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Rodney McKay/David Hewlett Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by watcher652 View Post
    Over at the message board, David will be doing a video Q&A answering fan questions. You can submit your questions here. You have be a SciFi member to post.

    Too bad the forum is called "Stargate SG-1". I guess it would be too hard to add "and Atlantis" to the forum name. Or, since thre's a new series in the works, they should just call it "Stargate".

    Joe already has 2 pages of questions. Let's think up some good ones for David, not the old ones of "what's your favorite episode" or "can you tell us about some jokes or pranks on the set."
    Well I asked him my question *and he answered it! when he did this on GW*

    I am fresh out of questions and beside seriously you want me to join Skiffy? Oh well I suppose we have to see this as a good thing; I am assuming this is all part of the promotion of Stargate Atlantis... at least it has some promotion this season. I am also not surprised there are more pages for Joe as... well lets be honest we are so lucky with the connection we get with teh Hewlett, we don't even have to ask him, he just tells us *mostly* on his site!

    I bet someone asks him if he is really allergic to lemons.

    OK I posted a dam question. Well two just in case ADB ones are not allowed.
    Last edited by Willow'sCat; 28 September 2007, 02:01 AM.


      Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
      I bet someone asks him if he is really allergic to lemons.
      I wonder how many times he's been asked that!

      He seemed to take it in his stride at P2 - regaling us with his pineapple allergy story - but it must start to get on his nerves.

      And i wonder if anyone will ask "How are you so awesome?"
      The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

      l My LJ l


        Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
        I wish I was more excited about the premiere of the season, I do want to see the differences between the leaked eps and the proper ones but I already know what will happen in both openers. I am not sure what I think of the trailers where Rodney is concerned. You say whump I say humiliation. *shrugs*
        Willow, I agree with you in many things as you know. But I haven´t seen S4 yet, except first two episodes, where, OK, happened what happened. But I take first two episodes like continuation of previous season and new starts with third episode. At least I take it like that.
        I haven´t seen humilition in the trailers but it can end up like that. The point is, that I don´t know it. So I think I will start to look forward *shrugs*

        Hands and much more

        "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


          Originally posted by Squonk View Post
          I wonder how many times he's been asked that!
          I know it is even in the extras for season 3s SGA DVD. There are some questions there on Skiffy I could answer for him, hmm I forget as a DH fan just how much I bloody know about this guy.

          I edited my post to say I did ask a couple of questions.


            I think fair questions would be:
            "Don´t you mind that authors humiliate your character so much that it becomes almost unbearable?" or
            "Will we see finally some serious moments for Rodney without the others to make fun from him?"

            I am trying to prepare questions for him, if he would get here next year I mean, Czech fans, Czech site...unusual questions

            "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


              Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
              I haven´t seen humilition in the trailers but it can end up like that. The point is, that I don´t know it. So I think I will start to look forward *shrugs*
              I think Doppelganger
              will show us McKay's insecurities... I think that will mean some humiliation. But then there are people out there who don't even think the cafeteria scenes in M&MM were humiliating (just kind of funny) so it all depends on how you watch it.

              The (trailer) scene with Sheppard in the rowboat is pretty much showing us a unhappy humiliated human being... well as much as two seconds of video can.

              btw, I loved both openers
              I see nothing in them to worry about where McKay is concerned. I was so happy in fact with 90% of what McKay did, it even made sense for a change.


                Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
                I think fair questions would be:
                "Don´t you mind that authors humiliate your character so much that it becomes almost unbearable?" or
                "Will we see finally some serious moments for Rodney without the others to make fun from him?"

                I am trying to prepare questions for him, if he would get here next year I mean, Czech fans, Czech site...unusual questions
                Did you read my questions? I asked that in a slightly nicer way you catch more flies with honey... though why you would want to catch flies?


                  You know how we all watch Atlantis but it doesn't count because we aren't one of those people the Nielsen ratings are using? Well, it looks like the Nielsen company is joining the modern age and has a beta website called "Hey, Nielsen" where it solicits your opinion on various categories like TV, movies and music. It looks like it's kind of like digg where opinions increase the ranking.

                  I haven't had the time to try it yet, but I thought it might be a good place to plug Atlantis and A Dog's Breakfast. I'm giving you all a heads up in case you want to try it out and report back your experiences. I'll be trying this out this weekend when I've had a chance to read up on it and make my vote count the best way.

                  Here's the link to A Dog's Breakfast. No opinions yet!

                  Link to Stargate Atlantis. I going to see the Season 4 premiere first so I have something good to back my opinion.

                  Wow, I knew people liked "Supernatural". Or they heard about this site first and started spreading the word among their fandom. It's #1 right now in the overall standings. At least Atlantis is in the top 20. Wait til word gets around about this site. Rankings are here. Based on the member list, the first person registered on Thursday, 9/27.

                  Although I can't find the tech specs, I think this is a Flash site.
                  Last edited by watcher652; 28 September 2007, 02:32 AM.

                  My kind of guy:
                  "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                  Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                  (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                    Doppleganger should be about insecurities of all of them
                    so I can´t see a problem in it. We can´t want that they will stop showing vulareble side of him, I like it when they do it carefully.

                    I didn´t speak about Adrift but about Lifeline. I loved him in Adrift, how he was helping Sheppard in command, how he flew the Jumper. But in Lifeline...Rodney was OK, I just wanted to kill Sheppard there

                    "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


                      Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                      Did you read my questions? I asked that in a slightly nicer way you catch more flies with honey... though why you would want to catch flies?
                      I just did Well, I am not sure if he will answer how we want or if he will answer at all. I will ask him straight, when I get a chance Not offensive or so, and of course, little different than I wrote above but still...I want a straight answer so I have to ask straight. It would be in our Czech site anyway so there is a chance that he would at least try to answer

                      "No dictator, no invader, can hold an imprisoned population by the force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power governments, and tyrants, and armies can not stand." - G´Kar, Babylon 5


                        Originally posted by Willow'sCat View Post
                        I think Doppelganger
                        will show us McKay's insecurities... I think that will mean some humiliation. But then there are people out there who don't even think the cafeteria scenes in M&MM were humiliating (just kind of funny) so it all depends on how you watch it.

                        The (trailer) scene with Sheppard in the rowboat is pretty much showing us a unhappy humiliated human being... well as much as two seconds of video can.

                        btw, I loved both openers
                        I see nothing in them to worry about where McKay is concerned. I was so happy in fact with 90% of what McKay did, it even made sense for a change.
                        ok now youve got me worried about D/ganger, actually come to think of it im worried period.

                        someone mentioned season 4 spoiler

                        that katie and rodney split up this season. this worries me as the thought of them together, though not particulaly to my taste is better than having no block for the mckay/carter love fest i feel humming in the back ground.

                        i cant see why a hot alien priestess wouldnt choose mckay 1st, come on those eyes, those shoulders and that ass id choose him first in a heartbeat
                        banner by Pandoras-box


                          Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
                          Doppleganger should be about insecurities of all of them
                          so I can´t see a problem in it. We can´t want that they will stop showing vulareble side of him, I like it when they do it carefully.
                          I agree with that as you say...
                          ...DG will show all their insecurities, no-one will be any more or less "humiliated" than anyone else as far as i can see.

                          Besides, from some of the spoilers, it looks as though McKay may come through in the heroism stakes in this one too.

                          I'm really looking forward to it
                          The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the devil's own satanic herd

                          l My LJ l


                            Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
                            Doppleganger should be about insecurities of all of them
                            so I can´t see a problem in it. We can´t want that they will stop showing vulareble side of him, I like it when they do it carefully.

                            I didn´t speak about Adrift but about Lifeline. I loved him in Adrift, how he was helping Sheppard in command, how he flew the Jumper. But in Lifeline...Rodney was OK, I just wanted to kill Sheppard there
                            Well I loved both eps but for different McKay reasons.

                            On Doppleganger...
                            I just don't see McKay's insecurities being played with nicely or as you say carefully.

                            And in comparison to the other team members? There is a different kind of equal when it comes to McKay. We will never see happen to Teyla/Ronon or Sheppard; what happened to McKay in M&MM. It will never be about having the shoe on the other foot. McKay is written to be the joke character, you are allowed (given permission) to laugh at him, the other characters you can laugh with them but usually never at them. Even the couple of times you could laugh at Sheppard were shot lived, the most laughable thing about Sheppard is he thinks he is in control of Atlantis but he has never had any control.

                            It is not equal. That is the real problem I have with the so-called TEAM and with what I think this ep will do for team relations.

                            But you can hold out hope, I wish I still had some left.


                              Originally posted by Klenotka View Post
                              Willow, I agree with you in many things as you know. But I haven´t seen S4 yet, except first two episodes, where, OK, happened what happened. But I take first two episodes like continuation of previous season and new starts with third episode. At least I take it like that.
                              I haven´t seen humilition in the trailers but it can end up like that. The point is, that I don´t know it. So I think I will start to look forward *shrugs*
                              ok, am I missing something? When did you see first two episodes of S4, if it aires tonight? Or are you talking about the trailers?

                              And Willow, I know what you mean about McKay being the joke character and all, but I have to disagree with you...he is an equal member of the team. I know the joke is always on him, but that's just because he's an easy target or whatever the term is. Don't you guys its best to remember the "good" moments instead of the "bad" ones? All I can remember is the end of TOR
                              where everyone is so sad, when mckay is about to die

                              and it makes my day every time.

                              If you wait to see the bad stuff happening, than all you can see is the bad stuff.
                              Just so I'm not completely off topic:
                              "What makes life worth living is knowing that one day you'll wake up and find the person that makes you happier than anything in the whole world. So don't ever lose hope and give up, everything turns out okay and the good guy always wins."


                                Originally posted by TMG View Post
                                Hewlett interview at

                                Great intro to the article.
                                He's a filmmaker, a writer, a rapper and — oh, yeah — David Hewlett plays arrogant scientist Rodney McKay on Stargate Atlantis. We talked to the droll Canadian about A Dog's Breakfast, the indie he wrote and stars in that just arrived on DVD, as well as the fourth season of Atlantis, premiering tonight at 10 pm/ET on Sci Fi Channel.
                                I think that's the first time I've seen David referred to as "droll".

                                Looks like David did this interview about a month ago since he says Jane has a month to go before the baby's born.

                       Why make a movie?
                                Hewlett: I wanted to try directing. And then I dragged in Jane Loughman [Hewlett's fiancée], who is not only producing the movie but is also producing my first child. We're a month away from baby No. 1.
                                Two things here. Jane is David's fiancée, not wife in this article. And, baby No. 1 implies there are thoughts about a baby no. 2 and maybe more. I remember an early magazine interview where David said he wanted lots of kids. He wanted enough to form his own sports team, but I can't remember which sport it was. Maybe it was hockey? That's 6 on the ice at one time. Basketball is 5, but I think hockey would be the sport that David would cite.

                                As the title of the article states, David spills some Stargate secrets so avoid the article if you're spoiler-phobic.

                                My kind of guy:
                                "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                                Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                                (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).

