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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Too cool!

    Apparently the ADB trailer was shown on ET Canada! Cool
    (I don't know this was a blog alert)
    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


      OMG...OT, but it's been confirmed on the GateWorld homepage that there's gonna be a third Stargate series!!
      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


        Originally posted by sueKay View Post
        OMG...OT, but it's been confirmed on the GateWorld homepage that there's gonna be a third Stargate series!!
        Yeah, everyone's squeeing about that everywhere on the forum.

        I'm happy too, but on the other hand also not so much.
        First, personally I won't have much time for another series to follow, I already spend too much time with SGA and I guess I'll stay with that show.
        And second, who knows what this show will be like. We know nothing about it yet. All I know is that TPTB already had problems when they were trying to come up with new ideas for episodes for SGA - both for plots and characters. I just hope the third show will not only be SG2, if you know what I mean. They need new ideas, new enemies, and new concepts for their lead characters, not the same old stuff they already had a million times.

        I just hope SGA will not become the unloved middle child now. They deserve more. This was supposed to be their chance now. It was always my impression that when SGA had begun TPTB still focussed on SG1. Even though I was happy that SG1 ended, I also saw it as a chance for SGA, which should have the attention of TPTB now. Let's just hope they don't concentrate on the new series too much now!

        Sorry for the OT....

        Bye, A.
        Last edited by Arlessiar; 16 December 2006, 02:46 AM. Reason: forgot a word
        ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
        ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


          Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post

          David mentioned it on the "Best of both worlds" convention in Australia last year. Mcalex22 visited that convention. On one evening there was a dinner the stars attended too, and David took some pills before he went to the buffet, saying that he has to take them before he eats cheese or other dairy products.

          Bye, A.
          I want to know what those were!!!! I'm sick of Soya. I want milk again and icecream, and chocolate, and cheese, and bread, and yougts, and milkshakes. (Found out it was milk and wheat that has been causing my IBS for months. Why me? ) At least i have something in common with David

          Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post
          I just hope SGA will not become the unloved middle child now. They deserve more. This was supposed to be their chance now. It was always my impression that when SGA begun TPTB still focussed on SG1. Even though I was happy that SG1 ended, I also saw it as a chance for SGA, which should have the attention of TPTB now. Let's just hope they don't concentrate on the new series too much now!

          Sorry for the OT....

          Bye, A.

          Totally agree. Was really looking forward to SGA getting the chance to prove it can be a big hit without SG1. It feels to me that TPTB don't think SGA can hold it's own and that it's the lesser of all the stargate shows.
          Last edited by Red Phoniex; 15 December 2006, 01:59 AM.

          Sig made by Suekay.


            Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post
            I just hope SGA will not become the unloved middle child now. They deserve more. This was supposed to be their chance now. .
            Originally posted by Red Phoniex View Post
            Totally agree. Was really looking forward to SGA getting the chance to prove it can be a big hit without SG1. It feels to me that TPTB don't think SGA can hold it's own and that it's the lesser of all the stargate shows.
            I was talking to someone here in town about this last night. She is a huge SG1 fan, so the idea of a new show was exciting to her. Me; meh. I'm with Willow on that I will stick with SGA. I wish that it had the time to shine. But for those who have seen Season 3 so far, it's pretty outstanding. Yes, there have been episodes (Irresistible/Real World, I'm looking at you) that have been duds, but the rest have been wonderful. I'm really happy that it's been renewed and I'm really happy with the direction it's been going. Bottom line, I might check it out, but I will stay faithful to SGA. Or any show that DH is in.

            Just to keep things on track: POINT
            Sig by im_meli
            More random Hewlett nerdery on my LJ


              On the subject of allergies and food-related problems...I have IBS, citrus allergies, and I'm getting tested for hypoglycemia too...I'm having sympathy reactions rather than sympathy pain for Rodney lol!
              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                Originally posted by Red Phoniex View Post
                It feels to me that TPTB don't think SGA can hold it's own and that it's the lesser of all the stargate shows.

                Really? I didn't feel that way at all. My reaction was oh goody, another SG series with a bunch of cute guys to drool over (and slash). I don't look at it as a reflection on SGA's performance in the least. Sci-Fi took SG-1 away from us arbitrarily. I see the new series as a determined attempt by the SG franchise's creative people to keep the network flooded with Stargate, Sci-Fi channel Evil!PTB be damned.

                And I don't feel like I'm being untrue to SGA by liking the idea of a third series. SGA will always be my favorite--it always was, even when SG-1 was on. I could miss five minutes of SG-1 and it didn't bother me. When SGA is on, I don't even channel surf during commercials.
                In fact, the only thing that could stop me from watching SGA would be the loss of either Sheppard or McKay. If they killed off one or the other, the grief of the one left behind would be too much to bear (whether or not they properly dramatized it, I would feel it) and I'd have to stop watching. All of the fun of the show would be gone at that point, too--at least for me.

                Other than that, I'm in for the run of the series, no matter how the quality fluctuates. I haven't missed an episode yet.
                Last edited by smushybird; 15 December 2006, 09:11 AM.


                  Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                  I watched again last night, I was less tired

                  My thoughts on Tao of Rodney and a minor RANT! about SGA

                  Yes David was his usual great acting self but I didn't feel emotional on first viewing and I certainly didn't on the second viewing. *well not unless wanting to throttle his team mates counts*

                  You know I think it is the little pissy things his so-called team mates said after that I just can't see them as caring that much so all the love in the room is background noise to me. I understand why DK wrote them in that way, but after M&MM it just added to my hate of those moments and his team... his team by the way who are not eating with him, his team who when he came back from rescuing Lorne point blank thought him a lier or worse mad! I mean they didn't even for one second think he may be telling the truth and given what just happened to him *and it being the PG* I don't see why they would have such huge doubts unless they really don't trust him and you can't love *respect* someone if you don't trust them.. not in a healthy relationship anyway. Also Teyla's face alone had me wanting to switch off the second time I viewed (I missed it the first time) the contempt she had for him. Yeah so much team love.

                  As a Slasher I can see John loves Rodney but as a McKay fan and one who has major problems with SGA atm I just see an episode where they bring McKay down only to have him being the one to climb back up, but in order to do that he has to "release his burden" but I didn't see a two way street... no one else "released" anything to Rodney, no one seriously sat down one on one with the man and said they cared and loved him *did I miss that?* I don't think the bed scene was as genuine as others do; it all felt like manipulation not only of McKay but of the viewer, namely me! Anyway here it didn't work, I just find myself wondering why they wasted such a great opportunity to really have an emotional episode with real bonding, this was an attempt but to me IMHO it failed.

                  In fact on second viewing I like it less, and for anyone who has seen Red Dwarf... the confusions of love had me thinking of the ep where Rimmer is made to feel loved so they can all survive... McKay is the one to save their collective butts on most occasions so maybe we really just have the same thing here. They have to save him or they may die too. *just a cynical thought*

                  Now my SGA spoilers just rant.

                  On the reset button. I hate it, I see no reason for it. If SGA wants to be a great show then its characters need to be able to grow and change *for good and bad* we don't see that, unless it is McKay, but only for a short time is he ever allowed to be the nice one before the reset button is pressed and anyway we all know *yes I do know* he is the love to hate character on the show so really having you hate him for something he does really doesn't count. And he is human so even he will be nice occasionally.

                  I seriously don't know if I can watch season 4, so many changes and yet the one thing IMHO that needs to change about SGA will not. We will not see real consequences for actions carried through from one episode to the next, we will have "from out of the blue" a throw back to a distant ep to explain why such and such is happening now, but we will never get to know what the emotional impact of that event had on them.

                  This one is great for slash and great for fics and vids *I have to make a new one* but really for me it is the same old same old.

                  I think we saw different Tao of Rodney episodes. Pretty much everything you said about it I felt just the opposite. *shrugs* oh well, different viewpoints I guess.
                  It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                    Originally posted by sueKay View Post
                    OMG...OT, but it's been confirmed on the GateWorld homepage that there's gonna be a third Stargate series!!
                    REALLY... Really... Oh Wow.. Cool

                    CONGRATS sueKay On 7000 Posts

                    By Kidwizz

                    By JessM


                      Is there a quicker way to quote multiple posts? I cut and paste each one in.

                      Originally posted by Red Phoniex View Post
                      I want to know what those were!!!! I'm sick of Soya. I want milk again and icecream, and chocolate, and cheese, and bread, and yougts, and milkshakes. (Found out it was milk and wheat that has been causing my IBS for months. Why me? ) At least i have something in common with David.
                      The tablets were probably LactAid, or an equivalent product. It contains an enzyme that pre-digests the lactose. I take them myself.

                      Another milk substitute is Rice Dreams, a product made from rice, if you can find it.

                      Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post
                      I just hope SGA will not become the unloved middle child now. They deserve more. This was supposed to be their chance now. It was always my impression that when SGA begun TPTB still focussed on SG1. Even though I was happy that SG1 ended, I also saw it as a chance for SGA, which should have the attention of TPTB now. Let's just hope they don't concentrate on the new series too much now!
                      Me, too. I always thought Star Trek: Deep Space Nine suffered because it never had a season to itself to build up its own audience. There was The Next Generation overlapping the beginning of its run and Voyager at the end. Corporate greed, I say.

                      I think Atlantis will get at least its season 4 to itself. As a mainly Atlantis fan, even SG1 overlap annoys me. I hated when Worf joined the crew of Deep Space Nine. If they wanted a Klingon, why could we have a new one?

                      I was looking for a season of stability after the news of SG1's cancellation. I didn't want the big shakeups planned.

                      In more OT, I had ADB flyers at Kate Hewlett's NYC play reading, so I think that's me she's referring to in her latest blog entry. I was going to put them on the seats before the show, but then I thought it would seem like Kate was doing it. After the play when we all were mingling, if the topic came up, I handed the person a flyer.

                      Thunks from The Tao of Rodney.

                      My kind of guy:
                      "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                      Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                      (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                        Originally posted by watcher652 View Post
                        Is there a quicker way to quote multiple posts? I cut and paste each one in.
                        Yes, the cut&paste times are over at GW. At the end of each post there's this small button between the 'Quote' and the 'Quickreply' button, that's the multiquote button. Click on it on every post you want to quote, it will become red. And when you're done you click on 'Quote' on one of the posts as usual, and voila, in the reply window you'll find all the quotes from all the posts you tagged.
                        In more OT, I had ADB flyers at Kate Hewlett's NYC play reading, so I think that's me she's referring to in her latest blog entry.
                        I just read her new blog entry, and yes, sounds as if she means you! Congrats!

                        She's so sweet!

                        Bye, A., off to breakfast
                        Last edited by Arlessiar; 16 December 2006, 02:56 AM.
                        ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                        ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                          *sigh* I knew it wouldn't be long before the episode discussion thread was full of "McKay is so annoying blah, blah, blah... although I have to admit I didn't see the Ship hating posts coming, GW is a funny old place sometimes. Oh well I can put this episode behind me and move on to the next disaster. Yep, still not seeing the love.

                          So I will post this my fave cap from Tao of Rodney...sorry if it has been posted already. Why does photobucket keep bloody changing their fraking layout!!!

                          This kind of sums up how I feel about the eppy.


                            Sue, congrats on 7000 posts!

                            Originally posted by sueKay View Post
                            I asked him what musical instruments he can play (cos I tend to swoon over guys who are musically inclined)
                            Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post
                            Which is a good question I'd love to hear his answer to!
                            That makes three of us!

                            Originally posted by sueKay View Post
                            Too cool!

                            Apparently the ADB trailer was shown on ET Canada! Cool

                            (I don't know this was a blog alert)
                            Hooray! More promotion for ADB!

                            Originally posted by watcher652 View Post
                            In more OT, I had ADB flyers at Kate Hewlett's NYC play reading, so I think that's me she's referring to in her latest blog entry.
                            So that was you she mentioned in her blog, cool!

                            sig by Pandora's_Box


                              Can anybody get on to David's site? I keep getting a forbidden message
                              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                                Maybe he's updating it.

                                "I just hated away the fact that I give a s***" - Dave from Nothing

                                My clone:
                                Courtesy of the Mckay/Hewlett Thunk Thread

