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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
    Remember and don'y forget about this thread guys
    i'm off to bed now!!
    G'Night, Ninja Linda!!
    sig by Sci!

    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


      LINDA! No sleepy yet! read this first! Final Snippet! ....
      "Better then before, her fever has subsided" Teyilia said a few seconds later there was a gasp from the door as Keller arrived.

      "What happened?" The doctor then began getting Teyla onto a gurney to get her into the OR.

      "What verson of the story do you want, long or short?" John said Rodney gave him a 'look' he'd already had the long version from Teyilia. Seeing Rodney John said, "I'll give you the short version, simply put we went through, found Teyilia, started to leave, Teyilia and Teyla were grabbed by the FBI, we chased them, I shot out a tire, the van they were in rolled over, Teyla got stabbed with glass, Teyilia fed off a dude, and we came back here."

      "Well that is short and sweet, and the Mirror is useless" Rodney said pointing the now wildly rippling mirror, the center of it a small hole.

      John didn't turn to look, instead he turned to Keller, "get the glass out of Teyla ASAP, make ANY structural changes and I'll personally disembowl you with a dull spoon."

      Keller knew what he meant, and she also knew that if she made the slightest mistake she was as good as dead. But then death and Johns hands...... what a way to go.

      Within the hour Keller was in the proccess of removing the shard, it was strange, normally safety glass used in cars shattered into pieces the size of a penny, the shard in Teyla's belly was huge, and oddly shaped as well, Keller had seen how Teyilia had her long slender fingers threaded in such a way as to not move the shard yet kept it steady as a rock. Setting her hands around the shard Keller spoke, the other doctros milling about ready to work like a team, "When the shard is clear stop the bleeding. Needle and thread, when the needle is removed moe in."

      Keller took hold of the shard of glass and slowly pulled it upwards out of Teyla, within ten minutes the shard was out and the doctors were repairing around where the shard hit to stop the bleeding, then finished, within two hours Teyla was in Post Op.

      Morning came to Atlantis, and found Teyilia sound asleep in her room with Teyla and John's daughter curled up in a furry ball of redbrown fur, Teyilia herself was strecthed out along the bed sound asleep. John though was with Teyla, waiting for her to wake up.

      Carter arrived, "Col. a word please"

      John stood and went to the doorway where Carter was. His eyes never left Teyla. "anything from Rodney other then him yelling and complaining of getting tackeld by our Felinus houesguest?" He asked.

      "Well, for one thing the Mirror is gone, fell in on itself, most likely it was destroyed on the other side because he said it was rippling in a very crazy way. Also Keller said that the galss was not normal safety glass, normal safety glass shatters into small pieces, somehow the shard in Teyla was different."

      John spoke up, "it was shatterproof, it was on a armored van that she and Teyilia had been put inside of, that and she also threw up a few times from what Teyilia told me." John then explained that Teyla was oddly very pale then later had a fever, he also explained that Teyilia fed off a FBI agnet.

      To which Carter said simply, "she told me she was starving and injured and the guy was half dead anyway so I let it slide the fact that she does not listen to rank, like a few of us, though part of you faking as a Air Force Officer on that side of that thing leaves something for me to think about."
      John shook his head and explianed the car, the uniform and his real rank over here on this side of the thing, to which she finaslly nodded and said it worked and the mirror was gone, then John asked, "can I now be with my wife?" Carter nodded and left, as John turned around to face Teyla she moaned and started to wake up.

      John sat back down next to the bed as Teyla's eyes fluttered, and she found herself staring into Johns hazle eyes, only one thought was on her mind, "Are we....?"

      "Yes, we are home"

      "And Teyilia, is she...?"

      "She is asleep now with Telianna, you were injured with a shard of glass to the stomach, that and you had a very high fever, along with you had also thrown up, Keller got the glass out of you." he said.

      Teyla smiled, They were home again, though something was odd, "why did I get sick?"

      "Keller had a thought as did Rodney, only thing I can think of is that you had our baby three months ago, and the guy on the other side of the Mirror said that someone just like you, in the same way of like me, is still with child only going to have a boy not a girl, might have been why." John said giving Teyla kiss on the forehead, "how you feeling?"

      "Tired" Teyilia said her voice weak, just like her battered bodywas weak. "When I wake up again, I want to see Telianna and Teyilia" she said right nefore nodding off to sleep.

      Two weeks later Teyla woke up again, and very well rested and stronger in both mind and body, she smiled whe nshe felt something eitrher get dropped onto the bed or had jumped onto it, and found when she looked, her daughters bright copper eyes, When Telianna saw her mother awake and bounded up the covers and curled up in her mothers arms with a purr, not yet speaking.

      Keller poked her head in, "you can leave if you like, John insisted I let you out whenever you are ready"

      Teyla smiled and with Teyilia's help got out of bed, then a few minutes later Teyla found herself in her and Johns room with John sound asleep on the bed, when she looked to Teyilia she got the following response, "I knocked him out" Yup things were back to normal.

      The End

      This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
      "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
      "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


        A story for Elflinn in troubled times:

        Title: Enough For Now
        Summary: What John needs, he isn't going to get. But this is enough, for the moment.
        Rating: NC-17 for sexual scenes
        Notes: I'm sorry it's not longer, or better-written. I found myself somewhat short of time since I only started writing this morning. I'm supposed to be doing NaNo and haven't written a word towards that!

        Enough For Now

        John woke with a start.

        In the dark silence of his room, his heartbeat thumped like the battering of drums in his head, and his breathing seemed harsh in the quiet. He dragged his hand across his brow and wiped the sweat on the sheets.

        Beside him, someone shifted, drawn out of sleep into the half-waking zone and skin dragged against skin.

        John slid his hands down over her warm skin, suddenly aware of the aching need in his flesh, to forget the nightmare of the last few days. First the dreams, Lorne's brief spell of insanity, and Kate's death... Now Rodney was dead, too.

        In the darkness, his nose pressed against her bare flesh, using touch to find her mouth as he ran his hands over the naked curves under his sheets and listened to the murmur under his lips. He wanted this, needed the reassurance after Rodney has she'd needed it after Kate. And she was here, in his bed, and naked and soft and hot...

        He filled his hands with the swell of her curves and drank her kisses like a cool beer, thirsty for more. When he filled her body with his in slow, hard thrusts, her fingers clutched at his shoulders and she moaned something against his mouth.

        John couldn't stop. He didn't want to. Everything in him strained towards release and when her nails dug into his skin and she clenched around him, John let himself untense. His climax was shatteringly bright and he collapsed, panting against her throat, replete.

        Some time later, he became aware that Teyla lay silent beneath him, her hands fallen from his shoulders.

        He lifted his head, and met a reserved, hostile gaze. Her lip trembled - not in tears, but in a betrayal so fierce he scrambled off her.


        "What was that?" Her diction was perfectly clear and clearly annoyed.

        "I..." The flippant answer hovered on his tongue. He managed to hold it back. He'd done something wrong and he didn't know what. "Did I hurt you?"


        "I thought..." Fear left chill traceries along his flesh. "Didn't you...?"

        "I did not want you, John." Her expression was hard but she wouldn't meet his gaze. The cold along his skin slid deeper. "Not like that."

        John felt physically sick. It wasn't the first time he'd been thrown for a loop in a relationship. It was the first time he'd been thrown for a loop when it came to a woman's willingness to have sex with him. He'd always been sure, and if the sex hadn't always been the best, at least John was certain he'd always had their consent.

        Not this time, apparently.

        "I thought... You didn't struggle." It sounded lame, even to him. Grounds for rape? One glance from the tangled bedsheets to Teyla's tense body clenched something in his chest. He felt clammy and foul - something unmentionable, undesirable. Had he even given her a chance to object? He couldn't remember.

        He thought she'd liked him, admired him, wanted him.

        "You are a friend, John. That is all. I believed that you knew that - that you would respect that..."

        Her words were like lead in his stomach, heavy. He felt nauseous, like being seasick...


        Wooden oars beneath his fingers, the motion of the boat on the stormy sea and the sodden chill of his clothing, sticking to his skin as Rodney moaned about how bad the situation was.

        And he'd woken to Rodney's death and the accusations of the others and...

        John turned, looking for the shadow he suddenly knew was there - the thing that bore his face and used his voice as it invaded his people's nightmares. Behind him, Teyla gave a muffled sob, and the noise ripped through him like a knife.

        But he met the mocking gaze of the man who stood clothed in shadows and cruelty. "You."

        Now he remembered being thrown from the balcony to the Gateroom floor, blacking out from the impact, waking...

        Waking to a Teyla who didn't want him.

        It was just a dream.

        "It's not a dream," said the other him - the not-him with the cruel glitter in the darkened eyes. "At least, the way she feels about you isn't. She doesn't want you."

        "You'd like me to think that, wouldn't you?"

        "You'd like to believe otherwise, wouldn't you? All those nights you spent with her, trying to explain football to her. Playing her tunes that she doesn't know the words to. Letting her kick your ass in the hope that she'd soften up." Not-John stood and rested his hands on his hip. "There's a word for guys like you, John. Losers. Always hoping after the girl who's out of your league." One finger flicked at the scene behind John - the tousled sheets, the cold woman, the sick fear.

        Ignoring his nakedness, John leaped, grappling with the darkness that both was and wasn't him. Strong fingers bit into his shoulders, tossing him in the air and through some barrier that he hadn't known was even there.

        He landed hard on the Gateroom floor, fully clothed, aching at the impact as he landed on his back. He tried to get up, and could only roll to his side. Too much effort. Too much pain.

        Life was pain and suffering and the only option was to endure it.

        Like he had to endure his evil twin's prompting. "Get up, John. Get up! FIGHT!"

        Rodney was dead. So was Heightmeyer. Teyla didn't want him. And the creature wanted him to fight.

        It wasn't until Rodney declared - with a dramatic timing that owed nothing to Monty Python - that he was not dead (yet) that John began to believe that maybe he had a chance.


        The late-night sleeplessness party had lasted until nearly four, when Rodney had fallen asleep and begun to snore, at which point, Ronon offered to assist Rodney to his room.

        Sam excused herself and strode off, while Keller had followed Ronon and Rodney, yawning widely.

        Teyla ambled beside John through the corridors of Atlantis on the way to their quarters. On their way to their respective quarters. After so long, John knew better than to expect. It had never stopped him from hoping.

        Not until today.

        You'd like to believe otherwise, wouldn't you?

        "You are okay after your nightmare?"

        He tensed. The memory of dream-Teyla's betrayed sadness.

        You are a friend, John.

        Which was fine as far as it went. He could be content with being friends - he had to be. They were friends and allies in a delicate situation - both in military terms and in political terms. Anything more would make things too complicated.

        So he told himself, over and over.

        Teyla was watching him, an anxious concern on her face.

        "I'm fine," he said, seeing that she was waiting for him to answer. He had to give her an answer of some kind.

        "You seemed...concerned when you came out of the dream."

        "It wasn't the best experience of my life," John said. Privately, he didn't want to rehash the memory of what he'd done, what she'd said - even if it had been the doppelganger's spin on it. It twisted his stomach just thinking about it. Death was a constant companion, one that he knew was a possibility, even if he'd do anything in his power to prevent it.

        Rejection...well, he wouldn't have to face that as long as he never took the risk of being rejected.

        Somehow, that wasn't reassuring.

        They reached Teyla's quarters and John hovered outside, once again aware of that sense of 'wanting' but also painfully reminded of his nightmare.

        I believed you would respect that.

        John had and did and would.

        But was it wrong to want more?

        Teyla heaved a relieved sigh. "It has been a long day, and I am tired. And still I do not wish..." She trailed off. "Do your children fear the dark, also?"

        "Sometimes." John shrugged. "Sometimes I do."

        Her smile was faint, but gave the sense of brilliance about it. And, once again, she came to John.

        Last time had been because of Kate, and John hadn't quite known what to do - oh, he'd known what to do, but he hadn't known what to do.

        This was different.

        Slender arms slipped around him with tender strength; she turned her head against his shoulder and he caught the faint scent of whatever she used on her hair - spicy herbs. This wasn't Teyla's moment of neediness that had brought her to him, this was his moment of neediness - even if she'd initiated it - and he was going to accept it however it had come. He let the stress and worry drain out of him, let the feel of her in his arms now - however platonic - erase the imagined memory of her betrayed stiffness in his bed. They were friends and she liked him that much. If there was that much, maybe there could be more - if he gained the courage to make a move.


        Moving was risky, and John wasn't sure he wanted to risk the hurt. He wasn't sure that she wanted him - although he didn't figure a woman would initiate contact like this unless she was interested on some level.

        He let the sigh flow out of him. It wasn't enough - not as much as he wanted - but for the moment, it would do.

        - fin -

        I may write a sequel to it, but we'll see.

        Good luck, Elflinn!


          Originally posted by seldear View Post
          A story for Elflinn in troubled times:

          Title: Enough For Now
          Summary: What John needs, he isn't going to get. But this is enough, for the moment.
          Rating: NC-17 for sexual scenes
          Notes: I'm sorry it's not longer, or better-written. I found myself somewhat short of time since I only started writing this morning. I'm supposed to be doing NaNo and haven't written a word towards that!

          Enough For Now

          John woke with a start.

          In the dark silence of his room, his heartbeat thumped like the battering of drums in his head, and his breathing seemed harsh in the quiet. He dragged his hand across his brow and wiped the sweat on the sheets.

          Beside him, someone shifted, drawn out of sleep into the half-waking zone and skin dragged against skin.

          John slid his hands down over her warm skin, suddenly aware of the aching need in his flesh, to forget the nightmare of the last few days. First the dreams, Lorne's brief spell of insanity, and Kate's death... Now Rodney was dead, too.

          In the darkness, his nose pressed against her bare flesh, using touch to find her mouth as he ran his hands over the naked curves under his sheets and listened to the murmur under his lips. He wanted this, needed the reassurance after Rodney has she'd needed it after Kate. And she was here, in his bed, and naked and soft and hot...

          He filled his hands with the swell of her curves and drank her kisses like a cool beer, thirsty for more. When he filled her body with his in slow, hard thrusts, her fingers clutched at his shoulders and she moaned something against his mouth.

          John couldn't stop. He didn't want to. Everything in him strained towards release and when her nails dug into his skin and she clenched around him, John let himself untense. His climax was shatteringly bright and he collapsed, panting against her throat, replete.

          Some time later, he became aware that Teyla lay silent beneath him, her hands fallen from his shoulders.

          He lifted his head, and met a reserved, hostile gaze. Her lip trembled - not in tears, but in a betrayal so fierce he scrambled off her.


          "What was that?" Her diction was perfectly clear and clearly annoyed.

          "I..." The flippant answer hovered on his tongue. He managed to hold it back. He'd done something wrong and he didn't know what. "Did I hurt you?"


          "I thought..." Fear left chill traceries along his flesh. "Didn't you...?"

          "I did not want you, John." Her expression was hard but she wouldn't meet his gaze. The cold along his skin slid deeper. "Not like that."

          John felt physically sick. It wasn't the first time he'd been thrown for a loop in a relationship. It was the first time he'd been thrown for a loop when it came to a woman's willingness to have sex with him. He'd always been sure, and if the sex hadn't always been the best, at least John was certain he'd always had their consent.

          Not this time, apparently.

          "I thought... You didn't struggle." It sounded lame, even to him. Grounds for rape? One glance from the tangled bedsheets to Teyla's tense body clenched something in his chest. He felt clammy and foul - something unmentionable, undesirable. Had he even given her a chance to object? He couldn't remember.

          He thought she'd liked him, admired him, wanted him.

          "You are a friend, John. That is all. I believed that you knew that - that you would respect that..."

          Her words were like lead in his stomach, heavy. He felt nauseous, like being seasick...


          Wooden oars beneath his fingers, the motion of the boat on the stormy sea and the sodden chill of his clothing, sticking to his skin as Rodney moaned about how bad the situation was.

          And he'd woken to Rodney's death and the accusations of the others and...

          John turned, looking for the shadow he suddenly knew was there - the thing that bore his face and used his voice as it invaded his people's nightmares. Behind him, Teyla gave a muffled sob, and the noise ripped through him like a knife.

          But he met the mocking gaze of the man who stood clothed in shadows and cruelty. "You."

          Now he remembered being thrown from the balcony to the Gateroom floor, blacking out from the impact, waking...

          Waking to a Teyla who didn't want him.

          It was just a dream.

          "It's not a dream," said the other him - the not-him with the cruel glitter in the darkened eyes. "At least, the way she feels about you isn't. She doesn't want you."

          "You'd like me to think that, wouldn't you?"

          "You'd like to believe otherwise, wouldn't you? All those nights you spent with her, trying to explain football to her. Playing her tunes that she doesn't know the words to. Letting her kick your ass in the hope that she'd soften up." Not-John stood and rested his hands on his hip. "There's a word for guys like you, John. Losers. Always hoping after the girl who's out of your league." One finger flicked at the scene behind John - the tousled sheets, the cold woman, the sick fear.

          Ignoring his nakedness, John leaped, grappling with the darkness that both was and wasn't him. Strong fingers bit into his shoulders, tossing him in the air and through some barrier that he hadn't known was even there.

          He landed hard on the Gateroom floor, fully clothed, aching at the impact as he landed on his back. He tried to get up, and could only roll to his side. Too much effort. Too much pain.

          Life was pain and suffering and the only option was to endure it.

          Like he had to endure his evil twin's prompting. "Get up, John. Get up! FIGHT!"

          Rodney was dead. So was Heightmeyer. Teyla didn't want him. And the creature wanted him to fight.

          It wasn't until Rodney declared - with a dramatic timing that owed nothing to Monty Python - that he was not dead (yet) that John began to believe that maybe he had a chance.


          The late-night sleeplessness party had lasted until nearly four, when Rodney had fallen asleep and begun to snore, at which point, Ronon offered to assist Rodney to his room.

          Sam excused herself and strode off, while Keller had followed Ronon and Rodney, yawning widely.

          Teyla ambled beside John through the corridors of Atlantis on the way to their quarters. On their way to their respective quarters. After so long, John knew better than to expect. It had never stopped him from hoping.

          Not until today.

          You'd like to believe otherwise, wouldn't you?

          "You are okay after your nightmare?"

          He tensed. The memory of dream-Teyla's betrayed sadness.

          You are a friend, John.

          Which was fine as far as it went. He could be content with being friends - he had to be. They were friends and allies in a delicate situation - both in military terms and in political terms. Anything more would make things too complicated.

          So he told himself, over and over.

          Teyla was watching him, an anxious concern on her face.

          "I'm fine," he said, seeing that she was waiting for him to answer. He had to give her an answer of some kind.

          "You seemed...concerned when you came out of the dream."

          "It wasn't the best experience of my life," John said. Privately, he didn't want to rehash the memory of what he'd done, what she'd said - even if it had been the doppelganger's spin on it. It twisted his stomach just thinking about it. Death was a constant companion, one that he knew was a possibility, even if he'd do anything in his power to prevent it.

          Rejection...well, he wouldn't have to face that as long as he never took the risk of being rejected.

          Somehow, that wasn't reassuring.

          They reached Teyla's quarters and John hovered outside, once again aware of that sense of 'wanting' but also painfully reminded of his nightmare.

          I believed you would respect that.

          John had and did and would.

          But was it wrong to want more?

          Teyla heaved a relieved sigh. "It has been a long day, and I am tired. And still I do not wish..." She trailed off. "Do your children fear the dark, also?"

          "Sometimes." John shrugged. "Sometimes I do."

          Her smile was faint, but gave the sense of brilliance about it. And, once again, she came to John.

          Last time had been because of Kate, and John hadn't quite known what to do - oh, he'd known what to do, but he hadn't known what to do.

          This was different.

          Slender arms slipped around him with tender strength; she turned her head against his shoulder and he caught the faint scent of whatever she used on her hair - spicy herbs. This wasn't Teyla's moment of neediness that had brought her to him, this was his moment of neediness - even if she'd initiated it - and he was going to accept it however it had come. He let the stress and worry drain out of him, let the feel of her in his arms now - however platonic - erase the imagined memory of her betrayed stiffness in his bed. They were friends and she liked him that much. If there was that much, maybe there could be more - if he gained the courage to make a move.


          Moving was risky, and John wasn't sure he wanted to risk the hurt. He wasn't sure that she wanted him - although he didn't figure a woman would initiate contact like this unless she was interested on some level.

          He let the sigh flow out of him. It wasn't enough - not as much as he wanted - but for the moment, it would do.

          - fin -

          I may write a sequel to it, but we'll see.

          Good luck, Elflinn!
          This is Wonderful Sel! I def bookmarked it to read it again! Great!! SQUEEEEEEEE!!!
          sig by Sci!

          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


            Originally posted by seldear View Post
            A story for Elflinn in troubled times:

            Title: Enough For Now
            Summary: What John needs, he isn't going to get. But this is enough, for the moment.
            Rating: NC-17 for sexual scenes
            Notes: I'm sorry it's not longer, or better-written. I found myself somewhat short of time since I only started writing this morning. I'm supposed to be doing NaNo and haven't written a word towards that!

            Enough For Now

            John woke with a start.

            In the dark silence of his room, his heartbeat thumped like the battering of drums in his head, and his breathing seemed harsh in the quiet. He dragged his hand across his brow and wiped the sweat on the sheets.

            Beside him, someone shifted, drawn out of sleep into the half-waking zone and skin dragged against skin.

            John slid his hands down over her warm skin, suddenly aware of the aching need in his flesh, to forget the nightmare of the last few days. First the dreams, Lorne's brief spell of insanity, and Kate's death... Now Rodney was dead, too.

            In the darkness, his nose pressed against her bare flesh, using touch to find her mouth as he ran his hands over the naked curves under his sheets and listened to the murmur under his lips. He wanted this, needed the reassurance after Rodney has she'd needed it after Kate. And she was here, in his bed, and naked and soft and hot...

            He filled his hands with the swell of her curves and drank her kisses like a cool beer, thirsty for more. When he filled her body with his in slow, hard thrusts, her fingers clutched at his shoulders and she moaned something against his mouth.

            John couldn't stop. He didn't want to. Everything in him strained towards release and when her nails dug into his skin and she clenched around him, John let himself untense. His climax was shatteringly bright and he collapsed, panting against her throat, replete.

            Some time later, he became aware that Teyla lay silent beneath him, her hands fallen from his shoulders.

            He lifted his head, and met a reserved, hostile gaze. Her lip trembled - not in tears, but in a betrayal so fierce he scrambled off her.


            "What was that?" Her diction was perfectly clear and clearly annoyed.

            "I..." The flippant answer hovered on his tongue. He managed to hold it back. He'd done something wrong and he didn't know what. "Did I hurt you?"


            "I thought..." Fear left chill traceries along his flesh. "Didn't you...?"

            "I did not want you, John." Her expression was hard but she wouldn't meet his gaze. The cold along his skin slid deeper. "Not like that."

            John felt physically sick. It wasn't the first time he'd been thrown for a loop in a relationship. It was the first time he'd been thrown for a loop when it came to a woman's willingness to have sex with him. He'd always been sure, and if the sex hadn't always been the best, at least John was certain he'd always had their consent.

            Not this time, apparently.

            "I thought... You didn't struggle." It sounded lame, even to him. Grounds for rape? One glance from the tangled bedsheets to Teyla's tense body clenched something in his chest. He felt clammy and foul - something unmentionable, undesirable. Had he even given her a chance to object? He couldn't remember.

            He thought she'd liked him, admired him, wanted him.

            "You are a friend, John. That is all. I believed that you knew that - that you would respect that..."

            Her words were like lead in his stomach, heavy. He felt nauseous, like being seasick...


            Wooden oars beneath his fingers, the motion of the boat on the stormy sea and the sodden chill of his clothing, sticking to his skin as Rodney moaned about how bad the situation was.

            And he'd woken to Rodney's death and the accusations of the others and...

            John turned, looking for the shadow he suddenly knew was there - the thing that bore his face and used his voice as it invaded his people's nightmares. Behind him, Teyla gave a muffled sob, and the noise ripped through him like a knife.

            But he met the mocking gaze of the man who stood clothed in shadows and cruelty. "You."

            Now he remembered being thrown from the balcony to the Gateroom floor, blacking out from the impact, waking...

            Waking to a Teyla who didn't want him.

            It was just a dream.

            "It's not a dream," said the other him - the not-him with the cruel glitter in the darkened eyes. "At least, the way she feels about you isn't. She doesn't want you."

            "You'd like me to think that, wouldn't you?"

            "You'd like to believe otherwise, wouldn't you? All those nights you spent with her, trying to explain football to her. Playing her tunes that she doesn't know the words to. Letting her kick your ass in the hope that she'd soften up." Not-John stood and rested his hands on his hip. "There's a word for guys like you, John. Losers. Always hoping after the girl who's out of your league." One finger flicked at the scene behind John - the tousled sheets, the cold woman, the sick fear.

            Ignoring his nakedness, John leaped, grappling with the darkness that both was and wasn't him. Strong fingers bit into his shoulders, tossing him in the air and through some barrier that he hadn't known was even there.

            He landed hard on the Gateroom floor, fully clothed, aching at the impact as he landed on his back. He tried to get up, and could only roll to his side. Too much effort. Too much pain.

            Life was pain and suffering and the only option was to endure it.

            Like he had to endure his evil twin's prompting. "Get up, John. Get up! FIGHT!"

            Rodney was dead. So was Heightmeyer. Teyla didn't want him. And the creature wanted him to fight.

            It wasn't until Rodney declared - with a dramatic timing that owed nothing to Monty Python - that he was not dead (yet) that John began to believe that maybe he had a chance.


            The late-night sleeplessness party had lasted until nearly four, when Rodney had fallen asleep and begun to snore, at which point, Ronon offered to assist Rodney to his room.

            Sam excused herself and strode off, while Keller had followed Ronon and Rodney, yawning widely.

            Teyla ambled beside John through the corridors of Atlantis on the way to their quarters. On their way to their respective quarters. After so long, John knew better than to expect. It had never stopped him from hoping.

            Not until today.

            You'd like to believe otherwise, wouldn't you?

            "You are okay after your nightmare?"

            He tensed. The memory of dream-Teyla's betrayed sadness.

            You are a friend, John.

            Which was fine as far as it went. He could be content with being friends - he had to be. They were friends and allies in a delicate situation - both in military terms and in political terms. Anything more would make things too complicated.

            So he told himself, over and over.

            Teyla was watching him, an anxious concern on her face.

            "I'm fine," he said, seeing that she was waiting for him to answer. He had to give her an answer of some kind.

            "You seemed...concerned when you came out of the dream."

            "It wasn't the best experience of my life," John said. Privately, he didn't want to rehash the memory of what he'd done, what she'd said - even if it had been the doppelganger's spin on it. It twisted his stomach just thinking about it. Death was a constant companion, one that he knew was a possibility, even if he'd do anything in his power to prevent it.

            Rejection...well, he wouldn't have to face that as long as he never took the risk of being rejected.

            Somehow, that wasn't reassuring.

            They reached Teyla's quarters and John hovered outside, once again aware of that sense of 'wanting' but also painfully reminded of his nightmare.

            I believed you would respect that.

            John had and did and would.

            But was it wrong to want more?

            Teyla heaved a relieved sigh. "It has been a long day, and I am tired. And still I do not wish..." She trailed off. "Do your children fear the dark, also?"

            "Sometimes." John shrugged. "Sometimes I do."

            Her smile was faint, but gave the sense of brilliance about it. And, once again, she came to John.

            Last time had been because of Kate, and John hadn't quite known what to do - oh, he'd known what to do, but he hadn't known what to do.

            This was different.

            Slender arms slipped around him with tender strength; she turned her head against his shoulder and he caught the faint scent of whatever she used on her hair - spicy herbs. This wasn't Teyla's moment of neediness that had brought her to him, this was his moment of neediness - even if she'd initiated it - and he was going to accept it however it had come. He let the stress and worry drain out of him, let the feel of her in his arms now - however platonic - erase the imagined memory of her betrayed stiffness in his bed. They were friends and she liked him that much. If there was that much, maybe there could be more - if he gained the courage to make a move.


            Moving was risky, and John wasn't sure he wanted to risk the hurt. He wasn't sure that she wanted him - although he didn't figure a woman would initiate contact like this unless she was interested on some level.

            He let the sigh flow out of him. It wasn't enough - not as much as he wanted - but for the moment, it would do.

            - fin -

            I may write a sequel to it, but we'll see.

            Good luck, Elflinn!
            Awesome job, seldear.


              Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
              LINDA! No sleepy yet! read this first! Final Snippet! ....
              "Better then before, her fever has subsided" Teyilia said a few seconds later there was a gasp from the door as Keller arrived.

              "What happened?" The doctor then began getting Teyla onto a gurney to get her into the OR.

              "What verson of the story do you want, long or short?" John said Rodney gave him a 'look' he'd already had the long version from Teyilia. Seeing Rodney John said, "I'll give you the short version, simply put we went through, found Teyilia, started to leave, Teyilia and Teyla were grabbed by the FBI, we chased them, I shot out a tire, the van they were in rolled over, Teyla got stabbed with glass, Teyilia fed off a dude, and we came back here."

              "Well that is short and sweet, and the Mirror is useless" Rodney said pointing the now wildly rippling mirror, the center of it a small hole.

              John didn't turn to look, instead he turned to Keller, "get the glass out of Teyla ASAP, make ANY structural changes and I'll personally disembowl you with a dull spoon."

              Keller knew what he meant, and she also knew that if she made the slightest mistake she was as good as dead. But then death and Johns hands...... what a way to go.

              Within the hour Keller was in the proccess of removing the shard, it was strange, normally safety glass used in cars shattered into pieces the size of a penny, the shard in Teyla's belly was huge, and oddly shaped as well, Keller had seen how Teyilia had her long slender fingers threaded in such a way as to not move the shard yet kept it steady as a rock. Setting her hands around the shard Keller spoke, the other doctros milling about ready to work like a team, "When the shard is clear stop the bleeding. Needle and thread, when the needle is removed moe in."

              Keller took hold of the shard of glass and slowly pulled it upwards out of Teyla, within ten minutes the shard was out and the doctors were repairing around where the shard hit to stop the bleeding, then finished, within two hours Teyla was in Post Op.

              Morning came to Atlantis, and found Teyilia sound asleep in her room with Teyla and John's daughter curled up in a furry ball of redbrown fur, Teyilia herself was strecthed out along the bed sound asleep. John though was with Teyla, waiting for her to wake up.

              Carter arrived, "Col. a word please"

              John stood and went to the doorway where Carter was. His eyes never left Teyla. "anything from Rodney other then him yelling and complaining of getting tackeld by our Felinus houesguest?" He asked.

              "Well, for one thing the Mirror is gone, fell in on itself, most likely it was destroyed on the other side because he said it was rippling in a very crazy way. Also Keller said that the galss was not normal safety glass, normal safety glass shatters into small pieces, somehow the shard in Teyla was different."

              John spoke up, "it was shatterproof, it was on a armored van that she and Teyilia had been put inside of, that and she also threw up a few times from what Teyilia told me." John then explained that Teyla was oddly very pale then later had a fever, he also explained that Teyilia fed off a FBI agnet.

              To which Carter said simply, "she told me she was starving and injured and the guy was half dead anyway so I let it slide the fact that she does not listen to rank, like a few of us, though part of you faking as a Air Force Officer on that side of that thing leaves something for me to think about."
              John shook his head and explianed the car, the uniform and his real rank over here on this side of the thing, to which she finaslly nodded and said it worked and the mirror was gone, then John asked, "can I now be with my wife?" Carter nodded and left, as John turned around to face Teyla she moaned and started to wake up.

              John sat back down next to the bed as Teyla's eyes fluttered, and she found herself staring into Johns hazle eyes, only one thought was on her mind, "Are we....?"

              "Yes, we are home"

              "And Teyilia, is she...?"

              "She is asleep now with Telianna, you were injured with a shard of glass to the stomach, that and you had a very high fever, along with you had also thrown up, Keller got the glass out of you." he said.

              Teyla smiled, They were home again, though something was odd, "why did I get sick?"

              "Keller had a thought as did Rodney, only thing I can think of is that you had our baby three months ago, and the guy on the other side of the Mirror said that someone just like you, in the same way of like me, is still with child only going to have a boy not a girl, might have been why." John said giving Teyla kiss on the forehead, "how you feeling?"

              "Tired" Teyilia said her voice weak, just like her battered bodywas weak. "When I wake up again, I want to see Telianna and Teyilia" she said right nefore nodding off to sleep.

              Two weeks later Teyla woke up again, and very well rested and stronger in both mind and body, she smiled whe nshe felt something eitrher get dropped onto the bed or had jumped onto it, and found when she looked, her daughters bright copper eyes, When Telianna saw her mother awake and bounded up the covers and curled up in her mothers arms with a purr, not yet speaking.

              Keller poked her head in, "you can leave if you like, John insisted I let you out whenever you are ready"

              Teyla smiled and with Teyilia's help got out of bed, then a few minutes later Teyla found herself in her and Johns room with John sound asleep on the bed, when she looked to Teyilia she got the following response, "I knocked him out" Yup things were back to normal.

              The End
              Oh i just caught it in time before i logged off!
              YAY Teylas ok...oooohhhhhh,i wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of John....Teyilia,naughty Feline knocking out Shep!


                Originally posted by seldear View Post
                A story for Elflinn in troubled times:

                Title: Enough For Now
                Summary: What John needs, he isn't going to get. But this is enough, for the moment.
                Rating: NC-17 for sexual scenes
                Notes: I'm sorry it's not longer, or better-written. I found myself somewhat short of time since I only started writing this morning. I'm supposed to be doing NaNo and haven't written a word towards that!

                Enough For Now

                John woke with a start.

                In the dark silence of his room, his heartbeat thumped like the battering of drums in his head, and his breathing seemed harsh in the quiet. He dragged his hand across his brow and wiped the sweat on the sheets.

                Beside him, someone shifted, drawn out of sleep into the half-waking zone and skin dragged against skin.

                John slid his hands down over her warm skin, suddenly aware of the aching need in his flesh, to forget the nightmare of the last few days. First the dreams, Lorne's brief spell of insanity, and Kate's death... Now Rodney was dead, too.

                In the darkness, his nose pressed against her bare flesh, using touch to find her mouth as he ran his hands over the naked curves under his sheets and listened to the murmur under his lips. He wanted this, needed the reassurance after Rodney has she'd needed it after Kate. And she was here, in his bed, and naked and soft and hot...

                He filled his hands with the swell of her curves and drank her kisses like a cool beer, thirsty for more. When he filled her body with his in slow, hard thrusts, her fingers clutched at his shoulders and she moaned something against his mouth.

                John couldn't stop. He didn't want to. Everything in him strained towards release and when her nails dug into his skin and she clenched around him, John let himself untense. His climax was shatteringly bright and he collapsed, panting against her throat, replete.

                Some time later, he became aware that Teyla lay silent beneath him, her hands fallen from his shoulders.

                He lifted his head, and met a reserved, hostile gaze. Her lip trembled - not in tears, but in a betrayal so fierce he scrambled off her.


                "What was that?" Her diction was perfectly clear and clearly annoyed.

                "I..." The flippant answer hovered on his tongue. He managed to hold it back. He'd done something wrong and he didn't know what. "Did I hurt you?"


                "I thought..." Fear left chill traceries along his flesh. "Didn't you...?"

                "I did not want you, John." Her expression was hard but she wouldn't meet his gaze. The cold along his skin slid deeper. "Not like that."

                John felt physically sick. It wasn't the first time he'd been thrown for a loop in a relationship. It was the first time he'd been thrown for a loop when it came to a woman's willingness to have sex with him. He'd always been sure, and if the sex hadn't always been the best, at least John was certain he'd always had their consent.

                Not this time, apparently.

                "I thought... You didn't struggle." It sounded lame, even to him. Grounds for rape? One glance from the tangled bedsheets to Teyla's tense body clenched something in his chest. He felt clammy and foul - something unmentionable, undesirable. Had he even given her a chance to object? He couldn't remember.

                He thought she'd liked him, admired him, wanted him.

                "You are a friend, John. That is all. I believed that you knew that - that you would respect that..."

                Her words were like lead in his stomach, heavy. He felt nauseous, like being seasick...


                Wooden oars beneath his fingers, the motion of the boat on the stormy sea and the sodden chill of his clothing, sticking to his skin as Rodney moaned about how bad the situation was.

                And he'd woken to Rodney's death and the accusations of the others and...

                John turned, looking for the shadow he suddenly knew was there - the thing that bore his face and used his voice as it invaded his people's nightmares. Behind him, Teyla gave a muffled sob, and the noise ripped through him like a knife.

                But he met the mocking gaze of the man who stood clothed in shadows and cruelty. "You."

                Now he remembered being thrown from the balcony to the Gateroom floor, blacking out from the impact, waking...

                Waking to a Teyla who didn't want him.

                It was just a dream.

                "It's not a dream," said the other him - the not-him with the cruel glitter in the darkened eyes. "At least, the way she feels about you isn't. She doesn't want you."

                "You'd like me to think that, wouldn't you?"

                "You'd like to believe otherwise, wouldn't you? All those nights you spent with her, trying to explain football to her. Playing her tunes that she doesn't know the words to. Letting her kick your ass in the hope that she'd soften up." Not-John stood and rested his hands on his hip. "There's a word for guys like you, John. Losers. Always hoping after the girl who's out of your league." One finger flicked at the scene behind John - the tousled sheets, the cold woman, the sick fear.

                Ignoring his nakedness, John leaped, grappling with the darkness that both was and wasn't him. Strong fingers bit into his shoulders, tossing him in the air and through some barrier that he hadn't known was even there.

                He landed hard on the Gateroom floor, fully clothed, aching at the impact as he landed on his back. He tried to get up, and could only roll to his side. Too much effort. Too much pain.

                Life was pain and suffering and the only option was to endure it.

                Like he had to endure his evil twin's prompting. "Get up, John. Get up! FIGHT!"

                Rodney was dead. So was Heightmeyer. Teyla didn't want him. And the creature wanted him to fight.

                It wasn't until Rodney declared - with a dramatic timing that owed nothing to Monty Python - that he was not dead (yet) that John began to believe that maybe he had a chance.


                The late-night sleeplessness party had lasted until nearly four, when Rodney had fallen asleep and begun to snore, at which point, Ronon offered to assist Rodney to his room.

                Sam excused herself and strode off, while Keller had followed Ronon and Rodney, yawning widely.

                Teyla ambled beside John through the corridors of Atlantis on the way to their quarters. On their way to their respective quarters. After so long, John knew better than to expect. It had never stopped him from hoping.

                Not until today.

                You'd like to believe otherwise, wouldn't you?

                "You are okay after your nightmare?"

                He tensed. The memory of dream-Teyla's betrayed sadness.

                You are a friend, John.

                Which was fine as far as it went. He could be content with being friends - he had to be. They were friends and allies in a delicate situation - both in military terms and in political terms. Anything more would make things too complicated.

                So he told himself, over and over.

                Teyla was watching him, an anxious concern on her face.

                "I'm fine," he said, seeing that she was waiting for him to answer. He had to give her an answer of some kind.

                "You seemed...concerned when you came out of the dream."

                "It wasn't the best experience of my life," John said. Privately, he didn't want to rehash the memory of what he'd done, what she'd said - even if it had been the doppelganger's spin on it. It twisted his stomach just thinking about it. Death was a constant companion, one that he knew was a possibility, even if he'd do anything in his power to prevent it.

                Rejection...well, he wouldn't have to face that as long as he never took the risk of being rejected.

                Somehow, that wasn't reassuring.

                They reached Teyla's quarters and John hovered outside, once again aware of that sense of 'wanting' but also painfully reminded of his nightmare.

                I believed you would respect that.

                John had and did and would.

                But was it wrong to want more?

                Teyla heaved a relieved sigh. "It has been a long day, and I am tired. And still I do not wish..." She trailed off. "Do your children fear the dark, also?"

                "Sometimes." John shrugged. "Sometimes I do."

                Her smile was faint, but gave the sense of brilliance about it. And, once again, she came to John.

                Last time had been because of Kate, and John hadn't quite known what to do - oh, he'd known what to do, but he hadn't known what to do.

                This was different.

                Slender arms slipped around him with tender strength; she turned her head against his shoulder and he caught the faint scent of whatever she used on her hair - spicy herbs. This wasn't Teyla's moment of neediness that had brought her to him, this was his moment of neediness - even if she'd initiated it - and he was going to accept it however it had come. He let the stress and worry drain out of him, let the feel of her in his arms now - however platonic - erase the imagined memory of her betrayed stiffness in his bed. They were friends and she liked him that much. If there was that much, maybe there could be more - if he gained the courage to make a move.


                Moving was risky, and John wasn't sure he wanted to risk the hurt. He wasn't sure that she wanted him - although he didn't figure a woman would initiate contact like this unless she was interested on some level.

                He let the sigh flow out of him. It wasn't enough - not as much as he wanted - but for the moment, it would do.

                - fin -

                I may write a sequel to it, but we'll see.

                Good luck, Elflinn!

                Oh this was really good
                poor John,DG really put him through the wringer with his feelings for Teyla,hope he gets up enough courage now to tell her how he feels!

                Oh a sequel would be great if you done it!

                Ok nighty night now for real this time!


                  Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                  Morning Y'all!

                  I can not begin to tell you how giddy and light-headed I am!
                  Thank you Everyone! I'm still going through the Galleria thread.
                  It's going to take a while for some reason..

                  I still have to post in the Galleria too! I am going to be in and out today due to all the pre-op stuff. Then, of course, I have to fast! No eating or drinking before the surgery takes place! Rest assured that by the time I get out and the meds wear off Elfie is going be STARVING!! I think I am actually going to want something really fattening! I do not know though, we will see! I'm thinking like Chicken fried Steak or something. It is a southern thing. Cyn will understand this, living in Texas! Thank all of you so much from the bottom of my heart! I can not explain to all you how much this has touched me! God Bless all of you!

                  Elf! ((((HUGS)))))
                  Good luck Elf we love you you are in my prayers im looking forwarfd to seeing you back on the thread God Bless you xxxxxxHugs
                  Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                    Loved the fic Seldear..

                    A sequel would be great..


                      Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                      Loved the fic Seldear..

                      A sequel would be great..
                      sig by Sci!

                      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                        Seldear - Great fic....and I agree with the rest...a sequel would be great ...
                        Sigs by Scifan


                          The new link worked for me Nina.... another awesome video from you... I really loved the music and all the caps you used... bravo girl..

                          Elf Wishing you all the best honey and a speedy recovery. Take care and I will be thinking of you from across the pond.


                            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                            The new link worked for me Nina.... another awesome video from you... I really loved the music and all the caps you used... bravo girl..

                            Elf Wishing you all the best honey and a speedy recovery. Take care and I will be thinking of you from across the pond.
                            Ahh nice to know it worked for you finally.... I'm really glad that you enjoyed the video...and I'm really glad for all the feedback....and guess what managed to become the 100th review for my John videos...
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              Originally posted by seldear View Post
                              A story for Elflinn in troubled times:

                              Title: Enough For Now
                              Summary: What John needs, he isn't going to get. But this is enough, for the moment.
                              Rating: NC-17 for sexual scenes
                              Notes: I'm sorry it's not longer, or better-written. I found myself somewhat short of time since I only started writing this morning. I'm supposed to be doing NaNo and haven't written a word towards that!

                              Enough For Now

                              John woke with a start.

                              In the dark silence of his room, his heartbeat thumped like the battering of drums in his head, and his breathing seemed harsh in the quiet. He dragged his hand across his brow and wiped the sweat on the sheets.

                              Beside him, someone shifted, drawn out of sleep into the half-waking zone and skin dragged against skin.

                              John slid his hands down over her warm skin, suddenly aware of the aching need in his flesh, to forget the nightmare of the last few days. First the dreams, Lorne's brief spell of insanity, and Kate's death... Now Rodney was dead, too.

                              In the darkness, his nose pressed against her bare flesh, using touch to find her mouth as he ran his hands over the naked curves under his sheets and listened to the murmur under his lips. He wanted this, needed the reassurance after Rodney has she'd needed it after Kate. And she was here, in his bed, and naked and soft and hot...

                              He filled his hands with the swell of her curves and drank her kisses like a cool beer, thirsty for more. When he filled her body with his in slow, hard thrusts, her fingers clutched at his shoulders and she moaned something against his mouth.

                              John couldn't stop. He didn't want to. Everything in him strained towards release and when her nails dug into his skin and she clenched around him, John let himself untense. His climax was shatteringly bright and he collapsed, panting against her throat, replete.

                              Some time later, he became aware that Teyla lay silent beneath him, her hands fallen from his shoulders.

                              He lifted his head, and met a reserved, hostile gaze. Her lip trembled - not in tears, but in a betrayal so fierce he scrambled off her.


                              "What was that?" Her diction was perfectly clear and clearly annoyed.

                              "I..." The flippant answer hovered on his tongue. He managed to hold it back. He'd done something wrong and he didn't know what. "Did I hurt you?"


                              "I thought..." Fear left chill traceries along his flesh. "Didn't you...?"

                              "I did not want you, John." Her expression was hard but she wouldn't meet his gaze. The cold along his skin slid deeper. "Not like that."

                              John felt physically sick. It wasn't the first time he'd been thrown for a loop in a relationship. It was the first time he'd been thrown for a loop when it came to a woman's willingness to have sex with him. He'd always been sure, and if the sex hadn't always been the best, at least John was certain he'd always had their consent.

                              Not this time, apparently.

                              "I thought... You didn't struggle." It sounded lame, even to him. Grounds for rape? One glance from the tangled bedsheets to Teyla's tense body clenched something in his chest. He felt clammy and foul - something unmentionable, undesirable. Had he even given her a chance to object? He couldn't remember.

                              He thought she'd liked him, admired him, wanted him.

                              "You are a friend, John. That is all. I believed that you knew that - that you would respect that..."

                              Her words were like lead in his stomach, heavy. He felt nauseous, like being seasick...


                              Wooden oars beneath his fingers, the motion of the boat on the stormy sea and the sodden chill of his clothing, sticking to his skin as Rodney moaned about how bad the situation was.

                              And he'd woken to Rodney's death and the accusations of the others and...

                              John turned, looking for the shadow he suddenly knew was there - the thing that bore his face and used his voice as it invaded his people's nightmares. Behind him, Teyla gave a muffled sob, and the noise ripped through him like a knife.

                              But he met the mocking gaze of the man who stood clothed in shadows and cruelty. "You."

                              Now he remembered being thrown from the balcony to the Gateroom floor, blacking out from the impact, waking...

                              Waking to a Teyla who didn't want him.

                              It was just a dream.

                              "It's not a dream," said the other him - the not-him with the cruel glitter in the darkened eyes. "At least, the way she feels about you isn't. She doesn't want you."

                              "You'd like me to think that, wouldn't you?"

                              "You'd like to believe otherwise, wouldn't you? All those nights you spent with her, trying to explain football to her. Playing her tunes that she doesn't know the words to. Letting her kick your ass in the hope that she'd soften up." Not-John stood and rested his hands on his hip. "There's a word for guys like you, John. Losers. Always hoping after the girl who's out of your league." One finger flicked at the scene behind John - the tousled sheets, the cold woman, the sick fear.

                              Ignoring his nakedness, John leaped, grappling with the darkness that both was and wasn't him. Strong fingers bit into his shoulders, tossing him in the air and through some barrier that he hadn't known was even there.

                              He landed hard on the Gateroom floor, fully clothed, aching at the impact as he landed on his back. He tried to get up, and could only roll to his side. Too much effort. Too much pain.

                              Life was pain and suffering and the only option was to endure it.

                              Like he had to endure his evil twin's prompting. "Get up, John. Get up! FIGHT!"

                              Rodney was dead. So was Heightmeyer. Teyla didn't want him. And the creature wanted him to fight.

                              It wasn't until Rodney declared - with a dramatic timing that owed nothing to Monty Python - that he was not dead (yet) that John began to believe that maybe he had a chance.


                              The late-night sleeplessness party had lasted until nearly four, when Rodney had fallen asleep and begun to snore, at which point, Ronon offered to assist Rodney to his room.

                              Sam excused herself and strode off, while Keller had followed Ronon and Rodney, yawning widely.

                              Teyla ambled beside John through the corridors of Atlantis on the way to their quarters. On their way to their respective quarters. After so long, John knew better than to expect. It had never stopped him from hoping.

                              Not until today.

                              You'd like to believe otherwise, wouldn't you?

                              "You are okay after your nightmare?"

                              He tensed. The memory of dream-Teyla's betrayed sadness.

                              You are a friend, John.

                              Which was fine as far as it went. He could be content with being friends - he had to be. They were friends and allies in a delicate situation - both in military terms and in political terms. Anything more would make things too complicated.

                              So he told himself, over and over.

                              Teyla was watching him, an anxious concern on her face.

                              "I'm fine," he said, seeing that she was waiting for him to answer. He had to give her an answer of some kind.

                              "You seemed...concerned when you came out of the dream."

                              "It wasn't the best experience of my life," John said. Privately, he didn't want to rehash the memory of what he'd done, what she'd said - even if it had been the doppelganger's spin on it. It twisted his stomach just thinking about it. Death was a constant companion, one that he knew was a possibility, even if he'd do anything in his power to prevent it.

                              Rejection...well, he wouldn't have to face that as long as he never took the risk of being rejected.

                              Somehow, that wasn't reassuring.

                              They reached Teyla's quarters and John hovered outside, once again aware of that sense of 'wanting' but also painfully reminded of his nightmare.

                              I believed you would respect that.

                              John had and did and would.

                              But was it wrong to want more?

                              Teyla heaved a relieved sigh. "It has been a long day, and I am tired. And still I do not wish..." She trailed off. "Do your children fear the dark, also?"

                              "Sometimes." John shrugged. "Sometimes I do."

                              Her smile was faint, but gave the sense of brilliance about it. And, once again, she came to John.

                              Last time had been because of Kate, and John hadn't quite known what to do - oh, he'd known what to do, but he hadn't known what to do.

                              This was different.

                              Slender arms slipped around him with tender strength; she turned her head against his shoulder and he caught the faint scent of whatever she used on her hair - spicy herbs. This wasn't Teyla's moment of neediness that had brought her to him, this was his moment of neediness - even if she'd initiated it - and he was going to accept it however it had come. He let the stress and worry drain out of him, let the feel of her in his arms now - however platonic - erase the imagined memory of her betrayed stiffness in his bed. They were friends and she liked him that much. If there was that much, maybe there could be more - if he gained the courage to make a move.


                              Moving was risky, and John wasn't sure he wanted to risk the hurt. He wasn't sure that she wanted him - although he didn't figure a woman would initiate contact like this unless she was interested on some level.

                              He let the sigh flow out of him. It wasn't enough - not as much as he wanted - but for the moment, it would do.

                              - fin -

                              I may write a sequel to it, but we'll see.

                              Good luck, Elflinn!
                              An amazing story - the dream was just so moving; I felt so sorry for John!!! And the ending was perfect. That said, I definitely wouldn't say no to a sequel!

                              Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                                Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                                Ahh nice to know it worked for you finally.... I'm really glad that you enjoyed the video...and I'm really glad for all the feedback....and guess what managed to become the 100th review for my John videos...

