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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
    Ask David Hewlett a question.
    I remember they did this before but I had only just joined GW and missed submitting a question oh well you have until this Friday! This Friday!!!
    Only until Friday? I have no idea what to ask him yet. Or let's say, I don't have any good and unique ideas. All I can think of are lame standard questions.

    I hope no-one asks "Why are you so awesome?"

    Originally posted by gravelgerdie View Post
    DH did an awesome job in this episode....
    That he did.
    And I just read a transcript of "TTOR", and I saw some of David's lines written down... I can tell you, that's so much, seeing it as a text is worse than just hearing it! One time it was one huge text block, so long, so many lines, I have no idea how he memorised that. *admires DH even more*

    Bye, A.
    ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
    ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


      About TTOR and Ronon

      Rodney hugged Ronon and used his healing ability to remove Ronon's scars...he asked Ronon about the scars first to see if Ronon wanted to keep them or not
      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


        Originally posted by Aurore View Post
        I've just watched The Tao of Rodney and I think I've just died and gone to heaven.
        It had begun with M&MM, but TTOR was the ep I no longer hoped to see one day.
        My words exactly, TTOR is the ep I always wanted to see but really didn't expect to see one day. I'm so happy that I was wrong.

        I've started to cry
        when Rodney hugs Ronon. Someone said he healed Ronon's scars? I didn't understand that at all!
        What I understood is that maybe asking about Ronon's scars was a way for Rodney to understand how he felt about his (Kolya).
        Well, Rodney actually says that he
        healed the scars, right before he walks away. And he asked how Ronon felt about his scars before to find out if it is ok to heal them.

        But I also agree with the rest you said, I also immediately thought
        of Kolya and the torture, and I can imagine that Rodney also wanted to talk about this with Ronon because he probably still has problems to deal with what was done to him, and his own scar is probably a constant bad reminder. So maybe he also wanted to hear how Ronon deals with his scars.

        Hmm, now I wonder if Rodney healed his own scar, too, while he was capable of doing so.

        In fact I wonder if he changed anything about his body while he could, like the hypoglycemia or the citrus allergy (if he has it, still not really canon), or the receeding hairline (oh wait, that was David who hated that *g*) or something else he maybe didn't like about himself.

        Hey, that's a little bit like "Nothing", not? He can make some of those things he hates disappear!

        Bye, A.
        ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
        ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


          David just posted a new entry on his website.

          Cute pic of him and Jane and Mars!

          The lost room ravings

          Bye, A.
          Last edited by Arlessiar; 13 December 2006, 02:08 PM.
          ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
          ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


            Originally posted by pavaneofstars View Post
            Oooh, missed that the first time around! And Teyla
            placed her hand on his leg in a gesture of comfort, as well.
            Yes, I noticed that too
            that Teyla put her hand on his leg (in fact I noticed that before I saw that Weir held his hand). So the two women are trying to comfort him, and other than the men they actually dare to touch him. Women do that. I can imagine that this way they can express their emotional support and compassion, and maybe they hope they can give him strength, or something that grounds him.

            When I watched the scene again (and again and again...) I found myself wishing to be Rachel Luttrell,
            because she could touch David's leg in that scene.
            No, really, I suddenly envied her because she's around him physically for days on end, because it's completely normal for her to be around him and touch him like I touch a good friend or colleague or a family member every day. He's real for her, because she's sees him every day, because he's her friend, while he's just a guy on TV or on a pic for me. I guess that's why conventions are so great - for one short moment this person you admire is incredibly real just because you suddenly share one room, the person's actually there and for a very short moment a part of your own life.

            I guess my babbling makes no sense, it's hard to describe.

            By the way, did anyone else who saw TTRO think that when we see Rodney
            being so happy about his superpowers,
            we also can see a lot of David Hewlett himself in Rodney? Yeah, I know, since David plays Rodney there's always a little bit of David in Rodney. Gestures and facial expressions and other things, but most of the time when I see the show I only see Rodney, the character David plays so well and who is nothing like him. David's acting is wonderful, and although he's also a geek and has allergies and can be snarky, he's still completely different from the character he plays. But from time to time there are scenes in which David's character shines through, involuntarily I guess. I think that was the case in some scenes in the first half of TTOR,
            when Rodney is so happy about his powers and laughing so much. Just take the doughnut scene for example.
            I thought "that looks and sounds like David" sometimes. Don't get me wrong, not because David's acting was bad in that scene, but only because I think a part of David's own personality became very visible in these scenes.

            Ok, another thing that is hard to explain. Shutting up now.

            Bye, A.
            ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
            ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


              I watched again last night, I was less tired

              My thoughts on Tao of Rodney and a minor RANT! about SGA

              Yes David was his usual great acting self but I didn't feel emotional on first viewing and I certainly didn't on the second viewing. *well not unless wanting to throttle his team mates counts*

              You know I think it is the little pissy things his so-called team mates said after that I just can't see them as caring that much so all the love in the room is background noise to me. I understand why DK wrote them in that way, but after M&MM it just added to my hate of those moments and his team... his team by the way who are not eating with him, his team who when he came back from rescuing Lorne point blank thought him a lier or worse mad! I mean they didn't even for one second think he may be telling the truth and given what just happened to him *and it being the PG* I don't see why they would have such huge doubts unless they really don't trust him and you can't love *respect* someone if you don't trust them.. not in a healthy relationship anyway. Also Teyla's face alone had me wanting to switch off the second time I viewed (I missed it the first time) the contempt she had for him. Yeah so much team love.

              As a Slasher I can see John loves Rodney but as a McKay fan and one who has major problems with SGA atm I just see an episode where they bring McKay down only to have him being the one to climb back up, but in order to do that he has to "release his burden" but I didn't see a two way street... no one else "released" anything to Rodney, no one seriously sat down one on one with the man and said they cared and loved him *did I miss that?* I don't think the bed scene was as genuine as others do; it all felt like manipulation not only of McKay but of the viewer, namely me! Anyway here it didn't work, I just find myself wondering why they wasted such a great opportunity to really have an emotional episode with real bonding, this was an attempt but to me IMHO it failed.

              In fact on second viewing I like it less, and for anyone who has seen Red Dwarf... the confusions of love had me thinking of the ep where Rimmer is made to feel loved so they can all survive... McKay is the one to save their collective butts on most occasions so maybe we really just have the same thing here. They have to save him or they may die too. *just a cynical thought*

              Now my SGA spoilers just rant.

              On the reset button. I hate it, I see no reason for it. If SGA wants to be a great show then its characters need to be able to grow and change *for good and bad* we don't see that, unless it is McKay, but only for a short time is he ever allowed to be the nice one before the reset button is pressed and anyway we all know *yes I do know* he is the love to hate character on the show so really having you hate him for something he does really doesn't count. And he is human so even he will be nice occasionally.

              I seriously don't know if I can watch season 4, so many changes and yet the one thing IMHO that needs to change about SGA will not. We will not see real consequences for actions carried through from one episode to the next, we will have "from out of the blue" a throw back to a distant ep to explain why such and such is happening now, but we will never get to know what the emotional impact of that event had on them.

              This one is great for slash and great for fics and vids *I have to make a new one* but really for me it is the same old same old.


                I watched again last night, I was less tired but um, guys I just am not seeing it like you, I didn't know where to post about it so I chose the Discussion and Appreciation thread as it is my appreciation of McKay that gets so sorely tested by this episode.

                My post here: RANT!


                  Originally posted by sueKay View Post
                  About TTOR and Ronon

                  Rodney hugged Ronon and used his healing ability to remove Ronon's scars...he asked Ronon about the scars first to see if Ronon wanted to keep them or not

                  Wasn't that just awesome
                  at first I was like hmmmm what is he going to do with Ronon and then when they hugged I was like awwwwww and smiling.. then when Rodney said he healed Ronons scars I had tears in my eyes

                  By Kidwizz

                  By JessM


                    Does anyone know the TV show David mentions in his new post at his website (I posted link a few posts ago)? "The lost room" - seems David's really excited about this show and likes it a lot when he was too distracted by it to walk his dog! Poor Mars! Bad David!

                    Bye, A.
                    ~°~Dr. Rodney McKay ~°~ Dr. Carson Beckett ~°~ McKay/Sheppard ~°
                    ~*~ David Hewlett fan ~*~


                      Originally posted by Arlessiar View Post
                      Does anyone know the TV show David mentions in his new post at his website (I posted link a few posts ago)? "The lost room" - seems David's really excited about this show and likes it a lot when he was too distracted by it to walk his dog! Poor Mars! Bad David!

                      Bye, A.

                      It's a mini series on SciFi

                      I didn't watch it. I usually watch last night's Daily Show/Colbert Report when it's on. Apparently, he & Jane said it was good.
                      Sig by im_meli
                      More random Hewlett nerdery on my LJ


                        Never heard of it, must be really new. Will have to check it out I suppose.

                        I asked my question, I know it has been asked before but I am hoping he may give a better answer then the one I read and it will help promote his movie! I don't want to win a mouse pad. I actually wanted to add another part to my question about whether he learned or received any tips from Vincenzo on Directing... so if anyone can't think of anything to ask *poke, poke*


                          Originally posted by Mercury973 View Post
                          It's a mini series on SciFi

                          I didn't watch it. I usually watch last night's Daily Show/Colbert Report when it's on. Apparently, he & Jane said it was good.
                          I watched part 2 last night and part 3 is on tonight. Missed part 1. David is right, it is a good show, one of Scifi's better ones that is for sure
                          When does David find time to watch TV?



                            I'm thinking of asking what his next project's gonna be, and if he'll be writing/directing/producing/acting in it.
                            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)



                              TOR spoilers

                              I just noticed, in Rodney's first chair scene, he says 'I know...awesome isn't it'

                              think Kindler put that in there on purpose? lol!
                              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                                I made iconses!!!

                                Spoilers for TOR!


                                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)

