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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I just saw it

    Happy Birthday Atlantean!!!


      Originally posted by Vixen
      *puts uneaten cake back*
      No, no, you can eat the cake, just remember to take the mints off first !!!

      Originally posted by Vixen
      Yes, you're right. Guess I just really liked the actor
      Me too, but as I said he is so Janus that I would have a hard time seeing him as someone else in stargate universe, on something else, sure, but not stargate....

      Originally posted by Vixen
      source: behind the name
      Interesting, no?

      Very interesting excerpt, but I can't make the link work. It's broken....
      But if you copy and paste it works, very good site on names !!!!
      God of gateways and beginings, huh. Very interesting .....
      John is a derivation of a hebrew name seed that means to be or to become. Very interesting.....

      JOHN English form of Johannes, which was the Latin form of the Greek name Ιωαννης (Ioannes), itself derived from the Hebrew name Yochanan meaning "YAHWEH is gracious". This name owes its consistent popularity to two New Testament characters, both highly revered as saints.
      YAHWEH A name of the Hebrew God, represented in Hebrew by the tetragrammaton ("four letters") Yod He Waw He, transliterated into Roman script Y H W H. Because it was considered blasphemous to utter the name of God it was only written and never spoken. This resulted in the original pronunciation being lost. The name may have originally been derived from the old Semitic root hwy meaning "to be" or "to become".

      Originally posted by Vixen
      Thank you!
      You are welcome !!!! Green for you !!!!!
      All of terrific vids or this will happen to you !!!!!
      Last edited by Atlantean_Fan; 01 March 2006, 07:33 AM.
      Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


        Originally posted by Vixen
        *puts uneaten cake back*
        Yes, you're right. Guess I just really liked the actor

        source: behind the name
        Interesting, no?

        Thank you!
        I love your sig. Perfect quote for him. And the vid is now my new favorite. May I ask what vid software you use? I'm trying to master a huge learning curve and do some viding but am unsure what to use. Thanks in advance.

        Also Happy Birthday Atlantean Cake for brunch. Excellent.

        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


          Thanks for the birthday whishes !!!!!

          EDIT: Wow, I just noticed that I finally reached 100 posts. I thought I'd take an year to accomplish that but it only took half. What a month of vacation and nothing to do but have fun can do to your post count !!!!!
          Last edited by Atlantean_Fan; 01 March 2006, 07:34 AM.
          Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


            Happy birthday Atlantean!

            I don't think that age is much of a factor in whether you 'ship Sparky or Sheyla... rather maturity.


              Happy birthday, Atlantean_Fan!

              And congrats to the whole Sparky thread on 25,000 posts!!!
              "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
              My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


                happy birthday atlantean_fan :-)

                hey guys who's janus? he's not in season1 or season2 tower onwards is he? - thanks.

                Signature by Whistler84

                what would you do for a klondike bar?


                  Happy Birthday Atlantean Fan!


                    Originally posted by nicholas
                    hey guys who's janus? he's not in season1 or season2 tower onwards is he? - thanks.
                    Yes, he is... he was in Before I Sleep, episode 1x15. He's the Ancient who built the time machine puddle jumper that Dr. Weir (first reality) went back 10,000 years in.


                      Originally posted by Bama
                      I think that's why I detest the idea of sheyla so dadgum much. I could never 'buy' it at this point. John's been around her for two years and he's never shown much interest other than appreciation for her looks first and then later her fighting skills as a good teammate. People that truly love and care for each other are interested in seeking each other out for advice-for the proverbial shoulder to lean on in the bad times. And in the good times, they enjoy each other-they relax together and talk-they tease.
                      It's so easy to look back on these two seasons and compare the amount of screentime each 'couple' has had together on their own. We see Shep/Weir scenes (both ship and non-ship) in nearly every episode. Even when one of them has nothing to do with the actual storyline, they still squeeze moments in the for us. The Tower is a good example of that. And looking back, I can see limited or no scenes that have Sheppard and Teyla together doing something that isn't related to a mission. No visiting in quarters, no talking about personal lives...nothing that would indicate that they know each other well on a personal level. I don't see how TPTB can convince me that there is a budding romantic relationship when I can't even see a deep friendship between them. That doesn't mean to say I don't see them as friends...I just see that he has a deeper friendship with Rodney or even Beckett in comparison.

                      Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                      LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                      Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                        Originally posted by nicholas
                        happy birthday atlantean_fan :-)

                        hey guys who's janus? he's not in season1 or season2 tower onwards is he? - thanks.
                        Janus is the Ancient dude from Before I Sleep that befriended Weir in the past, the guy who criated the time Jumper.
                        Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


                          ohh.. yeah i remember!!

                          but he's def not john's father..?
                          or is he? gawd i'm so confused

                          Signature by Whistler84

                          what would you do for a klondike bar?


                            Originally posted by Major_Moomin
                            It's so easy to look back on these two seasons and compare the amount of screentime each 'couple' has had together on their own. We see Shep/Weir scenes (both ship and non-ship) in nearly every episode. Even when one of them has nothing to do with the actual storyline, they still squeeze moments in the for us. The Tower is a good example of that. And looking back, I can see limited or no scenes that have Sheppard and Teyla together doing something that isn't related to a mission. No visiting in quarters, no talking about personal lives...nothing that would indicate that they know each other well on a personal level. I don't see how TPTB can convince me that there is a budding romantic relationship when I can't even see a deep friendship between them. That doesn't mean to say I don't see them as friends...I just see that he has a deeper friendship with Rodney or even Beckett in comparison.
                            Yeah, he acts like he's more interested in Rodney as a person honestly than he does Teyla. I've said this before but let me repeat it: It is NO BIG DEAL that John may be somewhat sexually attracted to Teyla. I'm not even sure how true that is any more when you compare his interest level in that way with say, Ronon's, but just for argument's sake, let's say he tingles a little when he looks at Teyla. So friggin what? John Sheppard obviously tingles when he looks at most women! Shall I start naming them? Teer, Prom Queen, Chaya...the list goes on. That's just a single male animal for ya. My husband tingles when he watches Barbara Eden in re-runs. Heck, I tingle when I look at Joe Flannigan but it doesn't mean he's the man for me! Opposite and even same sex appreciation is normal and yeah, you can have it with numerous people-both strangers and more familiar. But you can't build a relationship that will last off of it! Now, I'm no psychiatrist but I have stayed at a Holiday Inn before.

                            I just don't get that fans can't see by now that John hasn't shown one inkling of 'want to' or given any amount of effort toward relationship building with anyone other than Elizabeth. And they argue there's nothing 'sexual' between them and it's all just 'friendship'? And I call a big ol 'Hooey!' to that! I'm sorry but if she looked like Caldwell would he flirt with her? Would he buy her a friggin present? Would she flirt back like she didn't appreciate a little more than his support?

                            And just one point about
                            The Tower. Some are already arguing that the sparkiness is being shoved in their faces with scenes like the last one from 'Tower'. They argue that it had nothing to do with the actual story and was just 'tacked on' to make the shippers - us- happy. I still maintain that the particular ending scene was put there for one purpose-to show where and who John's heart is truly with. Imo, they used it show the audience that no matter what John is offered, he will always turn it down in favor of Atlantis and Elizabeth. I do think it was a message being sent from John to Elizabeth and from tptb to the audience about what was what in that regard.
                            Sure makes it easy to understand why John's appreciation of females doesn't bother Elizabeth too much. I think she already has an idea that she has a piece of his heart-a big piece.

                            Oh, and Happy B-day AF!!!


                              Originally posted by nicholas
                              ohh.. yeah i remember!!

                              but he's def not john's father..?
                              or is he? gawd i'm so confused
                              It's not stated in the episode, it's rather a theory of mine. If you wish to understand why I think like this read my post from page 1250.
                              Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


                                Originally posted by Bama
                                . . . let's say he tingles a little when he looks at Teyla. So friggin what?
                                I really haven't seen any tingling in John when he is around Teyla. Ronon sure gets all aflutter though.

                                Now, I'm no psychiatrist but I have stayed at a Holiday Inn before.
                                *spits coke all over screen*

                                HAPPY BIRTHDAY ATLANTEAN FAN!

                                When all else fails, change channels.

