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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by LiliJ View Post
    Can I ask... why Sparky?
    I believe it happened on accident long time ago, but it got very popular! And now there are explanations like: there are sparks between them. Which is true!

    Oh I forgot to say that I like S/J ship. I wish it got a better treatment.

    I also forgot about my squee moments:

    * the champagne bottle in The Rising. That's where I saw how well they fit.

    * "She's alive?" moment from The Storm /The Eye

    * The hug.

    * coffee scene from Intruder

    * too many scenes from Conversion to count

    * TRW hand hold

    * John nearly crying in Adrift (which is AU)
    I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
      I had a little Epiphany of my own while walking on the treadmill earlier. See what you all think.

      I was thinking about how Sparky will always be canon. Nothing they do at this point can change the relationship they had. We saw him grieve for her in S4. There's no way anyone can explain that away though I know they try. So, someday John will move on maybe with a new relationship. But it won't matter because he'll always have Elizabeth in his heart.

      And here's where Epiphany comes in. After he got done being depressed he decided to accept what they were telling him about never being able to go home. He settled in, tried to meditate, developed a routine and made a life for himself among the hippies. He even accepted Teer's overtures without protest or much thought. He figured that she was his destiny at this point in time and he probably had some level of affection for her. Over time he may even have grown to love her. He was hurt that his friends had seemingly given up on him and was moving on. But as soon as he knew they had come for him, he dropped the hippies like a hot rock. It has been said that he even had the ability to ascend and I believe that because of the fact that Teer encouraged him to come with them. She knew he was capable. I think John can ascend any time he wants to but he has such a sense of responsibility for his "family" that it would never cross his mind.

      Now, back to the ship. There may be now or in the future some woman that John has attraction and some level of affection for. He may settle down with her because of his intense sense of responsibility even to the point of living a contented life with her. I don't think John Sheppard will ever be truly happy. That doesn't seem possible, but he will find peace and allow someone to love him just like he was preparing to do with Teer. But I also believe that Elizabeth will always be there and in moments of weakness she'll be the first thing he thinks of.

      Mental green since it won't let me.

      The scene in Adift is what cements it for me.
      That is the closest we have even seen him to breaking down and it was because of Elizabeth.

      Originally posted by LiliJ View Post
      Nice pics! Very funny...

      Glad that you guys like th J/S family ship thread - was wondering whether there was any rivalry - if so I'd be torn!

      I think my fave moments to squee to are...
      1) That bit in TRW (see above pics - squeed again!)
      2) The hug
      3) The kiss! (Even though it wasn't them - have to wonder what they're thinking...)
      4) That bit at the end of S1 when John goes rushing off on that suicide mission (ah... *melts*) and Liz catches him.

      There are probably more but I can't think of any right now...
      The kiss absolutely counts for me because John thought going in these two used to be married. That's what he was thinking...
      sig by SueKay

      My Team:


        Hiya! *waves* Totally new here... I used to be a lurker, but avoided signing up because I didn't want to get involved in the nasty conflicts you sometimes see... but Anuna convinced me to join in on the Sparky Revival, so here I am.

        What else can I say? I'm a chronic Sheppard/Weir shipper, I love Ronon/Teyla too, and have a fondness for McWeir, McShep and Keller/Rodney (because Rodney is good with EVERYONE. No, seriously.) I can't stand Sheyla, because it's painful to watch, and I don't like Ronon/Keller either.

        Ironically, I started to support shweir because I thought it was going to be canon - I figured that that much chemistry had to be intentional. At first I resented TPTB for "pushing" the pairing (like with Sam/Jack in SG-1), but then I thought... hey, wait, this ship ROCKS! (And then later, of course, I found out that it WASN'T intentional, and I was just seeing sparky on my own. XD) It never crossed my mind that they were actually supporting sheyla... I only found out about that pairing when I started lurking in the fandom. (Teh irony, it slays me. )


          Originally posted by Anuna View Post
          Oh you mean this shirt:


          OMFG! that pic made my day *cracks up*
          oh yeah... not only horses you can ride .. *dirty grin*

          anyway, does someone in here wants to spoil me with highquality woman of words, man of action - pics what i can use for anunas wallie?
          i somehow didnt quite warm up with the ones which have been posted


            Originally posted by Anuna View Post
            Oh i knew justhere would like this game. He definitely wants some action.


            J: And then you ride a .. pony - like this.

            E: John! *blushes*

            Carson: I'm outta here!
            Originally posted by Anuna View Post
            And we are the match made in hell? LOL!

            E: Nice pony - ride, cowboy.

            J: *blushing*

            R: I'm going to be sick! For God's sake! Not in public!!!!
            Anuna is definitely approaching the standards of the Razzie thread. Keep up the good work. Now the rest of you.

            PS: You've got mail, Anuna. Sorry for being a little late with this. I had a lot of real life to deal with lately.


              Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post

              Mental green since it won't let me.

              The scene in Adift is what cements it for me.
              That is the closest we have even seen him to breaking down and it was because of Elizabeth.

              The kiss absolutely counts for me because John thought going in these two used to be married. That's what he was thinking...
              ITA on Adrift. And also later when
              he lashes out at Rodney for bringing her back with nanites. John is thinking totally about her and what she would want. It shows how close they are.
              And don't forget in TMC
              when he's at a loss for words when he sees her on the screen. He's had to grieve for her so many times, it's like he just can't do it again.
              Poor John. *wibbles*

              Originally posted by alternate_ego View Post
              Hiya! *waves* Totally new here... I used to be a lurker, but avoided signing up because I didn't want to get involved in the nasty conflicts you sometimes see... but Anuna convinced me to join in on the Sparky Revival, so here I am.

              What else can I say? I'm a chronic Sheppard/Weir shipper, I love Ronon/Teyla too, and have a fondness for McWeir, McShep and Keller/Rodney (because Rodney is good with EVERYONE. No, seriously.) I can't stand Sheyla, because it's painful to watch, and I don't like Ronon/Keller either.

              Ironically, I started to support shweir because I thought it was going to be canon - I figured that that much chemistry had to be intentional. At first I resented TPTB for "pushing" the pairing (like with Sam/Jack in SG-1), but then I thought... hey, wait, this ship ROCKS! (And then later, of course, I found out that it WASN'T intentional, and I was just seeing sparky on my own. XD) It never crossed my mind that they were actually supporting sheyla... I only found out about that pairing when I started lurking in the fandom. (Teh irony, it slays me. )
              Big welcome! None of us can figure out why it's not canon. lol

              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                ITA on Adrift. And also later when
                he lashes out at Rodney for bringing her back with nanites. John is thinking totally about her and what she would want. It shows how close they are.
                And don't forget in TMC
                when he's at a loss for words when he sees her on the screen. He's had to grieve for her so many times, it's like he just can't do it again.
                Poor John. *wibbles*
                I know! He really needed a hug at that moment. Preferably from our favorite lady in red.

                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                Big welcome! None of us can figure out why it's not canon. lol
                Thank you! It's great to be here.


                  Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                  ITA on Adrift. And also later when
                  he lashes out at Rodney for bringing her back with nanites. John is thinking totally about her and what she would want. It shows how close they are.
                  And don't forget in TMC
                  when he's at a loss for words when he sees her on the screen. He's had to grieve for her so many times, it's like he just can't do it again.
                  Poor John. *wibbles*

                  Big welcome! None of us can figure out why it's not canon. lol
                  I would reach the compromise of: it's canon, just not preferred. With the work of the actors, people like Binder, and even inadvertent moments which turned into Sparky (like TS/TE), it's definitely canon because it made it through editing--and kept showing up.

                  It wasn't the preferred vehicle of TPTB, so they can disclaim the intention of making it mainstream, but canonically speaking, it's completely there.

                  EDIT: and hello, alternate_ego!
                  Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                    I've gotten a special request for Epiphany questions, so here goes. I'm going to poke at people until at least 3 have responded. Answer as many or as few as you like.

                    1) What do you think John's initial feelings were in the cave, when he finally realized no one was coming for him?

                    2) Why did Elizabeth feel it was so important to physically accompany them to the Sanctuary world? (okay, on a Sparky note we know why, but give me some meat, too).

                    3) Who do you think was most worried for John?

                    4) How long do you think it took for John to finally 'assimilate' into the Sanctuary society?

                    5) Imagine John's feelings towards his team members who hadn't yet come for him. Who does he blame most? Who does he want to see most? What do you think he imagines Elizabeth is doing with regards to his situation? Rodney? Teyla and Ronon?

                    6) Why does Elizabeth decide 'she's going', even when Rodney insists it's safer she stay?

                    7) What do you think John felt when he saw not just SGA-1, but Elizabeth and Carson?

                    8) What prompted John's lashing out at Elizabeth? Was her response to him correct?

                    9) Do you think the ascension of Teer and her people was believable?

                    10) Joe F. helped develop Epiphany as a backstory of sorts for Sheppard. Do you think it accomplished the purpose of giving you more insight into John? Did you learn more about he and his character? Or did it feel run of the mill 'team member in trouble' for you?
                    Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!



                      If I can just loose Rodney, that closet would do nicely.
                      BEST OF BOTH WORLDS


                        Originally posted by alternate_ego View Post
                        Hiya! *waves* Totally new here... I used to be a lurker, but avoided signing up because I didn't want to get involved in the nasty conflicts you sometimes see... but Anuna convinced me to join in on the Sparky Revival, so here I am.

                        What else can I say? I'm a chronic Sheppard/Weir shipper, I love Ronon/Teyla too, and have a fondness for McWeir, McShep and Keller/Rodney (because Rodney is good with EVERYONE. No, seriously.) I can't stand Sheyla, because it's painful to watch, and I don't like Ronon/Keller either.

                        Ironically, I started to support shweir because I thought it was going to be canon - I figured that that much chemistry had to be intentional. At first I resented TPTB for "pushing" the pairing (like with Sam/Jack in SG-1), but then I thought... hey, wait, this ship ROCKS! (And then later, of course, I found out that it WASN'T intentional, and I was just seeing sparky on my own. XD) It never crossed my mind that they were actually supporting sheyla... I only found out about that pairing when I started lurking in the fandom. (Teh irony, it slays me. )

                        As for the bolded bit -- ITA!!! I remember in the beginning not shipping/looking to ship. Then 38 minutes came about, and I looked at my hubby and said "what was that???". He had about the same reaction. I think that was that, from that moment on. It was subtle, yet electric. Any time they were around one another my TV screen positively sparkled. I could feel their connection even when one was off screen, and we were left with the static communication over the com.

                        Sparky rulez!!! That much connection can't be denied or labeled as anything else.
                        sig made by me


                          Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                          I've gotten a special request for Epiphany questions, so here goes. I'm going to poke at people until at least 3 have responded. Answer as many or as few as you like.

                          1) What do you think John's initial feelings were in the cave, when he finally realized no one was coming for him?

                          2) Why did Elizabeth feel it was so important to physically accompany them to the Sanctuary world? (okay, on a Sparky note we know why, but give me some meat, too).

                          3) Who do you think was most worried for John?

                          4) How long do you think it took for John to finally 'assimilate' into the Sanctuary society?

                          5) Imagine John's feelings towards his team members who hadn't yet come for him. Who does he blame most? Who does he want to see most? What do you think he imagines Elizabeth is doing with regards to his situation? Rodney? Teyla and Ronon?

                          6) Why does Elizabeth decide 'she's going', even when Rodney insists it's safer she stay?

                          7) What do you think John felt when he saw not just SGA-1, but Elizabeth and Carson?

                          8) What prompted John's lashing out at Elizabeth? Was her response to him correct?

                          9) Do you think the ascension of Teer and her people was believable?

                          10) Joe F. helped develop Epiphany as a backstory of sorts for Sheppard. Do you think it accomplished the purpose of giving you more insight into John? Did you learn more about he and his character? Or did it feel run of the mill 'team member in trouble' for you?
                          Eri, great question and this deserves me re-watching the epi tonight. So once I do that, I will post my answers. It's been a while since I've watched this one --- so I am going to pay close attention to my gut reaction this time.
                          sig made by me


                            *jumps up and down with joy*

                            Have finally finished my first sig! Compared to the amazing ones on this thread it's nothing special but meh, it's my first and I don't have Gimp!

                            (Click to see larger image - gw resizes my pics cos I'm a newbie!)
                            Last edited by LiliJ; 10 June 2008, 12:47 AM.
                            ~Thanks to Achaja for my lovely birthday presents!!~


                              Common Ground......

                              Woman of words....

                              E - Ladon, I really don't care if you have to sleep with Koyla to get the information, just get me the damn coordinates of where he's being held!

                              Man of action....

                              J - Okay, Ronon, sling this guy over your shoulder and let's get cracking. We'll dump him off on some planet and then I can get home to Eliz....I mean Atlantis!
                              Signature by Erin87


                                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                                Yep, those are the rules. Hi Linda! We're nice folks around here, we don't mind you taking sneak - a - peak. How come you're here?
                                *sneaks in* *waves* Hi Anuna....Well um i just like to have a little looksie on different threads,i don't alwaycs post on threads but i like taking a little look sometimes *sneaks out*

                                Originally posted by emerald_day View Post
                                Thank you for telling me I didn´t know that. I thought I had done something wrong. I remember it next time I post my Sparky fan-art, to put it in a link.

                                Here is the link of my other Sparky manip for those who want to take a look


                                No problem.....I think it's ok if their standing next to each other and things like that....I'm not sure but i think they let you post that but if it's a kiss or anything like that they don't let you post the pic but you can post a link...I remember i think it was GNB that posted a manip of JT kissing and they said to her it's not allowed out of respect for the actors and their partners...Don't quote me on that,my memory isn't the greatest....That's the only reason i know

