likely it would happen. I’m done trying to guess. There are too many possibilities.

                          Sanssong: The black wallie is what we are currently using or feel free to post the ad in your our words. For my vids, they can be downloaded from Devine’s Attic. The link can be found on my lj or below.

                          *sighs* Have to go back to work on a fic. If I don’t I’m sure to get another ‘friendly’ reminder from Camy.

                          Bye for now,
                          I so agree...i wondered in "missing" that Michael has something to do with Teyla's people going missing....he may not appear in the episode but he may be mentioned...this might lead into the Teyla Arc!!


                            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                            I wouldn't have minded the hug so much between Weir and O'Neill if we had gotten another scene after it with the team - all out on the balcony just enjoying being back home.

                            The hug was just identicle to the Shep/Weir hug - both men had almost the very same reaction. Taken aback and very uncomfortable. [/SPOILERS]
                            Oh, you are SO right here BA! How funny.
                            I know what you mean about the team. It did feel a bit, well, unresolved. I think ending with Weir's POV was weak to be honest. It would have had more emotional "punch" if it had been the entire TEAM'S reaction to be allowed to stay.


                              Originally posted by Devine27 View Post

                              Teyla’s arc/S 4: I’m very optimistic. Very rarely do the writers create a story that hones in on one member of the team, without the other playing some part. And after the group dynamic they developed in the latter half of season 3, I find it hard to believe that they would completely ignore that and do a character centric episode. (They’ve proved me wrong before, but this is my hope.) I believe that, whatever Teyla goes through, her teammates (mainly John) will be there every step of the way.
                              Agreed. I think TPTB have learned their lesson on the solo actor eps. They just don't go over very well.

                              Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
                              So what’s my theory: What if Michael’s army takes Teyla’s people? What if he experimented on them and turned them into some of his soldiers? What if he experimented on them for something else? This would cause Teyla to fall into an emotionally dark place. The root of her woes, of course, would be Michael. But, Michael is something that she helped create. So in fact, the Lanteans (herself included) would be the true root of the problem.
                              That's an interesting and possible viable theory. It's action oriented, but dark and full of character possibilites. Honestly I think that's the direction the show is headed this year. I would not be a bit surprised if this was very close to what happens.

                              Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
                              Speculations/Questions: How would Teyla feel about Atlantis? How would Teyla feel about John? How would Teyla feel about herself? Would Teyla try to leave? Where would she go? If anything, she would now be free to return to Earth. I think this would be the perfect plotline or arc for Teyla. It would make her look into her past, into her soul and into her heart. She’ll have to make some hard decisions and if her and John’s relationship were to last there would need to be some serious discussion and possibly commitment.
                              Those would be awesome issues for her to have to face. I think to really round out Teyla, some of the questions have to be asked. We need to see her dealing with situations that are complex. And it would DEFINITELY put John and Teyla's relationship on the line- it would force them both to look at it closely. A very good thing as far as I'm concerned.

                              Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
                              Speculations/Questions: How would John feel knowing that he caused Teyla to lose her home and her people? Would it make him look over his past mistakes(cue the ex-wife)? Instead of walking away, would he stay and fight for Teyla?
                              See, this is where I think the angst is for John. I HAVE to think that he is going to be faced with the consequences of a decision or decisions that he's made. Knowing the consequences were hardest on Teyla... wow, there is the potential for some serious self-doubt, soul searching and guilt.

                              Now, since I'm of the opinion that the ex left him because he wasn't an ambitious military man, I don't see his past realationship factoring into this much. And I can't think of any good reason why he wouldn't stay and fight along side and for Teyla. That is at the heart of who John Sheppard is.

                              Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
                              Sanssong: The black wallie is what we are currently using or feel free to post the ad in your our words. For my vids, they can be downloaded from Devine’s Attic. The link can be found on my lj or below.
                              Great! I've put the black wall up at JTC. I still need to tweak it some since the size I originally posted messed up our formatting. Grrrr... stupid Bravenet. But it's there and will hopefully generate some great traffic for the awards.

                              Thank you EVER so much for the vids! They will be an awesome addition to our Vid Archive!


                                Camy No I haven't done one for season 3 yet. I haven't found what your looking for yet, but I have found all my reports for season one!

                                sanssong feel free to take any or all of these reports.

                                Season 1 Shippy Reports

                                101&102 - Rising Part 1&2

                                103 - Hide And Seek with links to Major Shippy Moments for season 1&2

                                104 - 38 Minutes

                                105 - Suspicion

                                106 - Childhood's End

                                107 - Poisoning The Well

                                108 - Underground

                                109 - Home

                                110 - The Storm

                                111 - The Eye

                                112 - The Defiant One

                                113 - Hot Zone

                                114 - Sanctuary

                                115 - Before I Sleep

                                116 - The Brotherhood

                                117 - Letters From Pegasus

                                118 - The Gift

                                119 - The Siege Part 1

                                120 - The Siege Part 2

                                I'm going to take a break.

