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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Ronnikins
    My own attempt with Sally's drabble. Supposedly a homage to LOTR but it went sadly astray.

    SGA meets LOTR

    Croakily Tripping

    Elizabeth tripped along joyously. She was on her way to meet her lover, John, for Valentine's Day. She smiled to see a hobbit hopping along, carrying a spell in its mouth.

    Elizabeth was almost in the Great Forest when she came across an enormous cake, lying alone on a nobly plate. "That must be a treat from my regally bear," she said to herself, and tripped over to it. The cake looked hot pink, so she ate it.

    It gave her the most gollum-like tingling sensation in her hand. "How unusual!" she said and continued tripping to see John.

    When John came out to meet her, he took one look and fell over.

    "What is it?" Elizabeth cried randomly.

    "Your hair! And your earlobe!" John said. "They're elvenish! Can't you feel it?"

    Elizabeth felt her hair and her earlobe. They were indeed quite elvenish. "Oh, no!" Elizabeth said. "I'm a man!" She, or rather, he started to cry. "It must have been that enormous cake you left for me. Did you know what it would do?"

    "I didn't leave you any cake," John said. "I got you a ring. It must have been that jaundiced man who lives nearby. He acts a little sexily, ever since he kissed an ancient device."

    "But how can you ever love me, now that I'm a man?" Elizabeth sobbed.

    "Well, I never knew how to tell you this," John said disgustedly, "but I actually prefer men. And I think your hair is really petite like that."

    "Really?" Elizabeth dried his tears. Elizabeth kissed John and it was an entirely hobbit-like sensation, like a blazing comet streaking through the solar system.

    They spent the night having entirely hobbit-like sex, until the cake wore off suddenly.

    Everything was rather awkward after that.
    *blinkblink* I'll say!


      Those are too funny! I think I know what I will be doing for the evening!

      I had to share this one

      A Glass In Time

      On a shiny and bumpy morning, John sat on a hill. It was Valentine's Day and he was all alone. His knee ached in sorrow for the secret love that he could never share. How could he expect Elizabeth to love someone with a smelly nose?

      Quietly, he began to recite a poem he had composed. "Ah, my love is like a scratchy fluffy ice, all on a summer's day. I wish my Elizabeth would jump me, in her own bouncy way..."

      "Do you?" Elizabeth sat down beside John and put her hand on John's wrist. "I think that could be arranged."

      John gasped temptingly. "But what about my smelly nose?"

      "I like it," Elizabeth said loudly. "I think it's luscious."

      They came together and their kiss was like a dog allowed the last bit of steak.

      "I love you," John said sloppily.

      "I love you too," Elizabeth replied and jumped him.

      They bought a lizard, moved in together, and lived mysteriously ever after.

      Last edited by Pocus; 10 July 2006, 04:28 PM.


        Originally posted by SallyLizzie
        So I was playing with drabble-mattic and this came out:

        Limply Love

        Elizabeth finished packing. Ever since John, her own true love, had been lost at sea, Elizabeth had been purple.

        There was nothing left for her anymore, nothing licked her, all was bouncy. So today, Valentine's Day, she was going on a leaf to become a hard stick.

        Just then, there was a firey knock at the door. Elizabeth opened it and stood there breathlessly for a moment, before falling to the floor in a swoon and bruising her leg.

        When Elizabeth came to, John was holding her arm and looking rough. "My love," John said quietly, "I'm sorry for the smooth shock. I've been shipwrecked on a smiley island for the last ten years, living like a tunnel of love. I was only rescued last week." He paused. "I lost my stomach in the wreck. Can you still love me?"

        Elizabeth could hardly believe her John had returned. "I will always love you, stomach or no stomach. Besides, you can cover it up with a Smurf."

        They embraced snappily and vowed to never be parted again.

        And all was quickly.

        I was particularly amused by the line about the Smurf
        LOL That was great! SallyLIzzie, thanks for making my day at work.

        Yay only 4 days away everyone!!!!
        "We'll name it later!"
        - - - -
        Sparks! A Weir/Sheppard fanficton challenge site
        Love Lorne | Sparky! | Open_Com


          lol! Love all the drabbles, people! There's that insane S/W humor I've been missing lately! Although, this does add to the rumor that the mints in this place are laced with drugs.

          Great job!
          Sig by Whistler84, RIP.
          You believed in me when it seemed only I could. You stood by me when no one else would.
          Even though we are two friends who did tragically part, I know your loving memory will forever survive in my heart

          Poem by Rachel Cooper.


            Originally posted by Ronnikins
            My own attempt with Sally's drabble. Supposedly a homage to LOTR but it went sadly astray.

            SGA meets LOTR

            Croakily Tripping

            Elizabeth tripped along joyously. She was on her way to meet her lover, John, for Valentine's Day. She smiled to see a hobbit hopping along, carrying a spell in its mouth.

            Elizabeth was almost in the Great Forest when she came across an enormous cake, lying alone on a nobly plate. "That must be a treat from my regally bear," she said to herself, and tripped over to it. The cake looked hot pink, so she ate it.

            It gave her the most gollum-like tingling sensation in her hand. "How unusual!" she said and continued tripping to see John.

            When John came out to meet her, he took one look and fell over.

            "What is it?" Elizabeth cried randomly.

            "Your hair! And your earlobe!" John said. "They're elvenish! Can't you feel it?"

            Elizabeth felt her hair and her earlobe. They were indeed quite elvenish. "Oh, no!" Elizabeth said. "I'm a man!" She, or rather, he started to cry. "It must have been that enormous cake you left for me. Did you know what it would do?"

            "I didn't leave you any cake," John said. "I got you a ring. It must have been that jaundiced man who lives nearby. He acts a little sexily, ever since he kissed an ancient device."

            "But how can you ever love me, now that I'm a man?" Elizabeth sobbed.

            "Well, I never knew how to tell you this," John said disgustedly, "but I actually prefer men. And I think your hair is really petite like that."

            "Really?" Elizabeth dried his tears. Elizabeth kissed John and it was an entirely hobbit-like sensation, like a blazing comet streaking through the solar system.

            They spent the night having entirely hobbit-like sex, until the cake wore off suddenly.

            Everything was rather awkward after that.


            Ummm. The first two were funny. This one was a little bit scary. Funny. But scary. Thankfully so much cake has returned the butt I had laughed off so my own Smurf has been saved for another time.

            Yeppers. I've lost it.



              Originally posted by emotionallydisturbed
              lol! Love all the drabbles, people! There's that insane S/W humor I've been missing lately! Although, this does add to the rumor that the mints in this place are laced with drugs.

              Great job!
              Well, Ancient!Lizzie was alone for a LOOOONG time. Who knows what she got into in all that time. And if she did enough I'm sure it would affect her on a cellular/genetic level which might then have some affect when she was cremated which would then likely leave some sort of residue in a certain jar which later held mints which . . .

              I told you. I'm loopy tonight.



                Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                So I was playing with drabble-mattic and this came out:

                Limply Love

                Elizabeth finished packing. Ever since John, her own true love, had been lost at sea, Elizabeth had been purple.

                There was nothing left for her anymore, nothing licked her, all was bouncy. So today, Valentine's Day, she was going on a leaf to become a hard stick.

                Just then, there was a firey knock at the door. Elizabeth opened it and stood there breathlessly for a moment, before falling to the floor in a swoon and bruising her leg.

                When Elizabeth came to, John was holding her arm and looking rough. "My love," John said quietly, "I'm sorry for the smooth shock. I've been shipwrecked on a smiley island for the last ten years, living like a tunnel of love. I was only rescued last week." He paused. "I lost my stomach in the wreck. Can you still love me?"

                Elizabeth could hardly believe her John had returned. "I will always love you, stomach or no stomach. Besides, you can cover it up with a Smurf."

                They embraced snappily and vowed to never be parted again.

                And all was quickly.

                I was particularly amused by the line about the Smurf

                That was tremendously amusing! Thanks for the link. Here is what it produced for me it is called An Attractive Occurence:
                Elizabeth paced up and down, jiggling her wrist. Her very good friend, Mary Sue Ocean, had arranged to meet her here in the office. "I have something aquatic to tell you," she had said.

                Mary Sue Ocean was late, which was very unlike her. Any moment now, Elizabeth expected to see her bounce up, her esxplosive hair streaming behind her and her french eyes aglow.

                Elizabeth heard footsteps, but they seemed rather feathery for a delicate and beautiful girl like Mary Sue Ocean, whose tread was loyal. She turned around and found John staring at her.

                "What are you doing here?" John said thoughtfully. "I thought you said you didn't want to see me again."

                Elizabeth had said that, but now she was beginning to wish she hadn't acted so strangely. "Mary Sue Ocean asked to meet me here." As she gazed at John, her nose began to throb happily.

                "Oh," John said, delightfully. "I'll just go then."

                "Wait," Elizabeth said and caught John by his eyes. "I was wrong. I still love you. Can you ever forgive me?"

                "Yes," John said, smiling. They wrapped their arms around each other and kissed, like a fleeing horse.

                From behind a dog, Mary Sue Ocean watched with a colorful light in her icy eyes. She took a list out of her pocket, and checked off "Elizabeth/John". Then, she skipped off to help an embittered man find love again, just as soon as she'd saved the dolphin from extinction.

                I've always loved those story generators.


                Signature By Amber Moon


                  Hey y'all. Long time no see! I was having fun with icons earlier today and came up with a picture "story" for my sig. I was hoping it would be fun and for the most part "understandable". Feedback, anyone?

                  (And really? I can't believe there isn't a bigger variety of Shep smilies. Not only for the many facets of Colonel Puppy Eyes, but the hair is so distinctive. Makes him one of the most fun smiley likenesses out there. )
                  "Someone duplicated the duplicators?"

                  ~ Jack; Smoke and Mirrors



                  Amelia's Violin - a Jonas/ OC romance. Version 2.0. New, improved, and COMPLETE!!!

                  A Day in the life of Sparky:

                  ...???... ......!!!.....[ ]..............!!!... .........

                  The End!!


                    Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                    My attempt with Sally's drabble-matic:

                    A Soft Day To Slap


                    Elizabeth stepped classy out into the deep sunshine, and admired John's head. "Ah," she sighed, "That's a clear sight."

                    John climbed off the towel and walked huskily across the grass to greet his lover. Elizabeth patted John on the heart and then tried to slap him smoothly, but without success.

                    "That's all right," John said. "We can try again later."

                    "I'm just not swift," Elizabeth. "Not as swift as the time we kissed on a carpet of green grass."

                    John nodded quickly. "We were long back in those days."

                    "Our hands were younger, and we had a lot more fun with them," Elizabeth said. "Everything seems iridescent and cool when you're young."

                    "Of course," John said. "But now we're delicious, we can still have fun. If we go about it passionately."

                    "Passionately?" Elizabeth said . "But how?"

                    "With this," John said and held out a red box. "Just take that with some water and in half an hour, you'll be ready to slap."

                    Elizabeth swallowed the box at once and sure enough, in half an hour, they were able to slap passionately. They kissed like a blazing comet. Three times.

                    And then the neighbour told them to get off his lawn.

                    LOL!!! Nice work Foolish! lol
                    Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                    Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                      Okay, my drabble came out rather... odd. It also somewhat resembles a very recent one, but here goes:

                      A Glowing Occurrence

                      John paced up and down, jiggling his leg. His very good friend, Mary Sue Dress, had arranged to meet him here in the bed. "I have something lovely to tell you," she had said.

                      Mary Sue Dress was late, which was very unlike her. Any moment now, John expected to see her bounce up, her dark hair streaming behind her and her light eyes aglow.

                      John heard footsteps, but they seemed rather incandescent for a delicate and ugly girl like Mary Sue Dress, whose tread was pretty. He turned around and found Elizabeth staring at him.

                      "What are you doing here?" Elizabeth said huskily. "I thought you said you didn't want to see me again."

                      John had said that, but now he was beginning to wish he hadn't acted so grouchily. "Mary Sue Dress asked to meet me here." As he gazed at Elizabeth, his nose began to throb stupidly.

                      "Oh," Elizabeth said, prettily. "I'll just go then."

                      "Wait," John said and caught Elizabeth by her arm. "I was wrong. I still love you. Can you ever forgive me?"

                      "Yes," Elizabeth said, smiling. They wrapped their arms around each other and kissed, like a poet who needs the pain to write.

                      From behind a hat, Mary Sue Dress watched with a gorgeous light in her charming eyes. She took a list out of her pocket, and checked off "John/Elizabeth". Then, she skipped off to help an embittered man find love again, just as soon as she'd saved the dog from extinction.

                      Okay, maybe I shouldn't have posted that...


                        I just love reading all the new John/Liz fics from all our budding writers. The future of this ship in the fan fic world looks. . .uh. . bright? Irridescent? Shocking? A losing cause?

                        When all else fails, change channels.


                          Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                          I just love reading all the new John/Liz fics from all our budding writers. The future of this ship in the fan fic world looks. . .uh. . bright? Irridescent? Shocking? A losing cause?
                          Personally, I'm terrified!
                          Don't you want to look beyond the horizon?

                          In the 2 hours and 14 minutes that Torri Higginson was online, there were 272 posts in the Elizabeth Weir Wow Thread. I was responsible for 2 of them. (Oh yeah and Gateworld crashed, but that's not important)

                          Please click here to feed the hungry, protect endangered land, and help fight breast cancer without spending a penny (inspired by the Whistler 84 in Memoriam thread)


                            Here is my crazy drabble... be warned, it really is crazy!

                            The Battle For The Knife

                            In a tree, John punched his knife. He had been busy with the knife for hours and now wanted nothing more than a glow cuddle or an animalistic massage from his lover Elizabeth.

                            He said this last thought out loud, and all of a sudden his light Elizabeth appeared at the door, grinning gently.

                            "Put down the knife," Elizabeth said brightly. "Unless you want me to punch that knife on your mouth."

                            John put down the knife. He was iridescent. He had never seen Elizabeth so shimmer before and it made him dark.

                            Elizabeth picked up the knife, then withdrew a bottle from her eye. "Don't be so iridescent," Elizabeth said with a shimmer grimace. "A bear bit my nose this morning, and everything became yellow. Now with this knife and this bottle I can brightly rule the world!"

                            John clutched his bright nose lightly. This was his lover, his light Elizabeth, now staring at him with a shimmer eye.

                            "Fight it!" John shouted. "The bear just wants the knife for his own light devices! He doesn't love you, not the glow way I do!"

                            John could see Elizabeth trembling lightly. John reached out his mouth and touched Elizabeth's eye brightly. He was light, so light, but he knew only his bright love for Elizabeth would break the bear's spell.

                            Sure enough, Elizabeth dropped the knife with a thunk. "Oh, John," she squealed. "I'm so glow, can you ever forgive me?"

                            But John had already moved in a tree. Like a warm blanket in the freezing snow, he pressed his mouth into Elizabeth's eye. And as they fell together in a yellow fit of love, the knife lay on the floor, dark and forgotten.

                            I love "took a bottle from here eye" LOL
                            "We'll name it later!"
                            - - - -
                            Sparks! A Weir/Sheppard fanficton challenge site
                            Love Lorne | Sparky! | Open_Com


                              Originally posted by Bladefanatic
                              Here is my crazy drabble... be warned, it really is crazy!

                              The Battle For The Knife

                              In a tree, John punched his knife. He had been busy with the knife for hours and now wanted nothing more than a glow cuddle or an animalistic massage from his lover Elizabeth.

                              He said this last thought out loud, and all of a sudden his light Elizabeth appeared at the door, grinning gently.

                              "Put down the knife," Elizabeth said brightly. "Unless you want me to punch that knife on your mouth."

                              John put down the knife. He was iridescent. He had never seen Elizabeth so shimmer before and it made him dark.

                              Elizabeth picked up the knife, then withdrew a bottle from her eye. "Don't be so iridescent," Elizabeth said with a shimmer grimace. "A bear bit my nose this morning, and everything became yellow. Now with this knife and this bottle I can brightly rule the world!"

                              John clutched his bright nose lightly. This was his lover, his light Elizabeth, now staring at him with a shimmer eye.

                              "Fight it!" John shouted. "The bear just wants the knife for his own light devices! He doesn't love you, not the glow way I do!"

                              John could see Elizabeth trembling lightly. John reached out his mouth and touched Elizabeth's eye brightly. He was light, so light, but he knew only his bright love for Elizabeth would break the bear's spell.

                              Sure enough, Elizabeth dropped the knife with a thunk. "Oh, John," she squealed. "I'm so glow, can you ever forgive me?"

                              But John had already moved in a tree. Like a warm blanket in the freezing snow, he pressed his mouth into Elizabeth's eye. And as they fell together in a yellow fit of love, the knife lay on the floor, dark and forgotten.

                              I love "took a bottle from here eye" LOL
                              Yup. Terrified.


                                Okay... here is my contribution to the drabbles we've all come up with...

                                The Red Terror Of The Snow


                                It snowed a foot overnight. When they woke up, John and Elizabeth went out to play. First, they made snow angels. Then they had a snowball fight and John hit Elizabeth in her toes with a big black iceball. It hurt a lot, but John kissed it amazingly and then it was all better.

                                Then they decided to make a snow man.

                                "We'll make a really soft snow man!" John said.

                                "Why don't we make a snow woman instead?" Elizabeth said. "That would be more shiny and politically correct."

                                "I know," John said. "We can make a snow bunny. That way, we don't have to worry about gender politics."

                                So they rolled the snow up softly and made a bouncy snow bunny. John put on a book for the eyes. The bunny was almost as big as Elizabeth.

                                "It looks ecstatic," John said lovingly. "But it seems like it's missing something."

                                "Here," Elizabeth said and held up a glittery television. "I found this in the grass." She put the television onto the bunny's head.

                                It was perfect. For about a minute. Then the bunny, even though it was just made of snow, started to move and growl bounced away like a pogo stick on the pavement.

                                Elizabeth screamed drunkily and ran but the snow bunny chased her until she tripped over a tree root. Then the snow bunny jumped her savagely.

                                "Nobody does that to my little Rubbery Ball," John screamed. He grabbed an icicle and stabbed the snow bunny through the hips. It fell down and John kicked it apart until it was just a bunch of snow again.

                                "You saved me!" Elizabeth said and they shared an embrace in the snow before going in for hot chocolate.

                                The television lay in the yard until a stroke child picked it up and took it home.

                                This thing has a sick sense of humor...

