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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    1) What is your favorite episode of SGA and why?

    Season 1 - Before I Sleep
    Season 2 - The Long Goodbye
    Season 3 - The Real World (for Elizabeth) Tao of Rodney (for entire team)

    This one was hard. I actually like a lot of the eps in the first 3 seasons.

    2) If you could re-write any episode to be more directly Sparky, what would it be and how would you change it?

    Adrift/Lifeline - John & Elizabeth would have had a heart-to-heart about their feelings before the mission. And, John would have found a way to save Elizabeth on the replicator homeworld. He would not have left her behind. Then, they could have spent part of Season 4 dealing with Elizabeth having active nanites in her system, finding a way to cure her and deactivate them, etc. A few showdowns with the IOA and presto - DRAMA!

    3) Do you have any other favorite couples on the base?

    Ronon & Teyla

    4) Name the single most irritating scene in the whole of SGA canon.

    Watching Elizabeth get blown across the room in First Strike.

    5) What was your favorite Elizabeth look? Variate between S1-3 or if she wore civvies.

    I like her in Season 3. Longer hair, softer look. Still in charge tho!

    6) What secondary characters (not main cast--from Lorne, Kate, Cadman, etc but can include Zelenka) deserved more 'alone' scenes with Elizabeth? With John? What would those scenes have been?

    Elizabeth - I would like to have seen her friendship with Teyla more on screen. Two women, two leaders, etc.

    John - Not sure. Probably Ronon. Again, the friendship thing.

    7) If you could fast-forward to the final episode, the one that wraps up the series, given the storyline as it is now how would you have it end?

    Wow - not sure. I think I like Scary Kitty's idea the best so far.
    Signature by Erin87


      It's fic rec time again!

      Wreck of the Day, or Five Ways Elizabeth Hasn't Forgotten, by Mirageofmae. Written for the 2005 swficathon on LJ, it's Elizabeth-centric, with Sparky friendship and UST that fits neatly into the events of early Season 2.

      Happy reading!
      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.



        Just got back from a Doctor Who convention and I see you lot have been busy. Plenty of catching up tomorrow.

        *OT Doctor Who - Spoiler Alert*
        Sounds like the BBC are planning another Doctor Who spin-off series and season three torchwood could be the last And yes! Georgia Moffett IS going out with David Tennant one of the guests confirmed it for us.


          1) What is your favorite episode of SGA and why?

          Common Ground. It was perfect except I would have like a sparky scene at the end BUT THAT IS OKAY because this episode was bathed in subtle sparky. I mean the reactions shots, oh hey lets focus only on Elizabeth and ignore everyone else, because her pain is the only one that matters. Remember guys when trying to show sheyla let's focus on Elizabeth and John because we don't need to see how Teyla reacts since they have a special bond that the audience will just psychically get through the tv airwaves.

          We saw more from Ronon than Teyla.

          2) If you could re-write any episode to be more directly Sparky, what would it be and how would you change it?

          I think it would be TMC, just because it was the last episode with Elizabeth and I was hoping for more. Like to have actually seen when Elizabeth told John that the real Elizabeth was dead. That would have made for some serious John angst and sparky moments. Not to say that we didn't get any moment because the beginning with John's face of OMG YOU'RE ALIVE, EXCUSE ME I GO AND CRY AND THANK WHATEVER ENTITY FOR THIS, along with his voice of I THINK I'M GOING TO CRY BUT I'M JUST GOING TO STARE AT YOU WITH MY MOUTH OPEN BECAUSE IF I SPEAK I WILL MOST LIKELY SAY I LOVE YOU, weren't awesome but there could have been more. Also I didn't really like the end. Hey JF what happened to all the emotion in the beginning of the episode. So inconsistent.


          3) Do you have any other favorite couples on the base?

          Ronon/Teyla are my second SGA otp and I kind of like Mckay/Keller. *hides* I just think that they bring the best out of each other, that is Mckay/Keller.

          4) Name the single most irritating scene in the whole of SGA canon.

          Anything with sheyla in it.

          5) What was your favorite Elizabeth look? Variate between S1-3 or if she wore civvies.

          Basically everything she wore in the fake real world. Those replicators had some good taste.

          6) What secondary characters (not main cast--from Lorne, Kate, Cadman, etc but can include Zelenka) deserved more 'alone' scenes with Elizabeth? With John? What would those scenes have been?

          I would have liked Lorne to interact more with Elizabeth. I think they had fantastic chemistry from what little we saw of it. Considering that John's team got into trouble a lot we should have seen more of Lorne and Elizabeth discussing rescue missions.

          With John, I say Cadman just because I think they could have been fun together.

          7) If you could fast-forward to the final episode, the one that wraps up the series, given the storyline as it is now how would you have it end?

          I have no idea what the storyline is now and I really don't care. SGA was never about PLOT for me so in my world Ronon and Teyla get married, Lizzie comes back (YAY) after having lead the rouge replicators and helping them ascend. John is shocked that Lizzie is alive and has angst but then is happy. We get a final shot of John and Elizabeth in a balcony discussing all the trouble they could get into, AGAIN. Full circle.

          The end with John and Elizabeth on balcony.
          My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


            Originally posted by Wormhole View Post

            Just got back from a Doctor Who convention and I see you lot have been busy. Plenty of catching up tomorrow.

            *OT Doctor Who - Spoiler Alert*
            Sounds like the BBC are planning another Doctor Who spin-off series and season three torchwood could be the last And yes! Georgia Moffett IS going out with David Tennant one of the guests confirmed it for us.
            Spoilers for the last episode of S4 Journeys End.

            OMG PLEASE TELL ME THE SPINOFF IS ROSE AND CLONE!DOCTOR IN AU WORLD WORKING FOR TORCHWOOD. And living in Rose's flat and fighting and being cute. omg I would die. LOL.
            My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


              Originally posted by Wormhole View Post

              Just got back from a Doctor Who convention and I see you lot have been busy. Plenty of catching up tomorrow.

              *OT Doctor Who - Spoiler Alert*
              Sounds like the BBC are planning another Doctor Who spin-off series and season three torchwood could be the last And yes! Georgia Moffett IS going out with David Tennant one of the guests confirmed it for us.
              there's supposed to be a couple of panels on DW and Torchwood at Comic-Con in San Diego next week, there might be more info coming out then...
              (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
              Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
                1) What is your favorite episode of SGA and why?

                Common Ground. It was perfect except I would have like a sparky scene at the end BUT THAT IS OKAY because this episode was bathed in subtle sparky. I mean the reactions shots, oh hey lets focus only on Elizabeth and ignore everyone else, because her pain is the only one that matters. Remember guys when trying to show sheyla let's focus on Elizabeth and John because we don't need to see how Teyla reacts since they have a special bond that the audience will just psychically get through the tv airwaves.

                We saw more from Ronon than Teyla.
                OMFG I love that picture. And yeah, Ronon was PISSED. Too bad he never got to get his hands on Kolya... the kind of death that Ronon would've given him would've been infinitely better than the cop-out we got in Irresponsible.

                Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
                2) If you could re-write any episode to be more directly Sparky, what would it be and how would you change it?

                I think it would be TMC, just because it was the last episode with Elizabeth and I was hoping for more. Like to have actually seen when Elizabeth told John that the real Elizabeth was dead. That would have made for some serious John angst and sparky moments. Not to say that we didn't get any moment because the beginning with John's face of OMG YOU'RE ALIVE, EXCUSE ME I GO AND CRY AND THANK WHATEVER ENTITY FOR THIS, along with his voice of I THINK I'M GOING TO CRY BUT I'M JUST GOING TO STARE AT YOU WITH MY MOUTH OPEN BECAUSE IF I SPEAK I WILL MOST LIKELY SAY I LOVE YOU, weren't awesome but there could have been more. Also I didn't really like the end. Hey JF what happened to all the emotion in the beginning of the episode. So inconsistent.

                And I love that picture too! Damn, I'm such a sucker for Woobie!John. Especially when he goes woobie over Elizabeth.

                Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
                6) What secondary characters (not main cast--from Lorne, Kate, Cadman, etc but can include Zelenka) deserved more 'alone' scenes with Elizabeth? With John? What would those scenes have been?

                I would have liked Lorne to interact more with Elizabeth. I think they had fantastic chemistry from what little we saw of it. Considering that John's team got into trouble a lot we should have seen more of Lorne and Elizabeth discussing rescue missions.

                With John, I say Cadman just because I think they could have been fun together.
                *cackles* Those two would've had soooo much fun tormenting McKay!

                Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
                7) If you could fast-forward to the final episode, the one that wraps up the series, given the storyline as it is now how would you have it end?

                I have no idea what the storyline is now and I really don't care. SGA was never about PLOT for me so in my world Ronon and Teyla get married, Lizzie comes back (YAY) after having lead the rouge replicators and helping them ascend. John is shocked that Lizzie is alive and has angst but then is happy. We get a final shot of John and Elizabeth in a balcony discussing all the trouble they could get into, AGAIN. Full circle.

                The end with John and Elizabeth on balcony.
                Yup yup. Must have full circle, damnit.
                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                  As someone who doesn't often post I just had to say how annoyed I am at the inconsistency of the writting for the SGA characters. All throughout they carry on and on about not leaving anyone behind and yet it was alright to leave Elizabeth behind. But of course when other characters need a rescue let's pull out all stops. Don't let injury or expense stop you. But hey why bother with being consistent and keeping the characters integrity intact. No character development or emotional investment needed here they have a revolving door of people coming and going. I wish they would take a leaf out of other shows, example Dr Who one of the best written shows ever.

                  I shudder to think how they will resolve the Elizabeth issue, just another throw away storyline no doubt. I prefer to think that the show finished after S3. Thank goodness for fan fiction where non professionals can turn out well thought out and sensitive stories. The best shows are the ones where you see the journey of the characters evolve throughtout the seasons. Keeping the same original cast yet changing and growing not killing off people every other episode and as a result killing the very essence of the show.

                  Interesting to note that JF said in a recent interview that he has learnt to watch what he says. It seems that the actors can't even say what they feel anymore. Sad but true.

                  OK that's it sorry for the rant.


                    Originally posted by SMB_BOOKS View Post
                    4) Name the single most irritating scene in the whole of SGA canon.
                    Watching Elizabeth get blown across the room in First Strike.
                    » Gosh, I forgot about that. I would say Carson blowing up, but I've never really seen that ep, so *shrug*

                    Elizabeth - I would like to have seen her friendship with Teyla more on screen. Two women, two leaders, etc.
                    » Yup. Exactly my thoughts - not enough of the Teyla/Liz friendship was shown, IMO, though I hear there is a scene or two in the-episode-that-shall-not-be-named. (Again, only seen the caps I choose to see and the funeral and ending scenes...)


                      » Tricia, it's just fine to rant here - we call it "free group therapy sessions", and you've hit the note most of us here feel. (Can't speak for everyone).

                      » But, yes - thank god for fanfiction authours, who have given me the opportunity to stay in my personal little heaven that is S1-S3 and take a time travel back any day I'd like.

                      Interesting to note that JF said in a recent interview that he has learnt to watch what he says. It seems that the actors can't even say what they feel anymore. Sad but true.
                      » Do you mind linking to it? (I mean, not that he's hasn't said that before, but it's all been in conreports I've read and stuff.) On my LJ we are kinda having a discussion about that recently...


                        Tricia, we don't mind the ranting at all! We rant on a regular basis here, and you're very welcome to join in!

                        The inconsistent and incompetent writing and character assassination that's been going on is just one of many of our pet peeves.

                        Fanfiction is definitely where the true canon is now. We're taking better care of the show than the people who are "officially" in charge of the show are.

                        Originally posted by tricia View Post
                        Interesting to note that JF said in a recent interview that he has learnt to watch what he says. It seems that the actors can't even say what they feel anymore. Sad but true.
                        I'd also like a link to that interview. He's "learnt to watch what he says"? Oooh, I really don't like the sound of what he's implying.
                        (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                        Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                          OT shameless self-pimpage for C/T voting:


                            Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                            » Gosh, I forgot about that. I would say Carson blowing up, but I've never really seen that ep, so *shrug*
                            Heh. Consider yourself lucky that you've escaped watching That. Episode.

                            Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                            » Yup. Exactly my thoughts - not enough of the Teyla/Liz friendship was shown, IMO, though I hear there is a scene or two in the-episode-that-shall-not-be-named. (Again, only seen the caps I choose to see and the funeral and ending scenes...)
                            Hmm. I wonder if those scenes might be floating around on YouTube so you could watch them without watching the rest? (certainly everything else seems to wind up on YouTube at some point)
                            (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                            Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                              Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
                              Spoilers for the last episode of S4 Journeys End.

                              OMG PLEASE TELL ME THE SPINOFF IS ROSE AND CLONE!DOCTOR IN AU WORLD WORKING FOR TORCHWOOD. And living in Rose's flat and fighting and being cute. omg I would die. LOL.
                              Nope, well not as far as I know. Sounds like it could be a sister series relating to The Doctor's Daughter episode .
                              BEST OF BOTH WORLDS


                                Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                                there's supposed to be a couple of panels on DW and Torchwood at Comic-Con in San Diego next week, there might be more info coming out then...
                                Kai Owen and Tom Price – PC Andy kind off implied series three could be the last. Might be due to the fact RTD is leaving and they know no more as to what’s happening with the series.

                                Kai and Tom wouldn't confirm about Noel and Freema joining but they didn't deny cos they knows they're.
                                BEST OF BOTH WORLDS

