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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by not so ancient
    You know, I'm in the middle of HUGE life changes. Moving halfway across America with my mother, her dog, and my cats, new job, buying/building house, etc. etc. I honestly don't know where I'll be or what I'll be doing in November.

    And I am *this* (puts fingers just about a millimeter apart) close to booking a ticket for that. The flight would be at least US$1500, the tickets and the con and additional banquets and stuff another US$500, and God knows for the hotel.

    But I just might do it. I wouldn't be surprised if I did. I'm not sane. Clearly.
    Sanity? Who on earth suggested that your sanity would be in question for such an endevour? In fact, *I* think that it's a perfectly sane thing to do...

    ... then again, I don't think I am very sane either....

    Mind you, i haven't had much sleep... Darn exams! I feel like doing this

    Sheppard: You must have 'passed out'.
    Mckay: Thanks for not saying that...other thing
    I must consider going to my lecture now!


      Originally posted by Gate Trippin'
      After my Cube viewing the other night I decided to keep going and I 've got my hands on Nothing, which took some doing here in the US. Seems like everyone likes it. DH seems to be wearing a little less in each movie I've seen him in. Pretty soon I'll be ready for the teapot!
      Whoa! You just got MY attention. Can I get the documentary online? Stupid question, I'll find it.

      Thanks for the pic and the info! It is much appreciated. Now, how do we get DH to more cons?
      On fighting:
      Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
      Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


        Originally posted by McKay's girl
        you should visit the british thread lol!
        There's a British thread? Point me to it.


          Originally posted by watcher652
          If you watch David's movie "Nothing", you'll get to see this darling image:

          I don't think this is spoiler-ish. I think this will help sell the movie!
          Originally posted by Fanwoman
          Oh, my gosh! Is that what I think it is?! That is just too cute!!!
          Yes, it is. Only on the Thunk Thread folks! You can buy me a drink when we see David at a convention together. It's not one of the photos you see in the movie reviews.

          This one is, though.

          I should get something for drumming up sales for this movie!

          I was just thinking, if I ever lose my account where I have all these photos, this thread is really going to shrink.
          Last edited by watcher652; 24 May 2005, 03:57 PM. Reason: typo, grr!

          My kind of guy:
          "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
          Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
          (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


            Oh, that one above is the Then. Here's the Now.

            My kind of guy:
            "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
            Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
            (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


              Originally posted by watcher652
              What do you mean by "the promised s2 thing"? At first I read Siege 2, but are you talking about Season 2?

              New page. Two of my favorite Davids from Siege 2.

              Hey looky...the guy on the left. Isn't that the guy that one the get in the gate contest? Lucky B@$!@&#! If that would have been me I probably would have jumped David. Which is probably why I'll never win.
              "You are a distraction who is permanently distracted."~ Ohhhhh...sparkly...
              "Well, we came, we saw, we got spanked."-Harper (Andromeda)
              Don't shake that. It's liable to blow up.~L.
              Ewww! What's that mess on the floor? I think my sanity just broke.
              "My ovaries are exploding with maternal instinct..." Partylikeits1984 on DH's character on Traders
              Even if the voices in my head aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas.
              Very smart people intimidate me. And turn me on. Do you see my problem in the dating game?~Aurore
              (Same boat. Small World. ~ r-h)


                I'll be completely honest... in '48 Hours' I thought McKay was an arrogant twit, in the 'Redemption' episodes I thought he was a twit, in the beginning of Atlantis I didn't even realize that he WAS McKay.

                I wasn't looking forward to Atlantis at all because I thought nothing could replace SG-1 but when I watched it I was pleasantly surprised that I found it entertaining and Beckett was my favorite character (at the time) but anyway... It wasn't really till The Storm that I realized that I REALLY like this show and that McKay was officially my favorite character in the SG universe. I don't know... but it was after his torture in The Storm that I really started liking McKay and went back and re-watched all the previous McKay SG-1 episodes and Atlantis episodes with renewed interest. He is quite a fascinating character that has grown a great deal since his initial appearance.

                I just realized I went a bit off the topic of '48 Hours' sorry.
                Last edited by killer_tinkerbell; 25 May 2005, 12:07 PM.


                  Twit or not, I liked the way McKay riled up Carter in the pre-Atlantis episodes... It's always sort of annoyed me that Carter was set up as this paragon of virtue and serenity so it was really refreshing to see a man ruffle her feathers and dance on her nerves... it made for a much more interesting Carter. None of that dithering, indecisive demeanour in later episodes.

                  Back to Rodney... I can see why people have gradually had a change of heart with regard to his character. In the early days, he was this smart-ass, cocky caricature that was set up as Carter's rival but in Atlantis, he's becoming much more a multifaceted character and an integral member of the team. In 48 Hours, he's a threat... but now he's an asset.
                  "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                    Hey guys, you should check out the sloganizer! Its well cool!


                    I've just been playing around with it, the slogans are great! Here are just a few-

                    Go to heaven with mckay
                    Feel good with mckay
                    mckay. The power on your side.
                    There's only one thing in the world I want and that is mckay.
                    mckay is my sport
                    McKay good
                    mckaysicle, pure lust

                    Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                    Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                      Originally posted by Purpleyin
                      There's a British thread? Point me to it.
                      Its in the OT forum, heres the link-

                      Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                      Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                        Originally posted by McKay's girl
                        I love his shirt is moebius! totally cracked me up! its just sooo mckay!
                        Ow! My eyes!

                        I remembered the sweater, but not the shirt with it.

                        The story of my life. I finally find a city like this, intact, deserted for ten thousand years, probably contains hundreds of patents that I can exploit--and I'm going to die. I can appreciate dramatic irony as much as the next person, but this is pushing it a bit. --Max Eilerson, Crusade "War Zone"

                        Mess with me, you mess with my whole family. --Max Eilerson, Crusade "Ruling From the Tomb"


                          I really can't comment on "48 Hours". As a writer I find it incredibly annoying that McKay is physically unnecessary to the script. Carter could just as easily have been contending with a report Simmons brought along.

                          The story of my life. I finally find a city like this, intact, deserted for ten thousand years, probably contains hundreds of patents that I can exploit--and I'm going to die. I can appreciate dramatic irony as much as the next person, but this is pushing it a bit. --Max Eilerson, Crusade "War Zone"

                          Mess with me, you mess with my whole family. --Max Eilerson, Crusade "Ruling From the Tomb"


                            More slogans-
                            • I'd sleep with rodney.
                            • I lost weight with rodney mckay
                            • I wouldn't leave the house without rodney mckay

                            Heres one for Yay McKay!-

                            There's a bit of yay mckay! in all of us

                            Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                            Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                              Originally posted by Wordsmit2
                              I really can't comment on "48 Hours". As a writer I find it incredibly annoying that McKay is physically unnecessary to the script. Carter could just as easily have been contending with a report Simmons brought along.
                              But contending with a report isn't as exciting - you lose the snark. Not to mention they were hoping McKay could help... which is easier in person. Shame that he was mostly useless because he'd already made up his mind on the situation and only really succeeded in annoying Carter. Though I think his antagonising Carter was the best feature of the episode. Suddenly she's not Miss Perfect for once. Sam's a character I really like but I still really enjoyed seeing her getting riled up over his accusations.
                              Last edited by Purpleyin; 25 May 2005, 03:17 AM.


                                Originally posted by Wordsmit2
                                I really can't comment on "48 Hours". As a writer I find it incredibly annoying that McKay is physically unnecessary to the script. Carter could just as easily have been contending with a report Simmons brought along.
                                Oh, I don't know... Rodney McKay and "unnecessary" together in one sentence... seems rather... unnecessary...

                                I think it is healthy for someone to challenge Carter for a change... someone in flesh and blood... with someone who has more chemistry than toner from a laser printer. We know Carter's a genius but from time to time, it's good for her to have to do it the hard way.
                                "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"

