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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
    Ship Wars? I see no ship wars I only see disagreement. I've seen worst in the past from sparky/sheyla shippers this is nothing.

    I just noticed this about GITM. It has more posts than any other episode in s5, and has more views than any other episode in s5. That says a lot considering that it was just shown on Friday. Nobody cares about Elizabeth, right.
    I noticed that about GITM. Lots of interest.

    And for ship wars, all the heavy hitters are gone. *remembers S2*

    Originally posted by muffinnuffin View Post
    *can't see it at all*

    Am I alone?
    No, you're not.

    Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
    Nope, still nothin'. He's a hairless boy. Sorry.

    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


      Originally posted by SoulSpinder View Post
      Carson would blush, tap Rodney on the shoulder. Teyla would get that little coy smile of hers, and Ronon would cross his arms and grin, egging John on.

      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
      I noticed that about GITM. Lots of interest.
      On a hunch, I just checked the iTunes Store. GitM is currently ranked #8 on the Top TV Episodes list.

      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
      Nope, still nothin'. He's a hairless boy. Sorry.
      He's a competitive swimmer. They shave.

      But yeah, I prefer a little bit o'fuzz. JoeF's is perfect.
      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


        A few people were asking about high-res screen caps for GitM earlier in the week... Crystal Fires Cap Archives now has caps for GitM (and the previous 4 episode) here. (scroll down the page a bit; each episode is in .zip format)
        (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
        Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


          Very handy, thanks SK! *hugs upon*

          ...I just realized that typos in that request made it sound way too pushy, self-centered, and wrong. *hangs head in shame* I'm sorry. It wasn't meant that way! x.x my head's just not all here... I've been sick and probably shouldn't still be up. x.x
          Last edited by SoulSpinder; 19 August 2008, 08:27 PM.
          "Scientists say juggling is good for the brain....Or...was that...Jelllll-o?


            I just watched gitm again on my iphone (I'm on it now lol though I'm meant to be watching a video in goegraphy.
            I rewatched the look scene and now I kinda don't think she was meant to leave. She stepped forward and said 'I'll go first' then he immediately stepped forward with that heartbreaking look, it was kind of like 'oh no what's she doing!?' and then that look was like 'I'm sorry' from Elizabeth and 'omg it's her! I'm gunna lose her!' from john. I dunno. What do u guys think?


              Originally posted by amz_123 View Post
              I just watched gitm again on my iphone (I'm on it now lol though I'm meant to be watching a video in goegraphy.
              I rewatched the look scene and now I kinda don't think she was meant to leave. She stepped forward and said 'I'll go first' then he immediately stepped forward with that heartbreaking look, it was kind of like 'oh no what's she doing!?' and then that look was like 'I'm sorry' from Elizabeth and 'omg it's her! I'm gunna lose her!' from john. I dunno. What do u guys think?

              AHHH!!! OMG I LOVE YOU FOR THIS THEORY. Why? because it makes it even more heartbreaking.
              I'm not exactly sure what John wanted to do when he stepped forward. Did he want to say goodbye? did he want to hug her? did he want to say something? did he want stop her? It's like he had to move he couldn't stay still. It's like he wanted to get a closer look at Elizabeth, be closer to her then anyone was at that time. It's like he wanted to be closer to her one last time. OH JOHN!
              My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                A few people were asking about high-res screen caps for GitM earlier in the week... Crystal Fires Cap Archives now has caps for GitM (and the previous 4 episode) here. (scroll down the page a bit; each episode is in .zip format)
                » That's where I got mine from *g* They're awesome.


                  Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                  » That's where I got mine from *g* They're awesome.
                  Yes, they are. I wish she'd do more from SG-1; I'd love to get some better caps of New Order. 'Cause, well, you can never have too much Lizzeh suit!p0rn.
                  (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                  Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                    Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
                    AHHH!!! OMG I LOVE YOU FOR THIS THEORY. Why? because it makes it even more heartbreaking.
                    I'm not exactly sure what John wanted to do when he stepped forward. Did he want to say goodbye? did he want to hug her? did he want to say something? did he want stop her? It's like he had to move he couldn't stay still. It's like he wanted to get a closer look at Elizabeth, be closer to her then anyone was at that time. It's like he wanted to be closer to her one last time. OH JOHN!
                    Well the first time I watched, it I was like 'Why the heck is he stepping forward and NOT doing/saying nothing?!?!', At first I thought he was gunna say something or yeah hug her but it was kinda like he was gunna stop her (like she wasn't meant to go) but then caught himself cause if he stopped her he would have revealed the plan. The look was like 'OMG No!' and their look was like an apology/plea, there's just something about it that it isn't just a goodbye look. I'm watching it again with Dad on TV now so I'll be back later probably...
                    OMG just got up to the bit where they find Franibeth in the lab. When the doors open and they see her, John is the only one that lowers his gun! And when they're all talking John gives her the once over even if he is just looking at her new body.


                      Nope, still not done with GitM!

                      I'm fully aware I might be poking into a hornet nest, but really I want only a normal discussion. My question - would any of you prefer Michelle Morgan stay Elizabeth Weir or would you prefer Torri Higginson back. I loved Torri Higginson's portrayal of Weir, she did an excellent job to a character that would inherently lack the dynamic of the other ones. But she managed to make her dynamic, intriguing, interesting and yes, attractive. I really hated it when she left Atlantis.

                      However, with things having gone the way they have, I'm actually glad it was not Torri that portrayed Weir in GitM. Had Torri done it, it would not have been as emotional and heart-wrenching as it was. The added tension and angst in having to prove it really was her, for the team (and us) to connect the new body, new face and new voice with Elizabeth, took GitM one level further.

                      But now what? Original Weir of Fran Weir? I think Fran Weir has more to offer as far as the story goes. It's up to the writers (uh oh...) to realize on that potential, but (since this *is* Shep/Weir thread) how would John act if she stayed in Fran's body? He cares for her deeply, that much is more than obvious, even if she's in a replicator body. What if at some point in the future, she returned and made a human body for her, but it could look only like Fran. Michelle Morgan looks different than Torri, but they are both very unique, intriguing and a type of beautiful that is beyond what would be considered a pretty face. Alike, but still very different.

                      How would John take it? What would he do. I think Weir is such a big part of him, right down in his essence (I think GitM made that very clear), it would make for a very interesting storyline.

                      I hope some plot bunnies popped up in some heads around here
                      Last edited by MatroxMeteor; 20 August 2008, 04:58 AM. Reason: Spoiler tagging


                        Originally posted by amz_123 View Post
                        I just watched gitm again on my iphone (I'm on it now lol though I'm meant to be watching a video in goegraphy.
                        I rewatched the look scene and now I kinda don't think she was meant to leave. She stepped forward and said 'I'll go first' then he immediately stepped forward with that heartbreaking look, it was kind of like 'oh no what's she doing!?' and then that look was like 'I'm sorry' from Elizabeth and 'omg it's her! I'm gunna lose her!' from john. I dunno. What do u guys think?
                        OMG I didn't think of that. You are a genius. *runs to rewatch scene*

                        Originally posted by amz_123 View Post
                        Well the first time I watched, it I was like 'Why the heck is he stepping forward and NOT doing/saying nothing?!?!', At first I thought he was gunna say something or yeah hug her but it was kinda like he was gunna stop her (like she wasn't meant to go) but then caught himself cause if he stopped her he would have revealed the plan. The look was like 'OMG No!' and their look was like an apology/plea, there's just something about it that it isn't just a goodbye look. I'm watching it again with Dad on TV now so I'll be back later probably...
                        OMG just got up to the bit where they find Franibeth in the lab. When the doors open and they see her, John is the only one that lowers his gun! And when they're all talking John gives her the once over even if he is just looking at her new body.
                        You could certainly argue this. Try the GitM thread, if you still feel brave. LOL. And I noticed that John lowered his gun first. He also gave her the up and down several times.

                        Originally posted by MatroxMeteor View Post
                        Nope, still not done with GitM!

                        I'm fully aware I might be poking into a hornet nest, but really I want only a normal discussion. My question - would any of you prefer Michelle Morgan stay Elizabeth Weir or would you prefer Torri Higginson back. I loved Torri Higginson's portrayal of Weir, she did an excellent job to a character that would inherently lack the dynamic of the other ones. But she managed to make her dynamic, intriguing, interesting and yes, attractive. I really hated it when she left Atlantis.

                        However, with things having gone the way they have, I'm actually glad it was not Torri that portrayed Weir in GitM. Had Torri done it, it would not have been as emotional and heart-wrenching as it was. The added tension and angst in having to prove it really was her, for the team (and us) to connect the new body, new face and new voice with Elizabeth, took GitM one level further.

                        But now what? Original Weir of Fran Weir? I think Fran Weir has more to offer as far as the story goes. It's up to the writers (uh oh...) to realize on that potential, but (since this *is* Shep/Weir thread) how would John act if she stayed in Fran's body? He cares for her deeply, that much is more than obvious, even if she's in a replicator body. What if at some point in the future, she returned and made a human body for her, but it could look only like Fran. Michelle Morgan looks different than Torri, but they are both very unique, intriguing and a type of beautiful that is beyond what would be considered a pretty face. Alike, but still very different.

                        How would John take it? What would he do. I think Weir is such a big part of him, right down in his essence (I think GitM made that very clear), it would make for a very interesting storyline.

                        I hope some plot bunnies popped up in some heads around here
                        *pokes hornet's nest with a stick* You should probably spoiler tag that.

                        I love Franibeth. But I can understand why some Torri fans don't. I could accept Michelle with no problem. As for John, I think considering how he reacted, that he could also. He seemed to be able to see beyond her outward appearance. Notice how for most of the time he looks her in the eyes just like he did Elizabeth. In fact when I was running through all the possible scenarios that could happen before this aired, I imagined John looking in her eyes and seeing the real Elizabeth. That was a fantasy of mine, and what we got was pretty darn close.

                        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                          Originally posted by MatroxMeteor View Post
                          My question - would any of you prefer Michelle Morgan stay Elizabeth Weir or would you prefer Torri Higginson back.
                          Michelle herself wants to be Fran again if she should ever return in a storyline, and I completely agree. I want MM as Fran, and Torri as Elizabeth.

                          If they do keep Michelle as Franibeth for more than a few episodes, it may seem like it wasn't about removing the character, but more about the actress who portrayed her. Just my two cents.

                          BUT *don't kill me here* I kinda like the view of Sparky 2.0 - Franibeth and John. I'm a multi-shipper apparently.
                          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                            Originally posted by MatroxMeteor View Post
                            Nope, still not done with GitM!

                            I'm fully aware I might be poking into a hornet nest, but really I want only a normal discussion. My question - would any of you prefer Michelle Morgan stay Elizabeth Weir or would you prefer Torri Higginson back. I loved Torri Higginson's portrayal of Weir, she did an excellent job to a character that would inherently lack the dynamic of the other ones. But she managed to make her dynamic, intriguing, interesting and yes, attractive. I really hated it when she left Atlantis.

                            However, with things having gone the way they have, I'm actually glad it was not Torri that portrayed Weir in GitM. Had Torri done it, it would not have been as emotional and heart-wrenching as it was. The added tension and angst in having to prove it really was her, for the team (and us) to connect the new body, new face and new voice with Elizabeth, took GitM one level further.

                            But now what? Original Weir of Fran Weir? I think Fran Weir has more to offer as far as the story goes. It's up to the writers (uh oh...) to realize on that potential, but (since this *is* Shep/Weir thread) how would John act if she stayed in Fran's body? He cares for her deeply, that much is more than obvious, even if she's in a replicator body. What if at some point in the future, she returned and made a human body for her, but it could look only like Fran. Michelle Morgan looks different than Torri, but they are both very unique, intriguing and a type of beautiful that is beyond what would be considered a pretty face. Alike, but still very different.

                            How would John take it? What would he do. I think Weir is such a big part of him, right down in his essence (I think GitM made that very clear), it would make for a very interesting storyline.

                            I hope some plot bunnies popped up in some heads around here
                            My thoughts
                            I know I'd be ok with MM as Elizabeth, but I also know some others would not. It's easier for me to watch these episode with MM because somehow it made it less heart breaking, whereas with Torri's Elizabeth, I would not be able to watch it at all. I think in the Sparky context, at least for me, John is able to see her "soul" and understand that it is Elizabeth.
                            sig made by me


                              Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
                              My thoughts
                              I know I'd be ok with MM as Elizabeth, but I also know some others would not. It's easier for me to watch these episode with MM because somehow it made it less heart breaking, whereas with Torri's Elizabeth, I would not be able to watch it at all. I think in the Sparky context, at least for me, John is able to see her "soul" and understand that it is Elizabeth.
                              I meant to make the same point.
                              I would not have survived watching Torri in GitM. I literally would still be curled up in a fetal position. If even non-shippers say John was heartbroken, just imagine how they would have reacted if it had been the real Elizabeth.

                              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                                Originally posted by amz_123 View Post
                                Well the first time I watched, it I was like 'Why the heck is he stepping forward and NOT doing/saying nothing?!?!', At first I thought he was gunna say something or yeah hug her but it was kinda like he was gunna stop her (like she wasn't meant to go) but then caught himself cause if he stopped her he would have revealed the plan. The look was like 'OMG No!' and their look was like an apology/plea, there's just something about it that it isn't just a goodbye look. I'm watching it again with Dad on TV now so I'll be back later probably...
                                OMG just got up to the bit where they find Franibeth in the lab. When the doors open and they see her, John is the only one that lowers his gun! And when they're all talking John gives her the once over even if he is just looking at her new body.
                                I love this theory!!! I did not notice even after thee viewings John lowering his gun first. So now I must re-watch.
                                sig made by me

