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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
    Rewrite of John's hallucination? Elizabeth shows up instead of Ford? Or John's having dinner with Elizabeth instead of Teyla?
    Or even have Teyla turn into Ford then into Weir

    Then he starts to wake up and.....
    R: Dude, you've got something else sticking out of you now. Let me just see what...
    J: No! Leave it!
    the beam starts to spontaneously lift off by itself

    That last bit probably wouldn't make the final cut

    You know, it's funny how Elizabeth always looked really fabulous in the second half of the seasons.

    And oh! Another favorite Elizabeth look that I forgot to mention earlier: Repli!Weir from BAMSR. The leather jacket of ultimate hotness. Need I say more?
    I like her look in both halves - the top and the bottom

    If you haven't found it already, I'd recommend the fanfic by Domenika Marzione (her newest things are on her LJ). Most of her stories focus on the exact issues you've noted.
    Cheers for that I'm just reading a Shep/Lorne fic now. Fav line so far: "Darwin don't want you having kids."

    Keller/Kavanaugh? Gee, isn't that a violation of the Geneva Convention?
    I feel violated just thinking about it

    Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
    OMFG I love that picture. And yeah, Ronon was PISSED. Too bad he never got to get his hands on Kolya... the kind of death that Ronon would've given him would've been infinitely better than the cop-out we got in Irresponsible.
    The ep with Koyla's demise was so boring I actually fell asleep and woke up near the end, after the part where he died. I didn't even realise he was in the ep until reading about it later on GW, so I actually had to go back and watch it. I think it was one of those ideas that looked good on the page, but just turned out so very very lame on screen. Plus the personal shield shouldn't have worked on Shep.

    I've always thought CG was one of the best demonstrations of why they needed a civilian leader, and why it needed to be Weir. Plus it had sparky overtones

    Re edit: that post seems a lot dirtier now. Beams, halves, violations. Pajus really has rubbed off on me
    Last edited by gateraid; 15 July 2008, 12:06 AM.


      *runs in ranting* How DARE they? I can't believe it...well actually I can...but it's just wrong and ugh! Just seen the pic of the SGA cast on with
      Woosely in the red patterned jacket! *snatches it on it* That was Elizabeth and besides that, red SO does NOT suit you! *stalks off*

      Originally posted by gateraid View Post

      I feel violated just thinking about it

      Isn't Kavanaugh/anyone a violation of the Geneva Conventions? LOL

      ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
      I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
      Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


        Originally posted by nogigglingmajor View Post
        Isn't Kavanaugh/anyone a violation of the Geneva Conventions? LOL
        *Thinks about Kavanagh!Weir!babies*


          Originally posted by Pajus View Post
          *Thinks about Kavanagh!Weir!babies*
          *is sick* *Is glad for the very first and only time that Elizabeth is not on Atlantis* *is sick again*

          ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
          I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
          Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


            Originally posted by Scary Kitty
            I'd also like a link to that interview. He's "learnt to watch what he says"? Oooh, I really don't like the sound of what he's implying.
            I read the interview not long ago on the Joe Flanigan thread, the link is there somewhere I will see if I can find it.

            It is a shame though that he needed to point that out. It makes you wonder what is going on behind the scenes.
            Last edited by tricia; 15 July 2008, 01:16 AM.


              Originally posted by tricia View Post
              I read the interview not long ago on the Joe Flanigan thread, the link is there somewhere I will see if I can find it.

              It is a shame though that he needed to point that out. It makes you wonder what is going on behind the scenes.
              In other words, Flanigan was told to watch it, or Sheppard gets a lethal alien STD (that WOULD make my day)


                BUMP FROM SECOND PAGE

                Ew...Woolsey in Elizabeth's jacket. That is just...wrong. I remember when Teyla wore the jacket once. I was not a happy shipper.


                Hehehe. Lethal alien STD. Wow. That was great!!


                  Awesome answers, guys! Thanks so much for playing! *teeth*

                  1) What is your favorite episode of SGA and why?

                  My hands down favorite is The Eye. Many of you know I watched the story out of order, so I saw the two horrible episodes of S3, then some of the back half of S2, then finally caught S1 on UHD--Universal High Def, where they played the show in the HD they film it in. I watched 38 Minutes, and then the rest of those first season episodes in sequence. I was still waffling a little on whether I really liked the show--I really liked Weir, and John--and then I saw The Storm. UHD played them once a week, so I had to wait a week for The Eye, and when I saw it I about had a conniption fit over how blatantly Sparky it was. I went out and purchased all 3 seasons on DVD and have been hooked ever since. Even though there are other episodes I enjoy, nothing will surpass The Eye as the best eppy of SGA for me. I even have it on my video iPod, and I rewatch it when I'm traveling or bored.

                  2) If you could re-write any episode to be more directly Sparky, what would it be and how would you change it?

                  Surprisingly enough, Common Ground. I thought it was very sparky, don't get me wrong, but the entire nature of the episode is tainted for me in not having a final Weir/Sheppard scene. It's not just Sparky, it's continuity. For as much as Kolya tortured both John and Elizabeth in that episode, I though Elizabeth needed some respite, too. For me, Weir, Sheppard and Kolya are eternally connected, and I would have liked to have seen the wrap-up scene there.

                  3) Do you have any other favorite couples on the base?

                  I do like Ronon/Teyla, though I'm not hugely Spanky. I love Lorne, but I've never seen a woman paired with him that seemed to work romantically. Teyla and Carson was super sweet, too.

                  4) Name the single most irritating scene in the whole of SGA canon.

                  I agree--the Tower scene with the girl stripping. That's about the most denigrating SGA ever got, and that's saying something.

                  5) What was your favorite Elizabeth look? Variate between S1-3 or if she wore civvies.

                  Loved the S3 look--I love long hair. But I give her a special thumbs up for the short hair stuff she pulled around The Eye through about the middle of S2. She looked good with a curly bob. And the scene in civvies in Intruder--she rocked there. I didn't fancy the straight hair or the look she had when it was growing out--I always wondered why they didn't just completely straighten it out, since the curls were hard to manage for a while. SGA's hair and makeup people must not work with women as much, because in the few episodes of SG-1 she did, she looked AMAZING. Why the difference?

                  6) What secondary characters (not main cast--from Lorne, Kate, Cadman, etc but can include Zelenka) deserved more 'alone' scenes with Elizabeth? With John? What would those scenes have been?

                  Much, much, much more Lorne. I would have liked to have seen John and Lorne pal around a bit more. And more of the female power thing--I'm glad we saw Kate chummy it up with Liz in Echoes. More Cadman would have been great--and I would have liked to see those secondary scientists, like Kusanagi, get some time with the boss. Sometimes I'll be watching a scene and notice the extras, and think 'you know, all these random people--do they interact with the heads?' There was an episode is S2 of Dr. Who where they told the story from the perspective of an outside observer--that would have been funny on SGA--having the story told by an expedition member watching what was going on in the background.

                  7) If you could fast-forward to the final episode, the one that wraps up the series, given the storyline as it is now how would you have it end?

                  Easy as pie. Elizabeth returns for the final two parter. Whatever they do in "Ghost in the Machine", we find out that the 'real-real' Weir had been contained in stasis somewhere so the replicators could use her half-replicator/half-human form as a test subject. (We all know that any planet in the universe can house more replicators) She wakes up, and helps save the city. That's all I'd want.

                  Originally posted by tricia View Post
                  As someone who doesn't often post I just had to say how annoyed I am at the inconsistency of the writting for the SGA characters. All throughout they carry on and on about not leaving anyone behind and yet it was alright to leave Elizabeth behind. But of course when other characters need a rescue let's pull out all stops. Don't let injury or expense stop you. But hey why bother with being consistent and keeping the characters integrity intact. No character development or emotional investment needed here they have a revolving door of people coming and going. I wish they would take a leaf out of other shows, example Dr Who one of the best written shows ever.

                  I shudder to think how they will resolve the Elizabeth issue, just another throw away storyline no doubt. I prefer to think that the show finished after S3. Thank goodness for fan fiction where non professionals can turn out well thought out and sensitive stories. The best shows are the ones where you see the journey of the characters evolve throughtout the seasons. Keeping the same original cast yet changing and growing not killing off people every other episode and as a result killing the very essence of the show.

                  Interesting to note that JF said in a recent interview that he has learnt to watch what he says. It seems that the actors can't even say what they feel anymore. Sad but true.

                  OK that's it sorry for the rant.
                  Originally posted by tricia View Post
                  I read the interview not long ago on the Joe Flanigan thread, the link is there somewhere I will see if I can find it.

                  It is a shame though that he needed to point that out. It makes you wonder what is going on behind the scenes.
                  A little. I feel sorry for Joe. He's lost a couple of people he was close to, and can't really say anything because it's in the contracts, etc. And as a contracted player he can't leave. I hope he does feel like some of the fans, that the loss of Torri and Paul was a waste. It makes me feel a little better knowing Sheppard is as brokenhearted as we are. Commiseration in loneliness, or something.

                  Originally posted by nogigglingmajor View Post
                  *runs in ranting* How DARE they? I can't believe it...well actually I can...but it's just wrong and ugh! Just seen the pic of the SGA cast on with
                  Woosely in the red patterned jacket! *snatches it on it* That was Elizabeth and besides that, red SO does NOT suit you! *stalks off*

                  Isn't Kavanaugh/anyone a violation of the Geneva Conventions? LOL
                  Well, Sam wore the red-patterned jacket, too, so I'm not going to be bothered by the fact Woolsey had it on. It's the leadership jacket/color, so...*sticks out tongue at Woolsey anyway*
                  Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                    Originally posted by PaulrissaRahany View Post
                    BUMP FROM SECOND PAGE

                    Ew...Woolsey in Elizabeth's jacket. That is just...wrong. I remember when Teyla wore the jacket once. I was not a happy shipper.
                    I thought s4-s5 jackets were different then s1-s3 jackets. So yes he is wearing the color but lalalala he will never wear the original jacket. It wouldn't fit him anyways.
                    My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                      Originally posted by Pajus View Post
                      *Thinks about Kavanagh!Weir!babies*
                      » Ewww, Pajus, you are a sick, sick man

                      Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
                      I thought s4-s5 jackets were different then s1-s3 jackets. So yes he is wearing the color but lalalala he will never wear the original jacket. It wouldn't fit him anyways.
                      » Yeah, Woolsey's jacket is of the new UGLY ASS design introduced in the fourth season. (And not to make any of you squick ... but he did wear one identical to Weir's jacket in Misbegotten while he was flirting peeling oranges with Caldwell. Maybe he figured out it works well on the menz)


                        Originally posted by Reiko View Post

                        » Yeah, Woolsey's jacket is of the new UGLY ASS design introduced in the fourth season. (And not to make any of you squick ... but he did wear one identical to Weir's jacket in Misbegotten while he was flirting peeling oranges with Caldwell. Maybe he figured out it works well on the menz)
                        OMG new ship. Cadwell/Woolsey. LOL.
                        My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                          Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
                          OMG new ship. Cadwell/Woolsey. LOL.
                          » Seriously!



                            Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                            » Ewww, Pajus, you are a sick, sick man
                            Thank you

                            Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                            » Seriously!

                            Caldwell: And now let's see what's underneath all that clothing of yours


                              Originally posted by Pajus View Post
                              Thank you

                              Caldwell: And now let's see what's underneath all that clothing of yours

                              Okay that's much better.
                              My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                                Good afternoon, Sparkies!

                                Today's smut!day fic rec:

                                Multitasking, by Valesg1. John, it seems, has a kink for watching Elizabeth chew on a pen.

                                Happy reading!
                                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.

