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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Ohhh gone for a day or two and nearly miss a newbie!

    Hi ANGEL!!!!

    I must be outta of it because I havn't read any of your fics...basically because I haven't been on in a long time...too busy with work and school! But be on the lookout for reviews by MadCapSciFiWriter because that will be me! By the the pic! Words make a manip for me and I really love the ones on it and also that's its green!

    Okay...Ritter..hmmmm...presents....presents....what can I make for Ritter?!


      Who said there is no shippiness in 38 Minutes?!

      I know. I know! I am late again. I won't be able to do Suspicion until tomorrow. Hopefully I will be able to catch up then. I am having computer problems.

      Shippy moments for 38 Minutes.

      Teyla remains by John's side through almost this entire ep. She doesn't leave when the ship is taking fire. Even Aiden took his seat until it settled down. Not even when the medic team is trying to revive him. The only times she leaves his side is when it is needed and when something big happens. When she is by his side she is always touching him either on his shoulder, knee, and thigh. Even when it is not needed.

      In the beginning Teyla is kneeling by John alone tending to him. Aiden: OK. I think we're close enough to dial the Gate. Rodney goes to help her hold John steady. John is ordering them to remove the bug. Teyla worried turns to Rodney. Teyla: There must be something we can do for him. Rodney tells her to get the medic kit. Teyla immediately does it stopping to talk to the driver. Teyla: Is there no way to go faster?! Stackhouse in short says no. Teyla returns to John's side. John is clearly in pain. Teyla tells Rodney to get something for the pain. Rodney says only a doctor could help him. As the rest of the scene plays out Teyla is doing her best to help John. She pulls out a cloth and applies it to John's neck. She does this through the first half of the show but to his head.

      After the crash Teyla stands staring at the stargate horizon. Suddenly remembering John she turns and rushes to his side. She starts checking him for new injuries.

      The first memory show the beginning of a habit John and Teyla get into. They spend most of their time next to each other when ever they are in the same vicinity. I noticed something I don't think was ever mentioned before. When they are attacked the wraith shots go down the middle forcing John and Teyla to separate sides. John makes his way back to Teyla's side and pushes her behind him. He then yells to his team, "Go!"

      The first thing John says when he wakes up is, "Hi, Teyla." Teyla hearing him returns to his side. John: Are you alright? Teyla seems surprised and bemused by this question. Teyla: I'm fine.

      Teyla finishes placing lanterns around the puddle jumper. As Rodney explains to Aiden why he shut the hatch Teyla turns and shines her flashlight on John. He looks back at her. After a minute he turns to Rodney. John: McKay... Rodney continues talking. John: Knock it off. Rodney: Oh, I apologise for being the only person who truly comprehends how screwed we are! John: Don't talk to me about screwed! Teyla glares at Rodney. After Rodney calms down John looks up at Teyla. Teyla has folded her jacket to act as a pillow for John's head. She places it under his head.

      John is ordering Aiden to cut the bug off him. Teyla's eyes widen in fear at this suggestion. Teyla: The last time we almost lost you. John mentions they are going to loose him anyways if they don't. Aiden tries to talk him out of it. John eventually asks Aiden to get Carson on the radio. Carson got on and Teyla moves to the medic kit at John's feet. John stares at Teyla as he talks to Carson. Carson asks John to tell him how this happened. John starts his explanation still staring at Teyla.

      Teyla is having a hard time going up a hill. John reaches out and seems to be reaching for the small of her back to help her up. Teyla grabs his hand and he helps her. At the top he doesn't let her go until he pulls her to his other side behind the larger more shielded side of the log.

      They are going to try iodine to remove the bug. Teyla's expression is a mixture of apprehension and hope. When nothing happens she is disappointed. Aiden starts looking for something else to try. Rodney: Yes, what have you got there? Any food? Aiden: You're kidding. Rodney: I have less than twenty minutes to save our lives, and I am teetering on the brink of a hypoglycaemic reaction, so ... As this happens Teyla stares up at Rodney. Her face is in the shadows so it is hard to discern her expression. When you see her face clearly again you can tell she is not happy. They try alcohol. Teyla's reaction is the same as the first. When nothing happens she is disappointed again. Teyla looks up at Aiden in hope. Teyla: Did the doctor not say to pour salt on the creature? Rodney: I think that was a metaphor. But it doesn't matter, just try everything. Gaining him another dirty look from Teyla. They try the salt. Nothing happens. Teyla's disappointment is quite obvious. She looks up at Aiden with worry clearly stamped on her features. He asks for water. She hands it to him. This time there is a violent reaction. Teyla tries to control John's struggling. His struggling intensifies. Teyla's expression is one of horror. Aiden tries to help her control John. John flings him back into the jumper wall.

      The jumper has slid further into the gate. Teyla is staring at the partially visible stargate horizon. Elizabeth asks about John. Hearing this Teyla immediately returns to John's side. It is decided that John can't go through the gate with the bug attached to him. Teyla: Then we must do something now! John: Hit me with the defibrillator. Carson: You may be onto something, Major. Aiden: No-no. You said that might kill him. John: That's the idea. Teyla looks worried and confused at the suggestion. Teyla: I-I don't understand. Carson explains things to her. Teyla understanding helps prepare John, but is still quite worried about this. Worried enough Aiden has to repeat himself twice. Aiden: One of us is going to have to get him through. Teyla doesn't hesitate. Teyla: I will. John looks up at her and a brief expression crosses his features. Too brief to identify properly. Aiden shocks John. Teyla jumps. Aiden: No pulse. Teyla immediately tries to pull the bug off. Teyla: It won't come off! Carson: Settle. It may take a moment. Once the bug's grip starts to loosen Teyla immediately pulls it off and tosses it onto a chair. Hearing the difibrillator start up Teyla turns and watches anxiously. Teyla: Nothing? Aiden: Nothing. Let's get him through. Teyla rushes to Johns side knocking the medic kit out of her way hard enough it lifts off the ground. Aiden helps Teyla carry John to the stargate horizon. He lets go and Teyla pulls John through with all her strength.

      Teyla is by John's side as Carson tries to revive him. Watching anxiously.

      In the infirmary it is Teyla who mentions, "We should let you rest. Elizabeth asks John what he was going to say which get people talking again. Sensing that they should really leave Teyla turns to John smiles one of her big smiles and quite sweetly says, "Goodnight." She leaves the rest follow suit.
      Last edited by Black Panther; 25 May 2006, 11:10 PM.



        I think this is late but I don't care - it amuses me. Cleaned up a bit - that's the reason for this unfashionable delay...


          Cool! Your MadCapSciFiWriter! *Is totally confused about who is who on and GW* So, I know Sansong, Cpt.Ritter, You, *Smacks head bacause she can't remember*, oh! And The Puppeteer!

          Hyper Caz, Black panther and Spectrum, do you write on

          (You can use this image, but please, if you use the poem, I wrote it, so please leave a copywrite on it. Thanks!)


            Originally posted by vaberella
            Ooooh..I know I read it. I plan on reviewing it. Since I like where your going..evil ******* that Ronon. But I haven't had the chance, since by now you know I give long winded reviews. I will go and review it tomorrow after my mind warp from my 5 hour final...that is if my brain isn't turned into bloody mush. I do hope you do another holiday J/T fic and I'm still waiting on the story on how J/T got into a relationship in the Holiday fic, that's bound to be a great read. By the way you love whump don't you?! You just can't get enough...I don't know how much torture I can take. Can you make a fic where Teyla whumps John....hmmm....pwetty please, I love a good smack in the head, we just need a bit more of that..but John could spank Teyla too...or is that too kinky!

            Yup! I will write a fic about Teyla whumping John soon. I think I will make it....well, I am not going to tell you. *Ducks from Objects vaberella is throwing at her* Muhahah!

            Well, it is I have a reason for my craziness. Anyway, I must go write Sticks and Snails!

            *Hurries off to write before evil sis kicks her off*

            (You can use this image, but please, if you use the poem, I wrote it, so please leave a copywrite on it. Thanks!)


              Originally posted by Angel007
              Hyper Caz, Black panther and Spectrum, do you write on


                *Squeaks* What name do you go under? Have you written any fics?

                (You can use this image, but please, if you use the poem, I wrote it, so please leave a copywrite on it. Thanks!)


                  Hey! I know a present for Cpt. Ritter! Let's all go review her fics!

                  (You can use this image, but please, if you use the poem, I wrote it, so please leave a copywrite on it. Thanks!)


                    Quick question...

                    Can anyone read the words on my sig? It might just be my eyes, but I was wondering if I need to make 'em bigger. I hope not, because then I would have to cover up the whole pic. *Pouts*

                    Lotsa love,

                    (You can use this image, but please, if you use the poem, I wrote it, so please leave a copywrite on it. Thanks!)


                      Is anyone here? Hello.... *Echo* *Echo* *Echo*

                      (You can use this image, but please, if you use the poem, I wrote it, so please leave a copywrite on it. Thanks!)


                        Originally posted by Angel007
                        Can anyone read the words on my sig? It might just be my eyes, but I was wondering if I need to make 'em bigger. I hope not, because then I would have to cover up the whole pic. *Pouts*
                        I can read it, but it's not as easy as it could be. You might try a different font, and maybe put the lines closer together. The text could probably be arranged so that it doesn't cover up anyone's face if you mess with it a bit.


                          Originally posted by Angel007
                          Is anyone here? Hello.... *Echo* *Echo* *Echo*
                          Hi..i'm here...soon to be gone...I can read the words on your sig though they are slightly blurry...once again some beautiful words!

                          Hmmm as for anyone else on is OMGirl and another poster who hasn't been around lately is Snogging Picard but on she goes by EclecticTrekker...

                          Yeah we all have different names...drives Cpt. Ritter nuts...he is always getting Witchy and me mixed up...Lova Ya Ritter! *Still coming up with a present!*

                          CAZ...I love Bates' Sheyla Report for 'Suspicion'...'like anyone needs to see me for a Sheyla moments' LOL are the best!


                            Cpt Ritter is a guy? Upps...I never knew! Well, I will try to fix my sig, but I don't think there is much I can do about it. Oh, well. I might change it. Off to go make some more pretty images!

                            (You can use this image, but please, if you use the poem, I wrote it, so please leave a copywrite on it. Thanks!)


                              Hey lookie! I made a picture!!! Took me long enough!

                              (You can use this image, but please, if you use the poem, I wrote it, so please leave a copywrite on it. Thanks!)


                                Angel that's a great piece of artwork.

                                The OT thread for discussing artwork needs some more people. The idea is to share hints, tips and ideas.

                                Camy I love your caps.

                                Next up is Childhoods end and I have nothing! It's going to be late although seeing as I'm about 7hours ahead of everyone else, to you it will probably be time.

