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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
    I'm so glad we're finally getting to hear your theories

    But by the same right you cant rule out pregnancy through the dream if the actions inside them are projecting in reality. It may not be as probable as the Tabula Rasa one or as romantic, but its definitely still a possibility. The Tabula Rasa scenario would create good angst if something were to happen to Teyla in the aftermath, kidnapped, experimented on, etc. But the Dopp Shep scenario would make better angst because she would be preg by John but not by John which in turn could cause intense jealousy because the actual him was never actually with her. I'm not sure which scene I would like better.

    Prob the Dopp Shep one cuz I'm kind of an angst queen lol

    No really,your an angst Queen,,,,Ger out!!!


      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
      You know,i am so loving your theories......Why can't you write the scripts!
      Theories and fan fic work better for me...I'd probably get 86 by a non-JT fan of a certain pairing interest if I was writing the scripts.

      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
      I'm so glad we're finally getting to hear your theories

      But by the same right you cant rule out pregnancy through the dream if the actions inside them are projecting in reality. It may not be as probable as the Tabula Rasa one or as romantic, but its definitely still a possibility. The Tabula Rasa scenario would create good angst if something were to happen to Teyla in the aftermath, kidnapped, experimented on, etc. But the Dopp Shep scenario would make better angst because she would be preg by John but not by John which in turn could cause intense jealousy because the actual him was never actually with her. I'm not sure which scene I would like better.

      Prob the Dopp Shep one cuz I'm kind of an angst queen lol
      I'm glad you like them.
      I totally agree with you on the angst part with the dopp John. I'm actually in favor of it (but you know I have my heart set on that nice little scene from Tabula Rasa). I am all for whatever works. Angst goes well between J and T.


        Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
        Slightly OT:
        Skiffy has a new interview with David and Amanda! There are a few short clips from the new eppys in there too. Here ya go!
        It won't play for me

        EDIT: Never mind
        Last edited by girlinabox; 15 September 2007, 11:17 AM.

        my ships


          Originally posted by Crescere View Post
          More theories:
          I really want to believe that baby JT was conceived out of love instead of force, which is why the part of my theory concerning Dopp does not involve Teyla getting preg by John via dopp John. I mentioned Ronon's bruises earlier because all of the team will have similar 'real' marks of run ins with the dopp from their dreams. Teyla will make a greater effort to hide what the dopp has done to her because of the very sensitive nature of the attack and because of her fear of how it would affect her relationship with real John if he knew what the alien was doing to her in her sleep. (of course, it takes them awhile to figure out that an alien is behind it all) John never physically touches her so there is no spread of genetic material etc...

          Crescere, I feel the same way.

          I really want to believe that baby JT was conceived out of love instead of force. I can't see Teyla being pregnant by any another man than John ie some secret love interest. I have express this before if Teyla is pregnant because of something that was done to her by someone. Then she is a victim! This bring up a hole set of other questions. Why keep the baby, etc.

          The tptb has said the last of her kind re pregnancy. What are your thoughts on that?

          Enjoying your theories.


            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
            No really,your an angst Queen,,,,Ger out!!!
            Very rarely I like some angst hahah Ninja linda

            Originally posted by Crescere View Post
            Theories and fan fic work better for me...I'd probably get 86 by a non-JT fan of a certain pairing interest if I was writing the scripts.

            I'm glad you like them.
            I totally agree with you on the angst part with the dopp John. I'm actually in favor of it (but you know I have my heart set on that nice little scene from Tabula Rasa). I am all for whatever works. Angst goes well between J and T.
            Can you imagine how he would feel if that was the case, a small part of him would be completely blown away that she felt that way about him, but the other part of him would be outraged that she was with someone else and now carrying him/its child......It would be a very awkward situation and as much as I feel for Shep and all his pent up angst, Teyla would definitely be in a worse position in that scenario.

            GNB - I couldnt see it either. let me know if someone givevs you a transcript or somthing please!
            Last edited by MrsB108; 15 September 2007, 11:25 AM.


              Now about Hide and Seek....
              I thought it was cute when John was telling stories to the kids and Teyla with her smile thinking most likely just how cute it was ,,that this tough military guy was so good with kids

              Just loved the smiles between them when he catched up to her in tha hallway and telling her not to tell Rodney that about hockey since he is Canadian... and she wanting instead to learn more about this football she keep hearing him talk about...

              I thought the scene where they were watching the game was cute..and ohhh why was Rodney there when he didn't even seem to like football *loL* even though Teyla got funny line in there mocking Rodney and hockey.. and John trying to explain things to Teyla...

              The end scene where they are standing over Rodney was so sweet...just how she was smiling and still kept looking at him after he said ,,now that's a hail mary...

              I think it was great to see them kind of this early be with eachother..spend time togther..and bonding already...

              Although I got to say even if it isn't J/T the funny scenes I found in this epi was where Carson was telling Rodney about hte side effect..the sudden desire to run around in a small wheel *lol* or when John just pushed Rodney off the balcony...

              *lol* Why do I tend to always go into detail.... I wish no one will ever ask me to do a summery,,,I would suck and it would take up to much space *lol*
              Sigs by Scifan


                Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
                Crescere, I feel the same way.

                I really want to believe that baby JT was conceived out of love instead of force. I can't see Teyla being pregnant by any another man than John ie some secret love interest. I have express this before if Teyla is pregnant because of something that was done to her by someone. Then she is a victim! This bring up a hole set of other questions. Why keep the baby, etc.

                The tptb has said the last of her kind re pregnancy. What are your thoughts on that?
                Wait, what?
                The last of her kind?...I didn't hear that tptb comment. I'm guessing it was in reference to her being part Wraith. I'm assuming that they're going to have something like the Shadow Wraith I use in 'Song Without Words'.

                John has Lantean blood and Teyla has Wraith blood. I think that is one of the most profound aspects of their relationship. Warring opposites coming together in love. Deep down I believe that Teyla is the salvation of the Wraith race. I'll cut myself off here on my theories regarding that idea. Vision of the Future has been in existence for two years and it is the filter I see the whole SGA universe through even though it is an AU that breaks off after season 2.


                  Blue - Love the new sig....
                  I'm to fond of mine to get rid of it..
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    I think the "last of her kind" refers to the Missing/presumed dead Athosians


                      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                      Blue - Love the new sig....
                      I'm to fond of mine to get rid of it..
                      Thanks honey... well you know me .. I change mine every week.


                        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                        Very rarely I like some angst hahah Ninja linda

                        Can you imagine how he would feel if that was the case, a small part of him would be completely blown away that she felt that way about him, but the other part of him would be outraged that she was with someone else and now carrying him/its child......It would be a very awkward situation and as much as I feel for Shep and all his pent up angst, Teyla would definitely be in a worse position in that scenario.

                        GNB - I couldnt see it either. let me know if someone givevs you a transcript or somthing please!
                        OT skiffy interview

                        here's a link to the transcript.
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                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          Okk guys, mia culpa

                          A little note on the leaked season four episodes. Normally, we do have a hardline rule - no downloads can be mentioned or discussed, or links posted that are not an official download site, such as Unbox or ITunes.

                          As copyrighted material that is being illegally obtained via Torrent and other download services, the leaked episodes from the press screener are affected by our "no downloads discussion" rule, but in a slightly different way. People are free to talk about the episodes, the fact that they've been leaked, and (in this case) even the fact that they have seen them and the contents of the episodes. Screencaps are even fine.

                          They are not allowed to post download links or give instructions on how to get ahold of them on the public board.

                          Talking about them is fine -- what we want to avoid is GW becoming a place for trafficking in illegal downloads.
                          That is only fair I understand that totally. Thank you so much for letting us know this SD!
                          sig by Sci!

                          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post

                            "Do you know why you're here, Colonel?" Dr. Heightmeyer asked gently, watching the man before her fidget awkwardly on the couch in her office, his hands clasped together and his upper body rocking rhythmically back and forth.

                            Colonel Sheppard looked up at the kind face of the blonde doctor and gave her a forced tight-lipped smile before replying, "Because Colonel Carter insisted." The slightest hint of sarcasm was floating on his voice.

                            Kate smiled wide. "Yes, thats true Colonel Sheppard, but she did so for a specific reason. Would you like to talk about what happened?"

                            Colonel Sheppard stood from the couch and began circling it apprehensively, as his nerves tingled all over his body while he recalled the events that would haunt him now and forever. It had only been a few days, yet the unseen scars that remained, burned as a painful reminder and felt eternal, as though it had been years.

                            "Not really, but if thats what I'm supposed to do, then what choice do I have...No offense doc...," he gave a sheepish look out of the corner of his eye as he continued to move around the room anxiously.

                            Kate was used to resistance in patients, especially from those who were so well trained at keeping their emotions hidden, it usually made the revelations that much more explosive.

                            "Well then I'll start with what I know Colonel, if that makes it any easier," she said as she watched him make a reluctant face of agreement and she continued. "You were offworld with your team, an average day for you Colonel I'm sure, when something happened. You and your team entered a village. It says in your report the village seemed troublesome from the start..." Her voice trailed as she picked up the report and began reading it over, skimming his words.

                            "Yeah," he cleared his throat and began speaking as he examined the walls of her office carefully. "Troublesome to say the least. It reminded me of a town from some old western movie. People were roaming the streets completely hammered, starting fights everywhere, half dressed women shouting at us, even Rodney asked the first man we spoke to if his name was Wyatt Earp." John chuckled in spite of himself, obviously picturing the entire scene again in his head.

                            "We asked a couple people if they wanted to trade and they all directed us towards this particular building in the center of town, a sort of dominant saloon I guess you could call it. The four of us made it there without any interference. It's just that when we got there..." His voice trailed as he looked down at his shoes.

                            Kate looaked at him, watching the obvious emotions dance painfully across his face as he stood there, paused in thought. "Go on, Colonel," she urged him kindly.

                            His gaze was fixed on a particular piece of floor and he did not falter his gaze as he spoke, almost hypnotized by the surge of images past.

                            "There were all these people in there drinking, everyone was really loud and out of control. Rodney kept edging closer and closer to me as we walked through the chaos towards the bar looking for the owner. A large man stood behind the counter and gave us a filthy look when I asked to speak to whoever was in charge. He pointed a thumb towards a filthy, slimy looking guy at the end of the bar.So we went over to talk with him and..."

                            He stood there silent."So thats when it happened?" Kate asked after many moments of silence passed by.

                            John nodded. "He was obviously intoxicated. He payed no attention to what I was saying and immediately began pawing all over Teyla. Literally, pawing. He grabbed her close and Teyla fended him off easily enough with a strong arm twist, but he still came at her. He...he started touching her and was ..."

                            "Inappropriate?" Kate offered.

                            " I..."

                            "Shot him?"

                            "Killed him..."

                            Kate nodded her head understandingly. "And how do you feel about that Colonel? Do you feel you did what was neccesary?

                            "No...I could have restrained him...I could have..."

                            "So why didnt you?"

                            "I...the way he was looking at her and...God, the way she looked at me when I did what I did, I..."

                            He buried his face into his hands momentarily before continuing.

                            "I just lost it, I just couldn't handle seeing him touch her like that."

                            "Why not Colonel? Because she's a member of your team? Because she's woman?? Or something more?"

                            John looked at Dr Heightmeyer directly for the first time since he had entered the room. "It doesn't matter why, it only matters that I did. I killed a man. In cold blood, when he had no weapon raised against me. I should be thrown in the brig or relieved of duty. It was a serious lack in judgement and I wouldn't hesitate to punish any one of the men under my command if the situation was reversed."

                            "Obviously Colonel, I don't approve of violence and certainly not murder, but I don't think you're being completely honest with your motives. To protect the people who matter the most to us is a primal emotion. It's pure instinct and the stronger the connection to the person, the stronger the emotion. I am going to insist you be suspended for a few weeks but only so that you can come to terms with what happened before getting back into the field. But even if you don't say anything aloud, I think you also need to realize your feelings for Teyla are deeper than you would like them to be. I think its important, so the next time a situation arises, you can distinguish the difference between your head and your heart."

                            Colonel Sheppard looked at the doctor who still carried a sympathetic smile across her face.

                            He nodded slowly and asked, "Are we done here doctor?"

                            "For now," she said softly.

                            He walked towards the door and stopped inches from it, before hesitantly looking back towards her over his shoulder. "She can never know..."

                            Kate nodded and watched as he straightened himself and walked out the door.

                            It's not that good but oh well......
                            I love this fic !! In fact... I adore every fic you write... Your style it's just awesome !


                              Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                              Thanks honey... well you know me .. I change mine every week.
                              Your sig is hot! Very nice Blue!
                              sig by Sci!

                              Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                                Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                                I think the "last of her kind" refers to the Missing/presumed dead Athosians
                                Oh...well in that case. Interesting. I'll have to ponder on that for a bit.
                                I heard they went missing, but I didn't know she might be the only one that survives.

