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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    hey guys can someone bring me up to speed on the happenings? Teyla and I had gone to New Athos again trying to see if Teyla missed anything because when she found her people missing she was very frantic about it and might have missed something.

    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


      Thanks WP for the link!!!

      Originally posted by Crescere View Post
      Oh...well in that case. Interesting. I'll have to ponder on that for a bit.
      I heard they went missing, but I didn't know she might be the only one that survives.
      I dont know for sure, thats just my interpretation.......
      alot of people are saying the first two eps are very teyla-less which sucks and i hope the rest of the season makes up for it. I know some people dont like romance in scifi but i think the dangerous circumstances and things they go through only make the romance aspect more exciting as far as storylines go.

      I was just telling ruby in pm that i want them to be in love but i also want terrible obstacles in their way.



        Originally posted by Crescere View Post
        Wait, what?
        The last of her kind?...I didn't hear that tptb comment. I'm guessing it was in reference to her being part Wraith. I'm assuming that they're going to have something like the Shadow Wraith I use in 'Song Without Words'.

        John has Lantean blood and Teyla has Wraith blood. I think that is one of the most profound aspects of their relationship. Warring opposites coming together in love. Deep down I believe that Teyla is the salvation of the Wraith race. I'll cut myself off here on my theories regarding that idea. Vision of the Future has been in existence for two years and it is the filter I see the whole SGA universe through even though it is an AU that breaks off after season 2.
        Crescere, just started reading your fic now. Thanks. Will leave you a review.
        I also wonder about that too. Any child of JT can not be ordinary. I will leave it at that also.

        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
        I think the "last of her kind" refers to the Missing/presumed dead Athosians
        In Seer, does she find out that her people are still alive somewhere?

        Nice sig, Blue.


          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post

          "Do you know why you're here, Colonel?" Dr. Heightmeyer asked gently, watching the man before her fidget awkwardly on the couch in her office, his hands clasped together and his upper body rocking rhythmically back and forth.

          Colonel Sheppard looked up at the kind face of the blonde doctor and gave her a forced tight-lipped smile before replying, "Because Colonel Carter insisted." The slightest hint of sarcasm was floating on his voice.

          Kate smiled wide. "Yes, thats true Colonel Sheppard, but she did so for a specific reason. Would you like to talk about what happened?"

          Colonel Sheppard stood from the couch and began circling it apprehensively, as his nerves tingled all over his body while he recalled the events that would haunt him now and forever. It had only been a few days, yet the unseen scars that remained, burned as a painful reminder and felt eternal, as though it had been years.

          "Not really, but if thats what I'm supposed to do, then what choice do I have...No offense doc...," he gave a sheepish look out of the corner of his eye as he continued to move around the room anxiously.

          Kate was used to resistance in patients, especially from those who were so well trained at keeping their emotions hidden, it usually made the revelations that much more explosive.

          "Well then I'll start with what I know Colonel, if that makes it any easier," she said as she watched him make a reluctant face of agreement and she continued. "You were offworld with your team, an average day for you Colonel I'm sure, when something happened. You and your team entered a village. It says in your report the village seemed troublesome from the start..." Her voice trailed as she picked up the report and began reading it over, skimming his words.

          "Yeah," he cleared his throat and began speaking as he examined the walls of her office carefully. "Troublesome to say the least. It reminded me of a town from some old western movie. People were roaming the streets completely hammered, starting fights everywhere, half dressed women shouting at us, even Rodney asked the first man we spoke to if his name was Wyatt Earp." John chuckled in spite of himself, obviously picturing the entire scene again in his head.

          "We asked a couple people if they wanted to trade and they all directed us towards this particular building in the center of town, a sort of dominant saloon I guess you could call it. The four of us made it there without any interference. It's just that when we got there..." His voice trailed as he looked down at his shoes.

          Kate looaked at him, watching the obvious emotions dance painfully across his face as he stood there, paused in thought. "Go on, Colonel," she urged him kindly.

          His gaze was fixed on a particular piece of floor and he did not falter his gaze as he spoke, almost hypnotized by the surge of images past.

          "There were all these people in there drinking, everyone was really loud and out of control. Rodney kept edging closer and closer to me as we walked through the chaos towards the bar looking for the owner. A large man stood behind the counter and gave us a filthy look when I asked to speak to whoever was in charge. He pointed a thumb towards a filthy, slimy looking guy at the end of the bar.So we went over to talk with him and..."

          He stood there silent."So thats when it happened?" Kate asked after many moments of silence passed by.

          John nodded. "He was obviously intoxicated. He payed no attention to what I was saying and immediately began pawing all over Teyla. Literally, pawing. He grabbed her close and Teyla fended him off easily enough with a strong arm twist, but he still came at her. He...he started touching her and was ..."

          "Inappropriate?" Kate offered.

          " I..."

          "Shot him?"

          "Killed him..."

          Kate nodded her head understandingly. "And how do you feel about that Colonel? Do you feel you did what was neccesary?

          "No...I could have restrained him...I could have..."

          "So why didnt you?"

          "I...the way he was looking at her and...God, the way she looked at me when I did what I did, I..."

          He buried his face into his hands momentarily before continuing.

          "I just lost it, I just couldn't handle seeing him touch her like that."

          "Why not Colonel? Because she's a member of your team? Because she's woman?? Or something more?"

          John looked at Dr Heightmeyer directly for the first time since he had entered the room. "It doesn't matter why, it only matters that I did. I killed a man. In cold blood, when he had no weapon raised against me. I should be thrown in the brig or relieved of duty. It was a serious lack in judgement and I wouldn't hesitate to punish any one of the men under my command if the situation was reversed."

          "Obviously Colonel, I don't approve of violence and certainly not murder, but I don't think you're being completely honest with your motives. To protect the people who matter the most to us is a primal emotion. It's pure instinct and the stronger the connection to the person, the stronger the emotion. I am going to insist you be suspended for a few weeks but only so that you can come to terms with what happened before getting back into the field. But even if you don't say anything aloud, I think you also need to realize your feelings for Teyla are deeper than you would like them to be. I think its important, so the next time a situation arises, you can distinguish the difference between your head and your heart."

          Colonel Sheppard looked at the doctor who still carried a sympathetic smile across her face.

          He nodded slowly and asked, "Are we done here doctor?"

          "For now," she said softly.

          He walked towards the door and stopped inches from it, before hesitantly looking back towards her over his shoulder. "She can never know..."

          Kate nodded and watched as he straightened himself and walked out the door.

          It's not that good but oh well......
          NOT GOOD! Are you on drugs! I know you are! This so Rocks! I am totally there with John for killing the guy. I would not care about any type of protocol when it comes to that stuff. Because, if was JOHN, Ronon would do the same. Even, Rodney would, IF he was threatened mortally and Teyla's life was at stake too! This is Excellent! YOU have to write another part to this of Teyla's POV maybe.
          sig by Sci!

          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


            Originally posted by Hope24 View Post

            In Seer, does she find out that her people are still alive somewhere?
            I believe
            Davos tells her they are shrouded in darkness at that point


              Didn't someone say that they go missing but Teyla eventually finds them but doesn't like what she finds or something like that,i could be wrong though...Maybe i dreamt it but i'm sure someone mentioned this a while ago!

              How do you guys do they really cool vid on youtube,what do you use to make them?


                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                Thanks WP for the link!!!

                I dont know for sure, thats just my interpretation.......
                alot of people are saying the first two eps are very teyla-less which sucks and i hope the rest of the season makes up for it. I know some people dont like romance in scifi but i think the dangerous circumstances and things they go through only make the romance aspect more exciting as far as storylines go.

                I was just telling ruby in pm that i want them to be in love but i also want terrible obstacles in their way.
                That's because you're an angst junkie!
                Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                  Originally posted by Crescere View Post
                  Thanks...but it doesn't work as a sig. What do you have to do upload a pic in a post? I've already got this saved as an attachment. I know there's a better way...I'm just not seeing it.
                  Did you make this Crescere??

                  This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                  "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                  "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                    I think the "last of her kind" refers to the Missing/presumed dead Athosians
                    Yes, she's said that in interviews, and I think
                    that this goes a long way to explaining why Teyla might be inclined to keep the baby even if it's not conceived in a particularly nice way

                    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                    Thanks WP for the link!!!

                    I dont know for sure, thats just my interpretation.......
                    alot of people are saying the first two eps are very teyla-less which sucks and i hope the rest of the season makes up for it. I know some people dont like romance in scifi but i think the dangerous circumstances and things they go through only make the romance aspect more exciting as far as storylines go.

                    I was just telling ruby in pm that i want them to be in love but i also want terrible obstacles in their way.

                    THANKS SHEPPYNETTE!!
                    Well of course, ANGST QUEEN!!! Do I need to bring out the picture again?

                    Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                      Here's a one-shot I wrote yesterday - it's only the live preview at the moment, and I know that doesn't always work. I'll put up the proper link as soon as updates.

                      Summary - The team has one minute left to live - what will they say to each other?

                      It's called 'The Last Minute':


                      Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                        Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                        Yes, she's said that in interviews, and I think
                        that this goes a long way to explaining why Teyla might be inclined to keep the baby even if it's not conceived in a particularly nice way

                        Well of course, ANGST QUEEN!!! Do I need to bring out the picture again?
                        OOhhh good point
                        about that being a pressing reason for keeping the child even if its half of something inhuman. Good call.

                        Thank you very much YC and Ruby!!!
                        LOL That pic was a riot!!! that and the elevator one!!


                          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post

                          I dont know for sure, thats just my interpretation.......
                          alot of people are saying the first two eps are very teyla-less which sucks and i hope the rest of the season makes up for it. I know some people dont like romance in scifi but i think the dangerous circumstances and things they go through only make the romance aspect more exciting as far as storylines go.

                          I was just telling ruby in pm that i want them to be in love but i also want terrible obstacles in their way.
                          I am have been reading that also....
                          regarding the lack of Teyla in the first two eps. I am also disappointed. I loved romance in scifi. John & Aeryn was one of my favorite couple. The romance between them was the reason I started to watched Farscape and still to this a little miff with the tptb at Scifi channel. I agreed want them to be in love but i also want terrible obstacles in their way and that the romance aspect more exciting as far as storylines go. I loved those scenes when Bates would accused John of letting his personal feelings for Teyla interfer with his decisions regarding the security of Atlantis. I believe you need emotions as well special effects. That's the reason I watch and what I find interesting.

                          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                          I believe
                          Davos tells her they are shrouded in darkness at that point
                          That's all. Thanks.

                          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                          Didn't someone say that they go missing but Teyla eventually finds them but doesn't like what she finds or something like that,i could be wrong though...Maybe i dreamt it but i'm sure someone mentioned this a while ago!
                          Sounds familiar to be me too.


                            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                            Didn't someone say that they go missing but Teyla eventually finds them but doesn't like what she finds or something like that,i could be wrong though...Maybe i dreamt it but i'm sure someone mentioned this a while ago!
                            I recall asking this Q in the "Seer" thread. Basically....
                            Teyla is told that her people ARE alive, but when she finds them she will not like what she sees.
                            that is all I remember.... at least over here we found Jinto and Will (the other boy from Hide and Seek), as of now they are the ONLY two we have found. So Thinking that it was what Halling would have wanted Teyla & John took in the two boys as foster kids

                            This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                            "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                            "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                              Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                              Here's a one-shot I wrote yesterday - it's only the live preview at the moment, and I know that doesn't always work. I'll put up the proper link as soon as updates.

                              Summary - The team has one minute left to live - what will they say to each other?

                              It's called 'The Last Minute':

                              “John,” she said falteringly, without a clue as to what she wanted to say to him.

                              John was standing completely still, his eyes still boring into Teyla’s intently. When she said his name she saw him tense and his jaw clench, and then he moved. Three swift strides brought him to Teyla’s side and suddenly his hands gripped either side of her face as his mouth crashed down on hers.
                              THAT WAS AWESOMEEEEeeeeeeee!!That's my fav part!! You need to take the train more often lol


                                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                                “John,” she said falteringly, without a clue as to what she wanted to say to him.

                                John was standing completely still, his eyes still boring into Teyla’s intently. When she said his name she saw him tense and his jaw clench, and then he moved. Three swift strides brought him to Teyla’s side and suddenly his hands gripped either side of her face as his mouth crashed down on hers.
                                THAT WAS AWESOMEEEEeeeeeeee!!That's my fav part!! You need to take the train more often lol
                                Thanks, I'm glad you liked it!

                                Here's the proper link:

                                Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig

