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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
    The one with them at the stream,i think it's from the ep they come across Elia,can't remember the name of the ep.. with the pattern round it and a little Heart in the middle at the bottom and the words you complete me in fancy writing!
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      Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
      Competely OT:

      Outcast: John and Ronon go to Earth and run into Bates, who's a civilian. Do you think he'll be stupid enough to make a nasty comment about Teyla? If so, who do you think will lay into him first? John? Ronon? Both? Oh, that would be great!

      I don't think it's OT....but then again just this morning I was thinking bout the same thing.

      I haven't read anything on Outcast, but Bates is a civilian?...I just thought they were in civies...

      But oh, If Bates actually has the nerve before John AND Ronon to say anything nasty about Teyla, he'd have to have serious death wishes.

      I'm just concerned, maybe he'd be a bit rude to Ronon, but maybe his size would stop Bates.

      But I'd say John would be the first to tell him off, cause that's one thing John was never shy about telling Bates what he thought of his remarks.

      R.I.P Wraithlord

      Awesome sig by SciFan


        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
        The one with them at the stream,i think it's from the ep they come across Elia,can't remember the name of the ep.. with the pattern round it and a little Heart in the middle at the bottom and the words you complete me in fancy writing!

        Oh i'm guessing Ronan goes at him first but then Shep beats him to it....After all he gotta protect his Woman!
        OHHHH....that's one of my favs also....though that's about a few months old...hehehe...I'm glad its still a hit!...

        R.I.P Wraithlord

        Awesome sig by SciFan


          Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
          Ah yes that's the one,i forgot the name for a minute.....BRAIN FREEZE!!!

          Originally posted by WitchBlade007 View Post
          OHHHH....that's one of my favs also....though that's about a few months old...hehehe...I'm glad its still a hit!...

          Really/ Well it's awesomely pwetty....I really gotta pay more attention to sigs!


            Originally posted by NinaM View Post
            A convention report from Auckland, New Zealand

            The report has also some pics of Joe and 2 short clips...

            Thanks Nina.

            Originally posted by girlinabox View Post
            Sounds good! Since I can't watch it live, I'll have to get on itunes with money that is not mine...

            I'm having problems with the rotating sig thing. Usually I'm good at those kinds of things.
            LOL. Same here.
            What's up with sig?

            Originally posted by WitchBlade007 View Post
            Great Vid!...loved your choice of music...Can't believe we used so many of the same scenes...AND we even ended with the same

            Thanx Sci!...
            No problem WB.

            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
            MRSB!!!!,We miss youuuuuuuuuuuuu....Hurry back!!!

            SAD OT
            I'm a little bummed today.....My ipod screen is broken and nothing is showing up and the nearest Apple store is Glasgow and i'm working tomorrow and i don't know anybody that can fix it for me......The only way i can listen to music is to skip some songs maually cause i can't get the menu to show and i've got thousands of songs on it
            Sorry to here about your Ipod.

            Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
            OK, I finally finished the Phantoms tag I was trying to write for the Whumpathon yesterday. I'm a bit late.

            Night Phantoms
            “You shot me!” Rodney whined for the millionth time that night. An aggravated sigh was heard from the other side of the cave.
            “Come on, McKay! It's almost midnight, would you give it a rest?” John asked in a petulant voice.
            “Not until it stops hurting. I can't believe you actually shot me!” A rustling sound came from Sheppard's sleeping bag.
            “What are you doing?” McKay asked.
            “I'm gonna go see if Carson has any more morphine, just so you'll shut up!” John said, then mumbled something else under his breath.
            “What was that?”
            “Mmm,” Rodney said, less than convinced. “Well, I wouldn't be so annoying if the Daedalus hadn't been delayed,” he said.
            “Oh, and that's my fault now?” John retorted as he rooted through Carson's medical bag.
            “No, but you shooting me is!” Sheppard huffed and rolled his eyes, renewing his search efforts. Suddenly a pain-filled groan came from where Teyla was lying. John's head whipped around, morphine forgotten.
            “Teyla!” he said, quickly crawling to her side. She looked awful, her face was pale except for two bright red feverish patches on her cheeks, and her face was covered in a sheen of sweat. Her brow was knitted in consternation or pain, or both. She tossed her head back and forth in her sleep, then moved her leg again, eliciting another groan of discomfort. “John,” she mumbled in her sleep, “John, listen to me--”
            “Carson!” John yelled, reaching over to shake the sleeping man. “Wake up!” The doctor sat up, squinting to compensate for his bleary vision.
            “What? What's wrong?” he asked sleepily.
            “Something's wrong with Teyla,” John said worriedly. This instantly put the doctor on alert. Shaking the fogginess from his brain, he moved over and knelt at Teyla's side, putting a hand on her shoulder and shaking it gently.
            “Teyla,” he said. “Teyla, can you hear me love?” Her eyes remained tightly shut.
            “John,” she said again. “please--” John's eyebrows drew together in worry and guilt. How long had she been trying to talk to him while he was hallucinating? Beckett lifted the field dressing on her leg, and grimaced at the sight of the wound. There was a large, red, inflamed area surrounding the bullet hole, which was still bleeding slightly and beginning to ooze pus.
            “The wound's gotten infected,” he said. “I was afraid of this. The bullet caught a piece of her pants fabric, and since we haven't gotten either out they're festering and causing a nasty infection.” By this time Ronon had woken, and joined in.
            “How come McKay isn't having the same problem?” he asked.
            “His shot was a through-and-through, given the close range of the weapon whatever cloth may have been caught by the bullet was shot straight out,” Beckett replied distractedly as he rummaged around in his medical bag. He took out a syringe of something, inserted the needle into Teyla's arm and depressed the plunger.
            “What was that?” John asked.
            “Antibiotics and pain medication, nothing much but a bit to take the edge off,” Carson said. “Hopefully, the antibiotics will keep the infection down until the Daedalus gets here.”
            “What the hallucinations?” John asked. Carson sighed.
            “She's lost a lot of blood, and what we've been through is enough to give anybody nightmares,” he said. “They're probably not hallucinations, she might just be dreaming and too tired to wake up.” John nodded, once more feeling guilty pain.
            “That was the only syringe of the antibiotic mixture I had left, and I only have one of morphine,” Carson said. “It should be all right until the Daedalus gets here, but there's really not much we can do.” he gave John a sympathetic glance, then turned and went to check on Rodney. John sat down on the ground next to Teyla, brushing her sweat-slicked hair off her forehead and taking her hand, rubbing his thumb across it comfortingly. He dimly heard Beckett and McKay's muted conversation, the doctor asking how he was doing, and if he needed anything for the pain. Rodney said he was fine, causing Sheppard to smile slightly. If need be, the scientist could be remarkable selfless. Otherwise, well—the words “pain in the neck” came to mind. Teyla moaned, bringing his attention back to her. She looked so pale and small, an almost frightening change from the woman who normally could have him flat on his back whenever she pleased. He leaned back against the wall. It was going to be a long night.

            John checked the luminescent dial of his watch yet again. 03:00. He sighed, stretching his sore back muscles and glancing around the cave. Carson and Rodney had nodded off, and Ronon looked like he would at any moment. He almost felt like taking the man's blaster and stunning him with it, it was so aggravating to see his head alternately sag, then jerk up, sag, jerk again . . .stupid watchdog complex. It was worse than Chinese water torture. He sighed again, looking at Teyla. She had gotten a little paler, but the hand he was holding was burning up. The antibiotics must have worn off. He was about to go get Carson, when she began to toss in her sleep again.
            “John, no! Rodney--” she cried, her face once more pained. “you can't die, not after Ronon . . .” John's brow knitted. Ronon? Oh, no, had he killed Ronon in her dream? She continued to speak, though now quieter, almost brokenheartedly.“Why wasn't I faster . . .he can't be dead, no . . .” John's heart twisted. Oh great, now he had killed Ronon and Rodney. He may have, though, if Teyla hadn't knocked his aim askew . . .he quickly thought of something else, and leaned over to try to comfort Teyla.
            “Shh, it's alright, we're safe,” he said quietly. Instead of calming down, she started to toss even more.
            “Doc!” John shouted, attempting to hold her still. Carson immediately woke and came over.
            “What is it?” he asked
            “She was having a bad dream, and just started to thrash around,” John said. “I don't know what's wrong.” Carson lifted the bandage on her leg again, and concern came to his eyes.
            “The infection's getting worse,” he said worriedly. “we need to get her to the Daedalu--” Suddenly they were all enveloped in the bright white light of the Asgard transporter beam, and deposited conveniently in the infirmary. It took Carson no time to get his bearings, and was barking out orders about the wounded and shooing John out out of the room even before Caldwell could welcome them aboard.
            “Nice timing,” John complimented. Caldwell had a confused look on his face.
            “I wasn't aware that there was any hurry,” the colonel stated. “What happened?”
            “Teyla developed a nasty infection on the planet, and Carson didn't have the supplies to take care of it down there,” John said. “It was just starting to get worse when you arrived.”
            “Well, I'm glad I didn't come any later then,” Caldwell replied. “Keep me apprised.”
            “I will sir,” John said, and

            A few hours later, John was sitting in the mess hall, sipping a cup of very, very black coffee. His mind, however, was still very much preoccupied with Teyla. She had gotten out of surgery a couple hours ago, fortunately all had gone well and the bullet and all surrounding fabric had been removed. The infection was getting better, and her fever had dropped considerably. He was still worried though, about all she had gone through on that blasted planet. They had lost a lot of men down there, and had nearly lost more. He got up from the table, deposited his empty mug on the dirt dish receptacle and headed for the infirmary.

            The infirmary lights were dimmed, but he could see that only two beds were occupied, one by McKay and the other by Teyla. They were both hooked up to I.V.'s, doubtless something to ensure the infection didn't show up again, and both seemed to be fast asleep. He walked over to Teyla's bed and stood there, looking at her. She was sleeping peacefully, and looked a lot less pale than before. There was a stray piece of hair over her eyes, and he gently brushed it away and tucked it behind her ear.
            “I'm sorry, Teyla,” he said quietly. “I wish I had been able to take care of you. I don't know what happened down there, but it couldn't have been easy. I should have been strong enough resist that device, or I don't know, something. Man, I'm horrible at this,” he said, scrubbing his hair in frustration. “Anyway, I'm just really, really sorry I wasn't able to help you. I hope you can forgive me.” He looked down at her for a second, then turned and started to leave the infirmary.
            “John, wait,” John's head whipped around to see a very awake Teyla looking at him from the bed. She smiled a bit at his astonished expression.
            “Wha—you—I thought you were asleep!” he said indignantly.
            “I was, until you came,” she said. John looked uncomfortable.
            “So you heard everything I said?” he asked.
            “Yes.” He looked even more uncomfortable, so she hastily continued. “John, I don't blame you for what happened down there. The wraith who built the device are the only people I would hold at fault. You did everything you could.” John looked relieved, and walked over to sit on the foot of her bed.
            “How are you feeling?” John asked.
            “Much better,” Teyla replied. “And you? No more hallucinations?” Suddenly John's eyes turned glassy, his spine stiffened, and he stared past Teyla.
            “Holland?” he said slowly. Teyla's eyes widened in worry. “John, are you alright?” she asked. He relaxed, looking at Teyla with a smirk.
            “Had ya goin' there, didn't I?” he asked with a self-satisfied look on his face. Teyla hid a smile and smacked him on the arm, eliciting an indignant cry from the colonel.
            Just another crazy day in the Pegasus galaxy.

            The End
            WOW! I loved it! It was beautifully done and I love the whole thing.

            Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
            Competely OT:

            Outcast: John and Ronon go to Earth and run into Bates, who's a civilian. Do you think he'll be stupid enough to make a nasty comment about Teyla? If so, who do you think will lay into him first? John? Ronon? Both? Oh, that would be great!
            I saw a cap some where with John and Bates in the scene. I'm not sure who else was there. I'm sure whatever happens, if Bates says anything it might be at the end of the show(if it's nasty) or indifferences are put aside to find the Replicator/human. That just MPO, but it would be nice to see Bates get decked by John or Ronon if he gets out of line.


              OK guys somebody bring this NaNoWriMo writer up to speed before Teyla lets me use the metal Bantos on somebody's head!

              This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
              "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
              "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                OK guys somebody bring this NaNoWriMo writer up to speed before Teyla lets me use the metal Bantos on somebody's head!

                Oh i'm no good at that,i'm very forgetful....By the time i read a page and move onto the next one i forget what was on the last one.....Only thing i remember is that MrsB won't be here all weekend


                  Originally posted by scifan View Post
                  WOW! I loved it! It was beautifully done and I love the whole thing.
                  Glad you liked it Auntie Sci.

                  Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                  OK guys somebody bring this NaNoWriMo writer up to speed before Teyla lets me use the metal Bantos on somebody's head!
                  Crabby, are we? I wrote a Teyla whump tag . . .
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                    Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                    Crabby, are we? I wrote a Teyla whump tag . . .
                    OOO a target! Come'ere Larrin! *cheeky grin here*

                    oo whumping tag! read it! greatly done!!!

                    Linda no worries your aren't my target, ALSO guess what, JM gave me the go ahead to write the story long as I put a disclaimer in it under a author note at the top the note says the following....
                    Joe Malozzi, Joe Flanigan & Rachel Luttrell are special guest stars in this tory, all characters below to MGM not me only the Felinus kitty is mine, I calim no money making in this story that has been written with full premission to do so!
                    I also thought it best that Rachel is only mentioned and not actually "seen" in the story because the story takes place wduring the filming of Harmony

                    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                      Well not long to go till TR,i think...Can't remember what time it is for you guys,,,,Anyway hopefully i'll see it tomorrow

                      Well i'm really tired so i'm gonna go to bed early tonight so night guys and sweet JT dreams!


                        Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                        OOO a target! Come'ere Larrin! *cheeky grin here*

                        oo whumping tag! read it! greatly done!!!

                        Linda no worries your aren't my target, ALSO guess what, JM gave me the go ahead to write the story long as I put a disclaimer in it under a author note at the top the note says the following....
                        Joe Malozzi, Joe Flanigan & Rachel Luttrell are special guest stars in this tory, all characters below to MGM not me only the Felinus kitty is mine, I calim no money making in this story that has been written with full premission to do so!
                        I also thought it best that Rachel is only mentioned and not actually "seen" in the story because the story takes place wduring the filming of Harmony
                        Good to hear about your story! And you better keep Larrin away from me, I don't want to hurt her.

                        . . . On second thought . . .

                        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                        Well not long to go till TR,i think...Can't remember what time it is for you guys,,,,Anyway hopefully i'll see it tomorrow

                        Well i'm really tired so i'm gonna go to bed early tonight so night guys and sweet JT dreams!
                        G'night Linda!
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                          Originally posted by WitchBlade007 View Post
                          omg..dudette your myspace is freaking awesome!...that's a mad fab background.

                          I don't mine that you snurched the wallie, it was for you after all... though for the livejournal I think the wallie as a banner is stretching the page or it is on my comp. it's looking cool as a background though..I can shrink it down a bit and make it kind of like lj sized.

                          Oh and here's my vid....don't know how good it is, since I did do it in two days...

                          Great vid WB!!!!. Loved the song it fit very well with the clips!!!.

                          Originally posted by Camy View Post
                          To All Of You Who Participated in one way or another in The JT 24 HOUR Whumpage Marathon...

                          From me to you!

                          Thank you for making this marathon for Elf, it was a lot of fun!. Beautiful Wallie!

                          Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                          FOR ELF

                          Here's a ficlet I wrote in the past half hour - please bear in mind it's gone 2am here...

                          It's called Pure Torture...

                          John gasped for breath as ice cold water stung his cheek, which was red-raw and swollen from a vicious backhand. The water trailed down his cheek and chin, so cold that it seemed to burn a trail of fire on his skin. He heard the water drip to the floor, and concentrated on the steady rhythm of the sound it made.

                          Drip. Drip.

                          It was better to concentrate on that than the pain.



                          Another stream of water hit him on the neck and he cried out at the feel of it seeping down his bruised chest. He rolled from his side onto his back, and unwillingly raised his eyes to look once more into the faces of his captors.

                          Identical expressions of disgust stared back at him. Hawk-like eyes took in his helpless state and cruel, humourless smiles informed him that they were not in a bargaining mood.

                          John tugged feebly at the rope binding his wrists, but they were bound too tightly and he had too little energy to do anything but graze them further.

                          The woman noticed him struggling and stepped forward. John tried to shy away but had nowhere to go – she prodded him in the shoulder with the rod she held, and John convulsed as electricity raced through his body, tearing a silent scream from his throat as every muscle in his body began to spasm painfully.

                          Each second felt like an hour until she broke contact, and the electricity was gone, replaced by a sharp pain that encompassed John’s entire body. He lay utterly still, his eyes shut, his chest barely moving as he took shallow breaths.

                          “Now, you will tell us what we want to know,” said the man. His voice seemed to come from so far away, but John knew better.

                          What they want to know… It had been so long since they had begun torturing him that John couldn’t even remember what it was – and if he couldn’t remember, than surely it wasn’t that important….

                          “Once more, what is the code to open the shield in Atlantis?”

                          The IDC…oh yeah…no! No, he couldn’t give them that. He couldn’t let them get through to Atlantis, to his people, his team… to Teyla.
                          John kept his eyes shut and shook his head, grimacing at the pain that lanced through his skull at the movement. “No…” he said weakly.

                          The rod was only pressed against his shoulder for the briefest of seconds, but it was enough to send John into convulsions again. When they subsided the man spoke once more, and his voice had changed to a husky whisper.

                          “You will not stop us, no matter what you refuse to tell us,” he said.

                          John forced his eyes open a crack, and saw that the man was now crouching down next to him, his eyes boring into his own.

                          The man smiled. An indolent, wicked smile.

                          “Your death will not help them,” he said softly.

                          John gulped. This was it. This was the end.

                          He would not die a traitor.

                          “No,” he repeated, throwing the last of his energy behind the word.

                          The smile faded from the man’s face, and was quickly replaced by an expression of deepest loathing. He shrugged.

                          “Very well,” he said. He reached into an inner pocket of his robes and removed from it an evil looking, three-bladed dagger, the metal glinting darkly in the dim light.

                          John closed his eyes as the man raised the dagger high above his head and drove it into his stomach.

                          “What are you doing?”

                          John’s eyes snapped open and he raised his head. Teyla was standing in the doorway, a half amused, half exasperated look on her face.

                          Tagan jumped up, his baseball glove hanging limply from one hand, a water pistol in the other. He grinned at Teyla.

                          “We’re just playing,” he said.

                          Teyla rolled her eyes and stepped into the room. “By torturing your father with toys?” She asked.

                          “It’s fun!” Piped up Libby, jabbing John with her fairy wand again. He grinned in response and winked up at her.

                          Teyla couldn’t help but smile, though John could see she was trying to be authoritarian about the situation.

                          “Jennifer is waiting for the two of you in the recreation room,” she said. “She said she promised to show you a movie…”

                          “Back to the Future!” Tagan cried happily. He dropped his glove and hurried out of the room so quickly that Teyla barely had time to touch the top of his head as he ran past her. Little Libby dropped her wand on top of John and ran after her elder brother.

                          “Wait for me!” She called out as she left the room. The doors slid shut behind her.

                          Teyla folded her arms and raised an eyebrow at John, who lay on the floor next to the sofa, his hands tied together with a piece of tasselled rope from one of Libby’s dressing-up outfits.

                          “You should not encourage them,” she said.

                          John shrugged. “Better it’s me they torture than someone else,” he said. He grinned. “Besides, Libby’s right – it is fun.”

                          Teyla shook her head but smiled as she did so, and John smiled as well. He held up his bound hands.

                          “A little help?” He asked.

                          Teyla took a few steps towards him. “Surely you can get out of that?”

                          John raised a sardonic eyebrow. “You’d think so, but damn that kid can tie knots…” He couldn’t help the hint of pride that crept into his voice. Tagan was only nine, and Libby six, but they continuously ran circles around him. He was very content to let them.

                          Teyla knelt down next to John and placed a hand on his wrists, looking at the knots thoughtfully.

                          “You are right,” she said after a moment. “These are very good knots. You are quite stuck.”

                          John tried to move his hands but couldn’t. “I know,” he replied. “Could you undo them, or get some scissors or something…?”

                          “I could…” Teyla leant towards John, her body twisting to the side at a strange angle. Before he knew what had happened he was lying flat on his back once again, his arms stretched high above his head, and Teyla had lifted up one corner of the coffee table and lowered the leg again between his arms, trapping him in place.

                          John’s eyes widened as Teyla leant over him, her hair swinging down like curtains either side of their faces. There was no mistaking her feral grin, or the twinkle in her eyes.

                          John smirked. “You got something else in mind?” He said cheekily.

                          Teyla quirked an eyebrow. “Well, there are few torture techniques that I’ve been meaning to have some fun with…”
                          Oh wow totally had me going there for a minute! lol.
                          I just loved Teyla and her little sneaky mind! LOL!

                          Sig by Camy


                            Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                            Glad you liked it Auntie Sci.

                            Crabby, are we? I wrote a Teyla whump tag . . .
                            Of course I did. I loved them both.

                            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                            Well not long to go till TR,i think...Can't remember what time it is for you guys,,,,Anyway hopefully i'll see it tomorrow

                            Well i'm really tired so i'm gonna go to bed early tonight so night guys and sweet JT dreams!
                            Goodnight Linda.


                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              This was on TV guide's Hot list. For TR.

                              Stargate Atlantis
                              10 pm/ET SCI FI New
                              When it comes to memory issues, most people worry about paying bills on time or the last known whereabouts of a vital ring of keys. Then there's Dr. Rodney McKay, who wakes up on Atlantis strapped to a chair with no recollection of who he is or how he got there. Worse, he's been tasked with saving his teammates from an amnesia-inducing virus — which makes forgetting an anniversary seem benign in comparison. — Michael Chant

                              I'm glad that this ep made it to the Hot list. I can't wait to see what happens.

                              Thanks Scifan for the mini spoiler!!!..just makes it that much more exciting to see TR tonight yay!!!. I still got 6 hours to go!!! AH!!!....too long lol.

                              Sig by Camy


                                Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                                Good to hear about your story! And you better keep Larrin away from me, I don't want to hurt her.

                                . . . On second thought . . .

                                G'night Linda!
                                *passes Winged a set of durosteel Bantos* hehe, off to stalk the wild Larrin later guys!

                                This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                                "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                                "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress

