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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Just a reminder!



      Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
      another season 4 episode has been posted on gateworld it is the second mid season two parter episode to this mortal coil im posting the link
      Thanks for the link, Donna!!! Very cool!
      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


        Originally posted by Camy View Post
        Yes, Scifan and I are actually the only ones that seem to care about this game, but yes! We started with a top ten but I think everytime you find a cap that shows that someone should post it here. The idea is to have John and Teyla in the cap! so, come and join us. These party poopers in here are no fun! *g*
        LOL, sorry! Still working on just getting all the eps back onto my computer and into WMM (courtesy of lovely Vista), so not really able to capture pics very easily at the moment. But I'm almost done finally! Yay! In the meantime, I'm loving all the pics you guys are finding!!! Very cute!
        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


          Originally posted by scifan View Post
          Camy, I think that the thing I disliked the most about the Tower was John doing his "Captain Kirk" thing. All Mara (?) had to do was take her clothes off, and I don't think he fought her off either. It seems like tptb have done that at least once a season. One was accended, another ended up accending and Mara was royalty.
          I don't know, but I wouldn't think accendeds could get pregnant. I hope that tptb don't say, "Oops, a "love" child for Shep."

          It'll be too much like Kirk, he didn't know he had a son until the movie " The Wrath of Kahn".

          Starting Friday, I'll be gone to Fla. for a week vacation. I'll have to catch up when I get back. If I don't post anything before I leave. Take care and have fun. I'll be looking forward for some good stuff.
          No, if you watch the end of the ep, John makes a comment about not getting the girl (I forget the exact wording) and then there was a commentary or interview somewhere at one point of time that also confirmed that John was not supposed to have done anything with Mara. There was a scene that showed that, but ended up getting cut out in editing. So Tower doesn't bother me, because she threw herself at him and he did nothing more than enjoy a few kisses for a moment before reality cut back in. No kirking there or at any time in my opinion. (Ephiphany was 6 months, give the guy a break! And Sanctuary was just a few kisses as well. IMO, a few kisses and one night of sex (only after a 6 month relationship) in three years do not equate "kirking." Also, there was absolutely no kissing for John in season three. The kisses were in the first two seasons. Anyway, sorry for going off-topic, just had to voice my opinion on that one!

          I really meant to just say, HAVE A GREAT TRIP!!!! You'll be missed!

          I love your banner by the way! Although, I hope you don't mind if I point out a typo in there? The word meant should be "meant", not "ment." But I love the pics and the words, just lovely.

          Padme--can't wait to read your next fic!!! Yay!!!

          Blue--Lovely wallies!!! Thank you so much!!!!
          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


            Originally posted by Camy View Post
            HEllooooooo! Where is everybody?

            Made something else....TOR walls and sig...Up for grabs!



            OH, those are gorgeous!!!! Sorry, just noticed these now! I think they look so cute there, hehe. Thank you!!!

            BP--AWESOME report as always!!!! THANK YOU so much for doing that!!!
            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


              Originally posted by Nick 0208 Ldn View Post

              I don't know if Nina sorted anyting out or not, but i'm trying to get a working link for her vid Gravity of Love. It'll upload to ther sever but won't play from it, i'm sure this has come up before, just can't remember what i did to solve it.
              Oh that's odd. You can try on mine if you want, see if it has the same problem or not!
              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                Originally posted by Camy View Post
                Thanks...oh, your hubby must be the romantic type. Mine keeps saying I"m seeing things...LOL

                He knows nothing! He thinks because he brings home the bacon, that is love enough! LOL
                No, my husband is far from being a romantic, but he's pretty good at picking things up in stories. He doesn't watch as much tv as I do, but he liked watching sg1 and now sga. He's hard to describe, but the thing that the show does between John and Teyla is like a mind game and he picks up on that. To put it simply he's usually good at reading people. Don't let it sound creepy, he's a great guy.


                  Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                  No, if you watch the end of the ep, John makes a comment about not getting the girl (I forget the exact wording) and then there was a commentary or interview somewhere at one point of time that also confirmed that John was not supposed to have done anything with Mara. There was a scene that showed that, but ended up getting cut out in editing. So Tower doesn't bother me, because she threw herself at him and he did nothing more than enjoy a few kisses for a moment before reality cut back in. No kirking there or at any time in my opinion. (Ephiphany was 6 months, give the guy a break! And Sanctuary was just a few kisses as well. IMO, a few kisses and one night of sex (only after a 6 month relationship) in three years do not equate "kirking." Also, there was absolutely no kissing for John in season three. The kisses were in the first two seasons. Anyway, sorry for going off-topic, just had to voice my opinion on that one!

                  I really meant to just say, HAVE A GREAT TRIP!!!! You'll be missed!

                  I love your banner by the way! Although, I hope you don't mind if I point out a typo in there? The word meant should be "meant", not "ment." But I love the pics and the words, just lovely.

                  Padme--can't wait to read your next fic!!! Yay!!!

                  Blue--Lovely wallies!!! Thank you so much!!!!
                  I missed that in Tower. I'll have to watch it again, or skip to the end.
                  Alright, with season 3, I'll have to give that to you too, six months is a long time. And with Chaya, well two things. 1) She's very pretty and 2) it was only season 1.

                  But I still thinks he weak. wink wink nudge nudge.

                  Oh, thanks for the correction.

                  And thanks for the well wishes.


                    AW, that is nice. My husband is very nice too. And actually, he is very romantic. I simply tell him what I want otherwise he'll come home with his mothers's taste! LOL

                    Yup, I got shot down several times too for that...I am with you. I think he likes the attention and no shame in that. He is a man and that is all of their weakness....until they meet us, of course.

                    Ah, The Ark tomorrow. I can't wait! I'll see it again Saturday night and I can't wait to see what my hubby and kids think of it too.

                    Anywho. The party should be swinging by soon. I've been busy capping episodes and posting episodes. Tomorrow I"ll post The Ark caps...compliments of Wikked so don't miss those!


                      Originally posted by Camy View Post
                      AW, that is nice. My husband is very nice too. And actually, he is very romantic. I simply tell him what I want otherwise he'll come home with his mothers's taste! LOL

                      Yup, I got shot down several times too for that...I am with you. I think he likes the attention and no shame in that. He is a man and that is all of their weakness....until they meet us, of course.

                      Ah, The Ark tomorrow. I can't wait! I'll see it again Saturday night and I can't wait to see what my hubby and kids think of it too.

                      Anywho. The party should be swinging by soon. I've been busy capping episodes and posting episodes. Tomorrow I"ll post The Ark caps...compliments of Wikked so don't miss those!
                      My kids like watching sga too. They are 4 and 7 so I have to prescreen before they get to watch. They've remember most of the main casts names. Sheppard, Teyla, Ronan, Mckay. They have trouble with Weir and Beckett. My youngest use to refer Mckay as, "the fat one". So in TOR, when Mckay said that Ronon could be his sidekick. "Batman and Ronon" and Ronon said to Mckay that if he wasn't careful it'd be "Fatman", they laughed. And my youngest also doesn't say Ford, he says RSF's real name,"Rainbow". Well gotta go and get some sleep. Ha Ha what's that? See you next week.
                      Enjoy Ark.


                        Hugs Camy back. Thank you! Hope you enjoy it!

                        LoveConquers your welcome. As always it is a pleasure to do this!

                        Okay on to the rest of the shippy report.

                        The Game Shippy Report Part 2
                        They are gathered around the portal. Rodney and John are informing them of the truth. Baden looks at John. Baden: You are the Oracle? John: I’m your Oracle, yes. John looks down frowning. That doesn’t sound right. Teyla quickly brings Baden and Nola's attention back to the point. Saving John from an awkward situation. Teyla: I know this is difficult to absorb, but it is all true. Baden isn't buying this so John offers to prove it to them.

                        They bring Nola and Baden to Atlantis. As they go down the steps Teyla looks behind her where Baden and John are walking. I don't see the point as to why she would be looking at Baden. So I am going to assume she is looking at John. John and Rodney show them their 'game' proving to them it is true. They, including Elizabeth, try to get them to stop the hostilities, but nothing works. Baden secretly send his army to attack a mine the Geldars are using to steal coal from them.

                        Ronon and Rodney are back in Geldar. Rodney is trying to stop the war that is starting. On the portal they notice Baden's army is advancing. Rodney radios John. John and Teyla has just arrived at Hallona, John's nation. Rodney informs them of what is happening. John hurries to the portal to see for himself. Teyla stares at John through this then looks down at the portal. Rodney tells John to stop them. Teyla looks at John. Teyla: The attack has begun. The villagers retreat without a fight. John looks at Teyla. John (suspicion): That was fast, Rodney. Teyla looks up at him with concern. Rodney is shocked and outraged at how quickly his people gave up. Nola tells him she has another plan. Nola and Garth inform him they have a bomb and tell him they plan to deliver it by the airships that he taught them to make. Rodney tries to talk them out of it, but neither listen to him. Rodney radios John and Teyla and tells them of what his people plan to do. John is angry and blames Rodney. Teyla asks Rodney how much damage their bombs can do. Rodney: Enough to take out an entire village. Teyla (alarmed): Well, then, you must tell them to stop! She looks at John. Rodney informs her that didn't work. John learns that they are going to deliver it with the airships that Rodney taught them to make. John accuses Rodney of cheating again starting an argument. Teyla, the only one keeping her head apparently, interrupts and asks Rodney if they have time to shoot it down. Rodney tells her yes. Teyla looks at John. Teyla: Then we’d better get moving.

                        John and Teyla reach the airship. John: There it is. Teyla: Good. Now all you have to do She looks at John. is puncture the balloon. John: Already on it. They bring down the airship. Nola seeing this on the portal orders more bombs to be sent.

                        John and Teyla return to Baden's portal. Baden thanks them. John informs him they won't be doing that again. Baden: I had John glances at Teyla. no idea they were capable of delivering such a device. John looks at Teyla. John: Tell me about it. They exchange a look. Baden tells them that he has issued orders to make sure the Geldars don't do it again. John asks him what kind of orders. Baden: A full-scale attack Teyla looks at John. has been launched. It’s time to finish this war. They all look down at the portal. As more of Baden's men cross the border into Geldar Teyla looks at John then back at the map.

                        Ronon and Rodney are beamed up onto the Daedalus. John and Teyla walk pass them. John tells them to join them because he has a plan.

                        Ronon and Rodney return to Geldar. Rodney tries one last attempt to get Nola to put a stop to this. Nola informs Rodney that she plans to think for herself from now on, and that she will continue on with this.

                        John and Teyla are back at Hallona. Balden (frustrated): Why won’t Teyla glances at John. you help us? John tells him they won't shoot down anymore ships. Balden informs them that he plans on shooting down the airships. That they are not as primitive as Nola believes. Teyla warns him that many people on both sides will die. Balden says if they want to leave then leave, but they will continue on with this war. John warns him they are making a mistake. Baden won't be moved. John and Teyla exchange a look.

                        Back in Geldar. Their is an all out war and they are losing. They are surrounded by Baden's troops. An explosion happens that knocks out the portal.

                        Back in Hallona. Explosions are happening everywhere. John tries to radio Rodney but can't. Balden yells at him asking how he can stand by while his people are getting slaughtered. Teyla runs in. Teyla: Nola’s army has surrounded the village. John: We’ll get to the Jumper. Teyla: They just destroyed it. More explosions go off. Teyla looks around briefly her gaze stops on John before continuing on. Balden: We’re being overwhelmed. Teyla looks at John, glances at Balden, and then looks back at John. Teyla: What should we do? More explosions and the portal there goes out as well. John looks at Teyla then at Balden. Balden is staring at the portal. Teyla looks at John.

                        The scene alternates between Rodney and John explaining to their people what just happened. John walks to the portal, stopping right next to Teyla, and lays his p-90 on it. Teyla watches him as he does this. In fact through out this ordeal they were always right next to each other. Except during the part when Teyla ran in to inform them what was going on. This was all just a simulation. The explosions were caused by the Daedalus. This was done to show them what a real war is like. Balden stands in his spot taking all of this in. Teyla looks at John. John asks Balden if he still believes if this is the right path for his people.

                        This ep ends with an amusing scene with John and Rodney playing chess. A must see.


                          Originally posted by Black Panther View Post
                          Hugs Camy back. Thank you! Hope you enjoy it!

                          LoveConquers your welcome. As always it is a pleasure to do this!

                          Okay on to the rest of the shippy report.

                          The Game Shippy Report Part 2
                          They are gathered around the portal. Rodney and John are informing them of the truth. Baden looks at John. Baden: You are the Oracle? John: I’m your Oracle, yes. John looks down frowning. That doesn’t sound right. Teyla quickly brings Baden and Nola's attention back to the point. Saving John from an awkward situation. Teyla: I know this is difficult to absorb, but it is all true. Baden isn't buying this so John offers to prove it to them.

                          They bring Nola and Baden to Atlantis. As they go down the steps Teyla looks behind her where Baden and John are walking. I don't see the point as to why she would be looking at Baden. So I am going to assume she is looking at John. John and Rodney show them their 'game' proving to them it is true. They, including Elizabeth, try to get them to stop the hostilities, but nothing works. Baden secretly send his army to attack a mine the Geldars are using to steal coal from them.

                          Ronon and Rodney are back in Geldar. Rodney is trying to stop the war that is starting. On the portal they notice Baden's army is advancing. Rodney radios John. John and Teyla has just arrived at Hallona, John's nation. Rodney informs them of what is happening. John hurries to the portal to see for himself. Teyla stares at John through this then looks down at the portal. Rodney tells John to stop them. Teyla looks at John. Teyla: The attack has begun. The villagers retreat without a fight. John looks at Teyla. John (suspicion): That was fast, Rodney. Teyla looks up at him with concern. Rodney is shocked and outraged at how quickly his people gave up. Nola tells him she has another plan. Nola and Garth inform him they have a bomb and tell him they plan to deliver it by the airships that he taught them to make. Rodney tries to talk them out of it, but neither listen to him. Rodney radios John and Teyla and tells them of what his people plan to do. John is angry and blames Rodney. Teyla asks Rodney how much damage their bombs can do. Rodney: Enough to take out an entire village. Teyla (alarmed): Well, then, you must tell them to stop! She looks at John. Rodney informs her that didn't work. John learns that they are going to deliver it with the airships that Rodney taught them to make. John accuses Rodney of cheating again starting an argument. Teyla, the only one keeping her head apparently, interrupts and asks Rodney if they have time to shoot it down. Rodney tells her yes. Teyla looks at John. Teyla: Then we’d better get moving.

                          John and Teyla reach the airship. John: There it is. Teyla: Good. Now all you have to do She looks at John. is puncture the balloon. John: Already on it. They bring down the airship. Nola seeing this on the portal orders more bombs to be sent.

                          John and Teyla return to Baden's portal. Baden thanks them. John informs him they won't be doing that again. Baden: I had John glances at Teyla. no idea they were capable of delivering such a device. John looks at Teyla. John: Tell me about it. They exchange a look. Baden tells them that he has issued orders to make sure the Geldars don't do it again. John asks him what kind of orders. Baden: A full-scale attack Teyla looks at John. has been launched. It’s time to finish this war. They all look down at the portal. As more of Baden's men cross the border into Geldar Teyla looks at John then back at the map.

                          Ronon and Rodney are beamed up onto the Daedalus. John and Teyla walk pass them. John tells them to join them because he has a plan.

                          Ronon and Rodney return to Geldar. Rodney tries one last attempt to get Nola to put a stop to this. Nola informs Rodney that she plans to think for herself from now on, and that she will continue on with this.

                          John and Teyla are back at Hallona. Balden (frustrated): Why won’t Teyla glances at John. you help us? John tells him they won't shoot down anymore ships. Balden informs them that he plans on shooting down the airships. That they are not as primitive as Nola believes. Teyla warns him that many people on both sides will die. Balden says if they want to leave then leave, but they will continue on with this war. John warns him they are making a mistake. Baden won't be moved. John and Teyla exchange a look.

                          Back in Geldar. Their is an all out war and they are losing. They are surrounded by Baden's troops. An explosion happens that knocks out the portal.

                          Back in Hallona. Explosions are happening everywhere. John tries to radio Rodney but can't. Balden yells at him asking how he can stand by while his people are getting slaughtered. Teyla runs in. Teyla: Nola’s army has surrounded the village. John: We’ll get to the Jumper. Teyla: They just destroyed it. More explosions go off. Teyla looks around briefly her gaze stops on John before continuing on. Balden: We’re being overwhelmed. Teyla looks at John, glances at Balden, and then looks back at John. Teyla: What should we do? More explosions and the portal there goes out as well. John looks at Teyla then at Balden. Balden is staring at the portal. Teyla looks at John.

                          The scene alternates between Rodney and John explaining to their people what just happened. John walks to the portal, stopping right next to Teyla, and lays his p-90 on it. Teyla watches him as he does this. In fact through out this ordeal they were always right next to each other. Except during the part when Teyla ran in to inform them what was going on. This was all just a simulation. The explosions were caused by the Daedalus. This was done to show them what a real war is like. Balden stands in his spot taking all of this in. Teyla looks at John. John asks Balden if he still believes if this is the right path for his people.

                          This ep ends with an amusing scene with John and Rodney playing chess. A must see.

                          Great report BP... thanks so much


                            thanks for the report Black Panther has anyone else seen this thread ive been on and off it all day and had quite a giggle as they are all speculating who the father of Teylas baby could be
                            Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                              theres a new interview with Martin Gero about sesaon 4 been posted on gateworld heres the link
                              Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                                Im sorry about all the posting but i forgot to post the link to another new season 4 episode that has been posted
                                Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana

